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Analysis of location configuration examples in Nginx server

2023-05-24 14:05:221460browse

First of all, let me introduce the types and matching rules of Location in general, and use the example of Nginx Wiki as an example:

The fourth one with the "~" prefix is ​​a location that requires regular matching. nginx has different priority rules for these five different types of locations when parsing URLs. The general rules are as follows:

1. If the string matches a location prefixed with "=", it will stop and the configuration of this location will be used.

2. If the string matches the remaining non-regular and non-special locations, if it matches Stop when reaching a location prefixed with "^~";

3, regular matching, the matching order is the order in which locations appear in the configuration file. If a regular location is matched, stop and use the configuration of this location; otherwise, use the location configuration with the largest string match obtained in step 2.

For example, for the following request:

1, / -> Exactly matches the first location, the matching stops, use configuration a

2, /some/other/url -> First, the prefix part of the string matches the second location, and then performs regular matching. Obviously there is no match, so the configuration of the second location configurationb
3, /images /1.jpg -> First, prefix Part of the string matched the second location, but then the prefix of the third location was matched, and at this time it was the largest string match for this URL in the configuration file, and the location had the "^~" prefix. , then regular matching is no longer performed, and configuration c
4 is finally used, /some/other/path/to/1.jpg -> First, the same string in the prefix part matches the second location, and then regular matching is performed. This When the regular matching is successful, use congifuration d

The URL matching rules of nginx are actually a bit inappropriate. In most cases, a URL must first perform string matching, and then do regular matching, but in fact, if you do it first Regular matching, if there is no match, then do string matching, which can save the time of doing string matching in many cases. Anyway, let’s take a look at the implementation in the nginx source code. Before introducing the matching location process, let’s first introduce the organization of location in nginx. In fact, during the configuration parsing stage, nginx will match the string matching location with the regular matching location. The location is stored in the following two fields of the ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t structure of the http core module's loc configuration:

location = / { 
 # matches the query / only. 
 [ configuration a ]  
location / { 
 # matches any query, since all queries begin with /, but regular 
 # expressions and any longer conventional blocks will be 
 # matched first. 
 [ configuration b ]  
location ^~ /images/ { 
 # matches any query beginning with /images/ and halts searching, 
 # so regular expressions will not be checked. 
 [ configuration c ]  
location ~* \.(gif|jpg|jpeg)$ { 
 # matches any request ending in gif, jpg, or jpeg. however, all 
 # requests to the /images/ directory will be handled by 
 # configuration c.   
 [ configuration d ]  
location @named { 
 # such locations are not used during normal processing of requests,  
 # they are intended only to process internally redirected requests (for example error_page, try_files). 
 [ configuration e ]  

It can be seen from the types of these two fields that the locations matched by strings are organized into a location tree, and The regular matching location is just an array.

ngx_http_location_tree_node_t  *static_locations; 
ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t    **regex_locations; 

After the configuration is read, all servers are saved in the servers array in the main configuration of the http core module, and the location in each server is pressed The order that appears in the configuration is saved in the locations queue of the loc configuration of the http core module. In the above code, the locations of each server are first sorted and classified. This step occurs in the ngx_http_init_location() function:

location tree和regex_locations数组建立过程在ngx_http_block中:
/* create location trees */ 
  for (s = 0; s < cmcf->servers.nelts; s++) { 
    clcf = cscfp[s]->ctx->loc_conf[ngx_http_core_module.ctx_index]; 
    if (ngx_http_init_locations(cf, cscfp[s], clcf) != ngx_ok) { 
      return ngx_conf_error; 
    if (ngx_http_init_static_location_trees(cf, clcf) != ngx_ok) { 
      return ngx_conf_error; 

The steps above will be preserved in the regular matching Location. After processing, the Locations queue has already It's in order. The main work in the process of establishing a ternary tree is completed in ngx_http_create_locations_list() and ngx_http_create_locations_tree(). These two functions are both recursive functions. The first function recurses each node in the locations queue and gets The location prefixed with the name of the current node is stored in the list field of the current node. For example, for the following location:

