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Let's talk about how to use Node.js to build a static web server

2022-08-16 20:36:502559browse

How to use Node.js to build a static web server? The following article will teach you step by step how to use Node.js to build a static web server. I hope it will be helpful to you!

Let's talk about how to use Node.js to build a static web server

1. The concept of dynamic and static servers

1.1 The concept of static Web server

We usually call itStatic Web Server is a static website. Its main feature is that all content on the server is ready-made and does not require additional processing on the backend. When we send a web page request to the static server, the server only needs to return the corresponding html file based on our request path (URL).

A static website refers to a website that is entirely composed of HTML (a subset of the Standard Universal Markup Language) code format pages, and all content is included in the web page file. Various visual dynamic effects can also appear on web pages, such as GIF animations, FLASH animations, rolling subtitles, etc. Websites are mainly composed of static pages and codes. Generally, file names are suffixed with htm, html, shtml, etc. ——Baidu Encyclopedia

Corresponding to static websites is our most common dynamic Web server. The biggest feature of this type of server is that all resources are usually not in the format of html# It is stored in the form of ##, but requires back-end query data, and then returns it to the user after composing a web page. The content seen by each user may be different. For example, in the web server built by Java, we can use JSP to splice web pages to form a user-specific page.

(1) Dynamic web pages are based on database technology, which can greatly reduce the workload of website maintenance;

(2) Websites using dynamic web pages technology can achieve more functions , such as user registration, user login, online survey, user management, order management, etc.;

(3) Dynamic web pages are not actually web pages that exist independently on the server. The server only opens the file when the user requests it. Return a complete web page;

(4) "?" in dynamic web pages It is generally impossible for search engines to access all web pages from the database of a website, or due to technical considerations, search spiders do not crawl them Get the content after "?" in the URL. Therefore, websites using dynamic web pages need to do certain technical processing to adapt to the requirements of search engines when promoting search engines.

(5) Because a static website is not connected to a database, a large number of web pages must be created to have the effect of a dynamic website. Many of these web pages can only be fake web pages and cannot realize the functions of a dynamic website at all.

—— Baidu Encyclopedia

1.2 Advantages of Static Web Server

Since the static server does not require a back-end database, the structure is very simple , very suitable for scenarios such as document management and blogging. As far as blogging itself is concerned, I think static websites have the following characteristics:

  • Requires low server configuration, and the most basic server can meet the performance needs of most people;

  • The response speed is fast, the content is all ready-made

    html, you can get the results by accessing it directly;

  • a

    html corresponds to a url, the content is stable and easy to be retrieved by search engines;

  • is simple to create, you only need to prevent the file from being specified after the server is set up. The location is enough;

The above points are all for the static

blog system. If you use a purely static server to create a large-scale other type of website, it may be more expensive. .

1.3 Ways to build quickly

If individuals want to quickly build a static server, they can use

http- based on Node.js server package, you can complete the server setup in one minute. The steps are as follows:

  • Download the

    http-server package, remember to install it globally

npm i http-server -g
  • Enter the server folder and start the server

http-server -a -p 9999
The server will be started. The root directory is the directory where the server command is executed. .


localhost:9999 and you can see all the files. The following is the content of my files:

Lets talk about how to use Node.js to build a static web server

If we click file name, you will get the corresponding file. For example, if we click

*.html, you can get the web page:

Lets talk about how to use Node.js to build a static web server

This looks like a

FTPServer, do we stop here?

No, a qualified programmer will only be happy if he has his hands full! !

二、 手撸指南

2.1 框架搭建



web_server/					//根目录
	|- static/
	|	|- css/
	|	|	|- style.css	//样式
	|	|- js/
	|	|	|- common.js	//js
	|	|- index.js			//主页
	|- app.js         		//服务器文件
    |- mime.json			//扩展名配置

2.2 Ctrl+C/V

  • app.js

const http = require('http');const fs = require('fs')const url = require('url')const path = require('path')FileMimes = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./mime.json').toString())http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    let pathname = url.parse(req.url).pathname
    pathname = pathname == '/' ? '/index.html' : pathname    let extname = path.extname(pathname)
    if (pathname != '/favicon.ico') {
        fs.readFile('./static' + pathname, async (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                res.writeHead(404, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html;charset="utf-8"' })
            if (!err) {
                // 3. 针对不同的文件返回不同的内容头
                let mime = FileMimes[extname]
                res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': mime + ';charset="utf-8"' })
    }}).listen(8081);console.log('Server running at');
  • mime.json

