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Python built-in type dict source code analysis

2023-04-24 12:01:071873browse

In-depth understanding of Python's built-in types - dict

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This section of "In-depth Understanding of Python's Built-in Types" will introduce you to various commonly used built-in types in Python from the source code perspective.

dict is one of the most commonly used built-in types in daily development, and the operation of the Python virtual machine also relies heavily on dict objects. Mastering the underlying knowledge of dict should be helpful, whether it is understanding the basic knowledge of data structures or improving development efficiency.

1 Execution efficiency

Whether it is Hashmap in Java or dict in Python, they are both very efficient data structures. Hashmap is also a basic test point in Java interviews: arrays, linked lists, and red-black tree hash tables, which are very time efficient. Similarly, dict in Python also has an average complexity of O(1) (O(n) in the worst case) for operations such as insertion, deletion, and search due to its underlying hash table structure. Here we compare list and dict to see how big the difference is between the search efficiency of the two: (The data comes from the original article, you can test it by yourself)

Container scale Scale growth coefficient dict consumption time dict time consumption growth coefficient list consumption time list time-consuming growth coefficient
1000 1 0.000129s 1 0.036s 1
10000 10 0.000172s 1.33 0.348s 9.67
100000 100 0.000216s 1.67 3.679s 102.19
1000000 1000 0.000382s 2.96 48.044s 1335.56

Thinking: The original article here compares the data to be searched as the elements of the list and the key of the dict. I personally think that such a comparison is meaningless. Because list is essentially a hash table, where the key is 0 to n-1, and the value is the element we are looking for; and the dict here uses the element we are looking for as the key, and the value is True (the code in the original article is set like this of). If you really want to compare, you can compare the 0~n-1 of the query list with the corresponding key of the query dict. This is the control variable method, hh. Of course, the essential reason why I personally feel inappropriate here is that the place where list has storage significance is its value part, and the key and value of dict both have certain storage significance. I personally think there is no need to worry too much about the search efficiency of the two. , it is most important to understand the underlying principles of the two and choose to apply them in actual projects.

2 Internal structure

2.1 PyDictObject

  • Since associative containers are used in a wide range of scenarios, almost all modern programming languages ​​provide some kind of associative container Containers, and pay special attention to key search efficiency. For example, map in the C standard library is an associative container, which is internally implemented based on red-black trees. In addition, there is also the Hashmap in Java just mentioned. The red-black tree is a balanced binary tree that can provide good operation efficiency. The time complexity of key operations such as insertion, deletion, and search is O(logn).

  • The operation of the Python virtual machine relies heavily on the dict object. The underlying concepts such as name space and object attribute space use dict objects to manage data. Therefore, Python has more stringent efficiency requirements for dict objects. Therefore, dict in Python uses a hash table with efficiency better than O(logn).

The dict object is represented by the structure PyDictObject inside Python. The source code is as follows:

typedef struct {
    /* Number of items in the dictionary */
    Py_ssize_t ma_used;
    /* Dictionary version: globally unique, value change each time
       the dictionary is modified */
    uint64_t ma_version_tag;
    PyDictKeysObject *ma_keys;
    /* If ma_values is NULL, the table is "combined": keys and values
       are stored in ma_keys.
       If ma_values is not NULL, the table is splitted:
       keys are stored in ma_keys and values are stored in ma_values */
    PyObject **ma_values;
} PyDictObject;

Source code analysis:

  • ma_used: The number of key-value pairs currently saved by the object

  • ##ma_version_tag: The current version number of the object, updated every time it is modified (version numbers are also quite common in business development)

  • ma_keys: Points to a hash table structure mapped by key objects, type is PyDictKeysObject

  • ma_values: Points to an array of all value objects in split mode ( If it is combined mode, the value will be stored in ma_keys, and ma_values ​​is empty at this time)

2.2 PyDictKeysObject

As you can see from the source code of PyDictObject, it is related. The Greek table is implemented through PyDictKeysObject. The source code is as follows:

