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Let's take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

2022-08-03 15:23:332947browse

This article brings you relevant knowledge about css, which mainly introduces the related issues about transform transformation and transitions transition. Let’s take a look at the transformation and transition effects of CSS boxes. I hope Helpful to everyone.

Let's take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

(Learning video sharing: css video tutorial, html video tutorial)

transform transformation


transform: rotate | scale | skew | translate |matrix;

1. translate(x,y) Set the box displacement

(1) 1. translate([ , ]): Specify a 2D translation through the vector [tx, ty], tx is the first transition value parameter, and ty is the second transition value parameter option. If is not provided, ty has 0 as its value. That is, translate(x,y), which means that the object is translated according to the set x, y parameter values. When the value is a negative number, the object is moved in the opposite direction. Its base point defaults to the center point of the element, or it can also be based on transform-origin. Make a base point change. For example, transform:translate(100px,20px):

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

(2) translateX(): Specify a translation by giving a number in the X direction . Only move the element towards the x-axis. Similarly, its base point is the center point of the element. You can also change the position of the base point according to transform-origin. For example: transform: translate Only move to the Y axis, the base point is at the center point of the element, and the position of the base point can be changed through transform-origin. For example: transform:translateY(20px):

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

2, scale(x,y) Set the box scaling

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

scale and scale Moving translate is very similar. It also has three situations: scale(x,y) causes the element to scale horizontally and vertically at the same time (that is, the X-axis and Y-axis scale simultaneously); scaleX(x) only scales the element horizontally ( X-axis scaling); scaleY(y) elements only scale vertically (Y-axis scaling), but they have the same scaling center point and base. The center point is the center position of the element, and the scaling base is 1. If its value is greater than 1 The element will be enlarged, otherwise its value is less than 1, and the element will be reduced. Let’s take a closer look at the specific usage of these three situations:

(1) scale([, ]): Provides two methods for performing [sx,sy] scaling vectors The parameter specifies a 2D scale. If the second parameter is not provided, it takes the same value as the first parameter. scale(X,Y) is used to scale the element. You can set the base point of the element through transform-origin. The base point is also at the center of the element. In the base, X represents the horizontal scaling multiple, and Y represents the vertical scaling multiple. , and Y is an optional parameter. If the Y value is not set, it means that the scaling factors in the X and Y directions are the same. And subject to X. For example: transform:scale(2,1.5):

(2) scaleX(): Use the [sx,1] scaling vector to perform the scaling operation, sx are the required parameters. scaleX means that the element only scales the element along the X-axis (horizontal direction). Its default value is (1,1). Its base point is also at the center of the element. We also change the base point of the element through transform-origin. For example: transform:scaleX(2):

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

## (3) scaleY(): Use the [1,sy] scaling vector to perform the scaling operation, sy is the Parameters required. scaleY means that the element only scales the element on the Y axis (vertical direction), and its base point is also at the center of the element. You can change the base point of the element through transform-origin. For example, transform:scaleY(2):

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

##3, rotate(deg) sets the box rotation

rotate( ): Specify a 2D rotation (2D rotation) on the original element through the specified angle parameter. The transform-origin attribute must first be defined. Transform-origin defines the base point of rotation, where angle refers to the rotation angle. If the set value is a positive number, it means clockwise rotation. If the set value is a negative number, it means counterclockwise rotation. For example: transform:rotate(30deg):Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

4. skew(x-angle,y-angle) sets the box skew


(1)skew( [, ]) :X轴Y轴上的skew transformation(斜切变换)。第一个参数对应X轴,第二个参数对应Y轴。如果第二个参数未提供,则值为0,也就是Y轴方向上无斜切。skew是用来对元素进行扭曲变行,第一个参数是水平方向扭曲角度,第二个参数是垂直方向扭曲角度。其中第二个参数是可选参数,如果没有设置第二个参数,那么Y轴为0deg。同样是以元素中心为基点,我们也可以通过transform-origin来改变元素的基点位置。如:transform:skew(30deg,10deg):

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

(2)skewX() : 按给定的角度沿X轴指定一个skew transformation(斜切变换)。skewX是使元素以其中心为基点,并在水平方向(X轴)进行扭曲变行,同样可以通过transform-origin来改变元素的基点。如:transform:skewX(30deg)

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

(3)skewY() : 按给定的角度沿Y轴指定一个skew transformation(斜切变换)。skewY是用来设置元素以其中心为基点并按给定的角度在垂直方向(Y轴)扭曲变形。同样我们可以通过transform-origin来改变元素的基点。如:transform:skewY(10deg)

