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Let’s take a look at Activity startup mode

2020-12-10 17:10:452822browse

Small program development tutorialMainly introduces relevant information about Activity startup mode

Let’s take a look at Activity startup mode

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Usually when we start an activity, we just startActivity directly. Maybe we don’t pay attention to the startup mode of the activity. By default, The following are all started in the default startup mode. But startup mode is sometimes more important. For example, if you want an activity to be started only once and not have multiple instances, you may need to set it to singleTask mode. So it is necessary to understand these startup modes. At the same time, please note that startup mode ≠ startup mode. The startup mode refers to display startup and implicit startup. Don’t confuse them. I will have a dedicated article to explain display startup and implicit startup later.

About the task stack introduction

To understand the startup mode, you must first understand the concept of the task stack. I won’t go into details about the implementation principle of the task stack here. Here I will briefly introduce what a task stack is. The activity instances we start will be placed in something called a task stack. We all know that the stack has the characteristics of "last in, first out". For example, the task stack is a badminton tube, and the activity instances are badmintons one by one. The ones put in last can only be taken out first. So when we start an app, a task stack is automatically created, and then we throw activity instances into it. When we press return to destroy the activities, these activities will come out of the task stack in turn. Of course, an app can have multiple task stacks. For example, an activity started using singleInstence is in an independent task stack. After understanding the concept of task stack, we can take a look at the four startup modes of activities.

Analysis of the four startup modes of Activity


This is the standard startup mode, and the default is this startup mode. Each time an activity in this startup mode is started, a new instance is created and placed on the stack, regardless of whether the same instance already exists in the stack. This is also the easiest to understand.


As the name suggests, the top of the stack is a single instance. What does that mean. Suppose you start an ActivityA now, but there is already an ActivityA instance on the top of the stack at this time, so at this time, no new instance will be created. But if the same instance exists off the top of the stack, a new instance will still be created. For example, the current activity in the stack is ABC, with A at the top of the stack. Then when A is started at this time, another A activity will not be created, but A's onNewIntent method will be executed; but if C activity is started at this time, since A is not C on the top of the stack, a new C instance will still be created. , the stack situation at this time is CABC.


Single task mode. This mode means that only a single instance can exist in the startup stack of the activity, whether it is at the top of the stack or not. Different from other startup modes, this startup mode can specify the stack to start. For example, there is a stack Main, but you can specify a stack name dev for activity A. Then when A is started, a stack called dev will be created. So what singleTask means is that when you start an activity with the startup mode of singleTask, if there is no identical instance in the stack, a new instance will be created and put into the stack; if the same instance exists in the specified stack, for example There is ABC in the stack, and then you start B, then you will not create a new B instance at this time, but put B on the top of the stack, push A out, and then execute B's onNewIntent method. At this time, the stack situation is BC.
Careful readers will find "top out". Yes, we all know that the stack is last-in-first-out. For example, if you put 3 badmintons in the tube, if you want to get the middle badminton, you can only pull out the top one first. The same reason , if you want to lift B to the top of the stack, then you must push A out. Many readers may mistakenly think that it is BAC after startup, but it is actually BC, because A must first pop out of the stack before B can come out. In the same way, if there is ADFBC in the stack, this startup B is also BC, and everything above is popped off the stack.


Single instance mode. This is an enhanced version of singleTask. He will create a new stack by himself and put this new instance into it, and this stack can only hold this active instance. So when this activity is started repeatedly, as long as it exists, the onNewIntent method of this activity will be called and switched to this stack, and no new instance will be created.

Two methods to set the startup mode

After understanding the four startup modes of the activity, let’s see how to specify the startup mode for him.

Static setting

Static setting is to set the startup mode for specific activities in AndroidManifest. Set the launch mode by specifying the launchMode parameter for the activity. For example:


Dynamic setting

Dynamic setting is to specify the startup mode when starting the activity, for example:

Intent intent = new Intent();


  • FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP:清除该活动上方的所有活动。一般和singleTask一起使用。但是如果你的启动模式是standard,那么这个活动连他之上的所有活动都会被出栈再创建一个新的实例放进去。例如现在栈中是ABCD,以FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP+standard模式启动C的时候,首先清理掉ABC,是的,C也会被清理,然后再创建一个新的C放进去,执行之后就是CD。



现在模拟一个场景:现在有三个活动 A,B,C。A和C的启动模式都是standard,B的启动模式是singleInstance。先启动A,再启动B,然后再启动C。这个时候问题来了,如果我这个时候按下返回键,是回到B吗?答案是回到A。再按一下呢,返回桌面吗?答案是回到B,再按一下再回到桌面。其实不难理解。我们都知道singleInstance会创建一个独立的栈,当我们启动A的时候,A位于栈First中,启动B的时候,就会创建一个栈Second并把B实例放进去。这个时候再启动C,就会切换到栈FIrst,因为singleInstance创建的栈只能放一个,所以C会放到栈First中,当按下返回的时候,栈First中的活动就会依次出栈,直到全部出完,才会切换到栈Second中。所以要注意这个点。






  • taskAffinity:指定任务栈的名字。默认的任务栈是包名,所以不能以包名来命名。
  • allowTaskReparenting:这个参数表示可不可以切换到新的任务栈,通常设置为true并和上面的参数一起使用。





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