Home >Java >javaTutorial >The synchronized keyword in Java is used to achieve thread synchronization
Modify the instance method. For ordinary synchronization methods, the lock is the current instance object
Modify static methods. For static synchronized methods, the lock is the current Class object
Modify method code block. For synchronized method blocks, the lock is the object configured in synchronized brackets!
When a thread attempts to access a synchronized code block, it must obtain the lock. After completion (or an exception occurs), the lock must be released. So where exactly does the lock exist? Let’s explore together!
However, I believe that since everyone can find this article, I believe that everyone is already familiar with its use. We will not go into details about its use and why the data will be confused in multi-threaded situations. explanation of! Only a few ways of using it are listed for reference!
Modify the instance method. For ordinary synchronization methods, the lock is the current instance object
There is no need to say this, use After adding synchronized to the same instance, threads need to be queued to complete an atomic operation, but note that it will only take effect if the same instance
is used!
Positive example:
<code>/**<br> * @author huangfu<br> */<br>public class ExploringSynchronized implements Runnable {<br> /**<br> * 共享资源(临界资源)<br> */<br> static int i=0;<br> public synchronized void add(){<br> i++;<br> }<br><br> @Override<br> public void run() {<br> for (int j = 0; j add();<br> }<br> }<br><br> public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {<br> ExploringSynchronized exploringSynchronized = new ExploringSynchronized();<br> Thread t1 = new Thread(exploringSynchronized);<br> Thread t2 = new Thread(exploringSynchronized);<br> t1.start();<br> t2.start();<br> //join 主线程需要等待子线程完成后在结束<br> t1.join();<br> t2.join();<br> System.out.println(i);<br><br> }<br>}</code>
Counter example:
<code>/**<br> * @author huangfu<br> */<br>public class ExploringSynchronized implements Runnable {<br> /**<br> * 共享资源(临界资源)<br> */<br> static int i=0;<br> public synchronized void add(){<br> i++;<br> }<br><br> @Override<br> public void run() {<br> for (int j = 0; j add();<br> }<br> }<br><br> public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {<br> Thread t1 = new Thread(new ExploringSynchronized());<br> Thread t2 = new Thread(new ExploringSynchronized());<br> t1.start();<br> t2.start();<br> //join 主线程需要等待子线程完成后在结束<br> t1.join();<br> t2.join();<br> System.out.println(i);<br><br> }<br>}</code>
In this case, even if you add synchronized to the method, it will not help, because, for ordinary synchronization methods, the lock is current Instance object! The instance objects are different, so the locks between them are naturally not the same!
Modify static methods. For static synchronization methods, the lock is the current Class object
It can be seen from the definition that, His lock is a class object, that is to say, taking the above class as an example: the lock object of the ordinary method is new ExploringSynchronized()
and the lock object corresponding to the static method is ExploringSynchronized.class
So if you add a synchronization lock to a static method, even if you re-create an instance, the lock it gets is still the same!
<code>package com.byit.test;<br><br>/**<br> * @author huangfu<br> */<br>public class ExploringSynchronized implements Runnable {<br> /**<br> * 共享资源(临界资源)<br> */<br> static int i=0;<br> public synchronized static void add(){<br> i++;<br> }<br><br> @Override<br> public void run() {<br> for (int j = 0; j add();<br> }<br> }<br><br> public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {<br> Thread t1 = new Thread(new ExploringSynchronized());<br> Thread t2 = new Thread(new ExploringSynchronized());<br> t1.start();<br> t2.start();<br> //join 主线程需要等待子线程完成后在结束<br> t1.join();<br> t2.join();<br> System.out.println(i);<br><br> }<br>}</code>
Of course, the result is what we expected 200000
Modified method code block, for synchronized method block, the lock is inside the synchronized brackets Configuration object!