static ngx_int_t 
ngx_http_init_locations(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_http_core_srv_conf_t *cscf, 
  ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t *pclcf) 
  locations = pclcf->locations; 
  /* 按照类型排序location,排序完后的队列: (exact_match 或 inclusive) (排序好的,如果某个exact_match名字和inclusive location相同,exact_match排在前面) 
    | regex(未排序)| named(排序好的) | noname(未排序)*/ 
  ngx_queue_sort(locations, ngx_http_cmp_locations); 
  named = null; 
  n = 0; 
#if (ngx_pcre) 
  regex = null; 
  r = 0; 
  for (q = ngx_queue_head(locations); 
     q != ngx_queue_sentinel(locations); 
     q = ngx_queue_next(q)) 
    lq = (ngx_http_location_queue_t *) q; 
    clcf = lq->exact ? lq->exact : lq->inclusive; 
    /* 由于可能存在nested location,也就是location里面嵌套的location,这里需要递归的处理一下当前location下面的nested location */ 
    if (ngx_http_init_locations(cf, null, clcf) != ngx_ok) { 
      return ngx_error; 
#if (ngx_pcre) 
    if (clcf->regex) { 
      if (regex == null) { 
        regex = q; 
    if (clcf->named) { 
      if (named == null) { 
        named = q; 
    if (clcf->noname) { 
  if (q != ngx_queue_sentinel(locations)) { 
    ngx_queue_split(locations, q, &tail); 
  /* 如果有named location,将它们保存在所属server的named_locations数组中 */ 
  if (named) { 
    clcfp = ngx_palloc(cf->pool, 
              (n + 1) * sizeof(ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t **)); 
    if (clcfp == null) { 
      return ngx_error; 
    cscf->named_locations = clcfp; 
    for (q = named; 
       q != ngx_queue_sentinel(locations); 
       q = ngx_queue_next(q)) 
      lq = (ngx_http_location_queue_t *) q; 
      *(clcfp++) = lq->exact; 
    *clcfp = null; 
    ngx_queue_split(locations, named, &tail); 
#if (ngx_pcre) 
  /* 如果有正则匹配location,将它们保存在所属server的http core模块的loc配置的regex_locations 数组中, 
    这里和named location保存位置不同的原因是由于named location只能存在server里面,而regex location可以作为nested location */ 
  if (regex) { 
    clcfp = ngx_palloc(cf->pool, 
              (r + 1) * sizeof(ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t **)); 
    if (clcfp == null) { 
      return ngx_error; 
    pclcf->regex_locations = clcfp; 
    for (q = regex; 
       q != ngx_queue_sentinel(locations); 
       q = ngx_queue_next(q)) 
      lq = (ngx_http_location_queue_t *) q; 
      *(clcfp++) = lq->exact; 
    *clcfp = null; 
    ngx_queue_split(locations, regex, &tail); 
  return ngx_ok; 

the result of sorting is /abc /efg /efgaa =/xyz / xyz /xyza /xyzab /xyzb, the result after deduplication is /abc /efg /efgaa /xyz /xyza /xyzab/xyzb, the result after execution of ngx_http_create_locations_list() is:

Finally, let’s take a look at the ngx_http_create_locations_tree function:

Analysis of location configuration examples in Nginx server

static ngx_http_location_tree_node_t * 
ngx_http_create_locations_tree(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_queue_t *locations, 
  size_t prefix) 
  /* 根节点为locations队列的中间节点 */ 
  q = ngx_queue_middle(locations); 
  lq = (ngx_http_location_queue_t *) q; 
  len = lq->name->len - prefix; 
  node = ngx_palloc(cf->pool, 
           offsetof(ngx_http_location_tree_node_t, name) + len); 
  if (node == null) { 
    return null; 
  node->left = null; 
  node->right = null; 
  node->tree = null; 
  node->exact = lq->exact; 
  node->inclusive = lq->inclusive; 
  node->auto_redirect = (u_char) ((lq->exact && lq->exact->auto_redirect) 
              || (lq->inclusive && lq->inclusive->auto_redirect)); 
  node->len = (u_char) len; 
  ngx_memcpy(node->name, &lq->name->data[prefix], len); 
  /* 从中间节点开始断开 */ 
  ngx_queue_split(locations, q, &tail); 
  if (ngx_queue_empty(locations)) { 
     * ngx_queue_split() insures that if left part is empty, 
     * then right one is empty too 
    goto inclusive; 
  /* 从locations左半部分得到左子树 */ 
  node->left = ngx_http_create_locations_tree(cf, locations, prefix); 
  if (node->left == null) { 
    return null; 
  if (ngx_queue_empty(&tail)) { 
    goto inclusive; 
  /* 从locations右半部分得到右子树 */ 
  node->right = ngx_http_create_locations_tree(cf, &tail, prefix); 
  if (node->right == null) { 
    return null; 
  if (ngx_queue_empty(&lq->list)) { 
    return node; 
  /* 从list队列得到tree子树 */ 
  node->tree = ngx_http_create_locations_tree(cf, &lq->list, prefix + len); 
  if (node->tree == null) { 
    return null; 
  return node; 
     location tree节点的ngx_http_location_tree_node_s结构:
struct ngx_http_location_tree_node_s { 
  ngx_http_location_tree_node_t  *left; 
  ngx_http_location_tree_node_t  *right; 
  ngx_http_location_tree_node_t  *tree; 
  ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t    *exact; 
  ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t    *inclusive; 
  u_char              auto_redirect; 
  u_char              len; 
  u_char              name[1]; 

