" in es6 refers to an arrow function, which is a shorthand for a function. The syntax is (parameter) => {function body};". The syntax of arrow function expressions is more concise than that of function expressions. There is no This, super, arguments and new.target are bound and cannot be called through the new keyword, and the binding of this cannot be changed."/> " in es6 refers to an arrow function, which is a shorthand for a function. The syntax is (parameter) => {function body};". The syntax of arrow function expressions is more concise than that of function expressions. There is no This, super, arguments and new.target are bound and cannot be called through the new keyword, and the binding of this cannot be changed.">

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What does the es6 equal sign arrow mean?

2022-10-25 20:43:061375browse

The equal sign arrow "=>" in es6 refers to the arrow function, which is an abbreviation of a function. The syntax is (parameter)=>{function body};". The syntax of arrow function expression More concise than function expressions, there is no binding of this, super, arguments and new.target, it cannot be called through the new keyword, and the binding of this cannot be changed.

What does the es6 equal sign arrow mean?

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, ECMAScript version 6, Dell G3 computer.

=> is an arrow function, which is a new function added in the ES6 standard .As the name suggests, arrow functions are a new syntax that uses arrows (=>) to define functions. The syntax of arrow function expressions is more concise than function expressions, but it is slightly different from traditional JavaScript functions, mainly focusing on the following aspects. :

  • There is no binding of this, super, arguments and new.target, and its value is determined by the nearest non-arrow function in the periphery

  • Cannot Called through the new keyword

  • No prototype

  • The binding of this cannot be changed

  • The arguments object is not supported

  • Duplicate named parameters are not supported

  • The point of this in the function body always points to the object in which it is defined, and It will not point to the object that calls it. We know who executes the function in es5 and who it points to.

Execution Environment

You can learn and try it yourself, you can simply copy the sample program code to your browser console. Now, it is recommended to use Firefox(22) developer tools, Firefox(22) development The browser tool now supports arrow functions, and you can also use Google Chrome. If you use Google Chrome, you have to do the following two things:

  • In the address bar in Google Chrome Enter: about:flags, find the "Use experiential JavaScript" option and enable it.

  • Add use strict at the beginning of the function, and then test the arrow in your Google browser Function bar (tip: please use Google Chrome v38, I was fooled by the browser version at the time):

    "use strict";
    // use arrow functions here

Fortunately, more and more browsers will support it in the future. ES6 features. Now that you have completed all the preparations, let’s continue to dive into it!

A new topic

People are discussing recently about A topic in ES6: About arrow functions, like this:


New syntax

With the discussion, a new syntax was born:

param => expression

The new syntax is used on variables. Multiple variables can be declared in expressions. The following is the usage pattern of arrow functions:

//  一个参数对应一个表达式
param => expression;// 例如 x => x+2;

// 多个参数对应一个表达式
(param [, param]) => expression; //例如 (x,y) => (x + y);

// 一个参数对应多个表示式
param => {statements;} //例如 x = > { x++; return x;};

//  多个参数对应多个表达式
([param] [, param]) => {statements} // 例如 (x,y) => { x++;y++;return x*y;};

() => expression; //例如var flag = (() => 2)(); flag等于2
() => {statements;} //例如 var flag = (() => {return 1;})(); flag就等于1

([param]) => ({ key: value });
//例如  var fuc = (x) => ({key:x})
        var object = fuc(1);

Arrow function How is it implemented

We can convert an ordinary function into an arrow function to implement it:

// 当前函数
var func = function (param) {
    return param.split(" ");
// 利用箭头函数实现
var func = param => param.split(" ");

From the above example we can It can be seen that the syntax of the arrow function actually returns a new function, which has a function body and parameters.

Therefore, we can call the function we just created like this:

func("Felipe Moura"); // returns ["Felipe", "Moura"]

Immediate execution function (IIFE)

You Arrow functions can be used in immediate execution functions, for example:

( x => x * 2 )( 3 ); // 6

This line of code generates a temporary function. This function has a formal parameter x, and the return value of the function is x*2, and the system will execute it immediately. This temporary function assigns 3 to the formal parameter x.

