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How to deploy and run CentOS7 Docker Nginx

2023-05-20 15:19:06836browse

1. Resource preparation


# "ported" by adam miller <maxamillion@fedoraproject.org> from 
#  https://github.com/fedora-cloud/fedora-dockerfiles 
# originally written for fedora-dockerfiles by 
#  scollier <scollier@redhat.com> 
from centos:centos7 
maintainer the centos project <cloud-ops@centos.org> 
run yum -y update; yum clean all 
run yum -y install epel-release tar ; yum clean all 
run yum -y install nginx ; yum clean all 
add nginx.conf /opt/deploy/nginx/nginx.conf 
run echo "daemon off;" >> /opt/deploy/nginx/nginx.conf 
#run curl https://git.centos.org/sources/httpd/c7/acf5cccf4afaecf3afeb18c50ae59fd5c6504910 \ 
#  | tar -xz -c /usr/local/nginx/html \ 
#  --strip-components=1 
#run sed -i -e &#39;s/apache/nginx/g&#39; -e &#39;/apache_pb.gif/d&#39; \  
#  /usr/local/nginx/html/index.html 
expose 80 
#cmd [ "/usr/local/nginx/sbin" ]

Note: The path needs to exist on the system and correspond to the

nginx.conf file

# for more information on configuration, see: 
#  * official english documentation: http://nginx.org/en/docs/ 
#  * official russian documentation: http://nginx.org/ru/docs/ 
user nginx; 
worker_processes 1; 
error_log /usr/logs/nginx/error.log; 
#error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log notice; 
#error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log info; 
pid    /run/nginx.pid; 
events { 
  worker_connections 1024; 
http { 
  include    mime.types; 
  default_type application/octet-stream; 
  log_format main &#39;$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" &#39; 
           &#39;$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" &#39; 
           &#39;"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"&#39;; 
  access_log /usr/logs/nginx/access.log main; 
  sendfile    on; 
  #tcp_nopush   on; 
  #keepalive_timeout 0; 
  keepalive_timeout 65; 
  #gzip on; 
  # load modular configuration files from the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory. 
  # see http://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#include 
  # for more information. 
  #include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; 
  index  index.html index.htm; 
  server { 
    listen    80; 
    server_name localhost; 
    root     /usr/share/nginx/html; 
    #charset koi8-r; 
    #access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main; 
    location / { 
      autoindex on; 
    # redirect server error pages to the static page /40x.html 
    error_page 404       /404.html; 
    location = /40x.html { 
    # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html 
    error_page  500 502 503 504 /50x.html; 
    location = /50x.html { 
    # proxy the php scripts to apache listening on 
    #location ~ \.php$ { 
    #  proxy_pass; 
    # pass the php scripts to fastcgi server listening on 
    #location ~ \.php$ { 
    #  root      html; 
    #  fastcgi_pass; 
    #  fastcgi_index index.php; 
    #  fastcgi_param script_filename /scripts$fastcgi_script_name; 
    #  include    fastcgi_params; 
    # deny access to .htaccess files, if apache&#39;s document root 
    # concurs with nginx&#39;s one 
    #location ~ /\.ht { 
    #  deny all; 
  # another virtual host using mix of ip-, name-, and port-based configuration 
  #server { 
  #  listen    8000; 
  #  listen    somename:8080; 
  #  server_name somename alias another.alias; 
  #  root     html; 
  #  location / { 
  #  } 
  # https server 
  #server { 
  #  listen    443; 
  #  server_name localhost; 
  #  root     html; 
  #  ssl         on; 
  #  ssl_certificate   cert.pem; 
  #  ssl_certificate_key cert.key; 
  #  ssl_session_timeout 5m; 
  #  ssl_protocols sslv2 sslv3 tlsv1; 
  #  ssl_ciphers high:!anull:!md5; 
  #  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers  on; 
  #  location / { 
  #  } 

Note: The path needs to exist on the system and correspond to it

2. Execute the build image command

Copy the code The code is as follows:

[root@localhost nginx]# sudo docker build --rm --tag os7/nginx:centos7 .

Screenshot of execution results:

CentOS7 Docker Nginx如何部署及运行

3. Check whether the image is installed and built successfully docker images

CentOS7 Docker Nginx如何部署及运行

#4. Create a container docker run -i -t -d -p os7/nginx / bin/bash

Note: If the IP address is, you need to add localhost

# in /etc/hosts ##5. Check whether the container is created successfully and start docker ps

CentOS7 Docker Nginx如何部署及运行

6. Test whether curl

is successfully accessed.

CentOS7 Docker Nginx如何部署及运行

This connection refused appears, what should I do? There is a way to solve it. Let’s first enter the container.

7. Enter the container docker exec -i -t small_hodgkin /bin/sh

CentOS7 Docker Nginx如何部署及运行

8. Then Execute inside the container (just enter it directly)


9. Execute curl

## outside the container

CentOS7 Docker Nginx如何部署及运行#Successful.

10. Go outside the virtual machine and access it through the browser

The above is the detailed content of How to deploy and run CentOS7 Docker Nginx. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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