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FF launches "Farah Mission" platform based on Web3.0 technology to lead innovation and cooperation

2023-05-24 12:46:46953browse

According to news on May 23, Faraday Future (FF) announced yesterday the launch of a project called "Faraday Mission" (Mission Farad's new platform. The platform is based on Web3.0 technology and aims to jointly create value and share benefits by uniting developers, creators, users and investors.

The "Farah Mission" platform consists of four key components, namely an open source co-creation technology platform, a shared business model, a partnership governance structure and a win-win product portfolio. According to ITBEAR Technology Information, the platform has officially landed on FF APP and FF.com, users can join the "Farah Mission" by participating in the "Co-creation Mission". These co-creation tasks will be updated from time to time. Users who complete the corresponding tasks within the specified time can receive rewards of "Futurist Co-creation Points".

FF's goal is to provide users with more innovative experiences and opportunities on the "Farah Mission" platform. Developers, creators and investors can participate together and create new value through the openness and collaboration of the platform. FF's goal is to achieve a win-win situation through a cooperation model, allowing users to share in the benefits brought about by product success and development.

Faraday Future (FF) has been committed to promoting the development of electric vehicle technology. They continue to innovate and are committed to providing better electric vehicle solutions and combining them with advanced technology. The launch of the "Farah Mission" platform further demonstrates FF's emphasis on user participation and value co-creation, providing users with more participation opportunities, while also bringing more innovation and development momentum to FF.

FF has taken an important step as the launch of the "Farah Mission" platform represents the company's progress in user engagement and value co-creation. Users will get more innovative experiences and opportunities from the openness and collaboration of the platform, and FF will also get more development opportunities. In the future, we look forward to seeing the continuous development and growth of the "Farah Mission" platform and FF's continued innovation and breakthroughs in the field of electric vehicles.

The above is the detailed content of FF launches "Farah Mission" platform based on Web3.0 technology to lead innovation and cooperation. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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