         location tree结构用到的是left,right,tree 这3个字段, location tree实际上是一个三叉的字符串排序树,而且这里如果某个节点只考虑左,右子树,它是一颗平衡树,它的建立过程有点类似于一颗平衡排序二叉树的建立过程,先排序再用二分查找找到的节点顺序插入,ngx_http_location_tree_node_s的tree节点也是一颗平衡排序树,它是用该节点由ngx_http_create_locations_list()得到的list建立的,也就是该节点的名字是它的tree子树里面的所有节点名字的前缀,所以tree子树里面的所有节点的名字不用保存公共前缀,而且查找的时候,如果是转向tree节点的话,也是不需要再比较父节点的那段字符串了。
         ngx_http_create_locations_tree()函数写的很清晰,它有一个参数是队列locations,它返回一颗三叉树,根节点为locations的中间节点,其左子树为locations队列的左半部分建立的location tree,右子树为location队列的右半部分建立的tree,tree节点为该根节点的list队列建立的tree。

       最终建立的location tree如下(为了方便阅读,图中列出了tree节点的完整名字):

Analysis of location configuration examples in Nginx server

ps:关于 location modifier
1. =
这会完全匹配指定的 pattern ,且这里的 pattern 被限制成简单的字符串,也就是说这里不能使用正则表达式。

server {
  server_name jb51.net;
  location = /abcd {


  http://jb51.net/abcd    # 正好完全匹配
  http://jb51.net/abcd    # 如果运行 nginx server 的系统本身对大小写不敏感,比如 windows ,那么也匹配
  http://jb51.net/abcd?param1&para;m2  # 忽略查询串参数(query string arguments),这里就是 /abcd 后面的 ?param1&para;m2
  http://jb51.net/abcd/  # 不匹配,因为末尾存在反斜杠(trailing slash),nginx 不认为这种情况是完全匹配
  http://jb51.net/abcde  # 不匹配,因为不是完全匹配

2. (none)
可以不写 location modifier ,nginx 仍然能去匹配 pattern 。这种情况下,匹配那些以指定的 patern 开头的 uri,注意这里的 uri 只能是普通字符串,不能使用正则表达式。

server {
  server_name jb51.net;
  location /abcd {


  http://jb51.net/abcd    # 正好完全匹配
  http://jb51.net/abcd    # 如果运行 nginx server 的系统本身对大小写不敏感,比如 windows ,那么也匹配
  http://jb51.net/abcd?param1&para;m2  # 忽略查询串参数(query string arguments),这里就是 /abcd 后面的 ?param1&para;m2
  http://jb51.net/abcd/  # 末尾存在反斜杠(trailing slash)也属于匹配范围内
  http://jb51.net/abcde  # 仍然匹配,因为 uri 是以 pattern 开头的

3. ~
这个 location modifier 对大小写敏感,且 pattern 须是正则表达式

server {
  server_name jb51.net;
  location ~ ^/abcd$ {


  http://jb51.net/abcd    # 完全匹配
  http://jb51.net/abcd    # 不匹配,~ 对大小写是敏感的
  http://jb51.net/abcd?param1&para;m2  # 忽略查询串参数(query string arguments),这里就是 /abcd 后面的 ?param1&para;m2
  http://jb51.net/abcd/  # 不匹配,因为末尾存在反斜杠(trailing slash),并不匹配正则表达式 ^/abcd$
  http://jb51.net/abcde  # 不匹配正则表达式 ^/abcd$

注意:对于一些对大小写不敏感的系统,比如 windows ,~ 和 ~* 都是不起作用的,这主要是操作系统的原因。

4. ~*
与 ~ 类似,但这个 location modifier 不区分大小写,pattern 须是正则表达式

server {
  server_name jb51.net;
  location ~* ^/abcd$ {


 http://jb51.net/abcd    # 完全匹配
  http://jb51.net/abcd    # 匹配,这就是它不区分大小写的特性
  http://jb51.net/abcd?param1&para;m2  # 忽略查询串参数(query string arguments),这里就是 /abcd 后面的 ?param1&para;m2
  http://jb51.net/abcd/  # 不匹配,因为末尾存在反斜杠(trailing slash),并不匹配正则表达式 ^/abcd$
  http://jb51.net/abcde  # 不匹配正则表达式 ^/abcd$

5. ^~
匹配情况类似 2. (none) 的情况,以指定匹配模式开头的 uri 被匹配,不同的是,一旦匹配成功,那么 nginx 就停止去寻找其他的 location 块进行匹配了(与 location 匹配顺序有关)

6. @
用于定义一个 location 块,且该块不能被外部 client 所访问,只能被 nginx 内部配置指令所访问,比如 try_files or error_page

The above is the detailed content of Analysis of location configuration examples in Nginx server. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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