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golang pipeline implementation queue

2023-05-10 09:13:36454browse

In the Go language, the channel is a very powerful data structure. It can be used for communication and synchronization between coroutines, but in actual development, we usually only use its basic functions. In this article, I'll show you how to implement a queue data structure using pipes.

  1. Basic concept of pipeline

Pipeline is a concurrency primitive in the Go language, used for data transmission and synchronization between coroutines. It is designed as a blocking data transmission method, that is, during sending and receiving operations, the sending and receiving coroutines will block until the other party's operation is completed before proceeding to the next operation.

In the Go language, you can use the make() function to create a pipeline. There are two types of pipelines: buffered and unbuffered. Buffered pipes can store a certain amount of data, while unbuffered pipes can only send and receive at the same time.

The following is how to define an unbuffered string type pipe:

ch := make(chan string)
  1. The basic concept of queue

Queue (queue) is a A common data structure that manages data according to the first-in-first-out (FIFO) principle. Queues can add data to one end of the queue and delete data to the other end. The insertion operation is also called enqueue, and the deletion operation is also called dequeue.

In the Go language, we can use slices to implement the queue data structure. For enqueuing and dequeuing operations, you can use the append() function and the cutting operation of the slice.

The following is how to define a string type queue:

queue := []string{}
  1. The idea of ​​​​pipeline implementation of queue

Now we have the basics of pipes and queues Now that we have a certain understanding of the concepts, we can start thinking about how to use pipelines to implement queues.

First, we need to define a buffered string type pipe and use a coroutine to continuously listen to this pipe. When there is data in the pipeline, we need to add it to the queue, otherwise we continue to wait.

Secondly, we need to define two functions-enqueue and dequeue. In the enqueuing function, we send the input string to the pipe and wait for the listening coroutine to add it to the queue. In the dequeue function, we dequeue the first element of the queue and return its value. If the queue is empty, an empty string is returned.

Finally, we need to write a simple test program to verify whether our implementation is correct.

The following is the specific code of the implementation process:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    q := NewQueue()



func NewQueue() *Queue {
    // 创建一个带缓冲的字符串类型管道
    ch := make(chan string, 100)

    // 启动一个协程持续监听管道
    go func() {
        for s := range ch {
            // 将管道中的字符串加入到队列中
            queue = append(queue, s)

    return &Queue{ch: ch}

// 全局队列变量
var queue []string

type Queue struct {
    ch chan string

func (q *Queue) Enqueue(s string) {
    q.ch <- s

func (q *Queue) Dequeue() string {
    if len(queue) == 0 {
        return ""

    s := queue[0]
    queue = queue[1:]

    return s

In the above code, we first create a buffered string type pipe and start a coroutine to listen to this pipe. In the coroutine, when there is a string in the pipe, we add it to the queue.

In the NewQueue() function, we use a pipeline to implement a queue and return the pointer of the queue. In the Enqueue() function, we send the input string into the pipe. In the Dequeue() function, we remove the first element of the queue and return its value. If the queue is empty, an empty string is returned.

Finally, we wrote a simple test program to test whether our queue implementation is correct.

  1. Summary

In this article, I introduced how to use pipes to implement the queue data structure. Using pipelines can implement the queue function more concisely and efficiently, and has good concurrency performance, which is very suitable for the Go language development environment. I hope this article can help beginners better understand the concepts of pipelines and queues in the Go language, and can also provide some ideas to solve problems encountered in actual development.

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