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Take you step by step to implement the function of saving picture components in the mini program

2021-10-27 10:46:402400browse

This article will let you talk aboutWeChat appletSave picture component development, I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

Take you step by step to implement the function of saving picture components in the mini program

Many WeChat mini programs allow users to share activities by saving posters to let more people know about their mini programs. I must have encountered this when developing mini programs. Bar. [Related learning recommendations: 小program development tutorial]

Today I will share the function of saving posters in a small program I made in the company. First, let me first describe what the needs were like in the company before. The company's online mini program will have a long-term purpose of promoting new users. Each user must have a poster of their own, and promotion through personal posters is just a simple way.

After receiving the task, I also went to Universal Internet to do research first, but my senior brother told me that he had done something similar to this, but at that time it was just to complete the task, so the code was very messy, and then he started from other projects. I searched and searched for the code, and finally found it for me~~~ But the time given to me was tight and the task was heavy, so I had to make some adjustments and submit it first. After that, I followed the online articles and followed the pitfalls step by step, and implemented a component for saving posters step by step.


First of all, let’s declare that the component uses uniapp, which specifically implements the basic functions of drawing pictures, drawing text, and saving posters to albums. These are fully sufficient during development. used.

Draw the poster through canvas. Use uni.canvasToTempFilePath to convert the drawn canvas into a picture. Use uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum to save the pictures in the local temporary path to the mobile phone album. My idea is to encapsulate all the methods used into components, and only use the parent component to call the methods that need to be used and adjust the relevant parameters. For specific usage, you can view the sample code

The order of drawing poster content through canvas

Determine the order of drawing poster content by using the promise object. promise.all() Method performs the last step of canvas painting operation context.draw()

Note uni.getImageInfo()

  • When drawing pictures and avatars, the component obtains the relevant information of the picture through uni.getImageInfo(). The prerequisite for successful calling of this method is that the download domain name and request domain name need to be configured in the WeChat applet background. Of course, it is best to configure the uploadFile domain name together to prevent errors. However, the official tip is to configure the download domain name whitelist, but the image information cannot be obtained, which is a big pitfall.

  • If there is no relevant configuration, the vconsole debugging tool is opened during debugging or trial version, official version, etc. uni.getImageInfo() can obtain image information. Once vconsole is closed, uni.getImageInfo() will fail, which is also a pitfall.

This component method, variable introduction


  • canvasInfo Object (required)

    • canvasWidth canvas width

    • canvasHeight canvas height

    • canvasId canvas identification

  • isFullScreen Boolean

    • When it is true, it means that the canvas is the full screen of the mobile phone screen, and the width and height set by canvasInfo will be invalid.

    • Default is false


  • canvasInit(callback) Canvas initialization, all canvas operations must be performed in its callback function.

  • drawCanvasImage(context, src, _imageWidth, _imageHeight, dx, dy) Draw an image on canvas

  • drawCircularAvatar(context, url, _circularX, _circularY, _circularR) Draw a circular picture on canvas

  • ##drawText(options) Draw single or multi-line text on canvas

  • startDrawToImage(context, promiseArr, callback) Draw() on canvas

  • posterToPhotosAlbum(filePath) Save to mobile phone album

Sample code

		<view class="savePosterItem">
			<image v-show="tempFilePath" :src="tempFilePath"></image>
			<save-poster-com v-show="!tempFilePath" ref="savePoster" :canvasInfo="canvasInfo"></save-poster-com>
		<button class="savePosterBtn" type="primary" @click="saveBtnFun">保存海报</button>

