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What kind of framework is vuejs?

2021-09-06 17:48:382574browse

vuejs is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Vue’s core library only focuses on the view layer, which is not only easy to get started, but also easy to integrate with third-party libraries or existing projects. The goal of Vue.js is to implement responsive data binding and composed view components through the simplest possible API.

What kind of framework is vuejs?

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, vue2.9.6 version, DELL G3 computer.

Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, similar to view) is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other large frameworks, Vue is designed to be applied layer by layer from the bottom up. Vue's core library only focuses on the view layer, which is not only easy to get started, but also easy to integrate with third-party libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, when combined with a modern tool chain and various supporting libraries, Vue is also fully capable of providing drivers for complex single-page applications (SPA).

The goal of Vue.js is to enable responsive data binding and composed view components through the simplest possible API.

Vue.js itself is not a comprehensive framework - it only focuses on the view layer. Therefore it is very easy to learn and very easy to integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue.js can also power complex single-page applications when used with related tools and support libraries.

Advantages of Vue.js

  • Small size: only 33k after compression;

  • More High operating efficiency: Based on virtual DOM, a technology that can perform various calculations through JavaScript in advance to calculate and optimize the final DOM operation. Since this DOM operation is a preprocessing operation and does not actually operate the DOM, It’s called virtual DOM;

  • Two-way data binding: It allows developers to no longer have to operate DOM objects and devote more energy to business logic;

  • Rich ecology and low learning costs: There are a large number of mature and stable UI frameworks and components based on vue.js on the market, which can be used to achieve rapid development; they are friendly to beginners, easy to get started, and have many learning materials;

Why use Vue.js

With the continuous development of front-end technology, front-end development can handle more and more businesses More and more web pages are becoming more and more powerful and dynamic, and these advances are inseparable from JavaScript. In the current development, a lot of server-side code has been put into the browser for execution, which generates thousands of lines of JavaScript code, which are connected to various HTML and CSS files, but there is a lack of formal organizational form. This is also the reason why more and more front-end developers use JavaScript frameworks. Currently, the more popular front-end frameworks include Angular, Reac, Vue, etc.

Vue is a friendly, versatile and high-performance JavaScript framework that can help you create a more maintainable and testable code base. Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework, which means that if you already have a ready-made server application, you can embed Vue as part of the application to bring a richer interactive experience. Or if you want to implement more business logic on the front end, Vue's core library and its ecosystem can also meet your various needs.

Like other frameworks, Vue allows you to divide a web page into reusable components. Each component contains its own HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to render the corresponding place in the web page. If we build a large application, we may need to split things into separate components and files. Using Vue's command line tools makes it very simple to quickly initialize a real project.

vue init webpack my-project

We can even use Vue’s single-file components, which contain their own HTML, JavaScript, and scoped CSS or SCSS.

The principle of data-driven (two-way data binding)

What is data-driven

Data-driven is the biggest feature of Vue.js. In Vue, the so-called data-driven means that when the data changes, the user interface changes accordingly, and developers do not need to manually modify the DOM.

For example, when we click a button, the text of the element needs to perform a "yes/no" switching operation. In traditional jQuery, the process of page modification is usually: bind the event to the button, and then obtain The copy corresponds to the DOM object of the element, and finally the text value of the DOM object is modified according to the switch.

Vue implements data-driven

Vue implements two-way data binding mainly through data hijacking, in conjunction with the publisher-subscriber model, through Object.defineProperty () to hijack the setter and getter of each attribute, publish messages to subscribers when the data changes, and trigger the corresponding listening callback.

When a normal JavaScript object is passed to a Vue instance as its data option, Vue will iterate through its properties and convert them into getters/setters using Object.defineProperty. The getters/setters are not visible to the user, but internally they allow Vue to track dependencies and notify changes when properties are accessed and modified.

vue的数据双向绑定将MVVM作为数据绑定的入口,整合Observer、Compile和Watcher三者,通过Observer来监听自己的Model的数据变化,通过Compile来解析编译模板指令(vue中用来解析{{}}模板语法),最终利用Watcher搭起Observer和Compile之间的通信桥梁,达到 数据变化 —> 视图更新;视图交互变化(input)—> 数据model变更 双向绑定效果。

What kind of framework is vuejs?


当打印出vue实例下的data对象里的属性,它的每个属性都有两个对应的get和set方法。顾名思义,get为取值方法,set为赋值方法。正常情况下,取值和赋值是用 obj.prop 的方式,但是这样做有一个问题,我们如何知道对象的值改变了?

我们可以把get和set理解为function,当我们调用对象的属性时,会进入到 get.属性(){…} 中,先判断对象是否有这个属性,如果没有,那么就添加一个name属性,并给它赋值;如果有name属性,那么就返回name属性。可以把get看成一个取值的函数,函数的返回值就是它拿到的值。

当给实例赋值时,会进入 set.属性(val){…} 中,形参val就是赋给属性的值,在这个函数里做了很多事情,比如双向绑定等等。因为这个值每次都要经过set,其他方式无法对该值做修改。在ES5中,对象原型有两个属性,_defineGetter__defineSetter_ ,专门用来给对象绑定get和set。



在Vue.js 2.0版本中引入了 Virtual DOM 的概念,Virtual DOM 其实就是一个以JavaScript对象(VNode节点)作为基础来模拟DOM结构的树形结构,这个树形结构包含了整个DOM结构的信息。简单来说,可以把Virtual DOM理解为一个简单的JS对象,并且最少包含标签名(tag)、属性(attrs)和子元素对象(children)三个属性。不同的框架对这三个属性的命名会有所差别。




<ul id="app">
	<li v-for="item in list">{{item}}</li>


	"ul", //节点标签名
	{ //标签上的属性,用对象存储键值对
	[ //该节点的子节点


VNode: {
	child: undefined,
	children: [
	elm:{...} //ul




What kind of framework is vuejs?





  • 提供与真实DOM节点所对应的虚拟节点VNode
  • 将虚拟节点VNode和旧虚拟节点oldVNode进行对比,然后更新视图


  • 具备跨平台优势,由于Virtual DOM 是以JavaScript对象为基础而不依赖真实平台环境,所以使它具有了跨平台的能力,比如说浏览器平台、Weex、Node等。
  • 操作DOM慢,JS运行效率高,可以将DOM对比操作放在JS层,提高效率。因为DOM操作的执行速度远不如JavaScript运算速度快,因此,把大量的DOM操作搬运到JavaScript中,运用patching算法来计算出真正需要更新的节点,最大限度地减少DOM操作,从而显著提高性能。Vritual DOM本质上就是在JS和DOM之间做了一个缓存,JS只操作Virtual DOM,最后把变更写入到真实DOM。
  • 提高渲染性能,Virtual DOM的优势不在于单次的操作,而是在大量、频繁的数据更新下,能够对视图进行合理、高效的更新。


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