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es6 new features: const and let variables, template literals, destructuring, enhanced object literals, for...of loops, expansion operators (...), remaining parameters (variable parameters) , ES6 arrow functions, class support, string templates, iterators, generators, modules, Symbols, etc.
The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, ECMAScript version 6, Dell G3 computer.
Trouble caused by using var
function getClothing(isCold) { if (isCold) { var freezing = 'Grab a jacket!'; } else { var hot = 'It's a shorts kind of day.'; console.log(freezing); } }
Run getClothing(false) The output after
is undefined
, this is because before executing the function
function, all variables will be promoted
to the top of the function scope.
and const
variables declared solve this problem, because they are block-level scope, in the code block (with {}
represents) using let
or const
to declare a variable, the variable will fall into a temporary dead zone until the declaration of the variable is processed.
function getClothing(isCold) { if (isCold) { const freezing = 'Grab a jacket!'; } else { const hot = 'It's a shorts kind of day.'; console.log(freezing); } }
After running getClothing(false)
, the output is ReferenceError: freezing is not defined
, because freezing
is not in else
statement, function scope or global scope, so ReferenceError
is thrown.
Rules about using let
and const
can be reassigned, but Cannot be redeclared in the same scopeconst
must be assigned and initialized, but they cannot be redeclared or reassigned in the same scope class.【Related recommendations: JavaScript video tutorial】
Before ES6, the method of concatenating strings together was the
or concat()
method, such as
const student = { name: 'Richard Kalehoff', guardian: 'Mr. Kalehoff' }; const teacher = { name: 'Mrs. Wilson', room: 'N231' } let message = student.name + ' please see ' + teacher.name + ' in ' + teacher.room + ' to pick up your report card.';
Template literals essentially contain embedded expressions Formula string literals.
Template literals use backticks ( `` )
(instead of single quotes ( '' )
or double quotes ( "" )
) means that you can include placeholders represented by ${expression}
let message = `${student.name} please see ${teacher.name} in ${teacher.room} to pick up your report card.`;
In ES6, you can Use DestructuringExtract values from arrays and objects and assign them to unique variables
Destructuring values of arrays:
const point = [10, 25, -34]; const [x, y, z] = point; console.log(x, y, z);
Prints: 10 25 -34
indicates the destructured array, x
indicates that the values in the array are to be stored The variables in it, when deconstructing the array, can also ignore the value, for example const[x,,z]=point
, ignore the y
Destructuring the object The values in:
const gemstone = { type: 'quartz', color: 'rose', karat: 21.29 }; const {type, color, karat} = gemstone; console.log(type, color, karat);
curly braces{ }
represent the destructured object, type
, color
and karat
Represents a variable into which properties from an object are to be stored
let type = 'quartz'; let color = 'rose'; let carat = 21.29; const gemstone = { type: type, color: color, carat: carat }; console.log(gemstone);
Initialized with the same name as the assigned variable name ObjectIf the property name is the same as the assigned variable name, then these duplicate variable names can be deleted from the object properties.
let type = 'quartz'; let color = 'rose'; let carat = 21.29; const gemstone = {type,color,carat}; console.log(gemstone);
Shorthand method name:
const gemstone = { type, color, carat, calculateWorth: function() { // 将根据类型(type),颜色(color)和克拉(carat)计算宝石(gemstone)的价值 } };
The anonymous function is assigned to the property calculateWorth, but is the function keyword really needed? Not needed in ES6!
let gemstone = { type, color, carat, calculateWorth() { ... } };
Loop is the latest addition to the JavaScript loop family.
It combines the advantages of its brother loop forms for
loop and for...in
loop, and can loop over any iterable (that is, obey the iterable protocol) type of data . By default, the following data types are included: String
, Array
, Map
, and Set
. Note that Object## is not included. # Data type (i.e.