<code>package com.byit.test;<br><br>/**<br> * @author huangfu<br> */<br>public class ExploringSynchronized implements Runnable {<br> /**<br> * 锁标记<br> */<br> private static final String LOCK_MARK = "LOCK_MARK";<br> /**<br> * 共享资源(临界资源)<br> */<br> static int i=0;<br> public void add(){<br> synchronized (LOCK_MARK){<br> i++;<br> }<br> }<br><br> @Override<br> public void run() {<br> for (int j = 0; j add();<br> }<br> }<br><br> public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {<br> Thread t1 = new Thread(new ExploringSynchronized());<br> Thread t2 = new Thread(new ExploringSynchronized());<br> t1.start();<br> t2.start();<br> //join 主线程需要等待子线程完成后在结束<br> t1.join();<br> t2.join();<br> System.out.println(i);<br><br> }<br>}</code>
For synchronized code blocks, what is in the brackets is what the lock object is. You can use this string object and so on!
The implementation of synchronized
in java is based on the entry and exit of the Monitor
object, whether it is explicit Synchronization (modify the code block, with explicit monitorenter
and monitorexit
instructions) or implicit synchronization (modify the method body)!
It should be noted that only when modifying the code block, it is implemented based on the monitorenter
and monitorexit
instructions; when modifying the method, it is implemented through another Achieved in a way! I will talk about it later!
Before understanding the bottom layer of the entire implementation, I still hope that you can have a general understanding of the structure details of objects in memory!
Instance variable: stores the attribute data information of the class, including the attribute information of the parent class. If it is the instance part of the array, it also includes the length of the array. This part of memory is aligned by 4 bytes.
Filling data: Because the virtual machine requires that the object starting address must be an integer multiple of 8 bytes. The padding data does not have to exist, it is just for byte alignment, just understand this.
We can simply understand these two concepts! We are not going to explore the composition principles of objects today! Let's focus on exploring the object header, which is particularly important for our understanding of locks!
Generally speaking, the lock used by synchronized
exists in the object header! If it is an array object, the virtual machine uses 3 words wide to store the object. If it is a non-array object, it uses two words wide to store the object header! In the word virtual machine, 1 word width is equal to 4 bytes! The main structure is composed of Mark Word
and Class Metadata Address
. The structure is as follows:
Header object structure | Description | |||
Mark Word | Storage The object’s hashCode, lock information or generation age or GC flag and other information | |||
Class Metadata Address | is stored in the formation type Data pointer | |||
Aarray length | The length of the array |
Lock status | 25bit | 4bit | 1bit is a biased lock | 2bit lock flag |
Unlocked status | Hashcode of the object | Generation age of the object | 0 | 01 |
在运行起见,mark Word 里存储的数据会随着锁的标志位的变化而变化。mark Word可能变化为存储一下四种数据
Java SE 1.6为了减少获得锁和释放锁带来的消耗,引入了偏向锁
<code>package com.byit.test;<br><br>/**<br> * @author Administrator<br> */<br>public class SynText {<br> private static String A = "a";<br> public int i ;<br><br> public void add(){<br> synchronized (A){<br> i++;<br> }<br><br> }<br>}</code>
