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Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

2022-01-17 19:28:3424859browse

How to use group by in MySql? The following article will give you an in-depth analysis of the usage of group by. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

In daily development, we often use group by. Dear friends, do you know how group by works? What is the difference between group by and having? What is the optimization idea of ​​group by? What are the issues that need to be paid attention to when using group by? This article will learn with everyone and conquer group by~

  • A simple example of using group by
  • group by working principle
  • group The difference between by where and group by having
  • Optimization ideas of group by
  • Notes on using group by
  • How to optimize a slow production SQL

[Related recommendations: mysql video tutorial]

1. Simple example of using group by

group by is generally used for group statistics , the logic it expresses is grouping according to certain rules. Let’s start with a simple example and review it together.

Assume an employee table is used. The table structure is as follows:

CREATE TABLE `staff` (
  `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键id',
  `id_card` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '身份证号码',
  `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '姓名',
  `age` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '年龄',
  `city` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '城市',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

The data stored in the table is as follows:

Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

We now have such a Requirements: Count the number of employees in each city. The corresponding SQL statement can be written like this:

select city ,count(*) as num from staff group by city;

The execution result is as follows:

Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

The logic of this SQL statement is very clear, but its underlying execution What is the process?

2. group by principle analysis

2.1 explain analysis

Let’s first use explain to check the execution plan

explain select city ,count(*) as num from staff group by city;

Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

  • Extra The Using temporary of this field indicates that the temporary table
  • is used when performing grouping. Extra Using filesort in this field indicates that sorting is used

##group by How to use temporary table and sorting ? Let’s take a look at the execution process of this SQL

2.2 Simple execution process of group by
explain select city ,count(*) as num from staff group by city;

Let’s take a look at the execution process of this SQL

    Create a temporary memory table with two fields
  1. city and num;
  2. Full table scan for records of
  3. staff , take out the records with city = 'X' in turn.
    Judge whether there is a row with city='X' in the
  • temporary table. If not, insert a record (X,1);
  • If there is a row with city='X' in the temporary table, add 1 to the num value of the x row;
    After the traversal is completed, according to the field
  1. cityDoSort, get the result set and return it to the client.
The execution diagram of this process is as follows:

Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

What is the sorting of temporary tables?

Just put the fields that need to be sorted into the sort buffer, and return after sorting. Pay attention here, sorting is divided into

full field sorting and rowid sorting

    If it is
  • full field sorting, the query needs to be returned All fields are put into sort buffer, and after sorting according to sort field,
  • is returned directly. If it is
  • rowid sort, it only needs to be sorted. The fields are put into the sort buffer, and then one more return to the table operation is performed, and then returned.
  • How to determine whether to use full field sorting or rowid sorting? Controlled by a database parameter,
  • max_length_for_sort_data
Friends who are interested in learning more about sorting can read this article of mine.

3. where 和 having的区别

  • group by + where 的执行流程
  • group by + having 的执行流程
  • 同时有where、group by 、having的执行顺序

3.1 group by + where 的执行流程



select city ,count(*) as num from staff where age> 30 group by city;
alter table staff add index idx_age (age);


explain select city ,count(*) as num from staff where age> 30 group by city;

Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

从explain 执行计划结果,可以发现查询条件命中了idx_age的索引,并且使用了临时表和排序

Using index condition:表示索引下推优化,根据索引尽可能的过滤数据,然后再返回给服务器层根据where其他条件进行过滤。这里单个索引为什么会出现索引下推呢?explain出现并不代表一定是使用了索引下推,只是代表可以使用,但是不一定用了。大家如果有想法或者有疑问,可以加我微信讨论哈。




3、通过主键ID,回表找到city = 'X'

  • 判断临时表中是否有为 city='X'的行,没有就插入一个记录 (X,1);
  • 如果临时表中有city='X'的行的行,就将x 这一行的num值加 1;



3.2 group by + having 的执行


select city ,count(*) as num from staff  group by city having num >= 3;


Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)


3.3 同时有where、group by 、having的执行顺序

如果一个SQL同时含有where、group by、having子句,执行顺序是怎样的呢。


select city ,count(*) as num from staff  where age> 19 group by city having num >= 3;
  • 执行where子句查找符合年龄大于19的员工数据

  • group by子句对员工数据,根据城市分组。

  • group by子句形成的城市组,运行聚集函数计算每一组的员工数量值;

  • 最后用having子句选出员工数量大于等于3的城市组。

3.4 where + having 区别总结

  • having子句用于分组后筛选,where子句用于条件筛选
  • having一般都是配合group by 和聚合函数一起出现如(count(),sum(),avg(),max(),min())
  • where条件子句中不能使用聚集函数,而having子句就可以。
  • having只能用在group by之后,where执行在group by之前

