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Detailed example of how to add animation to a single DOM element

2022-08-05 14:40:022723browse

This article brings you relevant knowledge about javascript, which mainly introduces the related issues about operating dom elements to add animation effects. Let’s take a look at it together. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Detailed example of how to add animation to a single DOM element

[Related recommendations: javascript video tutorial, web front-end

DOM animation effect

  1. Let an element move from left to right
    <div id="box"></div>
    var box = document.getElementById("box");
    var t = null;
    t = setInterval(function(){

Termination condition of movement

t = setInterval(function(){termination condition})

    // 元素的属性值 === 目标点
    if(dom.attr === target){

Three elements of movement

  • Starting point

The starting point of a movement is actually The position of the current element. We obtain the position of the current element through the API and use this position as the start of the movement.

  • Goal

  • Speed

The underlying principle of motion

  • Let the element change the CSS attribute value within a short interval through the timer
  • Such continuous movement appears to the user as an animation effect

DOM animation effect Encapsulation

The main function of encapsulation is to allow elements to continuously change attributes within a short time interval to achieve animation effects

Single attribute motion framework:

<button id="btn">开始运动</button>
<div id="box"></div>
<div id="line"></div>
    var  box = document.getElementById("box");
    var  btn = document.getElementById("btn");
    var  target = 500;
    // 速度可以根据 起始点和目标点进行判断,从而决定正负; 
    var speed  = 17;
    // - 方向; 
    btn.onclick = function(){
        // 1. 获取元素初始位置;
        var _left = box.offsetLeft;
        speed  = target - _left >= 0 ? speed : -speed ;
        var interval = setInterval( function(){
            // 4. 判定运动的终止条件; 
            if(Math.abs(target - _left) <= Math.abs(speed) ){
                // 因为终止时有可能没有到达目标点,因此我们把元素赋值到目标点位置; 
                box.style.left = target + "px";
                clearInterval( interval );
                // 2. 元素根据初始位置进行改变; 
                _left += speed;
                // 3. DOM操作,根据已有数据让元素属性发生改变; 
                box.style.left = _left + "px";
        } , 30)
  • Uniform motion package
<script>// - 提取属性名作为参数; btn.onclick = function(){
    animate( "left", 500 )}function animate( attr , target , speed = 10 ){
    // 1. 获取元素初始样式
    var _style = getComputedStyle( box );
    // 2. 根据属性要求取出当前的属性的属性值; 
    var _css_style = parseInt(_style[attr]);
    speed  = target - _css_style >= 0 ? speed : -speed ;
    var interval = setInterval( function(){
        // 4. 判定运动的终止条件; 
        if(Math.abs(target - _css_style) <= Math.abs(speed) ){
            // 因为终止时有可能没有到达目标点,因此我们把元素赋值到目标点位置; 
            box.style[attr] = target + "px";
            clearInterval( interval );
            // 2. 元素根据初始位置进行改变; 
            _css_style += speed;
            // 3. DOM操作,根据已有数据让元素属性发生改变; 
            box.style[attr] = _css_style + "px";
    } , 30)}</script>
  • Compatible transparency
<script>function animate( dom , attr , target , speed = 10 ){
    // 1. 获取元素初始样式
    var _style = getComputedStyle( dom );
    // 2. 根据属性要求取出当前的属性的属性值; 
    if( attr === "opacity"){
        var _css_style = parseInt(_style[attr] * 100 );
        target *= 100;
        var _css_style = parseInt(_style[attr]);
    speed  = target - _css_style >= 0 ? speed : -speed ;
    var interval = setInterval( function(){
        // 4. 判定运动的终止条件; 
        if(Math.abs(target - _css_style) <= Math.abs(speed) ){
            // 因为终止时有可能没有到达目标点,因此我们把元素赋值到目标点位置; 
            if( attr === "opacity"){
                dom.style[attr] = target / 100;
                dom.style[attr] = target + "px";
            clearInterval( interval );
            // 2. 元素根据初始位置进行改变; 
            _css_style += speed;
            // 3. DOM操作,根据已有数据让元素属性发生改变; 
            if( attr === "opacity"){
                dom.style[attr] = _css_style / 100 ;
                dom.style[attr] = _css_style + "px";
    } , 30)}</script>
  • Buffer motion
    • Buffer motion It is a type of movement
    • This type of movement is a movement in which the speed changes during the movement
    • The smaller the distance, the smaller the speed
<button id="btn">开始运动</button>
<div id="box"></div>
var  box = document.getElementById("box");
var  btn = document.getElementById("btn");
btn.onclick = function(){
    animate( box , "left" , 500 )
function animate( dom , attr , target , transition = "buffer", speed = 10 ){
    var _style = getComputedStyle( dom );
    if( attr === "opacity"){
        var _css_style = parseInt(_style[attr] * 100 );
        target *= 100;
        var _css_style = parseInt(_style[attr]);
    if( transition === "liner"){
        speed  = target - _css_style >= 0 ? speed : -speed ;
    var interval = setInterval( function(){
        if( transition === "buffer"){
            // 计算速度; 
            speed = (target - _css_style) / 10;
            speed = speed > 0 ? Math.ceil(speed) :Math.floor( speed )