struct _dictkeysobject {
    Py_ssize_t dk_refcnt;
    /* Size of the hash table (dk_indices). It must be a power of 2. */
    Py_ssize_t dk_size;
    /* Function to lookup in the hash table (dk_indices):
       - lookdict(): general-purpose, and may return DKIX_ERROR if (and
         only if) a comparison raises an exception.
       - lookdict_unicode(): specialized to Unicode string keys, comparison of
         which can never raise an exception; that function can never return
       - lookdict_unicode_nodummy(): similar to lookdict_unicode() but further
         specialized for Unicode string keys that cannot be the <dummy> value.
       - lookdict_split(): Version of lookdict() for split tables. */
    dict_lookup_func dk_lookup;
    /* Number of usable entries in dk_entries. */
    Py_ssize_t dk_usable;
    /* Number of used entries in dk_entries. */
    Py_ssize_t dk_nentries;
    /* Actual hash table of dk_size entries. It holds indices in dk_entries,
       or DKIX_EMPTY(-1) or DKIX_DUMMY(-2).
       Indices must be: 0 <= indice < USABLE_FRACTION(dk_size).
       The size in bytes of an indice depends on dk_size:
       - 1 byte if dk_size <= 0xff (char*)
       - 2 bytes if dk_size <= 0xffff (int16_t*)
       - 4 bytes if dk_size <= 0xffffffff (int32_t*)
       - 8 bytes otherwise (int64_t*)
       Dynamically sized, SIZEOF_VOID_P is minimum. */
    char dk_indices[];  /* char is required to avoid strict aliasing. */
    /* "PyDictKeyEntry dk_entries[dk_usable];" array follows:
       see the DK_ENTRIES() macro */

Source code analysis:

    ##dk_refcnt: Reference counting, related to the implementation of mapping views, similar to object reference counting
  • dk_size: Hash table size, must be an integer power of 2, so that modular operations can be optimized into bit operations (
  • You can learn about it and combine it with actual business applications


  • dk_lookup: Hash lookup function pointer, you can select the optimal function according to the current state of dict
  • dk_usable: Key-value array available Number
  • dk_nentries: The number of used key-value pairs in the array
  • dk_indices: The starting address of the hash table, immediately after the hash table Then the key-value pair array dk_entries, the type of dk_entries is PyDictKeyEntry
  • ##2.3 PyDictKeyEntry
As can be seen from PyDictKeysObject, the key-value pair structure is implemented by PyDictKeyEntry. The source code is as follows:

typedef struct {
    /* Cached hash code of me_key. */
    Py_hash_t me_hash;
    PyObject *me_key;
    PyObject *me_value; /* This field is only meaningful for combined tables */
} PyDictKeyEntry;

Source code analysis:

me_hash: The hash value of the key object to avoid repeated calculation
  • me_key :Key object pointer
  • me_value:Value object pointer
  • 2.4 Illustrations and examples
Hash table diagram inside dict It is shown as follows:

The real core of the dict object lies in PyDictKeysObject, which contains two key arrays: one is the hash index array dk_indices, and the other is the key-value pair array dk_entries . The key-value pairs maintained by dict will be stored in the key-value pair array in first-come, first-served order; and the corresponding slot of the hash index array stores the position of the key-value pair in the array. Python built-in type dict source code analysis

Take inserting {'jim': 70} into the empty dict object d as an example. The steps are as follows:

i. Save the key-value pair at the end of the dk_entries array (the array here is initially empty , the end is the position where the array subscript is "0");

ii. Calculate the hash value of the key object 'jim' and take the right 3 bits (that is, modulo 8, the length of the dk_indices array is 8, As mentioned earlier, keeping the array length as an integer power of 2 can convert the modular operation into a bit operation. Here, just take the right 3 digits). Assume that the final value obtained is 5, which corresponds to the subscript in the dk_indices array. The position of 5;

iii. The inserted key-value pair will be stored in the position with the subscript "0" in the dk_entries array at the position of the subscript 5 in the hash index array dk_indices.

Perform the search operation, the steps are as follows:

i. Calculate the hash value of the key object 'jim', and take the right 3 digits to get the key in the hash index array dk_indices Mark 5;

ii. Find the position with subscript 5 in the hash index array dk_indices, and take out the value stored there - 0, which is the position of the key-value pair in the dk_entries array;

iii. 找到dk_entries数组下标为0的位置,取出值对象me_value。(这里我不确定在查找时会不会再次验证me_key是否为'jim',感兴趣的读者可以自行去查看一下相应的源码)


3 容量策略


>>> import sys
>>> d1 = {}
>>> sys.getsizeof(d1)
>>> d2 = {&#39;a&#39;: 1}
>>> sys.getsizeof(d1)




# define USABLE_FRACTION(n) (((n) << 1)/3)


4 内存优化


entries = [    [&#39;--&#39;, &#39;--&#39;, &#39;--&#39;],
    [hash, key, value],
    [&#39;--&#39;, &#39;--&#39;, &#39;--&#39;],
    [hash, key, value],
    [&#39;--&#39;, &#39;--&#39;, &#39;--&#39;],


  • 由于哈希表必须保持稀疏,最多只有2/3满(太满会导致哈希冲突频发,性能下降),这意味着至少要浪费1/3的内存空间,而一个键值对条目PyDictKeyEntry的大小达到了24字节。试想一个规模为65536的哈希表,将浪费:

    65536 * 1/3 * 24 = 524288 B 大小的空间(512KB)


  • 此外,索引数组还可以根据哈希表的规模,选择不同大小的整数类型。对于规模不超过256的哈希表,选择8位整数即可;对于规模不超过65536的哈希表,16位整数足以;其他以此类推。


