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PHP can also implement lexical analysis and custom languages!

2022-01-12 15:08:104897browse

There was a requirement in the previous project. The business staff wrote some custom formulas in Chinese, and then we needed to execute the results in the background and return the results to the interface, so we wrote this lexical analyzer based on the finite state machine. It's relatively simple, I hope it can inspire others.

1. Analysis requirements

Enter the Chinese formula and return the result, for example:

返回 (现有薪资-个税起点) * 0.2;

2. Implement the requirements

The initial idea is to use string replacement to replace Chinese keywords with PHP keywords, and then call eval to execute. This is indeed possible, but I always feel that it is not It's beautiful and cannot be parsed dynamically. I just thought about implementing a simple lexical analysis by myself, and then combined with ast to convert the lexicon into php code for execution, wouldn't it be fun? The current version does not use abstract syntax trees to generate code, and all uses string concatenation. [Recommended learning: PHP video tutorial]


 * Class Lexer
 * @package Sett\OaLang
 * 词法分析器
class Lexer {
    // 内置关键字集合
    public $keywordList = [];
    // 内置操作符集合
    public $operatorList = [
        "+", "-", "*", "/", "=", ">", "<", "!", "(", ")", "{", "}", ",", ";"
    // 源代码
    private $input;
    // 当前的字符
    private $currChar;
    // 当前字符位置
    private $currCharPos = 0;
    // 结束符
    private $eof = "eof";
    // 当前编码
    private $currEncode  = "UTF-8";

    // 内置关键字
    public const VAR = "variable";
    public const STR = "string";
    public const KW  = "keyword";
    public const OPR = "operator";
    public const INT = "integer";
    public const NIL = "null";

     * Lexer constructor.
     * @param string $input
    public function __construct(string $input) {
        $this->input    = $input;
        $this->currChar = mb_substr($this->input, $this->currCharPos, 1);

     * @param array $keywordList
    public function setKeywordList($keywordList) {
        $this->keywordList = $keywordList;

     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function parseInput() {
        if ($this->input == "") {
            throw new Exception("code can not be empty");
        $tokens = [];
        do {
            $token = $this->nextToken();
            if ($token["type"] != "eof") {
                $tokens[] = $token;
            if ($token["type"] == self::KW) {
                $tokens[] = $this->makeToken(self::NIL, " ");
        } while ($token["type"] != "eof");
        return $tokens;

     * @return array
    public function nextToken() {
        $this->currChar == "" && $this->currChar = $this->eof;
        if ($this->isCnLetter()) {
            $word = $this->matchUntilNextCharIsNotCn();
            if ($this->isKeyword($word)) {
                $this->currCharPos -= 1;
                return $this->currToken(static::KW, $word);
            // 不是关键字的全部归为变量
            return $this->makeToken(static::VAR, $word);
        // 如果是操作符
        if ($this->isOperator()) {
            return $this->currToken(static::OPR, $this->currChar);
        // 如果是数字
        if ($this->isNumber()) {
            return $this->currToken(static::INT, $this->currChar);
        // 如果是字符串
        if ($str = $this->isStr()) {
            return $this->currToken(static::STR, $str);
        // 如果是变量
        if ($this->isVar()) {
            $word = $this->matchVar();
            if ($this->isKeyword($word)) {
                return $this->currToken(static::KW, $word);
            return $this->makeToken(static::VAR, $word);
        if ($this->currChar == $this->eof) {
            return $this->currToken(&#39;eof&#39;, $this->currChar);
        return $this->currToken(static::VAR, $this->currChar);

     * @param string $input
     * @return string
    private function matchVar(string $input = "") {
        $word = $input ?: &#39;&#39;;
        while ($this->isVar()) {
            $word .= $this->currChar;
        return $word;

     * @return bool
     * 是否为普通变量
    private function isVar() {
        return $this->isCnLetter() || $this->isEnLetter();

     * 跳过空白字符
    private function skipBlankChar() {
        while (ord($this->currChar) == 10 ||
            ord($this->currChar) == 13 ||
            ord($this->currChar) == 32) {

     * @param string $type
     * @param $word
     * @return array
     * 记录当前token和下一个字符
    private function currToken(string $type, $word) {
        $token = $this->makeToken($type, $word);
        return $token;

     * @param string $type
     * @param string $char
     * @return array
    private function makeToken(string $type, string $char) {
        return ["type" => $type, "char" => $char, "pos" => $this->currCharPos];

     * @return bool
     * 判断是否是英文字符
    private function isEnLetter() {
        if ($this->currChar == "" || $this->currChar == $this->eof) {
            return false;
        $ord = mb_ord($this->currChar, $this->currEncode);
        if ($ord > ord(&#39;a&#39;) && $ord < ord(&#39;z&#39;)) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * @return false|int
     * 是否中文字符
    private function isCnLetter() {
        return preg_match("/^[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]+$/u", $this->currChar);

     * @return bool
     * 是否为数字
    private function isNumber() {
        return is_numeric($this->currChar);

     * @return bool
     * 是否是字符串
    private function isStr() {
        return $this->matchCompleteStr();

     * @return string
     * 匹配完整字符串
    private function matchCompleteStr() {
        $char = "";
        if ($this->currChar == "\"") {
            while ($this->currChar != "\"") {
                if ($this->currChar != "\"") {
                    $char .= $this->currChar;
            return $char;
        return $char;

