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Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

2023-05-06 16:40:241196browse

Now when drawing with AI, complete sketches are no longer needed.

Every time a stroke is made, AI will hand in a "new job" in real time

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

##Details, colors, and blank canvas, it all Autocomplete.

You can also control the content and style of generated images through prompt words.

For example, if you add the sentence "A man wearing a long coat is standing on the beach", the AI ​​​​immediately adjusts the painting direction:

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

##Finally The finished work is as follows, the effect is very good.

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

No wonder netizens said that their shocked jaws could no longer be found.

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!##This is the latest popular AI real-time painting project, It has 18,000 hits on Reddit.

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!#Some people also said that this time seems to indicate that compared to replacing humans, AI may help human artists create to a greater extent.

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!One script to achieve the above effect

The above effect is achieved by a Python script.

By constructing a canvas and an image generation frame, and then sending each sketch after writing to the API interface of Automatic 1111, you can draw based on the capabilities of Stable Diffusion and ControlNet.

Among them, Automatic 1111 is a portable and deployable offline framework based on Stable Diffusion. It encapsulates the UI and some functions and can use Stable Diffusion through the visual interface.

In addition, ControlNet's scribble mode refinement effect is also used to generate images.

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!The author reminds that if you want this script to run normally, you must ensure that you can call the Automatic 1111 webui API and that it has been installed and activated. ControlNet extension.

You can obtain different prompt, seed and ControlNet models by modifying the payload.json file.

In terms of the speed of real-time generation, the author said that the demo he is seeing now is the result of 4 times acceleration. The specific situation may depend on the level of your graphics card.

So many netizens reacted after watching:

Real time? My graphics card says you are dreaming.

##1080 I’m going to faint from crying again...Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

He also calculated the possible effects of various types of graphics cards: Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

The last time I used Automatic1111, I could achieve 12 iterations per second with 3080; for preview pictures, maybe No need for so many iterations.

So if you use 3080, you can get a picture preview every 1-2 seconds (3060 may be 3-4 seconds); if you use 4080 or 4090, you can get a preview in less than 1 second.

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

Although there are still restrictions on the hardware...but it still does not affect everyone's imagination.

Some people say that this may be the way many artists will create in the future.

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

Some people say that the future is already here.

Using AI brushes, I create colorful pictures!

What do you think?

GitHub address: https://www.php.cn/link/5c53292c032b6cb8510041c54274e65f

Reference link:

[1]https:// twitter.com/thekitze/status/1648627002822254593?s=20

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