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Let's talk about Mycat's implementation of Mysql cluster read and write separation

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This article introduces you to the relevant knowledge about MySQL read and write separation, I hope it will be helpful to you.

Let's talk about Mycat's implementation of Mysql cluster read and write separation

Overview of MySQL read-write separation

  • MySQL is currently the most widely used free database in the world. I believe that all people engaged in system operation All engineers from Weiwei must have come into contact with it.

  • In the actual production environment, a single MySQL as an independent database is completely unable to meet actual needs, whether in terms of security, high availability, high concurrency and other aspects.

  • Therefore, generally speaking, data is synchronized through Master-Slave replication, and then through Separation of reading and writing (MySQL-Proxy/Amoeba) to improve the concurrent load capacity of the databaseDeploy and implement.

The working principle of read-write separation

  • The basic principle is:

  • The main database handles transactional add, modify and delete operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)

  • Processing SELECT query operations from the database

  • Database replication is used to synchronize changes caused by transactional operations to slave databases in the cluster.

##Why read and write separation

  • Faced with increasing access pressure, the performance of a single server has become a bottleneck, and the load needs to be shared

  • The master and slave are only responsible for their own writing and reading, to a great extent Alleviate X (write) lock and S (read) lock contention

  • The myisam engine can be configured from the library to improve query performance and save system overhead

  • Increase redundancy and improve availability

How to achieve read and write separation

    Generally there are Two ways to achieve
  • Application layer implementation, website program implementation
  • Application layer implementation refers to the separation of reading and writing within the application and in the connector

  • Advantages:

  • The application implements read and write separation internally, and can be used during installation

  • Reduce certain deployment difficulty

  • The access pressure is below a certain level and the performance is very good

  • Disadvantages:

  • Once the architecture is adjusted, the code must change accordingly

  • It is difficult to implement advanced applications, such as automatic database sharding and table sharding

  • Unable to apply to large application scenarios

Middleware layer implementation:

  • Middleware layer implementation refers to the separation of reading and writing in the external middleware program

  • Common middleware programs

  • A relational distributed system developed by Alibaba B2B, managing nearly 3,000 MySQL instances. It has withstood the test in Alibaba. Later, due to the author's departure, cobar was no longer maintained. Alibaba also developed tddl to replace cobar.
  • MyCAT:
  • Community enthusiasts conducted secondary development on the basis of Ali cobar, solved some problems that cobar had at the time, and joined There are many new features in it. Currently, the MyCAT community is very active, and some companies are already using MyCAT. Generally speaking, the support is higher than
  • , and it will continue to be maintained.
  • OneProxy:
  • A big boss in the database industry, the former Alipay database team leader building development, based on mysql official proxy idea using c for development Yes, OneProxy is a commercially charged middleware. Lou has omitted some functional points and focused on performance and stability. Someone tested
  • and said it is very stable under high concurrency.
  • Vitess:
  • This middleware is used in Youtube production, but the architecture is very complex. Different from previous middleware, the application changes using Vitess are relatively large. To use the API interface of the language he provides, we can learn from some of his design ideas.
  • Kingshard:
  • Kingshard was developed by Chen Fei, a former member of the 360Atlas middleware development team, using the go language in her spare time. There are currently about 3 people involved in the development. At present, it is not a mature product that can be used. It needs to be continuously improved.

  • Atlas:

  • 360 team rewrote lua in C based on mysql proxy. The original version supports table sharding, and a sharded database and table version has been released. I saw some friends on the Internet often saying that it often hangs under high concurrency. If you want to use it, you need to test it in advance.

  • MaxScale and MySQL Route:

  • These two middleware are considered official, MaxScale is a version maintained by mariadb (the original author of MySQL ), the current version does not support sub-databases and tables. MySQL Route is a middleware now released by MySQL official Oracle company.

  • Advantages:

  • The architecture design is more flexible

  • Can achieve some advanced control on the program , such as: transparent horizontal splitting, failover, and monitoring can rely on technical means to improve mysql performance. It has little impact on business code and is also safe

  • Disadvantages:

  • Requires the support of a certain development and operation team.

