Our commonly used signals
kill sigterm sigkill【kill command】
ctrl c sigint [issued by keyboard]
reload sinhub [generally issued from terminal]
ctrl z sigstop [issued by keyboard]
Timer sigalarm [A process can only have one timing time, more will be overwritten by new values]
sigkill and sinstop are performing signal processing When, it cannot be ignored (signal processing can be ignored, and user-specified processing is executed by default)
php signal small example
<?php function sighandler($signo){ echo 'just for sigint',"\n"; } function sighandler2($signo){ echo 'just for sigquit',"\n"; } declare(ticks=1); pcntl_signal(SIGINT,"sighandler"); pcntl_signal(SIGQUIT,"sighandler2"); for($i=1;$i<30;$i++){ file_put_contents('/home/tbtest/out.txt',"$i"."秒\n"); sleep(1); }
Execution result
root@lyh:/home/tbtest# php sigint.php ^Cjust for sigint ^Cjust for sigint ^Cjust for sigint just for sigquit ^Cjust for sigint ^Cjust for sigint ^Z [1]+ Stopped php sigint.php root@lyh:/home/tbtest# bg [1]+ php sigint.php & root@lyh:/home/tbtest# fg php sigint.php root@lyh:/home/tbtest# cat out.txt 29秒 root@lyh:/home/tbtest#
About capturing sigquit
I captured jsut for sigquit above because I set up another terminal,
root@lyh:~# ps -aux |grep php root 16385 0.5 1.9 377720 19468 pts/2 S+ 15:09 0:00 php sigint.php root 16390 0.0 0.0 11744 932 pts/0 S+ 15:09 0:00 grep --color=auto php root@lyh:~# kill -s sigquit 16385
ps: pcntl_signal_dispatch is more efficient than ticks