Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >A brief discussion on Nodejs observer pattern_node.js
1. Foreword
I have been using Nodejs for some time. Recently, I will review its API and use more new features in order to have a higher level of mastery. This summary of the API is different from the simple Chinese version of the English version. I will do more expansion and my own I hope it will be helpful to everyone, let’s start with the core Events
Nodejs’ Events implements an observer mode, which supports the core mechanism of Nodejs, and http/fs/mongoose, etc. all inherit Events and can add listening events. This design pattern is often used in client-side component programming ideas. Let’s briefly understand this pattern first.
The first time I came into contact with the observer pattern was in the Ext.util.observable source code of the Extjs framework. I was new to js at that time and felt that this pattern was very powerful. It was also the first design pattern I came into contact with. Later, it was also included in the underscore.js source code. Seeing that the latter is simpler and more elegant, I basically follow this idea when writing components.
The observer mode is to add a monitoring event to an object, such as on('show', callback), which will be triggered by the object when it meets the conditions such as show. The browser itself has implemented a monitoring mechanism for the dom.
If we add keyup monitoring for input, the purpose is to output its value
$( 'input' ).on( 'keyup', function(){ console.log( this.value ); } );
When you enter content in this way, its value will be output in the log.
But if we make a component such as Dialog, how can we monitor the most commonly used show/hide events?
The basic approach is to directly configure the callback during instantiation, such as
var dialog = new Dialog({ content: '这里是弹出框的内容', show: function(){ console.log( '当弹框时输出此段内容' ); } });
This can also be used, but it is obviously not flexible enough. How can I make the dialog like input and can add events at any time
2. Implementation of observer mode
First implement the Events object, which provides basic monitoring on and triggering emit. Events are stacked in the _events of the object in the form of json
var Events = { on: function( name, callback){ this._events = this._events || {}; this._events[ name ] = this._events[ name ] || []; this._events[ name ].push( callback ); }, emit: function( name ){ this._events = this._events || {}; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ), me = this; if( this._events[ name ] ){ $.each( this._events[ name ], function( k, v ){ v.call( me, args ); } ) } } }
Another abstract function is used to copy attributes for objects
function extend( source ){ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); for( var i = 0, parent; parent = args[i]; i++ ){ for( var prop in parent ){ source[ prop ] = parent[ prop ]; } } }
Implement a Dialog,
Implements creation only; method: show / hide; event: show / hide;
When you see the effect, add this style
.dialog{ position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin: -50px 0 0 -100px; width: 200px; height: 120px; background: #fff; border: 5px solid #afafaf; }
Implement components
var Dialog = function( config ){ this.config = config; this.init( this.config ); };
Extended attributes
extend( Dialog.prototype, { init: function( config ){ this.render( config ) }, render: function( config ){ this.el = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'dialog' ); this.el.html( config.content ); $( 'body' ).append( this.el ); }, show: function( param ){ this.el.fadeIn(); this.emit( 'show', param ); }, hide: function( param ){ this.el.fadeOut(); this.emit( 'hide', param ); } }, Events );
Generate an instance and add three show and hide listening events to it
var dialog = window.dialog = new Dialog({ content: 'dialog one' }); dialog.on( 'show', function( txt ){ console.log( 'dialog show one ' + txt ); } ); //do something dialog.on( 'show', function( txt ){ console.log( 'dialog show two ' + txt ); } ); //do something dialog.on( 'show', function( txt ){ console.log( 'dialog show three ' + txt ); } ); //do something dialog.on( 'hide', function( txt ){ console.log( 'dialog hide one ' + txt ); } ); //do something dialog.on( 'hide', function( txt ){ console.log( 'dialog hide two ' + txt ); } ); //do something dialog.on( 'hide', function( txt ){ console.log( 'dialog hide three ' + txt ); } );
We added six different show events and hide events in six times.
When dialog.show() is executed, three corresponding logs will be output. The added events are saved in dialog._events, as shown in the figure
The three added shows are all output successfully, and the events are saved in the _events attribute
nodejs Events also implements this process.