What is MyCAT

  • A completely open source, enterprise-oriented application The developed large database cluster

  • supports transactions, ACID, and an enhanced version of the database that can replace MySQL

  • An enterprise-level database that can be regarded as a MySQL cluster Database, used to replace expensive Oracle clusters

  • A new SQL Server that integrates memory caching technology, NoSQL technology, and HDFS big data

  • combination A new generation of enterprise-level database products for traditional databases and new distributed data warehouses

  • A novel database middleware product

MyCat service installation and configuration

  • MyCat provides compiled installation packages that support Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris and other systems Install and run on

  • official download homepage http://www.mycat.org.cn/

  • Experimental architecture:
  • Mycat CentOS 8.3.2011
  • Main server CentOS 7.6
  • Slave server CentOS 7.6
  • Running Mycat requires JDK 1.7 or above

  • Download Mycat
  • wget http://dl.mycat.org.cn/
  • tar xf Mycat-server- -C /usr/local/
  • sudo useradd -M -N -s /sbin/nologin mycat && echo "123456" | sudo passwd --stdin mycat
  • sudo chown -R mycat. /usr/local/mycat/

  • bin program directory, run under Linux: ./mycat console, first chmod x *
    Note: Mycat supports commands { console | start | stop | restart | status | dump }
    conf Configuration files are stored in the directory: server.xml is the configuration file for Mycat server parameter adjustment and user authorization, schema.xml is the configuration file for logical library definitions, tables and sharding definitions, rule.xml is the configuration file for sharding rules, and schema.xml is the configuration file for sharding rules. Some specific parameter information of the slice rules are stored separately as files, which are also in this directory. If the configuration file is modified, Mycat needs to be restarted to take effect.
    The lib directory mainly stores some jar files that mycat depends on.
    The log is stored in logs/mycat.log, one file per day. The log configuration is in conf/log4j.xml. According to your own needs, you can adjust the output level to debug. At the debug level, more will be output. information to facilitate troubleshooting.

MyCat service startup and startup settings

  • When deploying and starting MyCAT in Linux, you first need to Configure MYCAT_HOME in the environment variable of the Linux system. The operation method is as follows:

  • sudo vim /etc/profile.d/mycat.sh
    MYCAT_HOME=/usr/local/mycat PATH= $MYCAT_HOME/bin:$PATH

  • Enable environment variables to take effect

  • . /etc/profile.d/mycat.sh

  • Start the service
  • /usr/local/mycat/bin/mycat start
  • cat /usr/local /mycat/logs/wrapper.log

mycat’s user account and authorization information are in Configure in the conf/server.xml file

  • vim /usr/local/mycat/conf/server.xml

  • What is defined here is the username and password for logging in to mycat on The name can be customized. The mysqld service is not running on The database name specified in the schemas is a database that must exist on the server side!

Edit MyCAT configuration file schema.xml, about the configuration information of dataHost As follows:

  • Back up the original configuration file
  • \cp /usr/local/mycat/conf/schema.xml{,.bak}
  • Edit the configuration file
  • vim /usr/local/mycat/conf/schema.xml

    http://io.mycat/"> Pay attention to the URL here, Wrong writing will cause startup failure!
                                                                                                                                                                 < "dn1" dataHost="dthost" database="mydata"/>

    writeType= "0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native"
    switchType="-1" slaveThreshold="100">                                                                                                 /heartbeat>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 #                                                                                                                                                                                                           Host> ;

  • Force all read operations to run on the read server, and only switch to the write server when data is written

  • Note that the mycat user here must be authorized on and 2.5 on the master-slave database

  • ##GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'mycat'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';

  • Or specify the network segment

  • ##GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'mycat'@'192.168.2. %' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
  • flush privileges;
  • ##If this error is reported, the server is running normally , first check whether there is authorization

  • ERROR 1184 (HY000): Invalid DataSource:0


schema:Logical library, the same as in MySQL Database corresponds to the Table included in a logical library.


table: Table, that is, a table stored in a physical database. Different from traditional databases, the table here needs to declare the logical data node DataNode it stores. This is through the sharding of the table. To achieve this through rule definition, a table can define the "childTable" to which it belongs. The sharding of the child table depends on the specific sharding address of the "parent table". Simply put, it belongs to a certain record in the parent table. All records of A's subtables are stored on the same shard as A. Sharding rule: It is a bundled definition of a field and a function. Based on the value of this field, the sequence number of the stored shard (DataNode) is returned. Each table can define a sharding rule, and the sharding rule can be flexible. Extension, providing number-based sharding rules, string sharding rules, etc. by default.
 dataNode: The logical data node of MyCAT is the specific physical node where the table is stored. It is also called the shard node. It is associated to a specific back-end database through DataSource. Generally speaking, For high availability, each DataNode is equipped with two DataSources, one master and one slave. When the master node goes down, the system automatically switches to the slave node.
dataHost: Define the access address of a physical library for binding to dataNode.
MyCAT currently defines logical libraries and related configurations through configuration files: MYCAT_HOME/conf/schema.xml defines logical libraries, tables, shard nodes, etc.; MYCAT_HOME/conf Define fragmentation rules in /rule.xml;

Define user and system-related variables, such as ports, etc. in MYCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml.

