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What is the difference between static proxy and dynamic proxy?

2020-12-04 10:52:344693browse

Difference: The static proxy is created by the programmer or the tool generates the source code of the proxy class, and then compiles the proxy class; the bytecode file of the proxy class already exists before the program is run, and the relationship between the proxy class and the delegate class is determined before running. That’s it. The source code of the dynamic proxy class is dynamically generated by the JVM based on mechanisms such as reflection during program running, so there is no bytecode file for the proxy class.

What is the difference between static proxy and dynamic proxy?

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1. Agency Concept

Provide a proxy for an object to control access to the object. The proxy class and the delegate class have a common parent class or parent interface, so that the proxy object can be used wherever the delegate class object is used. The proxy class is responsible for request preprocessing, filtering, assigning requests to the delegate class for processing, and subsequent processing after the delegate class completes the request. Related recommendations: "Java Video Tutorial"

Figure 1: Proxy Mode

What is the difference between static proxy and dynamic proxy?

As can be seen from the figure, the proxy interface (Subject), proxy class (ProxySubject), and delegation class (RealSubject) form a "Pin" structure.
According to the generation time of the agent class, agents can be divided into two types: static agents and dynamic agents.

The following is a simulation requirement to illustrate static agents and dynamic agents: the delegate class needs to process a long-time task, and the client class needs to print out the time it takes to execute the task. To solve this problem, you need to record the time before task execution and the time after task execution. The difference between the two times is the time consumed by task execution.

2. Static proxy

Created by programmers or tools to generate the source code of the proxy class, and then compile the proxy class . The so-called static means that the bytecode file of the proxy class already exists before the program is run, and the relationship between the proxy class and the delegate class is determined before running.

Listing 1: Proxy interface

 * 代理接口。处理给定名字的任务。 
public interface Subject {  
   * 执行给定名字的任务。 
    * @param taskName 任务名 
   public void dealTask(String taskName);   

Listing 2: Delegate class , specifically handle business.

 * 真正执行任务的类,实现了代理接口。 
public class RealSubject implements Subject {  
  * 执行给定名字的任务。这里打印出任务名,并休眠500ms模拟任务执行了很长时间 
  * @param taskName  
   public void dealTask(String taskName) {  
      try {  
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {  

Listing 3: Static proxy class

 * 代理类,实现了代理接口。 
public class ProxySubject implements Subject {  
 private Subject delegate;  
 public ProxySubject(Subject delegate) {  
  this.delegate = delegate;  
  * 将请求分派给委托类执行,记录任务执行前后的时间,时间差即为任务的处理时间 
  * @param taskName 
 public void dealTask(String taskName) {  
  long stime = System.currentTimeMillis();   
  long ftime = System.currentTimeMillis();   
  System.out.println("执行任务耗时"+(ftime - stime)+"毫秒");  

Listing 4: Generating static proxy class factory

public class SubjectStaticFactory {  
 public static Subject getInstance(){   
  return new ProxySubject(new RealSubject());  


public class Client1 {  
 public static void main(String[] args) {  
  Subject proxy = SubjectStaticFactory.getInstance();  








1、先看看与动态代理紧密关联的Java API。 


这是 Java 动态代理机制生成的所有动态代理类的父类,它提供了一组静态方法来为一组接口动态地生成代理类及其对象。 


// 方法 1: 该方法用于获取指定代理对象所关联的调用处理器  
static InvocationHandler getInvocationHandler(Object proxy)   
// 方法 2:该方法用于获取关联于指定类装载器和一组接口的动态代理类的类对象  
static Class getProxyClass(ClassLoader loader, Class[] interfaces)   
// 方法 3:该方法用于判断指定类对象是否是一个动态代理类  
static boolean isProxyClass(Class cl)   
// 方法 4:该方法用于为指定类装载器、一组接口及调用处理器生成动态代理类实例  
static Object newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class[] interfaces, InvocationHandler h)


这是调用处理器接口,它自定义了一个 invoke 方法,用于集中处理在动态代理类对象上的方法调用,通常在该方法中实现对委托类的代理访问。每次生成动态代理类对象时都要指定一个对应的调用处理器对象。 