3. Structure
var Events = require( 'events' ); console.log( Events ); /* 输出如下数据,可以看出 Events指向其EventEmiter { [Function: EventEmitter] EventEmitter: [Circular], usingDomains: [Getter/Setter], defaultMaxListeners: 10, init: [Function], listenerCount: [Function] } */ var myEmitter = new Events(); console.log( myEmitter ); /* { domain: null, _events: {}, //可以看到实例本身也有_events属性,添加的监听的事件就保存在这里 _maxListeners: undefined} */ console.log( myEmitter.__proto__ ); /* { domain: undefined, _events: undefined, _maxListeners: undefined, setMaxListeners: [Function: setMaxListeners], emit: [Function: emit], addListener: [Function: addListener], on: [Function: addListener], once: [Function: once], removeListener: [Function: removeListener], removeAllListeners: [Function: removeAllListeners], listeners: [Function: listeners] } */ myEmitter.on( 'show', function( txt ){ console.log( 'one ' + txt )}) myEmitter.on( 'show', function( txt ){ console.log( 'tow ' + txt )}) myEmitter.on( 'hide', function( txt ){ console.log( 'one ' + txt )}) myEmitter.emit( 'show', 'show' ); myEmitter.setMaxListeners( 10 ); console.log( myEmitter ); /* { domain: null, _events: { show: [ [Function], [Function] ], hide: [Function] }, //添加后的事情,以json形式存放 _maxListeners: 10 } */
4. API
The methods it provides include on, which is the abbreviation of addListener. They all add listening events to the instance. The other attributes are as their names suggest. Let’s briefly explain them
property _events: undefined, //以压栈形式存放on进来的事件 _maxListeners: undefined //设置最大监听数,超出提warn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- method setMaxListeners: [Function: setMaxListeners], /*设置私有属性_maxListeners的值,默认Events会在当某监听事件多于10个时发现警告(见上面Events.defaultMaxListeners),以防止内存泄露,如 (node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 show listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit. 但这只是个友好的提醒,可以通过设置最大监听数来规避这个问题 myEmitter.setMaxListeners( 20 ); */ emit: [Function: emit], /*触发监听事件 emitter.emit( event, [arg1], [arg2], ... ) 如myEmitter.on( 'show', 'prompt content' ); 参数1为事件名,参数二供on回调里的参数 */ addListener: [Function: addListener], /* 添加监听事件 emitter.addListener( event, listener ); 如 myEmitter.addListener( 'show', function( txt ){ console.log( txt ) } ); 参数一是事件名,参数二是对应的回调,回调里的参数就是 emit里的arguments.prototype.slice.call(1); */ on: [Function: addListener], /* 是addListener简写 */ once: [Function: once], /* 作用同 on,不过emit一次后就失效了 emitter.once( event, listener ); 如 myEmitter.once( 'show', function( txt ){ console.log( txt ) } ); 当myEmitter.emit执行第二次时没有输出 */ removeListener: [Function: removeListener], /* 移除指定事件的指定回调,此时回调不能再用匿名函数。 emitter.removeListener( event, listener ); 如 function show( txt ){ console.log( txt ) }; myEmitter.on( 'show', show ); console.log( myEmitter._events ); // { show: [ Function: show ] } myEmitter.removeListener( 'show', show ); console.log( myEmitter._events ); // {} */ removeAllListeners: [Function: removeAllListeners], /* 删除指定事件的所有回调 emitter.removeAllListeners( [ event ] ); 如 myEmitter.removeAllListeners( 'show' ); //删除所有show监听 myEmitter.removeAllListeners(); //删除所有监听 */ listeners: [Function: listeners] /* 查看指定监听 emitter.listeners( event ); 如 myEmitter.listeners( 'show' ); //返回一个数组 同我们前面使用的 myEmitter._events[ 'show' ] */ 另外Events类本身提供了一个方法 Events.listenerCount( emitter, event ); 获取指定实例下指定监听数 如 Event.listenerCount( myEmitter, 'show' ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 还有两个event newListener / remoteListener,分别应用于为实例添加( on / once )和删除( removeListener ) 操作。 emitter.on( event, listener ); emitter.on( 'newListener', function( event, listener ){ console.log( emitter.listeners( 'show' ) ); //注意,此时监听还并没有添加到 emitter.listeners console.log( arguments ); }); emitter.on( 'removeListener', function(){ console.log( emitter.listeners( 'show' ) ); console.log( arguments ); })
5. Application
To use Events, usually just instantiate it directly, as shown in the API section above
However, if we also implement a component on the nodejs side, such as the previous Dialog, how can we make Dialog also have the function of Events? Extend solution that can be implemented with Extjs
Create Dialog builder
var Dialog = function(){ //do something } //抽象apply函数,提供属性的深度复制,同上面的extend function apply( source ){ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); for( var i = 0, parent; parent = args[i]; i++ ){ for( var prop in parent ){ source[ prop ] = parent[ prop ]; } } } //抽象extend函数,用于实现继承 var extend = function(){ // inline overrides var io = function(o){ for(var m in o){ this[m] = o[m]; } }; var oc = Object.prototype.constructor; return function(sb, sp, overrides){ if(typeof sp == 'object'){ overrides = sp; sp = sb; sb = overrides.constructor != oc ? overrides.constructor : function(){sp.apply(this, arguments);}; } var F = function(){}, sbp, spp = sp.prototype; F.prototype = spp; sbp = sb.prototype = new F(); sbp.constructor=sb; sb.superclass=spp; if(spp.constructor == oc){ spp.constructor=sp; } sb.override = function(o){ apply(sb, o); }; sbp.superclass = sbp.supr = (function(){ return spp; }); sbp.override = io; apply(sb, overrides); sb.extend = function(o){return extend(sb, o);}; return sb; }; }(); //将Events属性继承给Dialog Dialog = extend( Dialog, Events ); //为Dialog新增 method show,其内触发 event show Dialog.prototype.show = function( txt ){ this.emit( 'show', txt ); } var dialog = new Dialog(); //添加监听事件show dialog.on( 'show', function(txt){ console.log( txt )}); //执行method show时,就会触发其内定义的show events,输出 this is show dialog.show( 'this is show' );
In this way, the Events mechanism is implemented for a component. When the method is called, the event will be triggered
6. Summary
Nodejs provides a good monitoring mechanism and is also used in all its modules. It supports the most distinctive I/O mode of nodejs. For example, when we start the http service, it will monitor its connect / close, and when http.request Monitor data/end, etc. Understanding the monitoring mechanism is the basis for learning and understanding nodejs, and is also beneficial to improving programming ideas.