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

5、perspective 设置透视距离

6、transform-style flat | preserve-3d 设置盒子是否按3d空间显示

7、translateX、translateY、translateZ 设置三维移动

8、rotateX、rotateY、rotateZ 设置三维旋转

9、scaleX、scaleY、scaleZ 设置三维缩放

10、tranform-origin 设置变形的中心点



*top left | left top 等价于 0 0 | 0% 0%
*top | top center | center top 等价于 50% 0
*III、right top | top right 等价于 100% 0
*left | left center | center left 等价于 0 50% | 0% 50%
*center | center center 等价于 50% 50%(默认值)
*right | right center | center right 等价于 100% 50%
*bottom left | left bottom 等价于 0 100% | 0% 100%
*bottom | bottom center | center bottom 等价于 50% 100%
*bottom right | right bottom 等价于 100% 100%

其中 left,center right是水平方向取值,对应的百分值为left=0%;center=50%;right=100%而top center bottom是垂直方向的取值,其中top=0%;center=50%;bottom=100%;如果只取一个值,表示垂直方向值不变,我们分别来看看以下几个实例


Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS


Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS


Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

11、backface-visibility 设置盒子背面是否可见


-moz-transform: rotate | scale | skew | translate ;
//Webkit内核浏览器:Safari and Chrome
-webkit-transform: rotate | scale | skew | translate ;
-o-transform: rotate | scale | skew | translate ;
-ms-transform: rotate | scale | skew | translate ;
transform: rotate | scale | skew | translate ;


  • transition-property:


transition-property : none | all | [ <IDENT> ] [ &#39;,&#39; <IDENT> ]*


1、color: 通过红、绿、蓝和透明度组件变换(每个数值处理)如:background-color,border-color,color,outline-color等css属性;

2、length: 真实的数字 如:word-spacing,width,vertical-align,top,right,bottom,left,padding,outline-width,margin,min-width,min-height,max-width,max-height,line-height,height,border-width,border-spacing,background-position等属性;

3、percentage:真实的数字 如:word-spacing,width,vertical-align,top,right,bottom,left,min-width,min-height,max-width,max-height,line-height,height,background-position等属性;

4、integer离散步骤(整个数字),在真实的数字空间,以及使用floor()转换为整数时发生 如:outline-offset,z-index等属性;


6、transform list:详情请参阅:《CSS3 Transform》

7、rectangle:通过x, y, width 和 height(转为数值)变换,如:crop

8、visibility: 离散步骤,在0到1数字范围之内,0表示“隐藏”,1表示完全“显示”,如:visibility

9、shadow: 作用于color, x, y 和 blur(模糊)属性,如:text-shadow

10、gradient: 通过每次停止时的位置和颜色进行变化。它们必须有相同的类型(放射状的或是线性的)和相同的停止数值以便执行动画,如:background-image

11、paint server (SVG): 只支持下面的情况:从gradient到gradient以及color到color,然后工作与上面类似

12、space-separated list of above:如果列表有相同的项目数值,则列表每一项按照上面的规则进行变化,否则无变化

13、a shorthand property: 如果缩写的所有部分都可以实现动画,则会像所有单个属性变化一样变化


  • transition-duration:


transition-duration : <time> [, <time>]

transition-duration是用来指定元素 转换过程的持续时间,取值:

  • transition-timing-function:


transition-timing-function : ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(<number>, <number>, <number>, <number>) [, ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(<number>, <number>, <number>, <number>)]



1、ease:(逐渐变慢)默认值,ease函数等同于贝塞尔曲线(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0).

2、linear:(匀速),linear 函数等同于贝塞尔曲线(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0).

3、ease-in:(加速),ease-in 函数等同于贝塞尔曲线(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0).

4、ease-out:(减速),ease-out 函数等同于贝塞尔曲线(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0).

5、ease-in-out:(加速然后减速),ease-in-out 函数等同于贝塞尔曲线(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0)

6、cubic-bezier:(该值允许你去自定义一个时间曲线), 特定的cubic-bezier曲线。 (x1, y1, x2, y2)四个值特定于曲线上点P1和点P2。所有值需在[0, 1]区域内,否则无效。

其是cubic-bezier为通过贝赛尔曲线来计算“转换”过程中的属性值,如下曲线所示,通过改变P1(x1, y1)和P2(x2, y2)的坐标可以改变整个过程的Output Percentage。初始默认值为default.

