Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Completely master Python automatic operation GUI PyAutoGUI
This article brings you relevant knowledge about Python, which mainly sorts out the issues related to the automatic operation GUI PyAutoGUI. The desktop automation operation is by positioning the mouse on the desktop, and then based on The corresponding operation is performed at the positioned position. Let’s take a look at it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
【Related recommendations: Python3 video tutorial】
Our protagonist today ispyautogui
, pyautogui
is a pure Python GUI automation tool that allows the program to automatically control a series of mouse and keyboard operations to achieve the purpose of automated testing.
Module installation, open cmd, enter:
pip install pyautogui
Successful display: Successfully installed PyTweening-1.0.4 mouseinfo-0.1.3 pyautogui-0.9.53 pygetwindow-0.0 .9 pymsgbox-1.0.9 pyperclip-1.8.2 pyrect-0.2.0 pyscreeze-0.1.28
After installation, you can use it directly.
Guide package
import pyautogui
The most basic desktop operation is mouse operation. We can control the movement of the mouse:
# 移动鼠标 pyautogui.moveTo(200,400,duration=2) pyautogui.moveRel(200,500,duration=2)
The entire desktop has the upper left corner as the origin of the coordinate axis, and all operations are based on This origin is used to determine the operating position.
The first line moves the mouse to the specified pixel (200,400) position;
The second line of code moves the mouse 200px to the right and 500px downward according to the current point.
There is a common parameter duration in both lines of code. This parameter represents the movement time
, that is, the movement operation is completed within the specified time, and the unit is seconds
Run these two lines of code and observe the changes of the screen mouse. Isn’t it amazing?
Usually, our mouse has two buttons on the left and right, and an advanced mouse has a button in the middle.
My mouse only has two buttons, and there is no button in the middle. Alas~pyautogui
There are corresponding processing for these three button operations:
# 鼠标点击,默认左键 pyautogui.click(100,100) # 单击左键 pyautogui.click(100,100,button='left') # 单击右键 pyautogui.click(100,300,button='right') # 单击中间 pyautogui.click(100,300,button='middle')
Mouse click, if the button
parameter is not specified, the default is Click the left button, the first two parameters are the location of the click coordinates.
Run this code and see what happens to your desktop?
In addition to click operations, the mouse also has double-click operations:
# 双击左键 pyautogui.doubleClick(10,10) # 双击右键 pyautogui.rightClick(10,10) # 双击中键 pyautogui.middleClick(10,10) # 双击屏幕 pyautogui.tripleClick(10,10)
The operation function is also very simple, I believe everyone can understand it at a glance , if you can’t understand it at first glance, please take a few more glances!
Friends who are familiar with the front-end may immediately think that mouse operations have a process of pressing and releasing, and our screen operations also have corresponding controls:
# 鼠标按下 pyautogui.mouseDown() # 鼠标释放 pyautogui.mouseUp()
We can control the mouse to drag to the specified coordinate position, and set the operation time and keys:
This operation effect is similar to the previous movement.
Based on the previous experience of moving, we also drag the mouse in the direction:
In desktop operations, we sometimes need to scroll the mouse to reach up or to At this time, we can use the scroll
function to control:
parameter is an integer, indicating how many units to scroll up or down. This unit may be different depending on different operating systems. If you scroll up, pass in a positive integer, and if you scroll down, pass in a negative integer.
For example, how do you usually operate the keyboard by inputting an exclamation point (!)?