// 该方法负责集中处理动态代理类上的所有方法调用。第一个参数既是代理类实例,第二个参数是被调用的方法对象  
// 第三个方法是调用参数。调用处理器根据这三个参数进行预处理或分派到委托类实例上反射执行  
Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)


这是类装载器类,负责将类的字节码装载到 Java 虚拟机(JVM)中并为其定义类对象,然后该类才能被使用。Proxy 静态方法生成动态代理类同样需要通过类装载器来进行装载才能使用,它与普通类的唯一区别就是其字节码是由 JVM 在运行时动态生成的而非预存在于任何一个 .class 文件中。 




a. 实现InvocationHandler接口创建自己的调用处理器 

b. 给Proxy类提供ClassLoader和代理接口类型数组创建动态代理类 

c. 以调用处理器类型为参数,利用反射机制得到动态代理类的构造函数 

d. 以调用处理器对象为参数,利用动态代理类的构造函数创建动态代理类对象 


// InvocationHandlerImpl 实现了 InvocationHandler 接口,并能实现方法调用从代理类到委托类的分派转发  
// 其内部通常包含指向委托类实例的引用,用于真正执行分派转发过来的方法调用  
InvocationHandler handler = new InvocationHandlerImpl(..);   
// 通过 Proxy 为包括 Interface 接口在内的一组接口动态创建代理类的类对象  
Class clazz = Proxy.getProxyClass(classLoader, new Class[] { Interface.class, ... });   
// 通过反射从生成的类对象获得构造函数对象  
Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[] { InvocationHandler.class });   
// 通过构造函数对象创建动态代理类实例  
Interface Proxy = (Interface)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { handler });


// InvocationHandlerImpl 实现了 InvocationHandler 接口,并能实现方法调用从代理类到委托类的分派转发  
InvocationHandler handler = new InvocationHandlerImpl(..);   
// 通过 Proxy 直接创建动态代理类实例  
Interface proxy = (Interface)Proxy.newProxyInstance( classLoader,   
     new Class[] { Interface.class },  handler );



 * 动态代理类对应的调用处理程序类 
public class SubjectInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {  
 private Object delegate;  
 public SubjectInvocationHandler(Object delegate) {  
  this.delegate = delegate;  
 public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {  
  long stime = System.currentTimeMillis();   
  method.invoke(delegate, args);  
  long ftime = System.currentTimeMillis();   
  System.out.println("执行任务耗时"+(ftime - stime)+"毫秒");  
  return null;  


 * 生成动态代理对象的工厂. 
public class DynProxyFactory {  
 public static Subject getInstance(){   
  Subject delegate = new RealSubject();  
  InvocationHandler handler = new SubjectInvocationHandler(delegate);  
  Subject proxy = null;  
  proxy = (Subject)Proxy.newProxyInstance(  
  return proxy;  


public class Client {  
 public static void main(String[] args) {  
  Subject proxy = DynProxyFactory.getInstance();  


首先是动态生成的代理类本身的一些特点。1)包:如果所代理的接口都是 public 的,那么它将被定义在顶层包(即包路径为空),如果所代理的接口中有非 public 的接口(因为接口不能被定义为 protect 或 private,所以除 public 之外就是默认的 package 访问级别),那么它将被定义在该接口所在包(假设代理了 com.ibm.developerworks 包中的某非 public 接口 A,那么新生成的代理类所在的包就是 com.ibm.developerworks),这样设计的目的是为了最大程度的保证动态代理类不会因为包管理的问题而无法被成功定义并访问;2)类修饰符:该代理类具有 final 和 public 修饰符,意味着它可以被所有的类访问,但是不能被再度继承;3)类名:格式是“$ProxyN”,其中 N 是一个逐一递增的阿拉伯数字,代表 Proxy 类第 N 次生成的动态代理类,值得注意的一点是,并不是每次调用 Proxy 的静态方法创建动态代理类都会使得 N 值增加,原因是如果对同一组接口(包括接口排列的顺序相同)试图重复创建动态代理类,它会很聪明地返回先前已经创建好的代理类的类对象,而不会再尝试去创建一个全新的代理类,这样可以节省不必要的代码重复生成,提高了代理类的创建效率。4)类继承关系:该类的继承关系如图: 


What is the difference between static proxy and dynamic proxy?

