Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >What are the common methods for python string slicing?
Slicing: refers to the operation of intercepting a part of the operation object. Strings, lists, and tuples all support slicing operations
Syntax: Sequence [start position subscript: end position subscript: step size], does not include the end position subscript data, the step size is the selection interval, either positive or negative, the default is 1
Examples are as follows:
str = 'abcdefg_a' print(str[1:6:2], str[2:6], str[:3], str[3:], str[:]) print(str[::2], str[:-2], str[-6:-2], str[::-2], str[::-1]) print(str[-2:], str[2:-2], str[-2::-2], str[:-2:2], str[2:-2:2]) 输出: bdf cdef abc defg_a abcdefg_a acega abcdefg defg ageca a_gfedcba _a cdefg _fdb aceg ceg
Search for a string: That is, find the substring in the character The position in the string or the number of occurrences
find():Detect whether a certain string is included in a certain string, and if it exists, return the substring The starting position subscript of the string, otherwise returns -1
Syntax: String sequence.find(substring, starting position subscript, End position subscript)
#index(): Detect whether a substring is included in a string, and if it exists, return the substring below the start position mark, otherwisereport an exception
Syntax: String sequence.index(substring, start position subscript, end position Subscript)
rfind(): has the same function as find(), but the search direction starts from the right, that is, the last occurrence position of the substring is returned.
rindex(): has the same function as index(), but the search direction starts from the right, that is, the last occurrence position of the substring is returned
count(): Returns the number of times a certain substring appears in the string
For example:
str = 'abcdefg_a' print('-------------------查找-------------------') print(str.find('c'), str.find('fg', 2, ), str.find('a', 2), str.find('h')) print(str.index('c'), str.index('fg', 2, ), str.index('a', 2)) print(str.find('a'), str.rfind('a'), str.index('a'), str.rindex('a'), str.count('a')) print(str.index('h')) 输出: -------------------查找------------------- 2 5 8 -1 2 5 8 0 8 0 8 2 ValueError: substring not found
Modify string:Modify the data in the string through function form
replace(): Replace
Syntax: String sequence.replace(old substring, new substring, maximum number of replacements)
split (): Split the string according to the specified characters
Syntax: String sequence.split (split characters, number of splits) # The number of data returned is the number of splits 1
join(): Combine strings with one character or substring, that is, merge multiple strings into a new string
Syntax: character or substring.join (sequence composed of multiple strings)
capitalize(): Convert the first character of the string to uppercase, convert Only the first character is capitalized, and the rest are lowercase
Syntax: String sequence.capitalize()
title( ): Convert the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase
lower(): Convert the uppercase letters in the string to lowercase
upper( ): Convert the string from lower case to upper case
swapcase(): Convert the string from upper to lower case
partition('separator') : Split the string according to the specified delimiter and return a triplet, consisting of left substring, delimiter, and right substring
min(str): Returns the string str Minimum letters
max(str): Returns the maximum letter
zfill(width): Outputs characters with a specified length of width String, right-aligned, with 0s added in front if the length exceeds the specified length.
lstrip(): Delete the space characters on the left side of the string
rstrip(): Delete space characters on the right side of the string
strip(): Delete space characters on both sides of the string
ljust() : The string is left-aligned and padded to the corresponding length with specified characters (default spaces)
Syntax: String sequence.ljust(length, padding character)
rjust(): The string is right-aligned and filled with specified characters (default spaces) to the corresponding length
Syntax: String sequence .rjust (length, padding characters)
For example:
print('--------------修改--------------') str1 = 'hello python and hello IT and hello world and hello YX !' print(str1.replace('and','&&')) print(str1.split('and'), str1.split('and', 2)) l = ['Hello', 'world', '!'] t = ('Hello', 'python', '!') print('_'.join(l), ' '.join(t)) # 用下划线_和空格连接 print(str1.capitalize()) # 首字符转为大写,其余均小写 print(str1.title()) # 每个单词首字母转为大写 str2 = ' Hello World ! ' print(str2.lower(), str2.upper(), str2.swapcase()) # 大写转小写,小写转大写,翻转大小写 print(str2.partition('rl'), str2.partition('o')) # 根据指定分隔符将字符串分割,返回三元元组 print(min(str2), max(str2), ord(min(str2)), ord(max(str2))) # str2中最小为空格对应十进制32,最大为r对应114 print(str2.zfill(21)) # 输出指定长度为21的字符串,右对齐,不足前面补0,超出指定长度则原样输出 print(str2.lstrip(), str2.rstrip(), str2.strip()) # 清除字符串左、右、两边空格字符 str3 = 'hello!' print(str3.ljust(13, '*'), str3.rjust(13, '*'), str3.center(14, '*')) 输出: --------------修改-------------- hello python && hello IT && hello world && hello YX ! ['hello python ', ' hello IT ', ' hello world ', ' hello YX !'] ['hello python ', ' hello IT ', ' hello world and hello YX !'] Hello_world_! Hello python ! Hello python and hello it and hello world and hello yx ! Hello Python And Hello It And Hello World And Hello Yx ! hello world ! HELLO WORLD ! hELLO wORLD ! (' Hello Wo', 'rl', 'd ! ') (' Hell', 'o', ' World ! ') r 32 114 00 Hello World ! Hello World ! Hello World ! Hello World ! hello!******* *******hello! ****hello!****2.3 Judgment
print('---------------判断----------------') str3 = 'hello!' print(str3.startswith('he'), str3.startswith('she'), str3.startswith('he',2,)) print(str3.endswith('!'), str3.endswith('。'), str3.endswith('!', 2, 5)) print(str3.isalpha(),str3.isalnum(), str3.isdigit(), str3.isspace()) 输出: ---------------判断---------------- True False False True False False False False False False
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