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How to automate testing with Laravel? Example sharing of PHPUnit and PEST

2022-12-12 20:18:451729browse

LaravelHow to perform automated testing? The following article uses a simple example using PHPUnit and PEST to learn how to start testing in Laravel. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

How to automate testing with Laravel? Example sharing of PHPUnit and PEST

When we talk about automated testing or unit testing for any programming language, there are generally two categories of people:

  • Those who don’t write automated tests and People who think they are wasting their time
  • Those who write tests and then can't imagine their job without them

So, through this article I will try to convince the former to have a look at it Benefits and see how easy it is to start automated testing in Laravel. [Related recommendations: laravel video tutorial]

First, let’s talk about “why”, and then I will show some very basic “how to test” examples.

Why you need automated testing

Automated tests are not complicated: they just run parts of your code for you and report any errors. That's the simplest way to describe them. Imagine you are launching a new feature in your app, and then a robot assistant manually tests the new feature for you while testing that the new code doesn't break anything in the old feature.

The advantage of this is: automatically retest all functions. This may seem like extra work, but if you don't tell the "bot" to do it, then you should do it manually, right? Or do you roll out new features without detailed testing and hope users report bugs? I sarcastically call this approach "finger-cross-driven development."

With every new feature of your application, the returns from automated testing get higher and higher.

  • Feature 1: Save X minutes of testing time manually
  • Feature 2: Save 2X minutes - again for Feature 2 and Feature 1
  • Feature 3: Save 3X minutes…
  • etc.

You should understand. Imagine that within a year or two of your application, a new developer on the team doesn’t even know how “feature 1” works or how to reproduce it for testing. So, your future self will thank you very much for writing automated tests.

Of course, if you consider your project to be a very short-term project and you don't care much about its future... No, I trust your good intentions, so let me show you how easy it is to start testing.

Starting our first automated test

To run your first automated test in Laravel, you don’t need to write any code. Yes, you are not mistaken. Everything is already configured and ready in the default Laravel installation, including the first really basic example.

You can try to install a Laravel project and run the first test immediately:

laravel  new  project
cd  project
php  artisan  test

As expected, the terminal will output the following results:

 PASS  Tests\Unit\ExampleTest
✓ that true is true

 PASS  Tests\Feature\ExampleTest
✓ the application returns a successful response

Tests:  2 passed
Time:   0.10s

If we take a look The default Laravel /tests folder has two files in it.


class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    public function test_the_application_returns_a_successful_response()
        $response = $this->get('/');


You don’t need to know any syntax to understand what this code means: load the home page and check if the HTTP status code "200 OK".

You need to pay attention: when viewing the test results, how to change the method name test_the_application_returns_a_successful_response() into readable text, just replace the underline symbols with spaces.


class ExampleTest extends TestCase{
    public function test_that_true_is_true()

Such code seems meaningless. Is it necessary to check that the result is true? In a later segment, we will discuss unit testing in detail. For now, you just need to understand what typically happens in each test.

  • Each test file in the tests/ folder is a PHP class that extends PHPUnit’s TestCase
  • in each In a class, you can create multiple methods, usually one method is used for testing in one situation
  • There are three actions inside each method: prepare the situation, then act, and then check (assert) whether the result is Meets expectations

Structurally, this is all you need to know, everything else depends on what exactly you are trying to test.

To generate an empty test class, just run the following command:

php artisan make:test HomepageTest

It will generate the file tests/Feature/HomepageTest.php:

class HomepageTest extends TestCase{
    // Replace this method with your own ones
    public function test_example()
        $response = $this->get('/');


What if the test fails?

Let me show you what happens if a test assertion doesn't return the expected result.
Let's edit the example test to:

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    public function test_the_application_returns_a_successful_response()
        $response = $this->get('/non-existing-url');


class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    public function test_that_true_is_false()

Now if we run php artisan test again:

 FAIL  Tests\Unit\ExampleTest
⨯ that true is true

 FAIL  Tests\Feature\ExampleTest
⨯ the application returns a successful response


• Tests\Unit\ExampleTest > that true is true
Failed asserting that false is true.

at tests/Unit/ExampleTest.php:16
   12▕      * @return void
   13▕      */
   14▕     public function test_that_true_is_true()
   15▕     {
➜  16▕         $this->assertTrue(false);
   17▕     }
   18▕ }

• Tests\Feature\ExampleTest > the application returns a successful response
Expected response status code [200] but received 404.
Failed asserting that 200 is identical to 404.

at tests/Feature/ExampleTest.php:19
   15▕     public function test_the_application_returns_a_successful_response()
   16▕     {
   17▕         $response = $this->get('/non-existing-url');
➜  19▕         $response->assertStatus(200);
   20▕     }
   21▕ }

Tests:  2 failed
Time:   0.11s

As you can see, there are two statements Marked FAIL, explained below, arrow points to the exact test line where the assertion failed. So this is how the error appears. This is very convenient, isn't it?