4. 使用 group by 注意的问题

使用group by 主要有这几点需要注意:

  • group by一定要配合聚合函数一起使用嘛?
  • group by的字段一定要出现在select中嘛
  • group by导致的慢SQL问题

4.1 group by一定要配合聚合函数使用嘛?

group by 就是分组统计的意思,一般情况都是配合聚合函数 如(count(),sum(),avg(),max(),min())一起使用。

  • count() 数量
  • sum() 总和
  • avg() 平均
  • max() 最大值
  • min() 最小值


我用的是Mysql 5.7 ,是可以的。不会报错,并且返回的是,分组的第一行数据。


select city,id_card,age from staff group by  city;


Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)


Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

当然,平时大家使用的时候,group by还是配合聚合函数使用的,除非一些特殊场景,比如你想去重,当然去重用distinct也是可以的。

4.2 group by 后面跟的字段一定要出现在select中嘛。


select max(age)  from staff group by city;


Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

分组字段city不在select 后面,并不会报错。当然,这个可能跟不同的数据库,不同的版本有关吧。大家使用的时候,可以先验证一下就好。有一句话叫做,纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行

4.3 <span style="font-size: 16px;">group by</span>导致的慢SQL问题

到了最重要的一个注意问题啦,group by使用不当,很容易就会产生慢SQL 问题。因为它既用到临时表,又默认用到排序。有时候还可能用到磁盘临时表

  • 如果执行过程中,会发现内存临时表大小到达了上限(控制这个上限的参数就是tmp_table_size),会把内存临时表转成磁盘临时表
  • 如果数据量很大,很可能这个查询需要的磁盘临时表,就会占用大量的磁盘空间。


5. group by的一些优化方案


  • 方向1: 既然它默认会排序,我们不给它排是不是就行啦。
  • 方向2:既然临时表是影响group by性能的X因素,我们是不是可以不用临时表?

我们一起来想下,执行group by语句为什么需要临时表呢?group by的语义逻辑,就是统计不同的值出现的个数。如果这个这些值一开始就是有序的,我们是不是直接往下扫描统计就好了,就不用临时表来记录并统计结果啦?

  • group by 后面的字段加索引
  • order by null 不用排序
  • 尽量只使用内存临时表

5.1 group by 后面的字段加索引

如何保证group by后面的字段数值一开始就是有序的呢?当然就是加索引啦。


select city ,count(*) as num from staff where age= 19 group by city;


Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)


alter table staff add index idx_age_city(age,city);


1Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

加合适的索引是优化group by最简单有效的优化方式。

5.2 order by null 不用排序


如果你的需求并不需要对结果集进行排序,可以使用order by null

select city ,count(*) as num from staff group by city order by null


1Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)

5.3 尽量只使用内存临时表

如果group by需要统计的数据不多,我们可以尽量只使用内存临时表;因为如果group by 的过程因为数据放不下,导致用到磁盘临时表的话,是比较耗时的。因此可以适当调大tmp_table_size参数,来避免用到磁盘临时表



因此,如果预估数据量比较大,我们使用SQL_BIG_RESULT 这个提示直接用磁盘临时表。MySQl优化器发现,磁盘临时表是B+树存储,存储效率不如数组来得高。因此会直接用数组来存


select SQL_BIG_RESULT city ,count(*) as num from staff group by city;


1Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage)


  • 初始化 sort_buffer,放入city字段;

  • 扫描表staff,依次取出city的值,存入 sort_buffer 中;

  • 扫描完成后,对 sort_buffer的city字段做排序

  • 排序完成后,就得到了一个有序数组。

  • 根据有序数组,统计每个值出现的次数。

6. 一个生产慢SQL如何优化

最近遇到个生产慢SQL,跟group by相关的,给大家看下怎么优化哈。


CREATE TABLE `staff` (
  `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT &#39;主键id&#39;,
  `id_card` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT &#39;身份证号码&#39;,
  `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT &#39;姓名&#39;,
  `status` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT &#39;Y-已激活 I-初始化 D-已删除 R-审核中&#39;,
  `age` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT &#39;年龄&#39;,
  `city` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT &#39;城市&#39;,
  `enterprise_no` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT &#39;企业号&#39;,
  `legal_cert_no` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT &#39;法人号码&#39;,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


select * from t1 where status = #{status} group by #{legal_cert_no}



The above is the detailed content of Learn more about how to use group by in MySql? (Detailed explanation of usage). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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