{ ".323":"text/h323" ,
  ".3gp":"video/3gpp" ,
  ".aab":"application/x-authoware-bin" ,
  ".aam":"application/x-authoware-map" ,
  ".aas":"application/x-authoware-seg" ,
  ".acx":"application/internet-property-stream" ,
  ".ai":"application/postscript" ,
  ".aif":"audio/x-aiff" ,
  ".aifc":"audio/x-aiff" ,
  ".aiff":"audio/x-aiff" ,
  ".als":"audio/X-Alpha5" ,
  ".amc":"application/x-mpeg" ,

2.3 启动服务器

node ./app.js


PS E:\Code\Node\demos\03-static_web_server> node .\app.js   
Server running at


2.4 部署服务器(简单过程)


1. 买服务器

- 腾讯云
- 阿里云
- 华为云


2. 买域名(非必须,可以使用IP直接访问)
3. 网站备案
4. 部署

node ./app.js







  ".323":"text/h323" ,
  ".3gp":"video/3gpp" ,
  ".aab":"application/x-authoware-bin" ,
  ".aam":"application/x-authoware-map" ,
  ".aas":"application/x-authoware-seg" ,
  ".acx":"application/internet-property-stream" ,
  ".ai":"application/postscript" ,
  ".aif":"audio/x-aiff" ,
  ".aifc":"audio/x-aiff" ,
  ".aiff":"audio/x-aiff" ,
  ".als":"audio/X-Alpha5" ,
  ".amc":"application/x-mpeg" ,
  ".ani":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".apk":"application/vnd.android.package-archive" ,
  ".asc":"text/plain" ,
  ".asd":"application/astound" ,
  ".asf":"video/x-ms-asf" ,
  ".asn":"application/astound" ,
  ".asp":"application/x-asap" ,
  ".asr":"video/x-ms-asf" ,
  ".asx":"video/x-ms-asf" ,
  ".au":"audio/basic" ,
  ".avb":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".avi":"video/x-msvideo" ,
  ".awb":"audio/amr-wb" ,
  ".axs":"application/olescript" ,
  ".bas":"text/plain" ,
  ".bcpio":"application/x-bcpio" ,
  ".bin ":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".bld":"application/bld" ,
  ".bld2":"application/bld2" ,
  ".bmp":"image/bmp" ,
  ".bpk":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".bz2":"application/x-bzip2" ,
  ".c":"text/plain" ,
  ".cal":"image/x-cals" ,
  ".cat":"application/vnd.ms-pkiseccat" ,
  ".ccn":"application/x-cnc" ,
  ".cco":"application/x-cocoa" ,
  ".cdf":"application/x-cdf" ,
  ".cer":"application/x-x509-ca-cert" ,
  ".cgi":"magnus-internal/cgi" ,
  ".chat":"application/x-chat" ,
  ".class":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".clp":"application/x-msclip" ,
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  ".co":"application/x-cult3d-object" ,
  ".cod":"image/cis-cod" ,
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  ".cpio":"application/x-cpio" ,
  ".cpp":"text/plain" ,
  ".cpt":"application/mac-compactpro" ,
  ".crd":"application/x-mscardfile" ,
  ".crl":"application/pkix-crl" ,
  ".crt":"application/x-x509-ca-cert" ,
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  ".csm":"chemical/x-csml" ,
  ".csml":"chemical/x-csml" ,
  ".css":"text/css" ,
  ".cur":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".dcm":"x-lml/x-evm" ,
  ".dcr":"application/x-director" ,
  ".dcx":"image/x-dcx" ,
  ".der":"application/x-x509-ca-cert" ,
  ".dhtml":"text/html" ,
  ".dir":"application/x-director" ,
  ".dll":"application/x-msdownload" ,
  ".dmg":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".dms":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".doc":"application/msword" ,
  ".docx":"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" ,