     * @return bool
     * 是否是操作符
    private function isOperator() {
        return in_array($this->currChar, $this->operatorList);

     * @return string
     * 匹配中文字符
    private function matchUntilNextCharIsNotCn() {
        $char = "";
        while ($this->isCnLetter()) {
            $char .= $this->currChar;
        return $char;

     * @return void 获取下一个字符
     * 获取下一个字符
    private function nextChar() {
        $this->currCharPos += 1;
        $this->currChar    = mb_substr($this->input, $this->currCharPos, 1);
        if ($this->currChar == "") {
            $this->currChar = $this->eof;

     * @param string $input
     * @return bool
     * 是否是关键字
    private function isKeyword(string $input) {
        return ($this->keywordList[$input] ?? "") != "";

    public function convert(array $tokens) {
        $code = "";
        foreach ($this->lexerIterator($tokens) as $generator) {
            switch ($generator["type"]) {
                case static::KW:
                    $code .= $this->keywordList[$generator["char"]];
                case static::VAR:
                    $code .= sprintf("$%s", $generator["char"]);
                case static::OPR:
                    $code .= $this->replace($generator["char"]);
                case static::INT:
                    $code .= $generator["char"];
                case static::STR:
                    $code .= sprintf("\"%s\"", $generator["char"]);
                    $code .= $generator["char"];
        return $code;

    private function replace(string $char) {
        return str_replace("+", ".", $char);

     * @param array $tokens
     * @return \Generator
    private function lexerIterator(array $tokens) {
        foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
            yield $token;

3. How to use

require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
// 定义一段代码
$code = <<<EOF
地址=(1+2) * 3;
如果(地址 > 3){
说话 = ("我"+"爱")+"你";
返回 姓名+年龄;
$lexer = new Lexer($code);
// 自定义你的关键字
$kwMap = [
    "如果" => "if", "否则" => "else", "返回" => "return", "否则如果" => "elseif"
// 这里是生成的词
$tokens = $lexer->parseInput();
// 将生成的词转成php,当然你也可以尝试用php-parse转ast再转成php,这里只是简单的拼接

to generate words

    "type": "variable",
    "char": "姓名",
    "pos": 2}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "=",
    "pos": 2}, {
    "type": "string",
    "char": "腕豪",
    "pos": 7}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ";",
    "pos": 8}, {
    "type": "variable",
    "char": "问候",
    "pos": 13}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "=",
    "pos": 13}, {
    "typ e": "string",
    "char": "你好啊",
    "pos": 17}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ";",
    "pos": 18}, {
    "type": "variable",
    "char": "地址",
    "pos": 23}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "=",
    "pos": 23}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "(",
    "pos": 24}, {
    "type": "integer",
    "char": "1",
    "pos": 25}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": " +",
    "pos": 26}, {
    "type": "integer",
    "char": "2",
    "pos": 27}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ")",
    "pos": 28}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "*",
    "pos": 30}, {
    "type": "integer",
    "char": "3",
    "pos": 32}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ";",
    "pos": 33}, {
    "type": "keyword",
    "char": "如果",
    "pos": 37}, {
    "type": "nul l",
    "char": " ",
    "pos": 38}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "(",
    "pos": 38}, {
    "type": "variable",
    "char": "地址",
    "pos": 41}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ">",
    "pos": 42}, {
    "type": "integer",
    "char": "3",
    "pos": 44}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ")",
    "pos": 45}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "{",
    "pos": 46}, {
    "type": "variable",
    "char": "地址",
    "pos": 55}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "=",
    "pos": 55}, {
    "type": "integer",
    "char": "1",
    "pos": 56}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ";",
    "pos": 57}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "}",
    "pos": 60}, {
    "type": "keyword",
    "char": "否则",
    "pos": 62}, {
    "type": "null",
    "char ": " ",
    "pos": 63}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "{",
    "pos": 63}, {
    "type": "variable",
    "char": "地址",
    "pos": 72}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "=",
    "pos": 72}, {
    "type": "string",
    "char": "艾欧尼亚",
    "pos": 78}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ";",
    "pos": 79}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "}",
    "pos": 82}, {
    "type": "variable",
    "char": "说话",
    "pos": 87}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "=",
    "pos": 88}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "(",
    "pos": 90}, {
    "type": "string",
    "char": "我",
    "pos": 93}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "+",
    "pos": 94}, {
    "type": "string",
    "char": "爱",
    "pos": 97}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ")",
    "pos": 98}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": "+",
    "pos": 99}, {
    "type": "string",
    "char": "你",
    "pos": 102}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ";",
    "pos": 103}, {
    "type": "keyword",
    "char": "返回",
    "pos": 107}, {
    "type": "null",
    "char": " ",
    "pos": 108}, {
    "type": "variable",
    "char": "姓名",
    "pos": 111}, {
    "typ e": "operator",
    "char": "+",
    "pos": 111}, {
    "type": "variable",
    "char": "年龄",
    "pos": 114}, {
    "type": "operator",
    "char": ";",
    "pos": 114}]


$姓名="腕豪";$问候="你好啊";$地址=(1.2)*3;if ($地址>3){$地址=1;}else {$地址="艾欧尼亚";}$说话=("我"."爱")."你";return $姓名.$年龄;

Can it be executed? Of course. There are still some small bugs that I don’t want to change.

4. Usage Scenarios

What, some people actually say it’s useless? The oa system will always be useful.

The above is the detailed content of PHP can also implement lexical analysis and custom languages!. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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