        if(Math.abs(target - _css_style) <= Math.abs(speed) ){
            // 因为终止时有可能没有到达目标点,因此我们把元素赋值到目标点位置; 
            if( attr === "opacity"){
                dom.style[attr] = target / 100;
                dom.style[attr] = target + "px";
                clearInterval( interval );
            // 2. 元素根据初始位置进行改变; 
            _css_style += speed;
            // 3. DOM操作,根据已有数据让元素属性发生改变; 
            if( attr === "opacity"){
                dom.style[attr] = _css_style / 100 ;
                dom.style[attr] = _css_style + "px";
    } , 30)

Multi-attribute motion framework (extension)

  • Multi-attribute motion framework
  • We will start multiple timers when calling animate multiple times
  • Because the data in the timer are the same, we cannot see the difference in effect
  • But turning on the timer multiple times will extremely consume computer performance
  • Turn off the current timer before turning it on Previous timer
<script>// 在一个定时器之中,用for循环同时执行多次dom样式操作; // 1. 需要优化的部分:参数,要把样式部分的参数优化成一个对象; function animate( dom , attrs , transition = "buffer", speed = 10 ){
    var _style = getComputedStyle( dom );
    // 获取元素当前的属性 : 
    for(var attr in attrs ){
        // attr ? 要过渡的css属性名;
        // attrs[attr] ? 要过渡的当前属性; 
        attrs[attr] = {
            target : attrs[attr],
            // 元素当前的属性放入到这个对象之中; 
            now  : parseInt(_style[attr])
    // 因为直接关闭interval是没有作用的,此时的inteval是一个局部变量,每次animate被调用的时候都会直接重置; 
    // 我们应该吧定时器的id放在当前正在执行过渡效果的dom对象上; 
    dom.interval = setInterval( function(){
        for(var attr in attrs){
        // 取出 attrs 之中的目标点和当前值; 
            speed = (attrs[attr].target -  attrs[attr].now) / 10 ;                    
            // 根据速度正负,进行速度取整; 
            speed = speed > 0 ? Math.ceil( speed ) : Math.floor( speed );
            // 判定终止条件; 
            if( attrs[attr].target ===  attrs[attr].now){
                // 删除已经到达目标点的属性; 
                delete attrs[attr]
                // 判定attrs里面已经没有属性了; 
                for(var a in attrs){
                    return false;
                attrs[attr].now += speed;
                dom.style[ attr ] = attrs[attr].now + "px";
    } , 30)}// 优化参数之后,key值是等待运动的css属性,value值是元素的目标; btn.onclick = function(){
    animate( box , { width : 500 , height : 400 } )}</script>

Carousel chart function implementation

                  margin: 0;
                  padding: 0;
                  width: 1130px;
                  height: 286px;
                  margin: 0 auto;
                  position: relative;
                  overflow: hidden;
                  width: 6780px;
                  position: absolute;
                  left: 0;
                  float: left;

