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How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

2023-05-09 14:16:171911browse

    Graphical User Interface (GUI)

    Graphical User Interface (GUI) is nothing but a desktop application that helps us interact with the computer

    • GUI applications like text editors can create, read, update and delete different types of files

    • Sudoku, Chess and Applications such as Solitaire are game versions of GUI programs

    • There are also GUI applications such as Google Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge that are used to browse the Internet

    These are some different types of GUI applications that we use daily on computers. In fact, we can also build simple similar applications through Tkinter.

    Today we are an introduction to GUI, A very simple and beautiful GUI application will be created

    Python library for creating GUI

    Python has a large number of third-party libraries. For GUI libraries, there are mainly the following:

    • Kivy

    • Python QT

    • wxPython

    • Tkinter

    Among them, Tkinter is the first choice for many learners and developers because it is easy to use and comes with Python installation

    Tkinter Basics

    The picture below shows how the application is actually executed in Tkinter

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    We first import the Tkinter model, then, we create the main window, in this window, we We are going to perform operations and display all visual effects, next we add Widgets, and finally we enter the Main Event Loop

    There are 2 important keywords here

    • Widgets

    • Main Event Loop

    The event loop basically tells the code to continue displaying the window until we manually close it, running in an infinite loop in the background

    For Widgets, we will study it separately later

    The following code example will give you a deeper understanding

    import tkinter
    window = tkinter.Tk()
    # to rename the title of the window window.title("GUI")
    # pack is used to show the object in the window
    label = tkinter.Label(window, text = "Hello World!").pack()

    We import the Tkinter package and define a window, and then we can modify a window title, Whenever the application is opened, this title will be displayed on the title tab

    Finally, we have also defined a label, the label is nothing but the output that needs to be displayed on the window, in the example hello world

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    Tkinter Widgets

    So what are Widgets?

    Widgets are similar to elements in HTML. We can find different types of Widgets in Tkinter. Different Types of Widgets for Type Elements

    Let’s see a brief introduction of all these Widgets in Tkinter

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    • Canvas - Used with Canvas Used for drawing shapes in GUI

    • Button – Button used for placing buttons in Tkinter

    • Checkbutton – Checkbutton used for placing buttons in applications Create check buttons in

    • Entry - Entry is used to create input fields in GUI

    • Frame – Frame is used as a container in Tkinter

    • Label - Label is used to create single-line Widgets, such as text, images, etc.

    • Menu - Menu is used to create menus in GUI

    Let’s take a look at the usage of each Widgets one by one


    Label is used to create text and images and all related, and pay attention to Yes, it can only be a single line definition

    l1 = Label(window, text="萝卜大杂烩!", font=("ArialBold", 50))
    l1.grid(column=0, row=0)

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    There is also a function geometry which is basically used to change the window size and set it as per our requirement

    l1 = Label(window, text="萝卜大杂烩!", font=("ArialBold", 50))

    In this case we set it to 350 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall

    Next is the button


    Buttons are very similar to labels, we Create a variable and use Widgets syntax to define what the button wants to express

    bt = Button(window, text="Enter")

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    We can also change the foreground color of the button or any other Widget using the parameters shown in the code FG. Similarly, you can also use the BG attribute to change the background color

    bt = Button(window, text="Enter", bg="orange", fg="red")
    bt.grid(column=1, row=0)

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    Our foreground is text defined as red, and the background is orange

    Let’s take a look at the click The operation of the button

    def clicked():
    bt = Button(window, text="Enter", bg="orange", fg="red", command=clicked)

    We call this a click event, we need to write the function about what should happen when the button is clicked or the click event is triggered

    We define a called clicked Function can display a text message. We add a parameter named command in the button definition to call the click event

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter


    它用于在 GUI 中创建输入字段以接收文本输入

    txt = Entry(window, width=10)
    txt.grid(column=1, row=0)
    def clicked():
        res = "Welcome to " + txt.get()
    bt = Button(window, text="Enter", bg="orange", fg="red", command=clicked)

    在这里,我们使用 Tkinter Entry 类创建一个文本框,grid 定义我们希望窗口小部件位于何处

    同时 clicked 函数接收 Entry 的文本信息

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter



    from tkinter.ttk import *
    combo = Combobox(window)
    combo['values']= (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "Text")
    combo.grid(column=0, row=0)

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter




    chk_state = BooleanVar()
    chk_state.set (True)
    chk = Checkbutton(window, text="Select", var=chk_state)
    chk.grid(column=4, row=0)

    我们首先创建一个 booleanvar 类型的变量,这是一个 Tkinter 变量

    默认情况下,我们将设置状态保持为 true,这代表按钮已经被选中 接下来,我们将 chk_state 传递给 checkbutton 类来为我们设置检查状态

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    Radio Button


    rad1 = Radiobutton(window, text=Python', value=1)
    rad2 = Radiobutton(window, text=Java', value=2)
    rad3 = Radiobutton(window, text=Scala', value=3)
    rad1.grid(column=0, row=0)
    rad2.grid(column=1, row=0)
    rad3.grid(column=2, row=0)


    它们的文本数据是可以相同,在这里,我们使用了 Python、Java 和 Scala

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    Scrolled Text


    scro_txt = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(window, width=40,height=10)
    scro_txt.grid(column=0, row=4)

    我们指定了窗口的高和宽,否则默认会填充整个 Windiws 窗口

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    Message Box


    def clicked():
        messagebox.showinfo('Message title', 'Message content')
    btn = Button(window,text=‘ENTER', command=clicked)

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter


    Spinbox 也是一个常见的组件,有两个选项卡,存在向上和向下滚动选项卡

    pin = Spinbox(window, from_=0, to=100, width=5)