The following example describes the situation where there are multiple lines of code in the temporary function body:

( (x, y) => {
    x = x * 2;
    return x + y;
})( 3, "A" ); // "6A"

Related thoughts

Consider the following function:

var func = x => {
    return x++;

We have listed some common problems:

The arrow function creates a temporary function whose arguments will not be Settings:

console.log(arguments); // not defined

typeof and instanceof function can also check temporary functions normally:

func instanceof Function; // true
typeof func; // function
func.constructor == Function; // true

Placing arrow functions within brackets is invalid :

//  有效的常规语法
(function (x, y){
    x= x * 2;
    return x + y;
} (3, "B") );
// 无效的箭头函数语法
( (x, y) => {
    x= x * 2;
    return x + y;
} ( 3, "A" ) );
// 但是可以这样写就是有效的了:
( (x,y) => {
    x= x * 2;return x + y;
} )( 3,"A" );//立即执行函数

Although the arrow function will generate a temporary function, this temporary function is not a constructor:

var instance= new func(); // TypeError: func is not a constructor

There is also no prototype object:

func.prototype; // undefined


The scope of this arrow function is somewhat different from other functions. If it is not in strict mode, the this keyword points to window, and in strict mode it is undefined, in the constructor This points to the current object instance. If this is within a function of an object, this points to the object. This may point to a DOM element. For example, when we add an event listening function, this may point to something other than It's very straightforward. In fact, the pointing of this (not just this variable) variables is judged according to a rule: scope flow. Below I will demonstrate how this appears in the event listening function and in the object function:

In the event listening function:

document.body.addEventListener('click', function(evt){
    console.log(this); // the HTMLBodyElement itself

In the constructor:

function Person () {
    let fullName = null;
    this.getName = function () {
        return fullName;
    this.setName = function (name) {
        fullName = name;
        return this;
let jon = new Person();
jon.setName("Jon Doe");
console.log(jon.getName()); // "Jon Doe"

In In this example, if we let the Person.setName function return the Person object itself, we can use it like this:

jon.setName("Jon Doe")
.getName(); // "Jon Doe"

In an object:

let obj = {
    foo: "bar",
    getIt: function () {
        return this.foo;
console.log( obj.getIt() ); // "bar"


function Student(data){
    this.name = data.name || "Jon Doe";
    this.age = data.age>=0 ? data.age : -1;
    this.getInfo = function () {
        return this.name + ", " + this.age;
    this.sayHi = function () {
        window.setTimeout( function () {
            console.log( this );
        }, 100 );

let mary = new Student({
    name: "Mary Lou",
    age: 13
console.log( mary.getInfo() ); // "Mary Lou, 13"
// window




function Student(data){
    this.name = data.name || "Jon Doe";
    this.age = data.age>=0 ? data.age : -1;
    this.getInfo = function () {
        return this.name + ", " + this.age;
    this.sayHi = function () {
        window.setTimeout( ()=>{
            // the only difference is here
            console.log( this );
        }, 100 );

let mary = new Student({
    name: "Mary Lou",
    age: 13
console.log( mary.getInfo() ); // "Mary Lou, 13"
// Object { name: "Mary Lou", age: 13, ... }





var arr = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
arr.forEach(vowel => {

分析:在forEach里箭头函数会创建并返回一个临时函数 tempFun,这个tempFun你可以想象成这样的:function(vowel){ console.log(vowel);}但是Array.forEach函数会怎么去处理传入的tempFunc呢?在forEach函数里会这样调用它:tempFunc.call(this,value);所有我们看到函数的正确执行效果。


var arr = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
arr.map(vowel => {
    return vowel.toUpperCase();
// [ "A", "E", "I", "O", "U" ]


var factorial = (n) => {
    if(n==0) {
        return 1;
    return (n * factorial (n-1) );
factorial(6); // 720


let arr = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
arr.sort( (a, b)=&gt; a < b? 1: -1 );


// EventObject, BodyElement
document.body.addEventListener('click', event=&gt;console.log(event, this));




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