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Let’s first take a look at the overall code structure of the component:
The template part occupies 267 lines
The script part occupies 889 lines
The style part occupies 1 line for external reference
The culprit is the script part. This part of the code is what we want to optimize in this article. Let’s take a closer look. The code structure in the script below:
The props part occupies 6 lines
The data part occupies 52 lines
The created part occupies 8 lines
The mounted part occupies 98 lines
The methods part occupies 672 lines
The emits part occupies 6 lines
The computed part occupies 8 lines
The watch part occupies 26 lines
Now the culprit is the methods part, so we only need to split the code in the methods part, and the amount of code in a single file will be greatly reduced.
Optimization plan
After the above analysis, we already know the problem. Next, I will share with you the plan I initially thought of and the final solution I adopted. plan.
Split directly into files
At first I thought that since the methods method takes up too many lines, then I created a methods folder under src and put each The methods in each component are divided according to the component name, and the corresponding folder is created. Within the corresponding component folder, the methods in the methods are split into independent ts files. Finally, the index.ts file is created and processed. Export in a unified manner and import modules exposed in index.ts on demand when used in components.
Create methods folder
Divide the methods in each component according to the component name and create the corresponding folder, that is :message-display
Split the methods in methods into independent ts files, that is: ts files under the message-display folder
Create the index.ts file, that is: the index.ts file under methods
index.ts code
is as follows, we Import the split module methods, and then export them in a unified way
import compressPic from "@/methods/message-display/CompressPic"; import pasteHandle from "@/methods/message-display/PasteHandle"; export { compressPic, pasteHandle };
Use in the component
Finally, we can import it in the component as needed, as follows Display:
import { compressPic, pasteHandle } from "@/methods/index"; export default defineComponent({ mounted() { compressPic(); pasteHandle(); } })
Running result
When I started running the project with confidence, I found that the browser console reported an error, prompting me that this was undefined, and suddenly Suddenly I realized that after splitting the code into files, this points to that file and does not point to the current component instance. Of course, you can pass this as a parameter, but I don’t think this is appropriate. If you use a method, just pass it. Entering this will produce a lot of redundant code, so I passed this plan.
Using mixins
The previous solution ended in failure because of this problem. In Vue2.x, mixins were officially provided to solve this problem. We use mixins to solve this problem. Define our function and finally use mixins to mix it in so that it can be used anywhere.
Since mixins are mixed globally, once there is a mixin with the same name, the original one will be overwritten, so this solution is not suitable, pass.
Use CompositionAPI
If the above two solutions are not suitable, then CompositionAPI just makes up for the shortcomings of the above solutions and successfully achieves the needs we want to achieve.
Let’s first take a look at what CompositionAPI is. As stated in the document, we can group the functions defined in the original optionsAPI and the data variables that this function needs to use into the setup function. , after the function development is completed, return the functions and data required by the component in the setup.
The setup function is executed before creating the component, so it does not have this. This function can receive 2 parameters: props and context. Their types are defined as follows:
interface Data { [key: string]: unknown } interface SetupContext { attrs: Data slots: Slots emit: (event: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void } function setup(props: Data, context: SetupContext): Data
My component needs To get the value in the props passed from the parent component, you need to pass data to the parent component through emit. The two parameters props and context just solved this problem for me.
setup is a function, which means that we can split all functions into independent ts files, then import them in the component, and return them to the component in setup. This is perfect. It achieves the split we mentioned at the beginning.
Implementation Ideas
The following content will involve the responsive API. If developers are not familiar with the responsive API, please go to the official documentation first.