    有 3 个参数——from、to 和 width

    • From – 告诉我们范围的开始和默认值

    • to – 给我们范围的上限阈值

    • width 基本上是将 widget 的大小设置为5个字符的空格

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter


    Tkinter 中的所有 Widgets 都会有一些位置信息,这些度量使得我们可以组织 Widgets 及其父框架、窗口等

    Tkinter 具有以下三个布局方式

    • pack():- 它在块中组织 Widgets,这意味着它占据了整个可用宽度,这是在窗口中显示 Widgets 的标准方法

    • grid():- 它以类似表格的结构组织 Widgets

    • place():- 它将 Widgets 放置在我们想要的特定位置


    为了在窗口中安排布局,我们将使用 Frame 类

    • Frame -- 在窗口中创建分区,我们可以根据需要使用 pack() 方法的侧面参数对齐框架

    • Button -- 在窗口中创建一个按钮,需要传递几个参数,如文本(按钮的值)、fg(文本的颜色)、bg(背景颜色)

    在下面的代码中,我们使用 window、top_frame、bottom_frame 来布局

    import tkinter
    window = tkinter.Tk()
    # creating 2 frames TOP and BOTTOM
    top_frame = tkinter.Frame(window).pack()
    bottom_frame = tkinter.Frame(window).pack(side = "bottom")
    # now, create some widgets in the top_frame and bottom_frame
    btn1 = tkinter.Button(top_frame, text = "Button1", fg = "red").pack()# 'fg - foreground' is used to color the contents
    btn2 = tkinter.Button(top_frame, text = "Button2", fg = "green").pack()# 'text' is used to write the text on the Button
    btn3 = tkinter.Button(bottom_frame, text = "Button2", fg = "purple").pack(side = "left")# 'side' is used to align the widgets
    btn4 = tkinter.Button(bottom_frame, text = "Button2", fg = "orange").pack(side = "left")

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter


    import tkinter
    window = tkinter.Tk()
    # creating 2 text labels and input labels
    tkinter.Label(window, text = "Username").grid(row = 0) # this is placed in 0 0
    # 'Entry' is used to display the input-field
    tkinter.Entry(window).grid(row = 0, column = 1) # this is placed in 0 1
    tkinter.Label(window, text = "Password").grid(row = 1) # this is placed in 1 0
    tkinter.Entry(window).grid(row = 1, column = 1) # this is placed in 1 1
    # 'Checkbutton' is used to create the check buttons
    tkinter.Checkbutton(window, text = "Keep Me Logged In").grid(columnspan = 2) # 'columnspan' tells to take the width of 2 columns
    # you can also use 'rowspan' in the similar manner

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    下面我们来了解 binding 函数

    binding 函数


    在下面的示例中,当单击按钮时,它会调用一个名为 say_hi 的函数。 函数 say_hi 会创建一个带有文本 Hi 的新标签

    import tkinter
    window = tkinter.Tk()
    # creating a function called say_hi()
    def say_hi():
        tkinter.Label(window, text = "Hi").pack()
    tkinter.Button(window, text = "Click Me!", command = say_hi).pack() # 'command' is executed when you click the button
    # in this above case we're calling the function 'say_hi'.

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter


    import tkinter
    window = tkinter.Tk()
    # creating a function with an arguments 'event'
    def say_hi(event): # you can rename 'event' to anything you want
        tkinter.Label(window, text = "Hi").pack()
    btn = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Click Me!")
    btn.bind("Button-1", say_hi) # 'bind' takes 2 parameters 1st is 'event' 2nd is 'function'

    单击事件有 3 种不同的类型,分别是 leftClick、middleClick 和 rightClick


    import tkinter
    window = tkinter.Tk()
    #creating 3 different functions for 3 events
    def left_click(event):
        tkinter.Label(window, text = "Left Click!").pack()
    def middle_click(event):
        tkinter.Label(window, text = "Middle Click!").pack()
    def right_click(event):
        tkinter.Label(window, text = "Right Click!").pack()
    window.bind("Button-1", left_click)
    window.bind("Button-2", middle_click)
    window.bind("Button-3", right_click)

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    Images 和 Icons

    我们可以使用 PhotoImage 方法添加图像和图标

    import tkinter
    window = tkinter.Tk()
    # taking image from the directory and storing the source in a variable
    icon = tkinter.PhotoImage(file = "4.PNG")
    # displaying the picture using a 'Label' by passing the 'picture' variriable to 'image' parameter
    label = tkinter.Label(window, image = icon)

    How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter

    好了,进步的 Tkinter 知识我们都梳理完毕了,下面就完成一个简单的实战项目吧

    计算器 APP


    window = Tk()
    window.resizable(0, 0)  # this prevents from resizing the window


    input_text = StringVar()
    input_frame = Frame(window, width=312, height=50, bd=0, highlightbackground="black", highlightcolor="black",
    input_field = Entry(input_frame, font=('arial', 18, 'bold'), textvariable=input_text, width=50, bg="#eee", bd=0,
    input_field.grid(row=0, column=0)


    clear = Button(btns_frame, text="C", fg="black", width=32, height=3, bd=0, bg="#eee", cursor="hand2",
                   command=lambda: btn_clear()).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, padx=1, pady=1)
    divide = Button(btns_frame, text="/", fg="black", width=10, height=3, bd=0, bg="#eee", cursor="hand2",
                    command=lambda: btn_click("/")).grid(row=0, column=3, padx=1, pady=1)


    equals = Button(btns_frame, text="=", fg="black", width=10, height=3, bd=0, bg="#eee", cursor="hand2",
                   command=lambda: btn_equal()).grid(row=4, column=3, padx=1, pady=1)
    def btn_equal():
       global expression
       result = str(eval(expression)) 
       expression = ""

    The above is the detailed content of How to use Python GUI layout tool Tkinter. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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