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How to interact with PHP backend and frontend in WeChat mini program

2023-06-01 10:51:062718browse

With the rapid development of mobile Internet, WeChat mini programs have gradually become an indispensable part of people's lives. As the backend of WeChat applet, PHP has high application value. How to build the interaction method between PHP backend and frontend is also one of the knowledge points that developers need to understand and master. The following article will introduce you to the relevant content of the interaction between the PHP backend and frontend in the WeChat applet.

  1. Interaction method between the front-end and back-end of the mini program

The back-end of the mini program supports multiple programming languages, such as PHP, Java, Python, etc. In the applet architecture, the back-end application and the front-end transmit data through interfaces. There are mainly the following methods:

1.1. Interface based on HTTP protocol

HTTP protocol is a commonly used protocol for Web applications. The front end of the mini program initiates HTTP requests, and the back end implements data transmission by responding to the requests. The front end can use the wx.request() method that comes with the mini program or other network libraries to initiate requests. The backend can use any PHP framework, such as Lumen, Laravel, Yii, etc., to receive and process requests, and finally return data. The specific implementation is as follows:


  url: 'http://www.example.com/api/user', //请求地址
  data: {
    id: 1
  }, //请求参数
  header: {
    'content-type': 'application/json'
  }, //请求头
  success (res) {
    console.log(res.data) //接收到的数据


public function getUser(Request $request)
  $userId = $request->get('id'); //获取请求参数
  $user = User::find($userId); //查询用户
  return response()->json($user); //返回JSON格式的响应

1.2. Interface based on WebSocket protocol

WebSocket is a TCP-based The protocol's two-way communication protocol enables real-time communication. The front-end of the mini program can establish a WebSocket connection through the wx.connectSocket() method, and the back-end can also use any PHP framework to handle WebSocket requests. The specific implementation method is as follows:


  url: 'ws://www.example.com:8888/api/ws', //WebSocket地址
  success () {


public function handleWebSocket(Request $request)
  $server = IoServer::factory(new Chat());
  $server->run(); //启动WebSocket服务
  1. Selection of PHP framework

In the development team When it comes to program backend, choosing a good PHP framework can effectively improve development efficiency and code quality. The following are some of the more popular PHP frameworks:

2.1. Lumen

Lumen is a lightweight version of the Laravel framework and is more suitable for building small APIs and microservices. Lumen provides rich functionality and high flexibility, as well as very good performance.

2.2. Laravel

Laravel is a powerful open source PHP framework with rich features and ecosystem. Laravel adopts MVC architecture and has good ORM and database migration functions, making developers' work easier and more efficient.

2.3. Yii

Yii is a fast, safe and reliable PHP framework, suitable for the development of small and medium-sized Web applications. Yii has powerful performance optimization functions and security mechanisms, as well as a wealth of third-party extensions and plug-ins.

  1. Database connection

The backend of the applet needs to be connected to the database to achieve data persistence and storage. PHP supports multiple types of databases, such as MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, etc. When using the PHP framework, you can also use the ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool provided by the framework to simplify database operations.

Take the Laravel framework as an example. Laravel uses Eloquent ORM by default, which can easily perform database operations. As shown below:

class User extends Model
  protected $table = 'users'; //指定表名

$users = User::where('age', '>', 18)->get();
  1. Server deployment

The server at the backend of the mini program needs to be deployed on the cloud platform or a local server. Cloud platforms such as Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud provide one-click deployment services. Users only need to select the cloud server and environment that suits them, upload the code and configuration, and the deployment can be easily completed. For local servers, network environment, security and other factors need to be considered, and certain configuration and maintenance are required.

  1. Security Precautions

When developing the back-end of the mini program, you need to pay attention to the following security issues:

5.1. Prevent SQL injection attacks

To avoid SQL injection attacks, malicious characters in parameters must be filtered. In PHP, you can use prepared statements to implement parameter binding to improve security.

5.2. Prevent XSS attacks

To avoid XSS attacks, user input needs to be filtered. You can use PHP's strip_tags() function or other third-party filter libraries.

5.3. Preventing CSRF attacks

To avoid CSRF attacks, it is necessary to add CSRF token verification on the backend to ensure that the request source is valid and legal.


This article briefly introduces the interaction between PHP backend and frontend in WeChat applet and related knowledge points, including types of interfaces, selection of PHP framework, database connection, and server deployment. and safety precautions. For developers, understanding these contents allows them to get started faster and develop more secure and reliable mini program backends.

The above is the detailed content of How to interact with PHP backend and frontend in WeChat mini program. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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