After we analyze the solution, let’s take a look at the specific implementation path:
Add the setup attribute to the export object of the component, pass in props and context
Create the module folder under src and divide the separated function codes into components
Divide the components in each component The functions are further subdivided by function. Here I have divided them into four folders
common-methods public methods, which store methods that do not depend on component instances
components-methods Component methods, stores the methods that need to be used in the current component template
main-entrance Main entrance, stores the functions used in setup
split-method 拆分出来的方法,存放需要依赖组件实例的方法,setup中函数拆分出来的文件也放在此处
<template> <!---其他内容省略--> </template> <script lang="ts"> export default defineComponent({ name: "message-display", props: { listId: String, // 消息id messageStatus: Number, // 消息类型 buddyId: String, // 好友id buddyName: String, // 好友昵称 serverTime: String // 服务器时间 }, setup(props, context) { // 在此处即可写响应性API提供的方法,注意⚠️此处不能用this } } </script>
import { reactive, Ref, ref, getCurrentInstance, ComponentInternalInstance } from "vue"; import { emojiObj, messageDisplayDataType, msgListType, toolbarObj } from "@/type/ComponentDataType"; import { Store, useStore } from "vuex"; // DOM操作,必须return否则不会生效 const messagesContainer = ref<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const msgInputContainer = ref<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const selectImg = ref<HTMLImageElement | null>(null); // 响应式Data变量 const messageContent = ref<string>(""); const emoticonShowStatus = ref<string>("none"); const senderMessageList = reactive([]); const isBottomOut = ref<boolean>(true); let listId = ref<string>(""); let messageStatus = ref<number>(0); let buddyId = ref<string>(""); let buddyName = ref<string>(""); let serverTime = ref<string>(""); let emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void = () => { return 0; }; // store与当前实例 let $store = useStore(); let currentInstance = getCurrentInstance(); export default function initData(): messageDisplayDataType { // 定义set方法,将props中的数据写入当前实例 const setData = ( listIdParam: Ref<string>, messageStatusParam: Ref<number>, buddyIdParam: Ref<string>, buddyNameParam: Ref<string>, serverTimeParam: Ref<string>, emitParam: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void ) => { listId = listIdParam; messageStatus = messageStatusParam; buddyId = buddyIdParam; buddyName = buddyNameParam; serverTime = serverTimeParam; emit = emitParam; }; const setProperty = ( storeParam: Store<any>, instanceParam: ComponentInternalInstance | null ) => { $store = storeParam; currentInstance = instanceParam; }; // 返回组件需要的Data return { messagesContainer, msgInputContainer, selectImg, $store, emoticonShowStatus, currentInstance, // .... 其他部分省略.... emit } }
import initData from "@/module/message-display/main-entrance/InitData"; export default defineComponent({ setup(props, context) { // 初始化组件需要的data数据 const { createDisSrc, resourceObj, messageContent, emoticonShowStatus, emojiList, toolbarList, senderMessageList, isBottomOut, audioCtx, arrFrequency, pageStart, pageEnd, pageNo, pageSize, sessionMessageData, msgListPanelHeight, isLoading, isLastPage, msgTotals, isFirstLoading, messagesContainer, msgInputContainer, selectImg } = initData(); // 返回组件需要用到的方法 return { createDisSrc, resourceObj, messageContent, emoticonShowStatus, emojiList, toolbarList, senderMessageList, isBottomOut, audioCtx, arrFrequency, pageStart, pageEnd, pageNo, pageSize, sessionMessageData, msgListPanelHeight, isLoading, isLastPage, msgTotals, isFirstLoading, messagesContainer, msgInputContainer, selectImg }; } })
import { computed, Ref, ComputedRef, watch, getCurrentInstance, toRefs } from "vue"; import { useStore } from "vuex"; import initData from "@/module/message-display/main-entrance/InitData"; import { SetupContext } from "@vue/runtime-core"; import _ from "lodash"; export default function eventMonitoring( props: messageDisplayPropsType, context: SetupContext<any> ): { userID: ComputedRef<string>; onlineUsers: ComputedRef<number>; } | void { const $store = useStore(); const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance(); // 获取传递的参数 const data = initData(); // 将props改为响应式 const prop = toRefs(props); // 获取data中的数据 const senderMessageList = data.senderMessageList; const sessionMessageData = data.sessionMessageData; const pageStart = data.pageStart; const pageEnd = data.pageEnd; const pageNo = data.pageNo; const isLastPage = data.isLastPage; const msgTotals = data.msgTotals; const msgListPanelHeight = data.msgListPanelHeight; const isLoading = data.isLoading; const isFirstLoading = data.isFirstLoading; const listId = data.listId; const messageStatus = data.messageStatus; const buddyId = data.buddyId; const buddyName = data.buddyName; const serverTime = data.serverTime; const messagesContainer = data.messagesContainer as Ref<HTMLDivElement>; // 监听listID改变 watch(prop.listId, (newMsgId: string) => { listId.value = newMsgId; messageStatus.value = prop.messageStatus.value; buddyId.value = prop.buddyId.value; buddyName.value = prop.buddyName.value; serverTime.value = prop.serverTime.value; // 消息id发生改变,清空消息列表数据 senderMessageList.length = 0; // 初始化分页数据 sessionMessageData.length = 0; pageStart.value = 0; pageEnd.value = 0; pageNo.value = 1; isLastPage.value = false; msgTotals.value = 0; msgListPanelHeight.value = 0; isLoading.value = false; isFirstLoading.value = true; }); }
<template> <div ref="msgInputContainer"></div> <ul v-for="(item, i) in list" :ref="el => { ulContainer[i] = el }"></ul> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { ref, reactive, onBeforeUpdate } from "vue"; setup(){ export default defineComponent({ // DOM操作,必须return否则不会生效 // 获取单一dom const messagesContainer = ref<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); // 获取列表dom const ulContainer = ref<HTMLUListElement>([]); const list = reactive([1, 2, 3]); // 列表dom在组件更新前必须初始化 onBeforeUpdate(() => { ulContainer.value = []; }); return { messagesContainer, list, ulContainer } }) } </script>
import { useStore } from "vuex"; const $store = useStore(); console.log($store.state.token);
import { getCurrentInstance } from "vue"; const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance(); currentInstance?.appContext.config.globalProperties.$socket.sendObj({ code: 200, token: $store.state.token, userID: $store.state.userID, msg: $store.state.userID + "上线" });
The above is the detailed content of How Vue3 uses CompositionAPI to optimize code size. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!