Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >JQuery implements image carousel effect_jquery
[Brief description of principle]
Here is a brief description of the entire process:
1, hide all pictures except the first one,
2. Get the alt information of the first picture and display it in the information bar, and add a click event
3. Add click listening for the 4 buttons, click the corresponding button, and use the fadeOut and fadeIn methods to display the image
4. Set setInterval and execute the switching function regularly
[Code description]
filter(":visible") : Get all visible elements
unbind(): Removes the bound event from the matching element
siblings: Get an element set containing all unique sibling elements of each element in the matched element set
Example: Find elements with the class name selected among all sibling elements of each div.
<p>Hello</p><div><span>Hello Again</span></div><p>And Again</p>
Execute $("div").siblings(), the result
[ <p>Hello</p>, <p>And Again</p> ]
[Program source code]
HTML part:
<body> <div id="banner"> <div id="banner_bg"></div><!--标题背景--> <div id="banner_info"></div><!--标题--> <ul> <li class="on">1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li>4</li> </ul> <div id="banner_list"> <a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/p1.jpg" title="JQuery implements image carousel effect_jquery" alt="JQuery implements image carousel effect_jquery"/></a> <a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/p5.jpg" title="JQuery implements image carousel effect_jquery" alt="JQuery implements image carousel effect_jquery"/></a> <a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/p3.jpg" title="JQuery implements image carousel effect_jquery" alt="JQuery implements image carousel effect_jquery"/></a> <a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/p4.jpg" title="JQuery implements image carousel effect_jquery" alt="JQuery implements image carousel effect_jquery"/></a> </div> </div> </body>
CSS part:
<style type="text/css"> #banner {position:relative; width:478px; height:286px; border:1px solid #666; overflow:hidden;} #banner_list img {border:0px;} #banner_bg {position:absolute; bottom:0;background-color:#000;height:30px;filter: Alpha(Opacity=30);opacity:0.3;z-index:1000; cursor:pointer; width:478px;} #banner_info{position:absolute; bottom:0; left:5px;height:22px;color:#fff;z-index:1001;cursor:pointer} #banner_text {position:absolute;width:120px;z-index:1002; right:3px; bottom:3px;} #banner ul {position:absolute;list-style-type:none;filter: Alpha(Opacity=80);opacity:0.8; border:1px solid #fff;z-index:1002; margin:0; padding:0; bottom:3px; right:5px;} #banner ul li { padding:0px 8px;float:left;display:block;color:#FFF;border:#e5eaff 1px solid;background:#6f4f67;cursor:pointer} #banner ul li.on { background:#900} #banner_list a{position:absolute;} <!-- 让四张图片都可以重叠在一起--> </style>
JS part:
<script type="text/javascript"> var t = n =0, count; $(document).ready(function(){ count=$("#banner_list a").length; $("#banner_list a:not(:first-child)").hide(); $("#banner_info").html($("#banner_list a:first-child").find("img").attr('alt')); $("#banner_info").click(function(){window.open($("#banner_list a:first-child").attr('href'), "_blank")}); $("#banner li").click(function() { var i = $(this).text() -1;//获取Li元素内的值,即1,2,3,4 n = i; if (i >= count) return; $("#banner_info").html($("#banner_list a").eq(i).find("img").attr('alt')); $("#banner_info").unbind().click(function(){window.open($("#banner_list a").eq(i).attr('href'), "_blank")}) $("#banner_list a").filter(":visible").fadeOut(500).parent().children().eq(i).fadeIn(1000); document.getElementById("banner").style.background=""; $(this).toggleClass("on"); $(this).siblings().removeAttr("class"); }); t = setInterval("showAuto()", 4000); $("#banner").hover(function(){clearInterval(t)}, function(){t = setInterval("showAuto()", 4000);}); }) function showAuto() { n = n >=(count -1) ?0 : ++n; $("#banner li").eq(n).trigger('click'); } </script>
The above is the entire process of implementing image carousel with JQuery. I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s learning.