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2023 Zhongguancun Forum | Will Web 3.0 be the "antidote" to the proliferation of AI fraud?

2023-05-30 13:35:41795browse

2023 Zhongguancun Forum | Will Web 3.0 be the antidote to the proliferation of AI fraud?

“Scammed out of 4.3 million in 10 minutes.” Recently, an AI telecom fraud case in Baotou has triggered widespread discussion among the outside world, not only because of the short time and large amount, but more importantly, it is a realistic projection of people's long-standing concerns about AI security. On May 27, at the ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence Frontier Technology Exchange held during the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum, Du Haozhou, partner and CEO of Toke Capital, mentioned a point of view that Web 3.0 based on blockchain technology may become an AI Security guarantee, thereby reducing the occurrence of AI fraud.

Du Haozhou said that the current technical threshold for face-changing and voice-changing is relatively low, so a large number of frauds will occur. If the technical threshold is raised, or the technical isolation is improved, the intermediate technology cannot be realized, and similar frauds will become more and more common. Come less and less.

The "password" of this technical isolation may be hidden in Web3.0. Du Haozhou said that from the perspective of the underlying logic on the technical side, Web 3.0 uses blockchain to carry out scenario applications, and its most important feature is security and non-tamperability. In the face of AI fraud, blockchain technology can be used to form a DID identity in the Web3.0 world. This identity can only be verified by oneself. This can make up for the fact that in the Web2.0 world, it is easy for others to steal personal assets using technical means. Conduct fraud.

“For example, personal assets may be easily frozen on the App because the assets are stored on the platform, but in the blockchain, the assets are stored on the public chain, and it is a decentralized online public. , the assets belong entirely to the individual and are not controlled by a third party." Du Haozhou said.

Often described as a decentralized Internet built on blockchain technology, Web3.0 is an upgraded version of Web2.0. At the end of 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee held a hearing titled "Crypto-Assets and the Future of Finance", facing members of Congress, former Director of the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and then CEO of BitFury, Brian Brooks. Web 3.0 is described as "an Internet that can be owned by users."

Du Haozhou explained that Web 2.0 emphasizes readability and writability, but all data is owned by the platform or a third party, which is one of the reasons why AI fraud is easy to occur. Web3.0 emphasizes that all data belongs to the person and the assets are in his or her own account. Therefore, the flow of assets will be decentralized faster with the development of blockchain technology.

Last year, Web3.0 once became popular all over the world and became a hot topic comparable to the Metaverse. According to statistics from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, as of June 2022, the total amount of investment and financing in the global Web 3.0 field is estimated to have reached 160 billion US dollars. In the first half of 2022, global Web 3.0 business revenue will reach approximately US$20 billion, and my country's alliance chain business revenue will reach approximately RMB 2 billion.

The "Web3.0 Prospective Research Report" jointly compiled by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Tencent, Ouke Cloud Chain and other industry-university-research institutions mentioned that Web3.0 is expected to transform and upgrade the Internet from the three dimensions of technology, industry, and economy, giving birth to Create a new win-win business model, build a new paradigm of the Internet economy, and expand new space for the digital economy. The key technical aspects of the Web3.0 ecosystem include digital assets (FT & NFT), privacy-enhanced computing, distributed autonomous organizations (DAO), social computing networks, and on-chain data analysis and content security.

In a recent event, Wang Jiangping, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, also mentioned in his opening speech that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen research on key core technologies and coordinate the advancement of industrial base reengineering projects and major technical equipment research. Engineering, proactively deploy artificial intelligence, Web3.0, advanced computing, 6G and other future industries to form new competitiveness on the new track.

Beijing Business Daily reporter Yang Yuehan

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