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How does SpringBoot perform parameter verification?

2023-05-18 15:52:361418browse


In daily interface development, in order to prevent illegal parameters from affecting the business, it is often necessary to verify the parameters of the interface. For example, when logging in, it is necessary to verify whether the user name and password are empty. When adding a user, verify whether the format of the user's email address and mobile phone number is correct. It would be too cumbersome to rely on code to verify interface parameters one by one, and the readability of the code would be extremely poor.

ValidatorThe framework is designed to solve the problem of developers writing less code during development and improving development efficiency; Validator is specially used to verify interface parameters, such as common required verification, email Format verification, the username must be between 6 and 12, etc.

Next let’s take a look at how to integrate the parameter verification framework in SpringbBoot.

1.Integrated parameter verification in SpringBoot

1.1Introducing dependencies


1.2Define parameter entity classes

package com.didiplus.modules.sys.domain;

import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;

import javax.validation.constraints.Email;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty;

 * Author: didiplus
 * Email: 972479352@qq.com
 * CreateTime: 2022/4/25
 * Desc: 字典类型领域模型

@ApiModel(value = "字典类型")
public class SysDictType {

    private String id;

    @NotBlank(message = "字典名称必填项")
    @ApiModelProperty(value = "字典名称",example = "用户ID")
    private String typeName;

    @NotBlank(message = "字典编码不能为空")
    @ApiModelProperty(value = "字典编码")
    private String typeCode;

    @Email(message = "请填写正确的邮箱地址")
    @ApiModelProperty(value = "字典编码")
    private String email;

    @ApiModelProperty(value = "字典描述")
    private String description;

    @NotBlank(message = "字典状态不能为空")
    @ApiModelProperty(value = "字典状态")
    private String enable;

Common constraint annotations are as follows:

Annotation Function
@AssertFalse can be null, if not null Must be false
@AssertTrue can be null, if not null it must be true
@DecimalMax The setting cannot exceed the maximum value
@DecimalMin The setting cannot exceed the minimum value
@Digits The setting must be a number and the number of integer digits and decimal digits must be within the specified range
@Future The date must be within the current date The future
@Past date must be in the past
@Max max of the current date This maximum value must not be exceeded
@Min The maximum must not be less than this minimum value
@NotNull Cannot be null, can be empty
@Null Must be null
@Pattern Must satisfy the specified regular expression
@Size The size() value of collections, arrays, maps, etc. must be within the specified range
@Email Must be in email format
@Length The length must be within the specified range
@NotBlank The string cannot be null, and the string after trim() cannot be equal to ""
@NotEmpty Cannot be null, size() of collections, arrays, maps, etc. cannot be 0; string trim() can be equal to ""
@Range The value must be Within the specified range
@URL must be a URL


package com.didiplus.modules.sys.controller;

import com.didiplus.modules.sys.domain.SysDictType;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PutMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

 * Author: didiplus
 * Email: 972479352@qq.com
 * CreateTime: 2022/4/25
 * Desc: 数据字典控制器
@Api(tags = "数据字典")
public class SysDictTypeController {

    public SysDictType add(@Validated @RequestBody SysDictType sysDictType) {
        return  sysDictType;

    public SysDictType edit(@Validated @RequestBody SysDictType sysDictType) {
        return  sysDictType;


这里我们先定义两个方法add,edit,都是使用了 @RequestBody注解,用于接受前端发送的json数据。


How does SpringBoot perform parameter verification?


How does SpringBoot perform parameter verification?




直接修改之前定义的 RestExceptionHandler,单独拦截参数校验的三个异常:





package com.didiplus.common.web.response.Handler;

import com.didiplus.common.web.response.Result;

import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
import org.springframework.validation.ObjectError;
import org.springframework.web.bind.MethodArgumentNotValidException;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestControllerAdvice;

import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation;
import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException;
import javax.validation.ValidationException;

import java.util.stream.Collectors;

 * Author: didiplus
 * Email: 972479352@qq.com
 * CreateTime: 2022/4/24
 * Desc:  默认全局异常处理。
public class RestExceptionHandler {
     * 默认全局异常处理。
     * @param e the e
     * @return ResultData
    @ExceptionHandler(value = {BindException.class, ValidationException.class, MethodArgumentNotValidException.class})
    public ResponseEntity<Result<String>> handleValidatedException(Exception e) {
            Result<String>  result = null;
            if (e instanceof  MethodArgumentNotValidException) {
                MethodArgumentNotValidException ex =(MethodArgumentNotValidException)  e;
                result = Result.failure(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value(),
            } else  if (e instanceof ConstraintViolationException){
                ConstraintViolationException ex = (ConstraintViolationException) e;
                result = Result.failure(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value(),
            }else  if (e instanceof BindException) {
                BindException  ex = (BindException ) e;
                result = Result.failure(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value(),
            return new ResponseEntity<>(result,HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);


How does SpringBoot perform parameter verification?


虽然Spring Validation 提供的注解基本上够用,但是面对复杂的定义,我们还是需要自己定义相关注解来实现自动校验。
比如上面实体类中添加的sex性别属性,只允许前端传递传 M,F 这2个枚举值,如何实现呢?


package com.didiplus.common.annotation;

import javax.validation.Constraint;
import javax.validation.Payload;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;

 * Author: didiplus
 * Email: 972479352@qq.com
 * CreateTime: 2022/4/26
 * Desc:
@Constraint(validatedBy = EnumStringValidator.class)//标明由哪个类执行校验逻辑
public @interface EnumString {

    String message() default "value not in enum values.";

    Class<?>[] groups() default {};

    Class<? extends Payload>[] palyload() default {};
     * @return date must in this value array
    String[] value();

     * Defines several {@link EnumString} annotations on the same element.
     * @see EnumString
    @interface List {

        EnumString[] value();



package com.didiplus.common.annotation;

import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

 * Author: didiplus
 * Email: 972479352@qq.com
 * CreateTime: 2022/4/26
 * Desc:
public class EnumStringValidator implements ConstraintValidator<EnumString,String> {
    private List<String> enumStringList;

    public void initialize(EnumString constraintAnnotation) {
        enumStringList = Arrays.asList(constraintAnnotation.value());


    public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
        if(value == null) {
            return true;
        return enumStringList.contains(value);


    @ApiModelProperty(value = "性别")
    @EnumString(value = {"F","M"}, message="性别只允许为F或M")
    private String sex;


How does SpringBoot perform parameter verification?


一个对象在新增的时候某些字段是必填,在更新是有非必填。如上面的 SysDictTypeid 属性在新增操作时都是必填。 面对这种场景你会怎么处理呢?

其实 Validator校验框架已经考虑到了这种场景并且提供了解决方案,就是分组校验。 要使用分组校验,只需要三个步骤:


package com.didiplus.common.base;

import javax.validation.groups.Default;

 * Author: didiplus
 * Email: 972479352@qq.com
 * CreateTime: 2022/4/26
 * Desc:
public interface ValidGroup extends Default {

    interface Crud extends ValidGroup{
        interface Create extends Crud{


        interface Update extends Crud{


        interface Query extends Crud{


        interface Delete extends Crud{



    @Null(groups = ValidGroup.Crud.Create.class)
    @NotNull(groups = ValidGroup.Crud.Update.class,message = "字典ID不能为空")
    private String id;


How does SpringBoot perform parameter verification?

How does SpringBoot perform parameter verification?

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