By default, objects are not iterable.
const digits = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; for (let i = 0; i <p>for<code> The biggest disadvantage of loops is the need to track counters and exit conditions. </code> While <br>for<code> loops do have advantages when looping over arrays, some data structures are not arrays, so using a loop is not always appropriate. </code></p>for...in loop<p></p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">const digits = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; for (const index in digits) { console.log(digits[index]); }
You still need to use index to access the value of the array
When you need to add additional methods to the array (or another object),for...in loops can cause a lot of trouble. Because the
for...in loop iterates over all
enumerable properties, meaning that if you add any other properties to the array's prototype, those properties will also will appear in the loop.
Array.prototype.decimalfy = function() { for (let i = 0; i <blockquote><p>forEach 循环 是另一种形式的 JavaScript 循环。但是,forEach() 实际上是数组方法,因此只能用在数组中。也无法停止或退出 forEach 循环。如果希望你的循环中出现这种行为,则需要使用基本的 for 循环。</p></blockquote><p>for...of循环<br><code>for...of</code> 循环用于循环访问任何可迭代的数据类型。<br><code>for...of</code> 循环的编写方式和 <code>for...in</code> 循环的基本一样,只是将 <code>in</code> 替换为 <code>of</code>,可以忽略索引。</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">const digits = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; for (const digit of digits) { console.log(digit); }
for (const button of buttons) {…}
循环还具有其他优势,解决了 for 和 for...in 循环的不足之处。你可以随时停止或退出 for...of 循环。
for (const digit of digits) { if (digit % 2 === 0) { continue; } console.log(digit); }
不用担心向对象中添加新的属性。for...of 循环将只循环访问对象中的值。
Array.prototype.decimalfy = function() { for (i = 0; i <h3><strong>展开运算符</strong></h3><p><strong>展开运算符</strong>(用三个连续的点 (<code>...</code>) 表示)是 ES6 中的新概念,使你能够将字面量对象展开为多个元素</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">const books = ["Don Quixote", "The Hobbit", "Alice in Wonderland", "Tale of Two Cities"]; console.log(...books);
Prints: Don Quixote The Hobbit Alice in Wonderland Tale of Two Cities
如果你需要结合多个数组,在有展开运算符之前,必须使用 Array
的 concat()
const fruits = ["apples", "bananas", "pears"]; const vegetables = ["corn", "potatoes", "carrots"]; const produce = fruits.concat(vegetables); console.log(produce);
Prints: ["apples", "bananas", "pears", "corn", "potatoes", "carrots"]
const fruits = ["apples", "bananas", "pears"]; const vegetables = ["corn", "potatoes", "carrots"]; const produce = [...fruits,...vegetables]; console.log(produce);
使用展开运算符将数组展开为多个元素, 使用剩余参数可以将多个元素绑定到一个数组中.
剩余参数也用三个连续的点 ( ...
) 表示,使你能够将不定数量的元素表示为数组.
用途1: 将变量赋数组值时:
const order = [20.17, 18.67, 1.50, "cheese", "eggs", "milk", "bread"]; const [total, subtotal, tax, ...items] = order; console.log(total, subtotal, tax, items);
用途2: 可变参数函数
function sum() { let total = 0; for(const argument of arguments) { total += argument; } return total; }
function sum(...nums) { let total = 0; for(const num of nums) { total += num; } return total; }
const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map(function(name) { return name.toUpperCase(); });
const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map( name => name.toUpperCase() );
普通函数可以是函数声明或者函数表达式, 但是箭头函数始终都是表达式, 全程是箭头函数表达式, 因此因此仅在表达式有效时才能使用,包括:
const greet = name => `Hello ${name}!`;
包起来,但是只有一个或者多个, 则必须需要将参数列表放在圆括号内:
// 空参数列表需要括号 const sayHi = () => console.log('Hello Udacity Student!'); // 多个参数需要括号 const orderIceCream = (flavor, cone) => console.log(`Here's your ${flavor} ice cream in a ${cone} cone.`); orderIceCream('chocolate', 'waffle');
const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map( name => name.toUpperCase() );
但是如果箭头函数的主体内需要多行代码, 则需要使用常规主体语法:
const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map( name => { name = name.toUpperCase(); return `${name} has ${name.length} characters in their name`; });
1、new 对象
const mySundae = new Sundae('Chocolate', ['Sprinkles', 'Hot Fudge']);
的值是实例对象, 因为他使用new被调用.
const result = obj1.printName.call(obj2);
函数是对象的方法, this指向就是那个对象,此处this就是指向data.