哈希表规模 entries表规模 旧方案所需内存(B) 新方案所需内存(B) 节约内存(B)
8 8 * 2/3 = 5 24 * 8 = 192 1 * 8 + 24 * 5 = 128 64
256 256 * 2/3 = 170 24 * 256 = 6144 1 * 256 + 24 * 170 = 4336 1808
65536 65536 * 2/3 = 43690 24 * 65536 = 1572864 2 * 65536 + 24 * 43690 = 1179632 393232

5 dict中哈希表


5.1 哈希函数


i. 哈希值在对象的整个生命周期内不能改变

ii. 可比较,并且比较结果相等的两个对象的哈希值必须相同


>>> hash([])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: &#39;list&#39;


>>> {[]: &#39;list is not hashable&#39;}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
    {[]: &#39;list is not hashable&#39;}
TypeError: unhashable type: &#39;list&#39;
>>> {{}: &#39;list is not hashable&#39;}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
    {{}: &#39;list is not hashable&#39;}
TypeError: unhashable type: &#39;dict&#39;


>>> class A:
>>> a = A()
>>> b = A()
>>> hash(a), hash(b)
(160513133217, 160513132857)
>>>a == b
>>> a is b


5.2 哈希冲突


  • 解决哈希冲突的常用方法有两种:

    i. 链地址法(seperate chaining)

    ii. 开放定址法(open addressing)

    • 为每个哈希槽维护一个链表,所有哈希到同一槽位的键保存到对应的链表中

这是Python采用的方法。将数据直接保存于哈希槽位中,如果槽位已被占用,则尝试另一个。一般而言,第i次尝试会在首槽位基础上加上一定的偏移量di。因此,探测方法因函数di而异。常见的方法有线性探测(linear probing)以及平方探测(quadratic probing)

  • 线性探测:di是一个线性函数,如:di = 2 * i

  • 平方探测:di是一个二次函数,如:di = i ^ 2


static Py_ssize_t _Py_HOT_FUNCTION
lookdict(PyDictObject *mp, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash, PyObject **value_addr)
    size_t i, mask, perturb;
    PyDictKeysObject *dk;
    PyDictKeyEntry *ep0;
    dk = mp->ma_keys;
    ep0 = DK_ENTRIES(dk);
    mask = DK_MASK(dk);
    perturb = hash;
    i = (size_t)hash & mask;
    for (;;) {
        Py_ssize_t ix = dk_get_index(dk, i);
        // 省略键比较部分代码
        // 计算下个槽位
        // 由于参考了对象哈希值,探测序列因哈希值而异
        perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT;
        i = (i*5 + perturb + 1) & mask;


5.3 哈希攻击


>>> import os
>>> os.getpid()
>>> hash(&#39;fashion&#39;)
>>> import os
>>> os.getpid()
>>> hash(&#39;fashion&#39;)


  • 产生上述问题的原因是:Python3.3之前的哈希算法只根据对象本身来计算哈希值,这样会导致攻击者很容易构建哈希值相同的key。于是,Python之后在计算对象哈希值时,会加。具体做法如下:

    i. Python解释器进程启动后,产生一个随机数作为盐

    ii. 哈希函数同时参考对象本身以及盐计算哈希值


5.4 删除操作


Python built-in type dict source code analysis



#define DKIX_EMPTY (-1)
#define DKIX_DUMMY (-2)  /* Used internally */
#define DKIX_ERROR (-3)
  • 对于被删除元素在dk_entries中对应的存储单元,Python是不做处理的。假设此时再插入key4,Python会直接使用dk_entries[3],而不会使用被删除的key2所占用的dk_entries[1]。这里会存在一定的浪费。

5.5 问题


static int
dictresize(PyDictObject *mp, Py_ssize_t minsize)
    /* Find the smallest table size > minused. */
    for (newsize = PyDict_MINSIZE;
         newsize < minsize && newsize > 0;
         newsize <<= 1)
    // ... 



函数dictresize()的参数Py_ssize_t minsize由GROWTH_RATE宏传入:

#define GROWTH_RATE(d) ((d)->ma_used*3)
static int
insertion_resize(PyDictObject *mp)
    return dictresize(mp, GROWTH_RATE(mp));
  • 这里的for循环就是不断对newsize进行翻倍变化,找到大于minsize的最小值

  • 扩容时,Python分配新的哈希索引数组和键值对数组,然后将旧数组中的键值对逐一拷贝到新数组,再调整数组指针指向新数组,最后回收旧数组。这里的拷贝并不是直接拷贝过去,而是逐个插入新表的过程,这是因为哈希表的规模改变了,相应的哈希函数值对哈希表长度取模后的结果也会变化,所以不能直接拷贝。

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