  ".dot":"application/msword" ,
  ".dvi":"application/x-dvi" ,
  ".dwf":"drawing/x-dwf" ,
  ".dwg":"application/x-autocad" ,
  ".dxf":"application/x-autocad" ,
  ".dxr":"application/x-director" ,
  ".ebk":"application/x-expandedbook" ,
  ".emb":"chemical/x-embl-dl-nucleotide" ,
  ".embl":"chemical/x-embl-dl-nucleotide" ,
  ".eps":"application/postscript" ,
  ".epub":"application/epub+zip" ,
  ".eri":"image/x-eri" ,
  ".es":"audio/echospeech" ,
  ".esl":"audio/echospeech" ,
  ".etc":"application/x-earthtime" ,
  ".etx":"text/x-setext" ,
  ".evm":"x-lml/x-evm" ,
  ".evy":"application/envoy" ,
  ".exe":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".fh4":"image/x-freehand" ,
  ".fh5":"image/x-freehand" ,
  ".fhc":"image/x-freehand" ,
  ".fif":"application/fractals" ,
  ".flr":"x-world/x-vrml" ,
  ".flv":"flv-application/octet-stream" ,
  ".fm":"application/x-maker" ,
  ".fpx":"image/x-fpx" ,
  ".fvi":"video/isivideo" ,
  ".gau":"chemical/x-gaussian-input" ,
  ".gca":"application/x-gca-compressed" ,
  ".gdb":"x-lml/x-gdb" ,
  ".gif":"image/gif" ,
  ".gps":"application/x-gps" ,
  ".gtar":"application/x-gtar" ,
  ".gz":"application/x-gzip" ,
  ".h":"text/plain" ,
  ".hdf":"application/x-hdf" ,
  ".hdm":"text/x-hdml" ,
  ".hdml":"text/x-hdml" ,
  ".hlp":"application/winhlp" ,
  ".hqx":"application/mac-binhex40" ,
  ".hta":"application/hta" ,
  ".htc":"text/x-component" ,
  ".htm":"text/html" ,
  ".html":"text/html" ,
  ".hts":"text/html" ,
  ".htt":"text/webviewhtml" ,
  ".ice":"x-conference/x-cooltalk" ,
  ".ico":"image/x-icon" ,
  ".ief":"image/ief" ,
  ".ifm":"image/gif" ,
  ".ifs":"image/ifs" ,
  ".iii":"application/x-iphone" ,
  ".imy":"audio/melody" ,
  ".ins":"application/x-internet-signup" ,
  ".ips":"application/x-ipscript" ,
  ".ipx":"application/x-ipix" ,
  ".isp":"application/x-internet-signup" ,
  ".it":"audio/x-mod" ,
  ".itz":"audio/x-mod" ,
  ".ivr":"i-world/i-vrml" ,
  ".j2k":"image/j2k" ,
  ".jad":"text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor" ,
  ".jam":"application/x-jam" ,
  ".jar":"application/java-archive" ,
  ".java":"text/plain" ,
  ".jfif":"image/pipeg" ,
  ".jnlp":"application/x-java-jnlp-file" ,
  ".jpe":"image/jpeg" ,
  ".jpeg":"image/jpeg" ,
  ".jpg":"image/jpeg" ,
  ".jpz":"image/jpeg" ,
  ".js":"application/x-javascript" ,
  ".jwc":"application/jwc" ,
  ".kjx":"application/x-kjx" ,
  ".lak":"x-lml/x-lak" ,
  ".latex":"application/x-latex" ,
  ".lcc":"application/fastman" ,
  ".lcl":"application/x-digitalloca" ,
  ".lcr":"application/x-digitalloca" ,
  ".lgh":"application/lgh" ,
  ".lha":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".lml":"x-lml/x-lml" ,
  ".lmlpack":"x-lml/x-lmlpack" ,
  ".log":"text/plain" ,
  ".lsf":"video/x-la-asf" ,
  ".lsx":"video/x-la-asf" ,
  ".lzh":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".m13":"application/x-msmediaview" ,
  ".m14":"application/x-msmediaview" ,
  ".m15":"audio/x-mod" ,
  ".m3u":"audio/x-mpegurl" ,
  ".m3url":"audio/x-mpegurl" ,
  ".m4a":"audio/mp4a-latm" ,
  ".m4b":"audio/mp4a-latm" ,
  ".m4p":"audio/mp4a-latm" ,
  ".m4u":"video/vnd.mpegurl" ,
  ".m4v":"video/x-m4v" ,
  ".ma1":"audio/ma1" ,
  ".ma2":"audio/ma2" ,
  ".ma3":"audio/ma3" ,