4、全局对象或 undefined
javascript中this是很复杂的概念, 要详细判断this,请参考this豁然开朗
对于普通函数, this的值基于函数如何被调用, 对于箭头函数,this的值基于函数周围的上下文, 换句话说,this的值和函数外面的this的值是一样的.
function IceCream() { this.scoops = 0; } // 为 IceCream 添加 addScoop 方法 IceCream.prototype.addScoop = function() { setTimeout(function() { this.scoops++; console.log('scoop added!'); console.log(this.scoops); // undefined+1=NaN console.log(dessert.scoops); //0 }, 500); };
const dessert = new IceCream();
传递给 setTimeout()
的函数被调用时没用到 new
或 apply()
。意味着函数内的 this
的值是全局对象,不是 dessert
对象。实际上发生的情况是,创建了新的 scoops 变量(默认值为 undefined
),然后递增(undefined + 1
结果为 NaN
// 构造函数 function IceCream() { this.scoops = 0; } // 为 IceCream 添加 addScoop 方法 IceCream.prototype.addScoop = function() { const cone = this; // 设置 `this` 给 `cone`变量 setTimeout(function() { cone.scoops++; // 引用`cone`变量 console.log('scoop added!'); console.log(dessert.scoops);//1 }, 0.5); }; const dessert = new IceCream(); dessert.addScoop();
箭头函数的作用正是如此, 将setTimeOut()
// 构造函数 function IceCream() { this.scoops = 0; } // 为 IceCream 添加 addScoop 方法 IceCream.prototype.addScoop = function() { setTimeout(() => { // 一个箭头函数被传递给setTimeout this.scoops++; console.log('scoop added!'); console.log(dessert.scoops);//1 }, 0.5); }; const dessert = new IceCream(); dessert.addScoop();
function greet(name, greeting) { name = (typeof name !== 'undefined') ? name : 'Student'; greeting = (typeof greeting !== 'undefined') ? greeting : 'Welcome'; return `${greeting} ${name}!`; } greet(); // Welcome Student! greet('James'); // Welcome James! greet('Richard', 'Howdy'); // Howdy Richard!
greet() 函数中混乱的前两行的作用是什么?它们的作用是当所需的参数未提供时,为函数提供默认的值。但是看起来很麻烦, ES6引入一种新的方式创建默认值, 他叫默认函数参数:
function greet(name = 'Student', greeting = 'Welcome') { return `${greeting} ${name}!`; } greet(); // Welcome Student! greet('James'); // Welcome James! greet('Richard', 'Howdy'); // Howdy Richard!
function createGrid([width = 5, height = 5]) { return `Generates a ${width} x ${height} grid`; }
createGrid([]); // Generates a 5 x 5 grid
createGrid([2]); // Generates a 2 x 5 grid
createGrid([2, 3]); // Generates a 2 x 3 grid
createGrid([undefined, 3]); // Generates a 5 x 3 grid
函数预期传入的是数组。它通过解构将数组中的第一项设为 width,第二项设为 height。如果数组为空,或者只有一项,那么就会使用默认参数,并将缺失的参数设为默认值 5。
createGrid(); // throws an error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Symbol(Symbol.iterator)' of undefined
出现错误,因为 createGrid()
function createGrid([width = 5, height = 5] = []) { return `Generating a grid of ${width} by ${height}`; } createGrid(); // Generates a 5 x 5 grid
Returns: Generates a 5 x 5 grid
function createSundae({scoops = 1, toppings = ['Hot Fudge']}={}) { const scoopText = scoops === 1 ? 'scoop' : 'scoops'; return `Your sundae has ${scoops} ${scoopText} with ${toppings.join(' and ')} toppings.`; } createSundae({}); // Your sundae has 1 scoop with Hot Fudge toppings. createSundae({scoops: 2}); // Your sundae has 2 scoops with Hot Fudge toppings. createSundae({scoops: 2, toppings: ['Sprinkles']}); // Your sundae has 2 scoops with Sprinkles toppings. createSundae({toppings: ['Cookie Dough']}); // Your sundae has 1 scoop with Cookie Dough toppings. createSundae(); // Your sundae has 1 scoop with Hot Fudge toppings.