            .slide , .slide img{
                  width: 1130px;
                  height: 286px;
                  left: 0;
                  background-position: 30px center;
                  background-image: url(https://static.zcool.cn/git_z/z/widget/slider/images/svg/left_arrow.svg?v=2);
                  top: 0;
                  width: 13px;
                  height: 100%;
                  padding: 0 80px;
                  border-radius: 2px;
                  position: absolute;
                  background-repeat: no-repeat;
                  background-image: url(https://static.zcool.cn/git_z/z/widget/slider/images/svg/left_arrowhover.svg?v=2);
                  right: 0;
                  background-position: 91px center;
                  background-image: url(https://static.zcool.cn/git_z/z/widget/slider/images/svg/right_arrow.svg?v=2);
                  top: 0;
                  width: 13px;
                  height: 100%;
                  padding: 0 80px;
                  border-radius: 2px;
                  position: absolute;
                  background-repeat: no-repeat;
                  background-image: url(https://static.zcool.cn/git_z/z/widget/slider/images/svg/right_arrowhover.svg?v=2);
                  position: absolute;
                  bottom: 10%;
                  width: 100%;
                  height: 10px;
                  left: 30px;
            .pagination span{
                  display: inline-block;
                  width: 10px;
                  height: 10px;
                  margin-left: 10px;
                  border-radius: 50%;                  
                  background-color: cornflowerblue;
                  border: 2px solid transparent;
                  background-clip: content-box;
            .pagination span.active{
                  border: 2px solid skyblue;
                  box-shadow: 0 0 5px skyblue;
                  background-color: #fff;
<!-- 类名请使用和我一样的类名 -->
<div class="container">
    <div class="wrapper">
          <!-- 第0张图片 -->
          <div class="slide">
                <img src="https://img.zcool.cn/ad_manager/location/f35d611484931101c43350bbdbd5.jpg" alt="">
          <div class="slide">
                <img src="https://img.zcool.cn/ad_manager/location/3dcb6113a3471101c433505bbd72.jpg" alt="">
          <div class="slide">
                <img src="https://img.zcool.cn/ad_manager/location/65f36113a3341101c4335014b174.jpg" alt="">
          <div class="slide">
                <img src="https://img.zcool.cn/ad_manager/location/7f97611481181101c43350225b33.jpg" alt="">
          <div class="slide">
                <img src="https://img.zcool.cn/ad_manager/location/afcf6114801e1101c433507f9e28.jpg" alt="">
          <!-- 最后一张图片 -->
          <!-- 把第0张图片放在整个图片结构的最后 -->
          <div class="slide">
                <img src="https://img.zcool.cn/ad_manager/location/f35d611484931101c43350bbdbd5.jpg" alt="">
    <div class="button-next"></div>
    <div class="button-prev"></div>
    <div class="pagination">
          <span class="active"></span>

<script src="./utils.js"></script>
    // 轮播图的核心就是左右切换按钮,实现显示元素下标的改变; 
    var index = 0 ; 
    var prev = 0;

    var next_btn = document.querySelector(".button-next");
    var prev_btn = document.querySelector(".button-prev");
    var slides   = document.querySelectorAll(".slide");
    var wrapper  = document.querySelector(".wrapper");
    // 自动播放的阻止功能是在鼠标移入container容器之中就触发的; 
    var container   = document.querySelector(".container");

    var bullets = document.querySelectorAll(".pagination span");

    // 绑定事件 
    // - 轮播图改变下标功能必须设置边界; 
    function bindEvent(){
          next_btn.onclick = function(){
          prev_btn.onclick = function(){
          container.onmouseover = function(){
          container.onmouseout = function(){

          bullets.forEach( function( ele , i ){

                ele.onmouseover = function(){
                      prev = index;
                      // 防止穿帮逻辑; 
                      // - 如果在假的第0张图片上(在最后一张图片上)
                      // - 我们先让真假图片呼喊然后在进行元素的动画效果; 
                      if( index === 5 ){
                            wrapper.style.left = 0;
                      index = i;
    // 下标增加;
    function add(){
          prev = index;

          if( index === slides.length - 1 ){
                // 这个逻辑会在最后一张图片进行切换时进入; 
                // 我们让wrapper直接位移到开头,改变元素位置的同时让用户无法感知; 
                wrapper.style.left = 0;
                // 我们需要从第0个图片切换到第一个图片;
                // -因为我们最后一张图片的显示和开头图片的显示是一样的
                index = 1;
                index ++;
    // 下标减少; 
    function reduce(){
          prev = index;

          if( index === 0 ){
                wrapper.style.left = -(slides.length - 1) * 1130 + "px";
                index = slides.length - 2;
                index --;
    // 根据我们的算法去实现动画效果;
    function bannerAnimate(){
          animate( wrapper , { left : - index * 1130 });

          // 给对应的分页器按钮添加active; 

          // 先去清空所有的类名; 

          bullets.forEach( function( ele ){

          // 下标需要进行特殊处理,在显示最后一张图片的时候,给第0个按钮添加active; 

          bullets[ index === 5 ? 0 : index ].classList.add("active");

    var interval = null;
    function autoPlay(){
          // 间隔3s,让js点击一下下一页按钮; 
          interval = setInterval( function(){
                // 虚拟点击 : 
                next_btn.dispatchEvent( new Event("click"));
          } , 3000 )

    function stop(){
          clearInterval( interval )



The example is as follows

project Background: uniapp h5 application, in order to prompt users to download, there is a dom that prompts download. I originally wanted to add it to each tabbar (four in total); but I want to try another way of playing as follows: The effect is as follows:

Directly enter the code:

function showDownloadTisp() {
  // #ifdef H5
  const parent = document.querySelector('.uni-tabbar')
  console.log('parent:', parent)
  const tips = document.createElement('p')
  tips.id = 'downloadTisp'

    'background: rgba(51,51,51,0.75);'

