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golang implements web framework

2023-05-12 22:42:08887browse

Golang is a very popular programming language that is loved by many programmers because of its efficiency and powerful concurrency support. In the field of web development, high-performance and highly scalable web applications can be built by using Golang. In order to build web applications more conveniently, developers usually use the Golang web framework. In this article, we will discuss how to implement a simple web framework using Golang.

Implementing a web framework needs to deal with a very important issue: how to handle HTTP requests and responses. Golang provides a very convenient standard library to handle this problem, the net/http package. Since we want to create a framework, we will use this standard library to implement our web application.

First, we need to determine the functionality our web framework requires. We want to create a simple router that can map the URL path requested by the user to the corresponding handler function. We also want to support middleware to handle HTTP requests and responses.

Before creating our web framework, we first need to understand some common Golang concepts and libraries. The first is the structure (struct), which is a user-defined data type that can be used to store a set of related attributes. Next comes the function, which is an executable block of code that accepts parameters and returns a value. In Golang, functions can also be used as variables. Finally, there is the interface, which defines a set of methods. Any type that implements these methods can be considered to implement the interface. Interfaces can be used to decouple code and make it more flexible.

With these basic concepts in mind, we can start building our web framework. The first is the router function. We can implement a router by creating a Router structure. This Router structure should have the following functions:

  • Be able to map requests to corresponding processing functions based on URL paths and HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.).
  • Be able to handle the parameters and return values ​​of the handler function and wrap it into http.HandlerFunc.
  • Middleware capable of handling routers and applying them to HTTP requests and responses.

The following is a simple Router structure, which can achieve the above functions:

type Router struct {
    routes       map[string]map[string]http.HandlerFunc
    middleware   []Middleware

In this structure, we use a nested map to store routing and processing functions mapping between. We can easily implement mapping by using URL paths and HTTP methods as first and second level keys. The middleware property is a Middleware array that stores middleware that applies to HTTP requests and responses.

Next, we need to implement a method to add routing and processing function mapping:

func (router *Router) HandleFunc(method string, path string, handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc) {
    if _, ok := router.routes[method]; !ok {
        router.routes[method] = make(map[string]http.HandlerFunc)
    router.routes[method][path] = handlerFunc

This method wraps the HTTP method, URL path and processing function into a processing function type, and It is added to the router's mapping table. If a mapping has not been created for this HTTP method, we need to create a new entry in the mapping table.

Next, we need to implement another method to handle HTTP requests and responses. This method needs to check the requested URL path and HTTP method and map it to the corresponding handler function. If the corresponding handler is not found, a 404 error should be returned. If middleware exists, it should be handled. Finally, the handler function is called and the request and response are passed as parameters.

func (router *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc
    var exists bool

    if handlerFunc, exists = router.routes[r.Method][r.URL.Path]; !exists {
        http.NotFound(w, r)

    for _, middleware := range router.middleware {
        handlerFunc = middleware(handlerFunc)

    handlerFunc(w, r)

This method uses the built-in interface http.Handler of the Go language to handle HTTP requests and responses. The HTTP library automatically converts them to http.ResponseWriter and http.Request. We just need to handle them as shown in the code.

Finally, we need to implement a method to add middleware. This method will further wrap the HTTP handler function and apply it to HTTP requests and responses.

func (router *Router) Use(middleware Middleware) {
    router.middleware = append(router.middleware, middleware)

Now, we have successfully created a basic Golang web framework. The complete code is as follows:

package main

import (

type Middleware func(http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc

type Router struct {
    routes       map[string]map[string]http.HandlerFunc
    middleware   []Middleware

func NewRouter() *Router {
    return &Router{
        routes: make(map[string]map[string]http.HandlerFunc),
        middleware: []Middleware{},

func (router *Router) HandleFunc(method string, path string, handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc) {
    if _, ok := router.routes[method]; !ok {
        router.routes[method] = make(map[string]http.HandlerFunc)
    router.routes[method][path] = handlerFunc

func (router *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc
    var exists bool

    if handlerFunc, exists = router.routes[r.Method][r.URL.Path]; !exists {
        http.NotFound(w, r)

    for _, middleware := range router.middleware {
        handlerFunc = middleware(handlerFunc)

    handlerFunc(w, r)

func (router *Router) Use(middleware Middleware) {
    router.middleware = append(router.middleware, middleware)

func main() {
    router := NewRouter()

    router.HandleFunc(http.MethodGet, "/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        w.Write([]byte("Hello, world!"))

    router.Use(func(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
        return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
            next(w, r)

    http.ListenAndServe(":8000", router)

In this code, we first create a function named NewRouter to create a new Router instance. Next, we use the HandleFunc method to add the mapping of the corresponding routing and processing functions. Then, add middleware through the Use method. Finally, we use the ListenAndServe function to start the HTTP server.

To test our web framework, we can run the above code and then enter the "localhost:8000" address in the browser. If everything goes well, you should see "Hello, world!" output, and the response header should contain the "Content-Type: application/json" attribute.

In this article, we introduce how to use Golang to implement a web framework and demonstrate a simple sample code. Although our example framework is very basic, we can extend it by adding more features and middleware. I hope you can learn how to build your own web framework in Golang through this article.

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