function createSundae({scoops = 1, toppings = ['Hot Fudge']} = {}) { … }
在 createSundae()
函数使用对象默认值进行解构时,如果你想使用 scoops
的默认值,但是更改 toppings
,那么只需使用 toppings 传入一个对象:
createSundae({toppings: ['Hot Fudge', 'Sprinkles', 'Caramel']});
function createSundae([scoops = 1, toppings = ['Hot Fudge']] = []) { … }
对于这个函数,如果想使用 scoops 的默认数量,但是更改 toppings,则必须以这种奇怪的方式调用你的函数:
createSundae([undefined, ['Hot Fudge', 'Sprinkles', 'Caramel']]);
因为数组是基于位置的,我们需要传入 undefined 以跳过第一个参数(并使用默认值)来到达第二个参数。
function Plane(numEngines) { this.numEngines = numEngines; this.enginesActive = false; } // 由所有实例 "继承" 的方法 Plane.prototype.startEngines = function () { console.log('starting engines...'); this.enginesActive = true; };
ES6类只是一个语法糖,原型继续实际上在底层隐藏起来, 与传统类机制语言有些区别.
class Plane { //constructor方法虽然在类中,但不是原型上的方法,只是用来生成实例的. constructor(numEngines) { this.numEngines = numEngines; this.enginesActive = false; } //原型上的方法, 由所有实例对象共享. startEngines() { console.log('starting engines…'); this.enginesActive = true; } } console.log(typeof Plane); //function
javascript中类其实只是function, 方法之间不能使用,
要添加静态方法,请在方法名称前面加上关键字 static
class Plane { constructor(numEngines) { this.numEngines = numEngines; this.enginesActive = false; } static badWeather(planes) { for (plane of planes) { plane.enginesActive = false; } } startEngines() { console.log('starting engines…'); this.enginesActive = true; } }
- 关键字class带来其他基于类的语言的很多思想,但是没有向javascript中添加此功能
- javascript类实际上还是原型继承
- 创建javascript类的新实例时必须使用new关键字
class Tree { constructor(size = '10', leaves = {spring: 'green', summer: 'green', fall: 'orange', winter: null}) { this.size = size; this.leaves = leaves; this.leafColor = null; } changeSeason(season) { this.leafColor = this.leaves[season]; if (season === 'spring') { this.size += 1; } } } class Maple extends Tree { constructor(syrupQty = 15, size, leaves) { super(size, leaves); //super用作函数 this.syrupQty = syrupQty; } changeSeason(season) { super.changeSeason(season);//super用作对象 if (season === 'spring') { this.syrupQty += 1; } } gatherSyrup() { this.syrupQty -= 3; } }
function Tree(size, leaves) { this.size = size || 10; this.leaves = leaves || {spring: 'green', summer: 'green', fall: 'orange', winter: null}; this.leafColor; } Tree.prototype.changeSeason = function(season) { this.leafColor = this.leaves[season]; if (season === 'spring') { this.size += 1; } } function Maple (syrupQty, size, leaves) { Tree.call(this, size, leaves); this.syrupQty = syrupQty || 15; } Maple.prototype = Object.create(Tree.prototype); Maple.prototype.constructor = Maple; Maple.prototype.changeSeason = function(season) { Tree.prototype.changeSeason.call(this, season); if (season === 'spring') { this.syrupQty += 1; } } Maple.prototype.gatherSyrup = function() { this.syrupQty -= 3; }
super 必须在 this 之前被调用
在子类构造函数中,在使用 this 之前,必须先调用超级类。
class Apple {} class GrannySmith extends Apple { constructor(tartnessLevel, energy) { this.tartnessLevel = tartnessLevel; // 在 'super' 之前会抛出一个错误! super(energy); } }