    `background: rgba(51,51,51,0.75); position: fixed;width: 100%;height: ${uni.upx2px(120)}px; bottom:${uni.upx2px(-140)}px;  display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-between;align-items:center;transition:0.5s;`

  const desParent = document.createElement('p')
  const des = document.createTextNode('Download our App, you will get a better experience.')
    `padding: 0;color: #FFFFFF;font-size:${uni.upx2px(24)}px;margin-left: ${uni.upx2px(27)}px;padding-right: ${uni.upx2px(25)}px;`

  const iosImage = document.createElement('img')
  iosImage.src = '../static/guide/download ios.png'
    `width: ${uni.upx2px(154)}px;height: ${uni.upx2px(54)}px;margin-right: ${uni.upx2px(25)}px;`)

  const anroidImage = document.createElement('img')
  anroidImage.src = '../static/guide/download android.png'
    `width: ${uni.upx2px(154)}px;height: ${uni.upx2px(54)}px;margin-right: ${uni.upx2px(50)}px;`)

  const closedImage = document.createElement('img')
  closedImage.src = '../static/guide/download closd.png'
    `width: ${uni.upx2px(30)}px;height: ${uni.upx2px(30)}px;position: absolute;right:${uni.upx2px(15)}px;top: ${uni.upx2px(15)}px;padding: ${uni.upx2px(5)};`


  iosImage.onclick = () => {
    window.location.href = 'https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/gbm001/id1574324240'
    // window.open('https://www.baidu.com/')

  anroidImage.onclick = () => {
    window.location.href = 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vandream.gbmpro'
    // window.open('https://www.sina.com.cn/')

  closedImage.onclick = () => {


  setTimeout(() => {
    tips.style.transform = `translateY(${uni.upx2px(-140) - 50}px);`
    //console.log(" tips.style.transform done")
  }, 2500)

  // #endif

Create nodes through code and the code is style; And animation; just call it when the application starts;

About js setting transformation animation; here it is changed to 3D form

function showDownloadTisp() {
  // #ifdef H5
  const parent = document.querySelector('.uni-tabbar')
  // console.log('parent:', parent)
  const tips = document.createElement('p')
  tips.id = 'downloadTisp'

  // tips.setAttribute('style',
  //   'background: rgba(51,51,51,0.75);'
  // )

  // tips.setAttribute('style',
  //   `background: rgba(51,51,51,0.75); position: fixed;width: 100%;height: ${uni.upx2px(120)}px; bottom:${uni.upx2px(-140)}px;  display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-between;align-items:center;transition:0.5s;`
  // )
    `background: rgba(51,51,51,0.75); position: fixed;width: 100%;height: ${uni.upx2px(120)}px; bottom:50px;  display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-between;align-items:center;transition:0.5s; transform-origin:center bottom; transform:perspective(900px) rotateX(90deg);`

  const desParent = document.createElement('p')
  const des = document.createTextNode('Download our App, you will get a better experience.')
    `padding: 0;color: #FFFFFF;font-size:${uni.upx2px(24)}px;margin-left: ${uni.upx2px(27)}px;padding-right: ${uni.upx2px(10)}px;`

  const iosImage = document.createElement('img')
  // iosImage.src = '../static/guide/download ios.png'
  iosImage.src = 'https://img.vandream.com/54/0330f6211506cc.png'
    `width: ${uni.upx2px(154)}px;height: ${uni.upx2px(54)}px;margin-right: ${uni.upx2px(25)}px;`)

  const anroidImage = document.createElement('img')
  // anroidImage.src = '../static/guide/download android.png'
  anroidImage.src = 'https://img.vandream.com/53/0330f45097465d.png'
    `width: ${uni.upx2px(154)}px;height: ${uni.upx2px(54)}px;margin-right: ${uni.upx2px(50)}px;`)

  const closedImage = document.createElement('img')
  // closedImage.src = '../static/guide/download closd.png'
  closedImage.src = 'https://img.vandream.com/52/0330f523d7709d.png'
    `width: ${uni.upx2px(30)}px;height: ${uni.upx2px(30)}px;position: absolute;right:${uni.upx2px(15)}px;top: ${uni.upx2px(15)}px;padding: ${uni.upx2px(5)};`


  iosImage.onclick = () => {
    window.location.href = 'https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/gbm001/id1574324240'
    // window.open('https://www.baidu.com/')

  anroidImage.onclick = () => {
    window.location.href = 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vandream.gbmpro'
    // window.open('https://www.sina.com.cn/')

  closedImage.onclick = () => {

  // parent.appendChild(tips)

  setTimeout(() => {
    // tips.style.transform = `translateY(${uni.upx2px(-140) - 50}px);`
    tips.style.transform = 'rotateX(0deg)'
    // console.log(" tips.style.transform done"):rotateX(90deg);
  }, 2500)

  // #endif

【Related recommendations: javascript video tutorial, web front-end

The above is the detailed content of Detailed example of how to add animation to a single DOM element. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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