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An in-depth analysis of class decorators in Angular

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An in-depth analysis of class decorators in Angular


  • NgModule: 标明是一个模块
  • Component:标明是一个组件
  • Directive: 标明是一个指令
  • Injectable: 标明是一个服务
  • Pipe: 标明是一个管道

1. NgModule



1.1 imports


1.2.  declarations: Array8cdcaf1eb092ddf0e71187b21b558ea9


1.3. providers: []


1.4 exports: Array8cdcaf1eb092ddf0e71187b21b558ea9


为啥要抛出去?angular规定可声明对象应该且只能属于一个 NgModule。

1.5 entryComponents: []

告诉 Angular 哪些是动态组件,Angular 都会为其创建一个 ComponentFactory,并将其保存到 ComponentFactoryResolver 中。


1.6 bootstrap:Array8cdcaf1eb092ddf0e71187b21b558ea9

当该模块引导时需要进行引导的组件。列在这里的所有组件都会自动添加到 entryComponents 中。即路由链接到该模块时默认显示的组件。

1.7 schemas: Array6442314f0169a8ba2468517ae5d33400

该 NgModule 中允许使用的声明元素的 schema(HTML 架构)。 元素和属性(无论是 Angular 组件还是指令)都必须声明在 schema 中。

1.8 id: string

当前 NgModule 在 getModuleFactory 中的名字或唯一标识符。 如果为 undefined,则该模块不会被注册进 getModuleFactory 中。

1.9 jit: true

如果为 true,则该模块将会被 AOT 编译器忽略,因此始终会使用 JIT 编译。

2. Component

一个装饰器,用于把某个类标记为 Angular 组件,并为它配置一些元数据,以决定该组件在运行期间该如何处理、实例化和使用。 组件是特殊的指令,它的一部分属性继承自 Directive 装饰器。

2.1 selector: string

css选择器名称, 可以是标签名、属性、class等,一般都是以标签来命名,具体见指令选择器部分。

selector: 'mo-dir'在html中使用为 88119e2bf5e7fdd9daed54514cbfd87606404762ae6c64591e08ae30689a7f0d
也可以使用属性来定义, 如selector: '[mo-dir]'在html中使用为 2b5cf4925f5177952a6516211a36db4d16b28748ea4df4d9c2150843fecfba68

2.2 template: string、templateUrl:string


  • template 是直接写的html字符串,如dc6dce4a544fdca2df29d5ac0ea9906b我是html内容16b28748ea4df4d9c2150843fecfba68
  • templateUrl is the html file path address

2.3 styles, styleUrls

  • styles is directly written css Style
  • styleUrls is the css file path address

2.4 animations

One or more animation trigger() calls, including some state( ) and transition() definition.

2.5 providers

Services can be registered here and used

2.6 changeDetection

Specifies the change detection strategy for the current component.

2.7 inputs: string[]

The parameters passed in by the component are equivalent to @Input. The difference from @Input is that it is an array.

  selector: 'mo-dir',
  inputs: [id: 123],
  template: `
   {{ id }}
class BankAccount {
  id: number;

The content in inputs indicates that there is an id attribute, and the default value is 123. Equivalent to @Input id: number = 123.

2.8 outputs: string[]

event output, equivalent to @Output, different from @Output It is an array.

  selector: 'mo-dir',
  outputs: [ 'idChange' ]
class ChildDir {
 idChange: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>();

is equivalent to @output idChange: EventEmitter98c455a79ddfebb79781bff588e7b37e = new EventEmitter98c455a79ddfebb79781bff588e7b37e();.

3. Directive

##3.1 selector: string

It is a css selector used to mark in templates Exits the instruction and triggers the instantiation of the instruction. You can use one of the following forms

    Element name or tag name
  • @Directive({
      selector: &#39;mo&#39;,
  • @Directive({
      selector: &#39;.mo&#39;,
    <div class=".mo"></div>
    Attribute name
  • @Directive({
      selector: &#39;[mo]&#39;,
    <div mo></div>
    Attribute name = attribute value
  • @Directive({
      selector: &#39;[type=text]&#39;,
    <input type="text"></div>
    Does not contain a selector
For example, matching attributes

moBut does not contain class.foo

  selector: &#39;div[mo]:not(.foo)&#39;,
<div mo></div>

The first of the above instructions will not be matched, but the second one will be matched.

    Just match one of the multiple ones
You can write multiple ones at the same time. If one of them matches, just use commas to separate them.

  selector: &#39;.foo, .bar&#39;,
<div class="foo"></div>
<div class="bar></div>
<div class="foo bar"></div>

The above three instructions will be added.

3.2 inputs, outputs: string[]

Same component

3.3 providers

will serve Inject it in using

3.4 exportAs: string

Take Advantage of the exportAs Property in Angular:

https://netbasal.com /angular-2-take-advantage-of-the-exportas-property-81374ce24d26

Throw the instruction as a variable for external use.

For example, write an instruction to modify the text color

 selector: &#39;[changeColor]&#39;,
 exportAs: &#39;changeColor&#39;
class ChangeColorDirective {
    toggleColor() {
        // 修改颜色的逻辑
<p changeColor #changeColorRef="changeColor"></p>

<button (click)="changeColorRef.toggleColor()"></button>

The instruction obtains the p element through the attribute

[changeColor], and then uses exportAs to export the instruction It is thrown out with the changeColor variable, and the instruction instance is received as #changeColorRef in the html template. At this time, the content in this instruction can be used.

3.5 queries, host, jit

The official website explains it very clearly:

    queries: https://angular.cn/api /core/Directive#queries
  • host:https://angular.cn/api/core/Directive#host
  • jit:https://angular.cn/api/core/Directive #jit

4. Injectable



  providedIn: &#39;root&#39;,
    'root': Application-level injector in most applications.
  • 'platform': A special singleton platform injector shared by all applications on the page.
  • 'any': Provide a unique instance in every module in which the token is injected (including lazy modules).

5. pipe

The function of the pipe is data conversion.

5.1 name: string

Pipe name

5.2 pure: boolean

    true : Pure pipeline, the transform method will only be called when the input parameters change
  • false: The pipeline will be called once in each change detection cycle - even if its parameters have not changed.
Customize a pipeline:

Pass the name and id into the pipeline for processing

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from &#39;@angular/core&#39;;

  name: &#39;mo&#39;,
export class MoPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(name: string, id: number): any {
    // 对传进来的数组进行处理,再return出去
  selector: &#39;mo-dir&#39;,
  template: `
    <p>   {{ name | mo: id }} </span>
class BankAccount {
    name: string = "deepthan"
    id:   number = 1;

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