Home >Operation and Maintenance >Nginx >How to compile and install nginx in lnmp environment
The Linux system I use is centos7.1.
If the Linux system does not have pre-installed gcc and other compilation software, you can use the yum source to install it. To install nginx, you first need to install the dependent modules pcre, zlib, and openssl.
gzip module requires zlib library
rewrite module requires pcre library
ssl function requires openssl library
1. Install pcre dependencies
Download pcre-8.38 wget ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/pcre-8.38.tar .gz
Extract tar -zxvf pcre-8.38.tar.gz
Enter the decompression directory cd your directory/pcre-8.38
Compile./configure --prefix=/opt/project/pcre #Specify the installation directory
Install after the compilation is complete make && make install
2. Install zlib dependencies
Download zlib-1.2.11 wget
Extract tar -zxvf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
Enter the decompression directory cd your directory/zlib-1.2.11
Compile./configure --prefix=/opt/project/zlib #Specify the installation directory
After compilation is completed, install make && make install
3. Install openssl dependencies
Download openssl-1.1.1-pre5 wget
Extract tar -zxvf openssl-1.1.1-pre5.tar.gz
Enter the decompression directory cd your directory/openssl-1.1.1-pre5
Compile./configure --prefix=/opt/project/openssl #Specify the installation directory
After compilation is completed, install make && make install
4. Install nginx service
Manually create nginx user and user group
groupadd nginx
useradd nginx -g nginx -s /sbin/nologin -m
Download wget
Unzip tar -zxvf nginx-1.14. 0.tar.gz
./configure --prefix=/opt/project/nginx-1.14 #nginx Installation location
--sbin-path=/opt/project/nginx-1.14/sbin/nginx #Set nginx executable file path
--conf-path=/opt/project/nginx-1.14/config/ nginx.conf #Set nginx configuration file path
--pid-path=/opt/project/nginx-1.14/logs/nginx.pid #Set nginx.pid file
--error-log-path=/ opt/project/nginx-1.14/logs/error.log #Set the name of the main error, warning, and diagnostic files
--lock-path=/opt/project/nginx-1.14/logs/nginx.log \
--http-log-path=/opt/project/nginx-1.14/logs/access.log #Set the name of the log file of the http server for the main request
--user =nginx \
--group=nginx \
--with-pcre=/var/software/nginx/pcre-8.38 #Refers to the source code path of pcre
--with-zlib=/var /software/nginx/zlib-1.2.11 #Referring to the source code path of zlib
--with-openssl=/var/software/nginx/openssl-1.1.1-pre5 #Referring to the source code path of openssl
Install make && make install
After nginx is compiled and installed, modify nginx.conf
user nginx nginx;
Start nginx /opt/project/nginx/nginx
Restart nginx /opt/project/nginx/nginx -s reload
Kill the process pkill -9 nignx
View the port netstat -ano|grep 80
View the process ps -ef|grep nginx
If you cannot access, you need to turn off the firewall.
centos7 Check the firewall status
firewall-cmd --state #running The firewall is running (not running is closed)
Close the firewall
systemctl stop firewalld.service #Stop firewall
systemctl disable firewalld.service #Disable firewall startup
If you encounter problems during the installation process, please google it yourself, because the errors encountered may be different depending on the system.
The above is the detailed content of How to compile and install nginx in lnmp environment. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!