	import SavePosterCom from &#39;@/components/SavePosterCom/SavePosterCom.vue&#39;
	export default {
		components: {
		data() {
			return {
				canvasInfo: {
					canvasWidth: 620,
					canvasHeight: 950,
					canvasId: &#39;save-poster&#39;
				tempFilePath: &#39;&#39;,
				canvasBgUrl: &#39;https://images.pexels.com/photos/4065617/pexels-photo-4065617.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500&#39;,
				avatarUrl: &#39;https://p9-passport.byteacctimg.com/img/user-avatar/4dbf31fa6dec9c65b78a70d28d843c04~300x300.image&#39;
		onLoad() {
			let {
			} = this.$refs.savePoster.$options.methods
			}) => {
				// 获取画布宽高
				let canvasWH = comThis.canvasWH
				// 绘制海报背景图
				let promise_1 = drawCanvasImage(context, this.canvasBgUrl, canvasWH.canvasWidth, canvasWH.canvasHeight)
				// 必须先绘制玩海报背景图 再去操作其他绘制内容
				promise_1.then(res => {
					let promise_2 = drawCircularAvatar(context, this.avatarUrl, canvasWH.canvasWidth / 2, canvasWH.canvasHeight /
						7, 70)
					let promise_3 = drawText({
						context: context,
						text: &#39;皮皮虾仁&#39;,
						dx: (canvasWH.canvasWidth / 2) + 60,
						dy: canvasWH.canvasHeight / 4,
						fontSize: 30,
						fontColor: &#39;#5D4037&#39;
					let promise_4 = drawCanvasImage(context, this.avatarUrl, 150, 150, (canvasWH.canvasWidth / 2) + 85, (canvasWH.canvasHeight -
					this.$refs.savePoster.startDrawToImage(context, [promise_1,promise_2,promise_4], (tempFilePath) => {
						this.tempFilePath = tempFilePath
		methods: {
			saveBtnFun() {
					title: &#39;保存海报&#39;,
					content: &#39;海报将被保存至相册中&#39;,
					confirmText: &#39;保存&#39;,
					success: (res) => {
						if(res.confirm) {

	.savePosterItem {
		text-align: center;
	.savePosterItem > image {
		width: 620rpx;
		height: 950rpx;
	.savePosterBtn {
		margin-top: 40rpx;
		width: 80%;

Component source code

		<canvas :canvas-id="canvasInfo.canvasId" :style="{width: canvasWH.canvasWidth + &#39;px&#39;, height: canvasWH.canvasHeight + &#39;px&#39;}"></canvas>