As can be seen from the figure, the Proxy class is its parent class. This rule applies to all dynamic proxy classes created by Proxy. And this class also implements a set of interfaces it proxies, which is the fundamental reason why it can be safely type-cast to an interface it proxies.

Next let’s take a look at some characteristics of proxy class instances. Each instance is associated with an invocation handler object. You can obtain the invocation handler object of the proxy class instance through the static method getInvocationHandler provided by Proxy. When the methods declared in the interface of its proxy are called on the proxy class instance, these methods will eventually be executed by the invoke method of the calling processor. In addition, it is worth noting that there are three in the root class java.lang.Object of the proxy class. The methods will also be dispatched to the invoke method of the calling processor for execution, they are hashCode, equals and toString. The possible reasons are: first, because these methods are public and non-final types and can be overridden by the proxy class; second, because these methods Methods often present certain characteristic attributes of a class and have a certain degree of distinction. Therefore, in order to ensure the external consistency of the proxy class and the delegate class, these three methods should also be assigned to the delegate class for execution. When a set of interfaces of a proxy has a repeatedly declared method and the method is called, the proxy class always obtains the method object from the frontmost interface and dispatches it to the calling handler, regardless of whether the proxy class instance is using that interface. (or a sub-interface inherited from this interface) is externally referenced because its current referenced type cannot be distinguished within the proxy class.

Then let’s take a look at the characteristics of a group of interfaces being proxied. First of all, be careful not to have duplicate interfaces to avoid compilation errors when generating dynamic proxy class code. Secondly, these interfaces must be visible to the class loader, otherwise the class loader will not be able to link them, causing the class definition to fail. Thirdly, all non-public interfaces that need to be proxied must be in the same package, otherwise the proxy class generation will also fail. Finally, the number of interfaces cannot exceed 65535, which is a limit set by the JVM.

Finally, let’s take a look at the characteristics of exception handling. From the method declared by the calling processor interface, we can see that in theory it can throw any type of exception, because all exceptions inherit from the Throwable interface, but is this the case? The answer is no, because we must abide by an inheritance principle: that is, when a subclass overrides a method of a parent class or implements a parent interface, the exception thrown must be within the exception list supported by the original method. So although calling the handler is theoretically possible, in practice it is often restricted unless the method in the parent interface supports throwing Throwable exceptions. So what happens if an exception that is not supported in the interface method declaration does occur in the invoke method? Don't worry, the Java dynamic proxy class has already designed a solution for us: it will throw an UndeclaredThrowableException exception. This exception is a RuntimeException type, so it will not cause compilation errors. Through the exception's getCause method, you can also obtain the original unsupported exception object to facilitate error diagnosis.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of dynamic proxy


Compared with static proxies, the biggest advantage of dynamic proxies is that all methods declared in the interface are transferred to a centralized method of the invocation processor (InvocationHandler.invoke). In this way, when there are a large number of interface methods, we can flexibly handle them without having to transfer each method like a static proxy. It cannot be seen in this example because specific peripheral services are embedded in the invoke method body (recording the time before and after task processing and calculating the time difference). In practice, peripheral services can be configured similar to Spring AOP.

Flaws in the ointment:

It is true that Proxy has been designed very beautifully, but there is still a little regret, that is It has never been able to get rid of the shackles of only supporting interface proxy, because its design is doomed to this regret. Recall the inheritance diagram of those dynamically generated proxy classes. They are destined to have a common parent class called Proxy. Java's inheritance mechanism is destined that these dynamic proxy classes cannot implement dynamic proxy for classes. The reason is that multiple inheritance essentially does not work in Java.

There are many reasons why people can deny the necessity of class proxies, but there are also some reasons to believe that supporting class dynamic proxies would be better. The division between interfaces and classes is not very obvious to begin with. It is only in Java that it becomes so detailed. If we only consider the method declaration and whether it is defined, there is a mixture of the two, and its name is abstract class. I believe that implementing dynamic proxy for abstract classes also has its inherent value. In addition, there are some classes left over from history, which will never be associated with dynamic agents because they do not implement any interfaces. With all this going on, it has to be said that it is a small regret.              

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