字符串模板相对简单易懂些。ES6中允许使用反引号 ` 来创建字符串,此种方法创建的字符串里面可以包含由美元符号加花括号包裹的变量${vraible}。如果你使用过像C#等后端强类型语言的话,对此功能应该不会陌生。
//产生一个随机数 var num=Math.random(); //将这个数字输出到console console.log(`your num is ${num}`);
// point.js module "point" { export class Point { constructor (x, y) { public x = x; public y = y; } } } // myapp.js //声明引用的模块 module point from "/point.js"; //这里可以看出,尽管声明了引用的模块,还是可以通过指定需要的部分进行导入 import Point from "point"; var origin = new Point(0, 0); console.log(origin);
这些是新加的集合类型,提供了更加方便的获取属性值的方法,不用像以前一样用hasOwnProperty来检查某个属性是属于原型链上的呢还是当前对象的。同时,在进行属性值添加与获取时有专门的get,set 方法。
// Sets var s = new Set(); s.add("hello").add("goodbye").add("hello"); s.size === 2; s.has("hello") === true; // Maps var m = new Map(); m.set("hello", 42); m.set(s, 34); m.get(s) == 34;
// Weak Maps var wm = new WeakMap(); wm.set(s, { extra: 42 }); wm.size === undefined // Weak Sets var ws = new WeakSet(); ws.add({ data: 42 });//因为添加到ws的这个临时对象没有其他变量引用它,所以ws不会保存它的值,也就是说这次添加其实没有意思
//定义被侦听的目标对象 var engineer = { name: 'Joe Sixpack', salary: 50 }; //定义处理程序 var interceptor = { set: function (receiver, property, value) { console.log(property, 'is changed to', value); receiver[property] = value; } }; //创建代理以进行侦听 engineer = Proxy(engineer, interceptor); //做一些改动来触发代理 engineer.salary = 60;//控制台输出:salary is changed to 60
我们知道对象其实是键值对的集合,而键通常来说是字符串。而现在除了字符串外,我们还可以用symbol这种值来做为对象的键。Symbol是一种基本类型,像数字,字符串还有布尔一样,它不是一个对象。Symbol 通过调用symbol函数产生,它接收一个可选的名字参数,该函数返回的symbol是唯一的。之后就可以用这个返回值做为对象的键了。Symbol还可以用来创建私有属性,外部无法直接访问由symbol做为键的属性值。
(function() { // 创建symbol var key = Symbol("key"); function MyClass(privateData) { this[key] = privateData; } MyClass.prototype = { doStuff: function() { ... this[key] ... } }; })(); var c = new MyClass("hello") c["key"] === undefined//无法访问该属性,因为是私有的
Number.EPSILON Number.isInteger(Infinity) // false Number.isNaN("NaN") // false Math.acosh(3) // 1.762747174039086 Math.hypot(3, 4) // 5 Math.imul(Math.pow(2, 32) - 1, Math.pow(2, 32) - 2) // 2 "abcde".contains("cd") // true "abc".repeat(3) // "abcabcabc" Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('*')) // Returns a real Array Array.of(1, 2, 3) // Similar to new Array(...), but without special one-arg behavior [0, 0, 0].fill(7, 1) // [0,7,7] [1,2,3].findIndex(x => x == 2) // 1 ["a", "b", "c"].entries() // iterator [0, "a"], [1,"b"], [2,"c"] ["a", "b", "c"].keys() // iterator 0, 1, 2 ["a", "b", "c"].values() // iterator "a", "b", "c" Object.assign(Point, { origin: new Point(0,0) })
Promises是处理异步操作的一种模式,之前在很多三方库中有实现,比如jQuery的deferred 对象。当你发起一个异步请求,并绑定了.when(), .done()等事件处理程序时,其实就是在应用promise模式。
//创建promise var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // 进行一些异步或耗时操作 if ( /*如果成功 */ ) { resolve("Stuff worked!"); } else { reject(Error("It broke")); } }); //绑定处理程序 promise.then(function(result) { //promise成功的话会执行这里 console.log(result); // "Stuff worked!" }, function(err) { //promise失败会执行这里 console.log(err); // Error: "It broke" });
The above is the detailed content of What are the new features of es6. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!