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Introducing uni-app's font library, custom components, packaging and news practice

2021-01-25 09:55:523657browse

Introducing uni-app's font library, custom components, packaging and news practice

Recommended (free): uni-app development tutorial

Article Contents

  • Preface
  • 1. Using the iconfont font library
  • 2. Custom components and messaging between components
  • 3 , Packaging
  • 4. Practical cases--news list and details
  • Summary


The main introduction of this article 4 aspects of content:

Use the icon font library provided by iconfont in the uni-app project to beautify the page;
Implement custom components, and can customize attributes and implement message passing between parent and child components;
WeChat mini program preview and real device testing, APP cloud packaging and local packaging;
News list and detailed practical exercises.

1. Use the iconfont font library

iconfont (https://www.iconfont.cn/) can be used in uni-app icon font.

The general process is as follows:

First select the required icon according to the keyword in iconfont and add it to the shopping cart; then create a project, add the previously selected icon to the project, and download the font. As follows:

uniapp iconfont create project download

Unzip the downloaded compressed package, move the iconfont.css in it to the newly created font directory in the static directory of the project directory, and make modifications to only keep what is needed for the mobile platform The font source is enough, as follows:

@font-face {font-family: "iconfont";
  src: url('data:application/x-font-woff2;charset=utf-8;base64,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') format('woff2');}.iconfont {
  font-family: "iconfont" !important;
  font-size: 16px;
  font-style: normal;
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;}.iconbooks:before {
  content: "\e709";}
At this time, globally import

the css style in App.vue, as follows:

	export default {
		onLaunch: function() {
			console.log('App Launch')
		onShow: function() {
			console.log('App Show')
		onHide: function() {
			console.log('App Hide')
	global.isLogin = function() {
		try {
			var suid = uni.getStorageSync('suid');
			var srand = uni.getStorageSync('srand');
		} catch (e) {
			//TODO handle the exception
		if (suid == '' || srand == '') {
			return false;
		} else {
			return [suid, srand];
	/* 引入自定义图标库 */
	@import url('/static/font/iconfont.css');
	/*每个页面公共css */
	.red {
		color: #ff0000;
Need to pay attention to:

When using
@import to import an external style file, it needs to be placed at the front of the of the style module, and plus a semicolon at the end, otherwise the import will fail. The font style used in

index.vue is as follows:

		<view class="iconfont iconbooks">
			书籍		</view>
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
		onLoad() {
		onShow() {
		onHide() {
		methods: {

uniapp iconfont set##Obviously, it is displayed normally in both the mini program and the APP.

2. Custom components and message passing between components

Components provide a lot of convenience for the development of uni-app and speed up the development.

Components can also be reused and customized, providing great

. Before customizing components, you need to create the


directory in the project directory. Right-click the components directory and select New Component. When creating a component, you can select a template or click in the upper right corner to customize it. Define template , create template name.txt in the pop-up directory, and write the template content in it. For example, create template.txt with attributes as follows: <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">&lt;template name=&quot;组件名称&quot;&gt; &lt;view&gt; ...... &lt;/view&gt;&lt;/template&gt;&lt;script&gt; export default { name: &quot;组件名称&quot;, //属性 props: { 属性名称: { type: String, //属性类型 value: &quot;值&quot; }, ...... }, //组件生命周期 created: function(e) { }, methods: { 函数名称: function(obj) { }, } }&lt;/script&gt;&lt;style&gt; **组件样式**&lt;/style&gt;</pre>When creating a component, select a custom template named myinput.vue and modify it as follows:

<template name="myinput">
		<input type="text" value="" placeholder="Input your name" class="myinput" />
		<button type="primary">提交</button>
	export default {
		name: "myinput",
		// props: {
		// 	属性名称: {
		// 		type: String, //属性类型
		// 		value: "值"
		// 	},
		// 	......
		// },
		created: function(e) {

		methods: {},
	.myinput {
		padding: 20px;
		background: #76F32B;

In the page where you need to use the custom component, first

Import the custom component

, as follows:

import myinput from '../../components/myinput.vue';
Register the component on the current page

, as follows:

components: {
Finally use it, for example, index.vue is as follows:

	import myinput from '../../components/myinput.vue';
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
		onLoad() {
		onShow() {
		onHide() {
		methods: {
		components: {
			myinput		}


uniapp define component basicObviously, the WeChat applet and APP use custom components.