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS


Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

  • transition-delay:


transition-delay : <time> [, <time>]*



a {
-moz-transition: background 0.5s ease-in,color 0.3s ease-out;
-webkit-transition: background 0.5s ease-in,color 0.3s ease-out;
-o-transition: background 0.5s ease-in,color 0.3s ease-out;
transition: background 0.5s ease-in,color 0.3s ease-out;


a {
-moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in;
-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in;
-o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in;
transition: all 0.5s ease-in;

综合上述我们可以给transition一个速记法:transition: 如下图所示:

Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS


p {
-webkit-transition: all .5s ease-in-out 1s;
-o-transition: all .5s ease-in-out 1s;
-moz-transition: all .5s ease-in-out 1s;
transition: all .5s ease-in-out 1s;


Lets take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS


-moz-transition : [<&#39;transition-property&#39;> || <&#39;transition-duration&#39;> || <&#39;transition-timing-function&#39;> || <&#39;transition-delay&#39;> [, [<&#39;transition-property&#39;> || <&#39;transition-duration&#39;> || <&#39;transition-timing-function&#39;> || <&#39;transition-delay&#39;>]]*
-webkit-transition : [<&#39;transition-property&#39;> || <&#39;transition-duration&#39;> || <&#39;transition-timing-function&#39;> || <&#39;transition-delay&#39;> [, [<&#39;transition-property&#39;> || <&#39;transition-duration&#39;> || <&#39;transition-timing-function&#39;> || <&#39;transition-delay&#39;>]]*
-o-transition : [<&#39;transition-property&#39;> || <&#39;transition-duration&#39;> || <&#39;transition-timing-function&#39;> || <&#39;transition-delay&#39;> [, [<&#39;transition-property&#39;> || <&#39;transition-duration&#39;> || <&#39;transition-timing-function&#39;> || <&#39;transition-delay&#39;>]]*
//W3C 标准
transition : [<&#39;transition-property&#39;> || <&#39;transition-duration&#39;> || <&#39;transition-timing-function&#39;> || <&#39;transition-delay&#39;> [, [<&#39;transition-property&#39;> || <&#39;transition-duration&#39;> || <&#39;transition-timing-function&#39;> || <&#39;transition-delay&#39;>]]*


CSS transitions 可以决定哪些属性发生动画效果 (明确地列出这些属性),何时开始 (设置 delay),持续多久 (设置 duration) 以及如何动画 (定义timing function,比如匀速地或先快后慢)。



  • 必须属性变化   

  • 有过渡对象   

  • 持续多长


  •  :hover 鼠标悬停触发

  • :active 用户单击元素并按住鼠标时触发

  •  :focus 获得焦点时触发

  •  @media触发 符合媒体查询条件时触发

  • 点击事件 用户点击元素时触发



规定应用过渡的 CSS 属性的名称

  • none  没有属性会获得过渡效果

  • all  所有属性

  • property  定义应用过渡效果的 CSS 属性名称列表,列表以逗号分隔


定义过渡效果花费的时间。默认是 0。默认就是没有效果


规定过渡效果的时间曲线。默认是 "ease"。

  • linear  匀速(等于 cubic-bezier(0,0,1,1))。

  • ease        慢速-变快-慢速结束的过渡效果(cubic-bezier(0.25,0.1,0.25,1))。

  • ease-in     慢速开始的过渡效果(等于 cubic-bezier(0.42,0,1,1))

  • ease-out    慢速结束的过渡效果(等于 cubic-bezier(0,0,0.58,1))。

  • ease-in-out 慢速开始和结束的过渡效果(等于 cubic-bezier(0.42,0,0.58,1))。

  • cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n)   在 cubic-bezier 函数中定义自己的值。可能的值是 0 至 1 之间的数值。


规定过渡效果何时开始。默认是 0---延迟时间,建议用秒


transition: 过渡属性 过渡时长 运动速度 延迟时间;

eg:transition: width 5s linear 0s,background-color 5s linear 0s;








    <!-- 速写 ul>li*5 -->
  • linear
  • ease
  • ease-in
  • ease-out
  • ease-in-out




        height: 200px;
        background-color: red;
        margin-top: 100px;
        text-align: center;
    p span{
        /* 垂直居中  内层元素行高=外层元素height */
        line-height: 200px;
        font-size: 32px;
        transition: font-size 2s linear;
    p:hover span{
        font-size: 90px;



  • Let's take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS
  • Let's take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS
  • Let's take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS
  • Let's take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS
  • Let's take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS
  • Let's take a look at the transformation and transition effects of boxes using CSS

4. 米兔过渡



        /* 先给一只兔子的宽高 */
        width: 100px;
        height: 200px;
        background-image: url(./images/兔子.png);
        /* 居中 */
        margin:0 auto;
        /* 设置背景图像的起始位置。 */
        background-position: 0 0;
        transition: 1s steps(3);
        background-position: -300px 0;


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