你不一定知道,其实官方的 Laravel Breeze 入门套件附带了 内部功能测试?现在,让我们从那里看几个例子:


use App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;
use Tests\TestCase;

class RegistrationTest extends TestCase
    use RefreshDatabase;

    public function test_registration_screen_can_be_rendered()
        $response = $this->get('/register');


    public function test_new_users_can_register()
        $response = $this->post('/register', [
            'name' => 'Test User',
            'email' => 'test@example.com',
            'password' => 'password',
            'password_confirmation' => 'password',



我们来熟悉另外两个检查结果的方法,另外两个断言: $this->assertAuthenticated()$response->assertRedirect()。 你可以查看 PHPUnit and Laravel Response 官方文档中所有可用的断言。请记住,一些一般的断言发生在 $this 对象上,而另一些检查则来自于路由调用的特定 $response 语句。

另一件重要的事情是 use RefreshDatabase; 语句,使用这个 trait,包含在这个类的上方。当你的测试操作可能会影响数据库时,需要使用它,例如在本例中,注册会在 users 数据库表中添加一个新条目。为此,你需要创建一个单独的测试数据库,该数据库将会在每次测试中使用 php artisan migrate:fresh 命令时被刷新。

你有两个选择:物理上创建一个单独的数据库,或者使用内存中的 SQLite 数据库。它都在 Laravel 默认提供的文件 phpunit.xml 中配置。具体来说, 你需要这部分:

    <env name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>
    <env name="BCRYPT_ROUNDS" value="4"/>
    <env name="CACHE_DRIVER" value="array"/>
    <!-- <env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite"/> -->
    <!-- <env name="DB_DATABASE" value=":memory:"/> -->
    <env name="MAIL_MAILER" value="array"/>
    <env name="QUEUE_CONNECTION" value="sync"/>
    <env name="SESSION_DRIVER" value="array"/>
    <env name="TELESCOPE_ENABLED" value="false"/>

看到被注释掉的 DB_CONNECTIONDB_DATABASE 了吗?如果你的服务器上有 SQLite,最简单的操作就是取消注释这些行,你的测试将在该内存数据库上运行。




我们也可以使用 Database Testing assertions 并执行以下操作:

$this->assertDatabaseCount(&#39;users&#39;, 1);

// 或者...
$this->assertDatabaseHas(&#39;users&#39;, [
    &#39;email&#39; => &#39;test@example.com&#39;,


让我们看看另外一个来自 Laravel Breeze 的测试。


class AuthenticationTest extends TestCase
    use RefreshDatabase;

    public function test_login_screen_can_be_rendered()
        $response = $this->get(&#39;/login&#39;);


    public function test_users_can_authenticate_using_the_login_screen()
        $user = User::factory()->create();

        $response = $this->post(&#39;/login&#39;, [
            &#39;email&#39; => $user->email,
            &#39;password&#39; => &#39;password&#39;,


    public function test_users_can_not_authenticate_with_invalid_password()
        $user = User::factory()->create();

        $this->post(&#39;/login&#39;, [
            &#39;email&#39; => $user->email,
            &#39;password&#39; => &#39;wrong-password&#39;,



此外,你在这个测试中看到的是 Database 工厂类 的使用:Laravel 创建了一个假用户(再次, 在你的测试数据库刷新) 上,然后尝试使用正确或不正确的凭据登录。

同样,Laravel 为 User 模型生成带有假数据的默认工厂,开箱即用。


class UserFactory extends Factory
    public function definition()
        return [
            &#39;name&#39; => $this->faker->name(),
            &#39;email&#39; => $this->faker->unique()->safeEmail(),
            &#39;email_verified_at&#39; => now(),
            &#39;password&#39; => &#39;$2y$10$92IXUNpkjO0rOQ5byMi.Ye4oKoEa3Ro9llC/.og/at2.uheWG/igi&#39;, // password
            &#39;remember_token&#39; => Str::random(10),

看,有多少东西是 Laravel 本身提供的,所以我们很容易开始测试。

因此,如果我们在安装 Laravel Breeze 后运行 php artisan test, 我们应该会看到如下内容:

 PASS  Tests\Unit\ExampleTest
✓ that true is true

 PASS  Tests\Feature\Auth\AuthenticationTest
✓ login screen can be rendered
✓ users can authenticate using the login screen
✓ users can not authenticate with invalid password

 PASS  Tests\Feature\Auth\EmailVerificationTest
✓ email verification screen can be rendered
✓ email can be verified
✓ email is not verified with invalid hash

 PASS  Tests\Feature\Auth\PasswordConfirmationTest
✓ confirm password screen can be rendered
✓ password can be confirmed
✓ password is not confirmed with invalid password

 PASS  Tests\Feature\Auth\PasswordResetTest
✓ reset password link screen can be rendered
✓ reset password link can be requested
✓ reset password screen can be rendered
✓ password can be reset with valid token