You can also define


attributes, and you can dynamically set attributes for components , as follows:

<template name="myinput">
		<input type="text" value="" :placeholder="placeholder" class="myinput" />
		<button type="primary" @click="submit">提交</button>
	export default {
		name: "myinput",
		props: {
			placeholder: {
				type: String, //属性类型
				value: "Please input your ..."
		created: function(e) {

		methods: {
			submit: function() {
				console.log('submit successfully')
	.myinput {
		padding: 20px;
		background: #76F32B;
Define the attributes in the props object, and at the same time When using this component, pass the value to the attribute, index.vue is as follows:

		<myinput placeholder="请输入姓名">姓名</myinput>
		<myinput placeholder="请输入年龄">年龄</myinput>
	import myinput from '../../components/myinput.vue';
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
		onLoad() {
		onShow() {
		onHide() {
		methods: {
		components: {
			myinput		}


uniapp define component props implements multi-terminal attribute definition.

You can also implement component clicks to trigger events or methods that change the parent element, that is, to activate the parent component. For example, the myinput component activates elements in index.vue and triggers events. You need to use


, used to simulate execution events, the first parameter is the event, and the remaining parameters are the parameters of the event; at the same time, when using the component in the parent component, bind it through v-on Define events in parent components to implement communication between components. is as follows:

<template name="myinput">
		<input type="text" value="" :placeholder="placeholder" class="myinput" />
		<button type="primary" @click="submit">提交</button>
	export default {
		name: "myinput",
		props: {
			placeholder: {
				type: String, //属性类型
				value: "Please input your ..."
		created: function(e) {

		methods: {
			submit: function() {
				this.$emit('change_parent', 'hi...');
				console.log('submit successfully')
	.myinput {
		padding: 20px;
		background: #76F32B;

index.vue is as follows:

		<myinput placeholder="请输入姓名" v-on:change_parent="change_parent">姓名</myinput>
		<myinput placeholder="请输入年龄">年龄</myinput>
	import myinput from '../../components/myinput.vue';
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				info: 'hello'
		onLoad() {
		onShow() {
		onHide() {
		methods: {
			change_parent: function(text){
				this.info = text			}
		components: {
			myinput		}


uniapp define component communicateAs you can see, communication and events are implemented Passed, the child component successfully called the event of the parent component.

At the same time, we can also use the GraceUI framework, whose full name is

Grace User Interface

. It is a super front-end framework based on uni-app and small programs. The official website address is http://www.graceui.com/ provides richer components, layouts and interface libraries. It can realize multi-end release of a set of codes through uni-app, greatly improving the development speed. It can also be used as Custom components for secondary development.

3. Packaging


uniapp package miniprogram preview


uniapp package app Android cloud





		<navigator class="news-list" url="../info/info">
			<image src="http://pic1.win4000.com/wallpaper/3/58a1558bec460_270_185.jpg" mode="widthFix"></image>
			<view class="news-title">news...</view>
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
		onLoad() {
		onShow() {
		onHide() {
		methods: {
		width: 100%;
		display: flex;
		width: 94%;
		padding: 10upx 3%;
		flex-wrap: nowrap;
	.news-list image{
		width: 200upx;
		margin-right: 12upx;
		flex-shrink: 0;
		width: 100%;
		height: auto;
		background: #900;



		info...	</view></template><script>
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
		methods: {

uniapp practice news first



	<view style="flex-wrap: wrap;">
		<navigator class="news-list" :url="&#39;../info/info?link=&#39;+item.url" v-for="(item, index) in news">
			<image :src="item.pic" mode="widthFix"></image>
			<view class="news-title">{{item.title}}</view>
	var _self;
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				news: []
		onLoad() {
			_self = this;
		onShow() {
		onHide() {
		methods: {
			getNews: function(){
					url: 'https://api.jisuapi.com/news/get?channel=头条&start=100&num=20&appkey=66487d31a1xxxxxx',
						_self.news = res.data.result.list					}
		width: 100%;
		display: flex;
		width: 94%;
		padding: 10upx 3%;
		flex-wrap: nowrap;
		margin: 12upx 0;
	.news-list image{
		width: 200upx;
		margin-right: 12upx;
		flex-shrink: 0;
		width: 100%;
		height: auto;
		background: #F0AD4E;
		font-size: 28upx;


		info...	</view></template><script>
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
		methods: {

uniapp practice news link



		<web-view :src="link"></web-view>
	var _self;
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				link: ""
			_self = this;
			_self.link = e.link;
		methods: {

uniapp practice news detail





The above is the detailed content of Introducing uni-app's font library, custom components, packaging and news practice. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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