Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >jquery implements simple secondary navigation drop-down menu effect_jquery
The example in this article describes how jquery implements a simple secondary navigation drop-down menu effect. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
The secondary navigation menu effect implemented by jQuery code is very simple. Friends who like simple style can download it. The menu supports up to two levels, and the cooperation of CSS is also very important. I won’t go into more details. If you want the code, just copy it.
The screenshot of the running effect is as follows:
The online demo address is as follows:
The specific code is as follows:
<title>jquery二级导航菜单</title> <style> .ddsmoothmenu { MARGIN: 0px auto; FONT: 12px Verdana; WIDTH: 730px } .ddsmoothmenu UL { PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px;BACKGROUND: #2b9801; Z-INDEX: 100; FLOAT: left; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI { DISPLAY: block; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 81px; LINE-HEIGHT: 31px; POSITION: relative; TEXT-ALIGN: center } HTML .ddsmoothmenu UL LI { FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 81px; LINE-HEIGHT: 31px; POSITION: relative; TEXT-ALIGN: center } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI A { DISPLAY: block; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; WIDTH: 81px; TEXT-DECORATION: none } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI A:link { COLOR: #fff } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI A:visited { COLOR: #fff } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI A:hover { COLOR: #ffff00 } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI UL { LEFT: 0px; VISIBILITY: hidden; POSITION: absolute } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI UL LI { BACKGROUND: #2b9801; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 81px; LINE-HEIGHT: 25px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #96d47d 1px solid } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI UL LI A { DISPLAY: block; WIDTH: 81px; TEXT-DECORATION: none } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI UL LI A:hover { BACKGROUND: #51b228 } .ddsmoothmenu UL LI UL LI UL { TOP: 0px } .downarrowclass { DISPLAY: none; POSITION: absolute } .rightarrowclass { DISPLAY: none; POSITION: absolute } .ddshadow { BACKGROUND: silver; LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 0px } .toplevelshadow { opacity: 0.8 } </style> <SCRIPT src="jquery1.3.2.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var ddsmoothmenu={ //Specify full URL to down and right arrow images (23 is padding-right added to top level LIs with drop downs): arrowimages: {down:['downarrowclass', '', 0], right:['rightarrowclass', '']}, transition: {overtime:300, outtime:300}, //duration of slide in/ out animation, in milliseconds shadow: {enabled:false, offsetx:5, offsety:5}, detectwebkit: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("applewebkit")!=-1, //detect WebKit browsers (Safari, Chrome etc) getajaxmenu:function($, setting){ //function to fetch external page containing the panel DIVs var $menucontainer=$('#'+setting.contentsource[0]) //reference empty div on page that will hold menu $menucontainer.html("Loading Menu...") $.ajax({ url: setting.contentsource[1], //path to external menu file async: true, error:function(ajaxrequest){ $menucontainer.html('Error fetching content. Server Response: '+ajaxrequest.responseText) }, success:function(content){ $menucontainer.html(content) ddsmoothmenu.buildmenu($, setting) } }) }, buildshadow:function($, $subul){ }, buildmenu:function($, setting){ var smoothmenu=ddsmoothmenu var $mainmenu=$("#"+setting.mainmenuid+">ul") //reference main menu UL var $headers=$mainmenu.find("ul").parent() $headers.each(function(i){ var $curobj=$(this).css({zIndex: 100-i}) //reference current LI header var $subul=$(this).find('ul:eq(0)').css({display:'block'}) this._dimensions={w:this.offsetWidth, h:this.offsetHeight, subulw:$subul.outerWidth(), subulh:$subul.outerHeight()} this.istopheader=$curobj.parents("ul").length==1? true : false //is top level header? $subul.css({top:this.istopheader? this._dimensions.h+"px" : 0}) $curobj.children("a:eq(0)").css(this.istopheader? {paddingRight: smoothmenu.arrowimages.down[2]} : {}).append( //add arrow images '<img src="'+ (this.istopheader? smoothmenu.arrowimages.down[1] : smoothmenu.arrowimages.right[1]) +'" class="' + (this.istopheader? smoothmenu.arrowimages.down[0] : smoothmenu.arrowimages.right[0]) + '" style="border:0;" />' ) if (smoothmenu.shadow.enabled){ this._shadowoffset={x:(this.istopheader?$subul.offset().left+smoothmenu.shadow.offsetx : this._dimensions.w), y:(this.istopheader? $subul.offset().top+smoothmenu.shadow.offsety : $curobj.position().top)} //store this shadow's offsets if (this.istopheader) $parentshadow=$(document.body) else{ var $parentLi=$curobj.parents("li:eq(0)") $parentshadow=$parentLi.get(0).$shadow } this.