 PASS  Tests\Feature\Auth\RegistrationTest
✓ registration screen can be rendered
✓ new users can register

 PASS  Tests\Feature\ExampleTest
✓ the application returns a successful response

Tests:  17 passed
Time:   0.61s

功能测试 VS 单元测试 VS 其他

你已经看到了 tests/Featuretests/Unit 子文件夹。两者之间有什么区别?答案有点“哲学”。

从测试的全局视角来看,在 Laravel/PHP 生态系统之外,有不同类型的自动化测试。你可以找到以下术语:

  • 单元测试
  • 功能测试
  • 集成测试
  • 功能测试
  • 端到端测试
  • 验收测试
  • 烟雾测试
  • 其他

这听起来很复杂,而且这些测试类型之间的实际差异有时是模糊的。这就是为什么 Laravel 简化了所有这些令人困惑的术语并将它们分为两类:单元测试/功能测试。

简而言之,功能测试尝试运行应用程序的实际功能:获取 URL、调用 API、模拟填写表单等确切行为。功能测试通常执行与任何项目用户在现实生活中手动执行的相同或相似的事情。

单元测试有两个含义。通常,你可能会发现任何自动化测试都称为「单元测试」,而整个过程可能称为「单元测试」。但是在功能与单元的上下文中,这个过程是关于单独测试代码的特定非公共单元。例如,你有一些 Laravel 类,它有一个计算某些东西的方法,比如带有参数的订单的总价格。因此,你的单元测试将断言该方法(代码单元)是否返回了具有不同参数的正确结果。


php artisan make:test OrderPriceTest --unit

生成的代码与 Laravel 的默认单元测试相同:

class OrderPriceTest extends TestCase
    public function test_example()

如你所见,没有 RefreshDatabase 行为的定义,这是单元测试最常见的定义之一:它不涉及数据库,它像一个「黑匣子」一样工作,与正在运行的应用程序隔离。

你可以尝试模仿我之前提到的示例,假设我们有一个服务类 OrderPrice


class OrderPriceService{
    public function calculatePrice($productId, $quantity, $tax = 0.0)
        // 某种计算逻辑


class OrderPriceTest extends TestCase{
    public function test_single_product_no_taxes()
        $product = Product::factory()->create(); // 生成假的产品数据
        $price = (new OrderPriceService())->calculatePrice($product->id, 1);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $price);

    public function test_single_product_with_taxes()
        $price = (new OrderPriceService())->calculatePrice($product->id, 1, 20);
        $this->assertEquals(1.2, $price);

    // 更多的参数和案例

从我个人对 Laravel 项目的经验而言,绝大多数测试是功能测试,而不是单元测试。首先,你需要测试你的应用程序是否正常工作,以及真实用户使用它的方式。




php artisan test 命令的实际用途是什么,我们应该在什么时候运行它?



如果我们更进一步,可以自动化的完成很多事情。如使用各种 CI/CD 工具,你可以指定在有人将更改推送到特定 Git 分支时或在将代码合并到生产分支之前执行的测试。最简单的工作流程是使用 Github Actions,在这里,我提供了 一个单独的视频 演示它。





我喜欢 Matt Stauffer 在一次会议上的措辞:「你需要先测试这些东西,如果它们失败了,你就会被解雇」。当然,这有点夸张,但你明白了:首先测试重要的事情。然后是其他功能,如果你有时间的话。

PEST:PHPUnit 的新流行替代品

以上所有示例均基于默认的 Laravel 测试工具:PHPUnit。但多年来,生态系统中出现了其他工具,最新流行的工具之一是 PEST。由 Laravel 官方员工 Nuno Maduro 创建,它的目标是简化语法,从而更快地编写测试代码。

在底层实现上,它基于 PHPUnit 运行;作为一个附属扩展,它只是试图最小化 PHPUnit 代码的一些默认重复部分。

让我们来看一个例子。还记得 Laravel 中默认的功能测试类吗?就如下面这段代码:

namespace Tests\Feature;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;
use Tests\TestCase;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    public function test_the_application_returns_a_successful_response()
        $response = $this->get(&#39;/&#39;);


让我们使用 PEST 来实现同样的测试,实现后的代码如下:

test(&#39;the application returns a successful response&#39;)->get(&#39;/&#39;)->assertStatus(200);

是的,一行代码,就是这样。因此,PEST 的目标是解决以下问题:

  • 为一切创建类和方法;
  • 扩展测试用例;
  • 将所有操作放在一行代码上 – 在 PEST 中,你可以使用链式操作把不同动作串联起来。

要在 Laravel 中生成 PEST 测试,你需要指定一个附加标志:

php artisan make:test HomepageTest --pest

在撰写本文时,PEST 在 Laravel 开发人员中相当流行,但是除了众所周知的 PHPUnit 之外,是否使用这个额外的工具并学习它的语法是你个人的喜好。





The above is the detailed content of How to automate testing with Laravel? Example sharing of PHPUnit and PEST. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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