按住 shift 按键,然后再按住 1 按键,就可以了。用pyautogui
pyautogui.keyDown('shift') pyautogui.press('1') pyautogui.keyUp('shift')
pyautogui.typewrite('python', 1)
运行上面代码,你的编辑器里面就会每隔1秒钟按顺序输出 python 的6个字母。
有时我们需要输入键盘的一些特殊的符号按键,比如 换行、方向键等,这些有相对应的键盘字符串表示:
pyautogui.typewrite(['p','y','t','h','o','n','enter']) pyautogui.typewrite(['p','y','t','h','o','n',' '])
运行上面代码,编辑器里面就会输出 python 之后换行。
如果我要复制一个内容,大部分情况下会使用快键键 ctrl + c,按照上面讲的,我们应该这么实现:
pyautogui.keyDown('ctrl') pyautogui.keyDown('c') pyautogui.keyUp('c') pyautogui.keyUp('ctrl')
键盘字符串 说明
enter(或return 或 \n) 回车
esc ESC键
shiftleft, shiftright 左右SHIFT键
altleft, altright 左右ALT键
ctrlleft, ctrlright 左右CTRL键
tab (\t) TAB键
backspace, delete BACKSPACE 、DELETE键
pageup, pagedown PAGE UP 和 PAGE DOWN键
home, end HOME 和 END键
up, down, left,right 箭头键
f1, f2, f3…. f12 F1…….F12键
volumemute, volumedown,volumeup 声音变大变小静音(有些键盘没有)
pause PAUSE键,暂停键
capslock CAPS LOCK 键
numlock NUM LOCK 键
scrolllock SCROLLLOCK 键
insert INSERT键
printscreen PRINT SCREEN键
winleft, winright Win键(windows )
command command键(Mac OS X )
option option(Mac OS X)
im = pyautogui.screenshot() im.save('screenshot.png') rgb = im.getpixel((100, 500)) print(rgb) match = pyautogui.pixelMatchesColor(500,500,(12,120,400)) print(match)
第一个是获取屏幕截图函数,它可以返回一个 Pillow 的 image 对象; 第二个是获取屏幕截图中指定坐标点的颜色,返回 rgb 颜色值;第三个是将指定坐标点的颜色和目标的颜色进行比对,返回布尔值。
我现在要在屏幕上找到 edge 浏览器的图标,你会怎么做?
通常的做法是先知道 edge 浏览器的图标长啥样,是绿色还是蓝色,是胖的还是瘦的,对吧?然后再在屏幕上去进行图标的匹配,直到找到一个图标跟我们目标图标一样,就得到了结果。
# 图像识别(一个) oneLocation = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('1.png') print(oneLocation) # 图像识别(多个) allLocation = pyautogui.locateAllOnScreen('1.png') print(list(allLocation))
Box(left=20, top=89, width=33, height=34) [Box(left=20, top=89, width=33, height=34)]
这就是图片在桌面的位置,如果找不到图片,就会返回 None。
way = pyautogui.confirm('领导,该走哪条路?', buttons=['农村路', '水路', '陆路']) print(way)
这里就是我们 HTML 页面的 confirm 选择框,选择了选项之后,我们可以获取到选择的选项,然后基于这个选项做判断,进入相应的操作分支。
# 警告框 alert = pyautogui.alert(text='警告!敌军来袭!', title='警告框') print(alert) # 密码框 password = pyautogui.password('请输入密码') print(password) # 普通输入框 input = pyautogui.prompt('请输入指令:') print(input)
的基本知识就给大家介绍到这里,这个 python 模块的功能十分强大,函数都非常简单,对 python 初学者比较友好。学了这些基本知识之后,你可以运用这些基本知识的组合,去实现一些有趣的桌面自动化操作,快去尝试一把吧!
Python Imaging Library 使用左上角为 (0, 0)的坐标系统。
# 截取整个屏幕 im=pyautogui.screenshot() # 截取点赞图片 om=im.crop((1754,595,1803,631)) #将图片保存供pyautogui.locateOnScreen()使用 om.save("dianzan.png")
# 点赞函数 def zan(count): #为了防止一直运行下去,点赞次数由自己定义 time.sleep(0.5) # 寻找刚才保存点赞手势图片 xy = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('dianzan.png') # 寻找图片的中心 center = pyautogui.center(xy) # 点赞 pyautogui.click(center) print('点赞成功') count = 3 # 点赞次数 while range(count): if pyautogui.locateOnScreen('dianzan.png'): zan(count) # 调用点赞函数 count-=1 else: #本页没有图片后,滚动鼠标; pyautogui.scroll(-500) print('没有找到目标,屏幕下滚~') count -= 1 print('点赞结束!')
from PIL import Image import pyautogui import time # 截取整个屏幕 im=pyautogui.screenshot() # 截取点赞图片 om=im.crop((1754,595,1803,631)) #将图片保存供pyautogui.locateOnScreen()使用 om.save("dianzan.png") # 点赞函数 def zan(count): #为了防止一直运行下去,点赞次数由自己定义 time.sleep(0.5) # 寻找刚才保存点赞手势图片 xy = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('dianzan.png') # 寻找图片的中心 center = pyautogui.center(xy) # 点赞 pyautogui.click(center) print('点赞成功') count = 3 # 点赞次数 while range(count): if pyautogui.locateOnScreen('dianzan.png'): zan(count) # 调用点赞函数 count-=1 else: #本页没有图片后,滚动鼠标; pyautogui.scroll(-500) print('没有找到目标,屏幕下滚~') count -= 1 print('点赞结束!')
【相关推荐:Python3视频教程 】
The above is the detailed content of Completely master Python automatic operation GUI PyAutoGUI. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!