Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >jQuery focus chart carousel special effects code sharing (3 models)_jquery
The example in this article describes the jQuery focus chart carousel special effects code. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
The source code for three multi-functional atmospheric focus chart carousel effects implemented by jQuery cxSlide is a focus chart carousel code with three different styles and effects. Two of them are the most interesting. One is to divide the focus chart picture into four. block, each picture is connected to a different address, and it also has the effect that when the mouse hovers over the inner picture, other pictures will darken. The other one is a focus picture carousel code with thumbnails and text description effects. .
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The jQuery focus image carousel special effects code shared with you is as follows
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>多功能大气jQuery焦点图轮播特效插件jQuery cxSlide</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/demo.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/layout.css"> </head> <body> <div class="wrap"> <div class="side"> <dl class="about"> <dt>jQuery焦点图轮播</dt> </dl> </div> <div class="main"> <div class="inwrap"> <h1>jQuery焦点图轮换插件jQuery cxSlide</h1> <h2>示例</h2> <div class="example"> <h3>常见焦点图展示</h3> <div id="cxslide_x" class="cxslide_x"> <div class="box"> <ul class="list"> <li><a href="#1"><img src="img/slide_1.jpg" width="600" height="280"></a><p>焦点图说明文字 111</p></li> <li><a href="#2"><img src="img/slide_2.jpg" width="600" height="280"></a><p>焦点图说明文字 222</p></li> <li><a href="#3"><img src="img/slide_3.jpg" width="600" height="280"></a><p>焦点图说明文字 333</p></li> <li><a href="#4"><img src="img/slide_4.jpg" width="600" height="280"></a><p>焦点图说明文字 444</p></li> <li><a href="#5"><img src="img/slide_5.jpg" width="600" height="280"></a><p>焦点图说明文字 555</p></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="example"> <h3>大模块展示</h3> <div id="cxslide_y" class="cxslide_y"> <div class="box"> <ul class="list"> <li><a href="#"><img src="img/y1.jpg" width="780" height="420"></a></li> <li> <div style="float:left;width:560px;"> <a href="#"><img src="img/y2-1.jpg" width="560" height="420"></a> </div> <div style="float:left;width:220px;"> <a href="#"><img src="img/y2-2.jpg" width="220" height="140"></a> <a href="#"><img src="img/y2-3.jpg" width="220" height="140"></a> <a href="#"><img src="img/y2-4.jpg" width="220" height="140"></a> </div> </li> <li> <div style="float:left;width:520px;"> <a href="#"><img src="img/y3-1.jpg" width="260" height="210"></a><a href="#"><img src="img/y3-2.jpg" width="260" height="210"></a> <a href="#"><img src="img/y3-3.jpg" width="520" height="210"></a> </div> <div style="float:left;width:260px;"> <a href="#"><img src="img/y3-4.jpg" width="260" height="420"></a> </div> </li> <li> <div style="float:left;width:560px;"> <a href="#"><img src="img/y4-1.jpg" width="560" height="420"></a> </div> <div style="float:left;width:220px;"> <a href="#"><img src="img/y4-2.jpg" width="220" height="140"></a> <a href="#"><img src="img/y4-3.jpg" width="220" height="140"></a> <a href="#"><img src="img/y4-4.jpg" width="220" height="140"></a> </div> </li> <li><a href="#"><img src="img/y5.jpg" width="780" height="420"></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="example"> <h3>自定义按钮内容</h3> <div id="cxslide_fade" class="cxslide_fade"> <div class="box"> <ul class="list"> <li><a href="#"> <img src="img/fade1.jpg"> <div class="txt"> <h4>玩转早春自驾游</h4> <p>春暖花开,万物复苏;</p> <p>到处洋溢着花香的气息;</p> <p>连上七天班的心蠢蠢欲动;</p> <p>不如趁着清明小长假,来次放松心情的自驾游吧!</p> </div> </a></li> <li><a href="#"> <img src="img/fade2.jpg"> <div class="txt"> <h4 style="color:#9E6452;">十二星座屌丝男把妹秘籍</h4> <p style="color:#9E6452;">窈窕淑女,屌丝好逑。</p> <p style="color:#9E6452;">那么多美好的妹子,为什么一个都不是你的?</p> <p style="color:#9E6452;">全速武装起来,妹子和机会一样,都喜欢有准备的人。</p> <p style="color:#9E6452;">十二星座的单身男人们,发福利啦!</p> </div> </a></li> <li><a href="#"> <img src="img/fade3.jpg"> <div class="txt"> <h4>风调日和清明天</h4> <p>气清景明,万物皆显,春意正浓</p> <p>包含了扫墓祭祀的悼念哀思</p> <p>和踏青游玩的欢笑嬉戏</p> <p>好一派风调日和清明天~</p> </div> </a></li> <li><a href="#"> <img src="img/fade4.jpg"> <div class="txt"> <h4 style="color:#68262C;">愚人节玩具大作战</h4> <p style="color:#333333;">每年的愚人节都是整蛊搞笑玩具纷纷现身的时候,</p> <p style="color:#333333;">今年又有哪些意想不到的玩意呢?</p> <p style="color:#333333;">小编为你搜罗了本年度大热的整蛊玩具,</p> <p style="color:#333333;">在愚人节这天选上几样,"愚"乐一下你的朋友们吧~</p> </div> </a></li> <li><a href="#"> <img src="img/fade5.jpg"> <div class="txt"> <h4 style="color:#8D5930;">家居大换装</h4> <p style="color:#8D5930;">春天已经姗姗而来</p> <p style="color:#8D5930;">青青小草破土而出,花儿争奇斗放</p> <p style="color:#8D5930;">大自然到处都换上了春装</p> <p style="color:#8D5930;">是不是该给家居也换个装了呢!</p> </div> </a></li> <li><a href="#"> <img src="img/fade6.jpg"> <div class="txt"> <h4 style="color:#0C6796;">正是赏花好时节</h4> <p style="color:#0C6796;">天气逐渐回暖,花朵开始绽放</p> <p 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<script src="js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.cxslide.min.js"></script> <script> $('#cxslide_x').cxSlide({ plus: true, minus: true }); $('#cxslide_y').cxSlide({ type: 'y' }); $('#cxslide_fade').cxSlide({ events: 'mouseover', type: 'fade', speed: 300 }); </script> </body> </html>
The above is the jQuery focus image carousel special effect code shared with you. I hope you like it.