$shadow=$('<div class="ddshadow'+(this.istopheader? ' toplevelshadow' : '')+'"></div>').prependTo($parentshadow).css({left:this._shadowoffset.x+'px', top:this._shadowoffset.y+'px'}) //insert shadow DIV and set it to parent node for the next shadow div } $curobj.hover( function(e){ var $targetul=$(this).children("ul:eq(0)") this._offsets={left:$(this).offset().left, top:$(this).offset().top} var menuleft=this.istopheader? 0 : this._dimensions.w menuleft=(this._offsets.left+menuleft+this._dimensions.subulw>$(window).width())? (this.istopheader? -this._dimensions.subulw+this._dimensions.w : -this._dimensions.w) : menuleft //calculate this sub menu's offsets from its parent if ($targetul.queue().length<=1){ //if 1 or less queued animations $targetul.css({left:menuleft+"px", width:this._dimensions.subulw+'px'}).animate({height:'show',opacity:'show'}, ddsmoothmenu.transition.overtime) if (smoothmenu.shadow.enabled){ var shadowleft=this.istopheader? $targetul.offset().left+ddsmoothmenu.shadow.offsetx : menuleft var shadowtop=this.istopheader?$targetul.offset().top+smoothmenu.shadow.offsety : this._shadowoffset.y if (!this.istopheader && ddsmoothmenu.detectwebkit){ //in WebKit browsers, restore shadow's opacity to full this.$shadow.css({opacity:1}) } this.$shadow.css({overflow:'', width:this._dimensions.subulw+'px', left:shadowleft+'px', top:shadowtop+'px'}).animate({height:this._dimensions.subulh+'px'}, ddsmoothmenu.transition.overtime) } } }, function(e){ var $targetul=$(this).children("ul:eq(0)") $targetul.animate({height:'hide', opacity:'hide'}, ddsmoothmenu.transition.outtime) if (smoothmenu.shadow.enabled){ if (ddsmoothmenu.detectwebkit){ //in WebKit browsers, set first child shadow's opacity to 0, as "overflow:hidden" doesn't work in them this.$shadow.children('div:eq(0)').css({opacity:0}) } this.$shadow.css({overflow:'hidden'}).animate({height:0}, ddsmoothmenu.transition.outtime) } } ) //end hover }) //end $headers.each() $mainmenu.find("ul").css({display:'none', visibility:'visible'}) }, init:function(setting){ if (typeof setting.customtheme=="object" && setting.customtheme.length==2){ var mainmenuid='#'+setting.mainmenuid document.write('<style type="text/css">\n' +mainmenuid+', '+mainmenuid+' ul li a {background:'+setting.customtheme[0]+';}\n' +mainmenuid+' ul li a:hover {background:'+setting.customtheme[1]+';}\n' +'</style>') } jQuery(document).ready(function($){ //override default menu colors (default/hover) with custom set? if (typeof setting.contentsource=="object"){ //if external ajax menu ddsmoothmenu.getajaxmenu($, setting) } else{ //else if markup menu ddsmoothmenu.buildmenu($, setting) } }) } } //end ddsmoothmenu variable //Initialize Menu instance(s): ddsmoothmenu.init({ mainmenuid: "smoothmenu1", //menu DIV id customtheme: [], //override default menu CSS background values? Uncomment: ["normal_background", "hover_background"] contentsource: "markup" //"markup" or ["container_id", "path_to_menu_file"] }) </SCRIPT> <DIV class=ddsmoothmenu id=smoothmenu1> <UL> <LI><A href="#">首页</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">一年级</A> <UL> <LI><A href="#">一年级1班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">一年级2班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">一年级3班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">一年级4班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">一年级5班</A> </LI></UL></LI> <LI><A href="#">二年级</A> <UL> <LI><A href="#">二年级1班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">二年级2班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">二年级3班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">二年级4班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">二年级5班</A> </LI></UL></LI> <LI><A href="#">三年级</A> <UL> <LI><A href="#">三年级1班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">三年级2班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">三年级3班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">三年级4班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">三年级5班</A> </LI></UL></LI> <LI><A href="#">四年级</A> <UL> <LI><A href="#">四年级1班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">四年级2班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">四年级3班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">四年级4班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">四年级5班</A> </LI></UL></LI> <LI><A href="#">五年级</A> <UL> <LI><A href="#">五年级1班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">五年级2班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">五年级3班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">五年级4班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">五年级5班</A> </LI></UL></LI> <LI><A href="#">六年级</A> <UL> <LI><A href="#">六年级1班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">六年级2班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">六年级3班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">六年级4班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">六年级5班</A> </LI></UL></LI> <LI><A href="#">七年级</A> <UL> <LI><A href="#">七年级1班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">七年级2班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">七年级3班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">七年级4班</A> </LI> <LI><A href="#">七年级5班</A> </LI></UL></LI> </UL> </DIV>
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s jquery programming design.