The schema tag is used to define the logical library in the MyCat instance. name: is followed by the logical library name. MyCat can have multiple logical libraries, and each logical library has its own related configuration. You can use schema tags to divide these different logical libraries.
checkSQLschema This attribute defaults to false. The official document means whether to remove the name of the database in front of the table, "select * from db1.testtable". If set to true, db1 will be removed. However, if the name of db1 is not the name of

schema, it will not be removed, so it is officially recommended not to use this syntax. Also set to false by default.

sqlMaxLimit When the value is set to a certain number. For each executed SQL statement, if no limit statement is added, MyCat will automatically add the corresponding value. For example, if you set the value to 100 and execute "select * from test_table", the effect will be
"selelct * from test_table limit 100".
The dataNode label defines the data node in MyCat, which is what we usually call data. Fragmentation

  • Restart the service
  • /usr/local/mycat/bin/mycat restart
    Stopping Mycat-server...
    Stopped Mycat -server.
    Starting Mycat-server...
    tail /usr/local/mycat/logs/wrapper.log

##Configuring MySQL master-slave

    Install and configure mariadb on the two servers respectively. For specific steps, please refer to: https://blog.csdn.net/gaofei0428/ article/details/103829676?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501
  • First on the main database side Edit /etc/my.cnf

  • /etc/my.cnf
  • [mysqld]



    server-id=1 binlog-ignore-db=mysql
    mydata replicate-do-db=
  • lower_case_table_names=1 Turn on case matching
  • Note that the database to be synchronized must exist in advance

  • #After starting without error, configure it on the slave server /etc/my.cnf

    vim /etc/my.cnf                                                                                                    1
  • [mysqld]
  • datadir=/var/lib/mysql



    read_only =1 Turn on read-only mode to prevent data writeback and will not affect slave synchronous replication
  • lower_case_table_names=1 Turn on case matching

  • After restarting the slave database service, perform the following operationsStop the slave of the slave server and create the slave database user
  • mysql -uroot -p123456 - e "stop slave"
  • mysql -uroot -p123456 -e "grant replication slave on *.* to 'slave'@'%' identified by '123456'"
  • mysql -uroot -p123456 -e "select user ,password from mysql.user"

mysql -uroot -p123456 -e "change master to master_host='',master_user=' slave',master_password='123456',master_log_file='mysql-bin.000002',master_log_pos=245;"
    mysql -uroot -p123456 -e "start slave"
  • mysql -uroot -p123456 -e "show slave status"

  • Test

  • First export the backup of all libraries of the main server

  • mysqldump -uroot -p --all-databases > /tmp/all_dbs.sql

  • ##Then import from server

  • ##mysql -uroot -p < ; /tmp/all_dbs.sql

    Add some data on the main database side and observe whether the secondary database is synchronized

Check on the slave server

If synchronization errors occur, you need to stop slave on the slave server and then change master again

##Use slave User login test

  • ## Return to mycat server

    Try to log in
  • mysql -uroot -p123456 -h192.168.2.2 -P8066
  • 8066 is the port number when mycat is running

Test read-write separation

  • mysql -uroot -p123456 -h192.168.2.2 -P9066 -e "show @@datasource"

  • 9066 is mycat management port
  • select * from mydata.mylist;

##Write data or change data

    insert into mydata.mylist values(10,'test');

##Simulate a fault, first stop the slave server

  • systemctl stop mariadb.service

  • Try to write data on

insert into mydata.mylist values( 7,'gf');

  • View on main server

  • Open the slave server

  • ##Simulate the master server down

    • The query is normal, try to write data

    • The query is normal but cannot be written

    • Add multiple libraries
    • vim cat /usr/local/mycat /conf/server.xml
    •                                                                                                                                               ,, ,                                                 

    ##vim /usr/local/mycat/conf/schema.xml

    Restart the service after adding
    • /usr/local/mycat/bin/mycat restart
    • tail / usr/local/mycat/logs/wrpper.log

    ##Error handling
    • Startup failed: Timed out waiting for a signal from the JVM.
      JVM did not exit on request, terminated
      Add# to wrapper.conf


      //Timeout 300 seconds wrapper.ping.timeout=120
    • Recommended learning:
    • mysql video tutorial

The above is the detailed content of Let's talk about Mycat's implementation of Mysql cluster read and write separation. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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