	export default {
		name: &#39;savePosterCom&#39;,
		data() {
			return {
				userPhoneWHInfo: {},
				canvasWH: {
					canvasWidth: 0,
					canvasHeight: 0
		props: {
			// 决定保存下来的图片的宽高
			canvasInfo: {
				type: Object,
				default: () => {
					return {
						canvasWidth: 0,
						canvasHeight: 0,
						canvasId: &#39;canvasId&#39;
			// canvas画布是不是全屏,默认是false。 false时使用必须传 canvasInfo
			isFullScreen: Boolean
		created() {
			this.userPhoneWHInfo = this.getPhoneSystemInfo()
			if (this.isFullScreen) { // 画布全屏
				this.canvasWH.canvasWidth = this.userPhoneWHInfo.windowWidth
				this.canvasWH.canvasHeight = this.userPhoneWHInfo.windowHeight
			} else { // 指定宽高
				this.canvasWH.canvasWidth = this.canvasInfo.canvasWidth
				this.canvasWH.canvasHeight = this.canvasInfo.canvasHeight
		mounted() {},
		methods: {
			* 获取用户手机屏幕信息
			getPhoneSystemInfo() {
				const res = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
				return {
					windowWidth: res.windowWidth,
					windowHeight: res.windowHeight
			/** 获取 CanvasContext实例
			* @param {String} canvasId 
			getCanvasContextInit(canvasId) {
				return uni.createCanvasContext(canvasId, this)
			/** 保存海报组件初始化
			* @param {Function} callback(context) 回调函数
			canvasInit(callback) {
				let context = this.getCanvasContextInit(this.canvasInfo.canvasId)
				if (context) {
						context: context,
						comThis: this
			/** 将上诉的绘制画到画布中 并且 将画布导出为图片
			*  @param context 画布
			*  @param {Promise[]} 存放Promise的数组 
			*  @param {Function} callback 保存图片后执行的回调函数(本地图片临时路径)
			startDrawToImage(context, promiseArr, callback) {
				// 将之前在绘图上下文中的描述(路径、变形、样式)画到 canvas 中
				let canvasId = this.canvasInfo.canvasId
				let tempFilePath = &#39;&#39;
				Promise.all(promiseArr).then(res => {
					context.draw(false, async () => {
						callback(await this.canvasToImage(canvasId))
			* 在canvas绘制一张图片
			* @param context 画布
			* @param src 图片资源
			* @param _imageWidth 图片宽度
			* @param _imageHeight 图片高度 
			drawCanvasImage(context, src, _imageWidth, _imageHeight, dx, dy) {
				return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
						src: src,
						success: res => {
							context.drawImage(res.path, (dx - _imageWidth), (dy - _imageHeight), _imageWidth, _imageHeight)
			/** 绘制一个圆形头像
			* @param  context 画布 
			* @param  url     图片地址
			* @param  _circularX  圆心X坐标
			* @param  _circularY  圆心Y坐标
			* @param  _circularR  圆半径
			drawCircularAvatar(context, url, _circularX, _circularY, _circularR) {
				let dx = _circularX - _circularR;
				let dy = _circularY - _circularR;
				let dwidth = _circularR * 2;
				let dheight = _circularR * 2
				return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
						url: url,
						success: res => {
							// _circularX圆的x坐标  _circularY圆的y坐标  _circularR圆的半径
							context.arc(_circularX, _circularY, _circularR, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
							// dx: 图像的左上角在目标canvas上 X 轴的位置
							// dy: 图像的左上角在目标canvas上 Y 轴的位置
							// dwidth: 在目标画布上绘制图像的宽度,允许对绘制的图像进行缩放
							// dheight: 在目标画布上绘制图像的高度,允许对绘制的图像进行缩放
							context.drawImage(res.tempFilePath, dx, dy, dwidth, dheight)
							// context.draw()
			/** 绘制多行文本 注:, 和 空格都算一个字
			* @param context 画布
			* @param text 需要被绘制的文本
			* @param dx 左上角x坐标
			* @param dy 右上角y坐标
			* @param rowStrnum 每行多少个字 (默认为text字体个数->单行)
			* @param fontSize 文字大小 (默认16)
			* @param fontColor 文字颜色 (默认black)
			* @param lineHeight 单行文本行高 (默认0)
			drawText(options) {
				let {
					rowStrnum = text.length,
					lineHeight = 0,
					fontSize = 16,
					fontColor = &#39;black&#39;
				} = options
				return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
					// 获取需要绘制的文本宽度
					let textWidth = Number(context.measureText(text).width)
					// console.log(&#39;textWidth&#39;,textWidth)
					// 获取文本的字数 
					let textNum = text.length
					// 获取行数 向上取整
					let lineNum = Math.ceil(textNum / rowStrnum)
					// console.log(&#39;textNum&#39;,textNum)
					// console.log(&#39;lineNum&#39;,lineNum)
					for (let i = 0; i < lineNum; i++) {
						let sliceText = text.slice(i * rowStrnum, (i + 1) * rowStrnum)
						// fillText 的 dx = 文字最左边的距离到屏幕政策的距离
						context.fillText(sliceText, dx - textWidth, dy + i * lineHeight);
			/** 将画布导出为图片
			* @param canvasId 画布标识
			canvasToImage(canvasId) {
				return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
						canvasId: canvasId, // 画布标识
						success: res => {
							// 在H5平台下,tempFilePath 为 base64
						fail: err => {
							console.log(&#39;err&#39;, err)
					}, this)
			/** 保存生成的图片到本地相册中
			*  @param {String} filePath 图片临时路劲
			posterToPhotosAlbum(filePath) {
					title: &#39;保存中...&#39;
					filePath: filePath,
					success: (res) => {
							title: &#39;保存成功,请前往手机相册中查看&#39;,
							mask: true,
							icon: &#39;none&#39;,
							duration: 2000
					fail: (err) => {
						if (err.errMsg.includes(&#39;deny&#39;)||err.errMsg.includes(&#39;denied&#39;)) { // 用户选择拒绝 
						} else if (err.errMsg.includes(&#39;fail cancel&#39;)) { // 用户在保存图片时 取消了
								title: &#39;已取消保存,无法保存至相册&#39;,
								mask: true,
								icon: &#39;none&#39;,
								duration: 2000
					complete: () => {
			* 打开摄像头设置权限页面
			openSetting() {
					title: &#39;温馨提示&#39;,
					content: &#39;保存图片至相册中,需要您同意添加访问相册权限&#39;,
					cancelText: &#39;拒绝&#39;,
					confirmText: &#39;同意&#39;,
					success: res => {
						if (res.confirm) {
								success: settingdata => {
									if (settingdata.authSetting[&#39;scope.writePhotosAlbum&#39;]) {
											title: &#39;授权成功,请再次点击保存&#39;,
											icon: &#39;none&#39;,
											duration: 2000,
									} else {
											title: &#39;需要访问相册权限&#39;,
											icon: &#39;none&#39;,
											duration: 2000,
								fail: (res) => {
									console.log(&#39;err&#39;, err)
						} else {
								title: &#39;已拒绝授权,无法保存至相册&#39;,
								mask: true,
								icon: &#39;none&#39;,
								duration: 2000



Take you step by step to implement the function of saving picture components in the mini program##For more programming-related knowledge, please visit:

Introduction to Programming

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