  ".ma5":"audio/ma5" ,
  ".man":"application/x-troff-man" ,
  ".map":"magnus-internal/imagemap" ,
  ".mbd":"application/mbedlet" ,
  ".mct":"application/x-mascot" ,
  ".mdb":"application/x-msaccess" ,
  ".mdz":"audio/x-mod" ,
  ".me":"application/x-troff-me" ,
  ".mel":"text/x-vmel" ,
  ".mht":"message/rfc822" ,
  ".mhtml":"message/rfc822" ,
  ".mi":"application/x-mif" ,
  ".mid":"audio/mid" ,
  ".midi":"audio/midi" ,
  ".mif":"application/x-mif" ,
  ".mil":"image/x-cals" ,
  ".mio":"audio/x-mio" ,
  ".mmf":"application/x-skt-lbs" ,
  ".mng":"video/x-mng" ,
  ".mny":"application/x-msmoney" ,
  ".moc":"application/x-mocha" ,
  ".mocha":"application/x-mocha" ,
  ".mod":"audio/x-mod" ,
  ".mof":"application/x-yumekara" ,
  ".mol":"chemical/x-mdl-molfile" ,
  ".mop":"chemical/x-mopac-input" ,
  ".mov":"video/quicktime" ,
  ".movie":"video/x-sgi-movie" ,
  ".mp2":"video/mpeg" ,
  ".mp3":"audio/mpeg" ,
  ".mp4":"video/mp4" ,
  ".mpa":"video/mpeg" ,
  ".mpc":"application/vnd.mpohun.certificate" ,
  ".mpe":"video/mpeg" ,
  ".mpeg":"video/mpeg" ,
  ".mpg":"video/mpeg" ,
  ".mpg4":"video/mp4" ,
  ".mpga":"audio/mpeg" ,
  ".mpn":"application/vnd.mophun.application" ,
  ".mpp":"application/vnd.ms-project" ,
  ".mps":"application/x-mapserver" ,
  ".mpv2":"video/mpeg" ,
  ".mrl":"text/x-mrml" ,
  ".mrm":"application/x-mrm" ,
  ".ms":"application/x-troff-ms" ,
  ".msg":"application/vnd.ms-outlook" ,
  ".mts":"application/metastream" ,
  ".mtx":"application/metastream" ,
  ".mtz":"application/metastream" ,
  ".mvb":"application/x-msmediaview" ,
  ".mzv":"application/metastream" ,
  ".nar":"application/zip" ,
  ".nbmp":"image/nbmp" ,
  ".nc":"application/x-netcdf" ,
  ".ndb":"x-lml/x-ndb" ,
  ".ndwn":"application/ndwn" ,
  ".nif":"application/x-nif" ,
  ".nmz":"application/x-scream" ,
  ".nokia-op-logo":"image/vnd.nok-oplogo-color" ,
  ".npx":"application/x-netfpx" ,
  ".nsnd":"audio/nsnd" ,
  ".nva":"application/x-neva1" ,
  ".nws":"message/rfc822" ,
  ".oda":"application/oda" ,
  ".ogg":"audio/ogg" ,
  ".oom":"application/x-AtlasMate-Plugin" ,
  ".p10":"application/pkcs10" ,
  ".p12":"application/x-pkcs12" ,
  ".p7b":"application/x-pkcs7-certificates" ,
  ".p7c":"application/x-pkcs7-mime" ,
  ".p7m":"application/x-pkcs7-mime" ,
  ".p7r":"application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp" ,
  ".p7s":"application/x-pkcs7-signature" ,
  ".pac":"audio/x-pac" ,
  ".pae":"audio/x-epac" ,
  ".pan":"application/x-pan" ,
  ".pbm":"image/x-portable-bitmap" ,
  ".pcx":"image/x-pcx" ,
  ".pda":"image/x-pda" ,
  ".pdb":"chemical/x-pdb" ,
  ".pdf":"application/pdf" ,
  ".pfr":"application/font-tdpfr" ,
  ".pfx":"application/x-pkcs12" ,
  ".pgm":"image/x-portable-graymap" ,
  ".pict":"image/x-pict" ,
  ".pko":"application/ynd.ms-pkipko" ,
  ".pm":"application/x-perl" ,
  ".pma":"application/x-perfmon" ,
  ".pmc":"application/x-perfmon" ,
  ".pmd":"application/x-pmd" ,
  ".pml":"application/x-perfmon" ,
  ".pmr":"application/x-perfmon" ,
  ".pmw":"application/x-perfmon" ,
  ".png":"image/png" ,
  ".pnm":"image/x-portable-anymap" ,
  ".pnz":"image/png" ,
  ".pot,":"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" ,
  ".ppm":"image/x-portable-pixmap" ,