<code>Compiled from "SynText.java"<br>public class com.byit.test.SynText {<br> public int i;<br><br> public com.byit.test.SynText();<br> Code:<br> 0: aload_0<br> 1: invokespecial #1 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V<br> 4: return<br><br> public void add();<br> Code:<br> 0: getstatic #2 // Field A:Ljava/lang/String;<br> 3: dup<br> 4: astore_1<br> 5: monitorenter<br> 6: aload_0<br> 7: dup<br> 8: getfield #3 // Field i:I<br> 11: iconst_1<br> 12: iadd<br> 13: putfield #3 // Field i:I<br> 16: aload_1<br> 17: monitorexit<br> 18: goto 26<br> 21: astore_2<br> 22: aload_1<br> 23: monitorexit<br> 24: aload_2<br> 25: athrow<br> 26: return<br> Exception table:<br> from to target type<br> 6 18 21 any<br> 21 24 21 any<br><br> static {};<br> Code:<br> 0: ldc #4 // String a<br> 2: putstatic #2 // Field A:Ljava/lang/String;<br> 5: return<br>}<br></init></code>
<code> 5: monitorenter<br> ...<br> 17: monitorexit<br> ...<br> 23: monitorexit</code>
和 monitorexit
指令;为了保证在方法异常完成时 monitorenter 和 monitorexit 指令依然可以正确配对执行,编译器会自动产生一个异常处理器,这个异常处理器声明可处理所有的异常,它的目的就是用来执行 monitorexit 指令。从字节码中也可以看出多了一个monitorexit指令,它就是异常结束时被执行的释放monitor 的指令。
javap -verbose -p SynText > 3.txt
<code>package com.byit.test;<br><br>/**<br> * @author huangfu<br> */<br>public class SynText {<br> public int i ;<br><br> public synchronized void add(){<br> i++;<br><br> }<br>}</code>
<code>Classfile /D:/2020project/byit-myth-job/demo-client/byit-demo-client/target/classes/com/byit/test/SynText.class<br> Last modified 2020-1-6; size 382 bytes<br> MD5 checksum e06926a20f28772b8377a940b0a4984f<br> Compiled from "SynText.java"<br>public class com.byit.test.SynText<br> minor version: 0<br> major version: 52<br> flags: ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_SUPER<br>Constant pool:<br> #1 = Methodref #4.#17 // java/lang/Object."<init>":()V<br> #2 = Fieldref #3.#18 // com/byit/test/SynText.i:I<br> #3 = Class #19 // com/byit/test/SynText<br> #4 = Class #20 // java/lang/Object<br> #5 = Utf8 i<br> #6 = Utf8 I<br> #7 = Utf8 <init><br> #8 = Utf8 ()V<br> #9 = Utf8 Code<br> #10 = Utf8 LineNumberTable<br> #11 = Utf8 LocalVariableTable<br> #12 = Utf8 this<br> #13 = Utf8 Lcom/byit/test/SynText;<br> #14 = Utf8 syncTask<br> #15 = Utf8 SourceFile<br> #16 = Utf8 SynText.java<br> #17 = NameAndType #7:#8 // "<init>":()V<br> #18 = NameAndType #5:#6 // i:I<br> #19 = Utf8 com/byit/test/SynText<br> #20 = Utf8 java/lang/Object<br>{<br> public int i;<br> descriptor: I<br> flags: ACC_PUBLIC<br><br> public com.byit.test.SynText();<br> descriptor: ()V<br> flags: ACC_PUBLIC<br> Code:<br> stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1<br> 0: aload_0<br> 1: invokespecial #1 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V<br> 4: return<br> LineNumberTable:<br> line 6: 0<br> LocalVariableTable:<br> Start Length Slot Name Signature<br> 0 5 0 this Lcom/byit/test/SynText;<br><br> public synchronized void syncTask();<br> descriptor: ()V<br> flags: ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_SYNCHRONIZED<br> Code:<br> stack=3, locals=1, args_size=1<br> 0: aload_0<br> 1: dup<br> 2: getfield #2 // Field i:I<br> 5: iconst_1<br> 6: iadd<br> 7: putfield #2 // Field i:I<br> 10: return<br> LineNumberTable:<br> line 10: 0<br> line 11: 10<br> LocalVariableTable:<br> Start Length Slot Name Signature<br> 0 11 0 this Lcom/byit/test/SynText;<br>}<br>SourceFile: "SynText.java"<br></init></init></init></init></code>
<code> public synchronized void syncTask();<br> descriptor: ()V<br> flags: ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_SYNCHRONIZED<br> Code:<br> stack=3, locals=1, args_size=1<br> 0: aload_0<br> 1: dup</code>
<code>/**<br> * @author huangfu<br> */<br>public class SynText {<br> public static void add(String name1 ,String name2){<br> StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();<br> sb.append(name1).append(name2);<br> }<br><br> public static void main(String[] args) {<br> for (int i = 0; i add("w"+i,"q"+i);<br> }<br> }<br>}</code>
The above is the detailed content of The synchronized keyword in Java is used to achieve thread synchronization. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!