  ".pps":"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" ,
  ".ppt":"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" ,
  ".pptx":"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation" ,
  ".pqf":"application/x-cprplayer" ,
  ".pqi":"application/cprplayer" ,
  ".prc":"application/x-prc" ,
  ".prf":"application/pics-rules" ,
  ".prop":"text/plain" ,
  ".proxy":"application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" ,
  ".ps":"application/postscript" ,
  ".ptlk":"application/listenup" ,
  ".pub":"application/x-mspublisher" ,
  ".pvx":"video/x-pv-pvx" ,
  ".qcp":"audio/vnd.qcelp" ,
  ".qt":"video/quicktime" ,
  ".qti":"image/x-quicktime" ,
  ".qtif":"image/x-quicktime" ,
  ".r3t":"text/vnd.rn-realtext3d" ,
  ".ra":"audio/x-pn-realaudio" ,
  ".ram":"audio/x-pn-realaudio" ,
  ".rar":"application/octet-stream" ,
  ".ras":"image/x-cmu-raster" ,
  ".rc":"text/plain" ,
  ".rdf":"application/rdf+xml" ,
  ".rf":"image/vnd.rn-realflash" ,
  ".rgb":"image/x-rgb" ,
  ".rlf":"application/x-richlink" ,
  ".rm":"audio/x-pn-realaudio" ,
  ".rmf":"audio/x-rmf" ,
  ".rmi":"audio/mid" ,
  ".rmm":"audio/x-pn-realaudio" ,
  ".rmvb":"audio/x-pn-realaudio" ,
  ".rnx":"application/vnd.rn-realplayer" ,
  ".roff":"application/x-troff" ,
  ".rp":"image/vnd.rn-realpix" ,
  ".rpm":"audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" ,
  ".rt":"text/vnd.rn-realtext" ,
  ".rte":"x-lml/x-gps" ,
  ".rtf":"application/rtf" ,
  ".rtg":"application/metastream" ,
  ".rtx":"text/richtext" ,
  ".rv":"video/vnd.rn-realvideo" ,
  ".rwc":"application/x-rogerwilco" ,
  ".s3m":"audio/x-mod" ,
  ".s3z":"audio/x-mod" ,
  ".sca":"application/x-supercard" ,
  ".scd":"application/x-msschedule" ,
  ".sct":"text/scriptlet" ,
  ".sdf":"application/e-score" ,
  ".sea":"application/x-stuffit" ,
  ".setpay":"application/set-payment-initiation" ,
  ".setreg":"application/set-registration-initiation" ,
  ".sgm":"text/x-sgml" ,
  ".sgml":"text/x-sgml" ,
  ".sh":"application/x-sh" ,
  ".shar":"application/x-shar" ,
  ".shtml":"magnus-internal/parsed-html" ,
  ".shw":"application/presentations" ,
  ".si6":"image/si6" ,
  ".si7":"image/vnd.stiwap.sis" ,
  ".si9":"image/vnd.lgtwap.sis" ,
  ".sis":"application/vnd.symbian.install" ,
  ".sit":"application/x-stuffit" ,
  ".skd":"application/x-Koan" ,
  ".skm":"application/x-Koan" ,
  ".skp":"application/x-Koan" ,
  ".skt":"application/x-Koan" ,
  ".slc":"application/x-salsa" ,
  ".smd":"audio/x-smd" ,
  ".smi":"application/smil" ,
  ".smil":"application/smil" ,
  ".smp":"application/studiom" ,
  ".smz":"audio/x-smd" ,
  ".snd":"audio/basic" ,
  ".spc":"application/x-pkcs7-certificates" ,
  ".spl":"application/futuresplash" ,
  ".spr":"application/x-sprite" ,
  ".sprite":"application/x-sprite" ,
  ".sdp":"application/sdp" ,
  ".spt":"application/x-spt" ,
  ".src":"application/x-wais-source" ,
  ".sst":"application/vnd.ms-pkicertstore" ,
  ".stk":"application/hyperstudio" ,
  ".stl":"application/vnd.ms-pkistl" ,
  ".stm":"text/html" ,
  ".svg":"image/svg+xml" ,
  ".sv4cpio":"application/x-sv4cpio" ,
  ".sv4crc":"application/x-sv4crc" ,
  ".svf":"image/vnd" ,
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