Home >WeChat Applet >Mini Program Development >Practical Chapter---WeChat Mini Program Engineering Exploration Webpack
## ForewordWeChat mini program spreads at an extremely fast speed and attracts a large number of users because of its convenient use. With the sharp increase in market demand, every Internet company wants to take advantage of the benefits, so mastering the technology of small program development is undoubtedly an indispensable skill for a front-end developer. However, there are always some inconveniences in the development of small programs that have always been criticized by developers. The main manifestations are:Related learning recommendations: WeChat Mini Program Tutorial
/* 创建项目 */$ mkdir wxmp-base$ cd ./wxmp-base/* 创建package.json */$ npm init/* 安装依赖包 */$ npm install webpack webpack-cli --dev复制代码After installing the dependencies, we create a basic directory structure for this project, as shown in the figure:
app global configuration file and a
home page. Next, regardless of the global situation or the page, we divide the file types into
js type files that need to be processed and
wxss# that do not need to be processed and can be copied directly. ##, json
files. With this idea, we started to write the configuration file for webpack execution, and created a build directory in the project root directory to store the webpack.config.js file. <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">$ mkdir build$ cd ./build$ touch webpack.config.js复制代码</pre><pre class="brush:js;toolbar:false;">/** webpack.config.js */const path = require(&#39;path&#39;);const CopyPlugin = require(&#39;copy-webpack-plugin&#39;);const ABSOLUTE_PATH = process.cwd();module.exports = { context: path.resolve(ABSOLUTE_PATH, &#39;src&#39;), entry: { app: &#39;./app.js&#39;, &#39;pages/home/index&#39;: &#39;./pages/home/index.js&#39;
}, output: { filename: &#39;[name].js&#39;, path: path.resolve(ABSOLUTE_PATH, &#39;dist&#39;)
}, module: { rules: [
{ test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: { loader: &#39;babel-loader&#39;, options: { presets: [&#39;@babel/preset-env&#39;], plugins: [&#39;@babel/plugin-transform-runtime&#39;],
}, plugins: [ new CopyPlugin([
{ from: &#39;**/*.wxml&#39;, toType: &#39;dir&#39;,
{ from: &#39;**/*.wxss&#39;, toType: &#39;dir&#39;,
{ from: &#39;**/*.json&#39;, toType: &#39;dir&#39;,
After writing the above code, let me explain to you what the above code will do:
and home/index.js
as the construction entry point of webpack. It will use this file as the starting point to create their respective dependencies, so that when we When other files are introduced in the entry file, the imported files can also be processed by webpack. In
to convert the js
file from ES6 to ES5, and added the new syntax Processing, so that we solve the problem of always repeatedly introducing regenerator-runtime
in the development of native small programs. (In this step we need to install @babel/core
, @babel/preset-env
, @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
, @babel /runtime
, babel-loader
These dependency packages)
command in the terminal. webpack will compile the source code into the dist
folder, and the content in this folder can be run, previewed, and uploaded in the developer tools. Optimization
and home
pages, but this is still far away not enough. We still need to solve many problems:
Pages and components
to collect the js
files under pages and components and then generate the entry object and pass it to entry
. But in practice, I found that this approach has two disadvantages: <ol>
<p>本着程序员应该是极度慵懒,能交给机器完成的事情绝不自己动手的信条,我开始研究新的入口生成方案。最终确定下来编写一个webpack的插件,在webpack构建的生命周期中生成入口,废话不多说上代码:</p><pre class="brush:js;toolbar:false;">/** build/entry-extract-plugin.js */const fs = require(&#39;fs&#39;);const path = require(&#39;path&#39;);const chalk = require(&#39;chalk&#39;);const replaceExt = require(&#39;replace-ext&#39;);const { difference } = require(&#39;lodash&#39;);const SingleEntryPlugin = require(&#39;webpack/lib/SingleEntryPlugin&#39;);const MultiEntryPlugin = require(&#39;webpack/lib/MultiEntryPlugin&#39;);class EntryExtractPlugin { constructor() { this.appContext = null; this.pages = []; this.entries = [];
} /**
* 收集app.json文件中注册的pages和subpackages生成一个待处理数组
getPages() { const app = path.resolve(this.appContext, &#39;app.json&#39;); const content = fs.readFileSync(app, &#39;utf8&#39;); const { pages = [], subpackages = [] } = JSON.parse(content); const { length: pagesLength } = pages; if (!pagesLength) { console.log(chalk.red(&#39;ERROR in "app.json": pages字段缺失&#39;));
} /** 收集分包中的页面 */
const { length: subPackagesLength } = subpackages; if (subPackagesLength) {
subpackages.forEach((subPackage) => { const { root, pages: subPages = [] } = subPackage; if (!root) { console.log(chalk.red(&#39;ERROR in "app.json": 分包配置中root字段缺失&#39;));
} const { length: subPagesLength } = subPages; if (!subPagesLength) { console.log(chalk.red(`ERROR in "app.json": 当前分包 "${root}" 中pages字段为空`));
subPages.forEach((subPage) => pages.push(`${root}/${subPage}`));
} return pages;
} /**
* 以页面为起始点递归去寻找所使用的组件
* @param {String} 当前文件的上下文路径
* @param {String} 依赖路径
* @param {Array} 包含全部入口的数组
addDependencies(context, dependPath, entries) { /** 生成绝对路径 */
const isAbsolute = dependPath[0] === &#39;/&#39;; let absolutePath = &#39;&#39;; if (isAbsolute) {
absolutePath = path.resolve(this.appContext, dependPath.slice(1));
} else {
absolutePath = path.resolve(context, dependPath);
} /** 生成以源代码目录为基准的相对路径 */
const relativePath = path.relative(this.appContext, absolutePath); /** 校验该路径是否合法以及是否在已有入口当中 */
const jsPath = replaceExt(absolutePath, &#39;.js&#39;); const isQualification = fs.existsSync(jsPath); if (!isQualification) { console.log(chalk.red(`ERROR: in "${replaceExt(relativePath, &#39;.js&#39;)}": 当前文件缺失`));
} const isExistence = entries.includes((entry) => entry === absolutePath); if (!isExistence) {
} /** 获取json文件内容 */
const jsonPath = replaceExt(absolutePath, &#39;.json&#39;); const isJsonExistence = fs.existsSync(jsonPath); if (!isJsonExistence) { console.log(chalk.red(`ERROR: in "${replaceExt(relativePath, &#39;.json&#39;)}": 当前文件缺失`));
} try { const content = fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, &#39;utf8&#39;); const { usingComponents = {} } = JSON.parse(content); const components = Object.values(usingComponents); const { length } = components; /** 当json文件中有再引用其他组件时执行递归 */
if (length) { const absoluteDir = path.dirname(absolutePath);
components.forEach((component) => { this.addDependencies(absoluteDir, component, entries);
} catch (e) { console.log(chalk.red(`ERROR: in "${replaceExt(relativePath, &#39;.json&#39;)}": 当前文件内容为空或书写不正确`));
} /**
* 将入口加入到webpack中
applyEntry(context, entryName, module) { if (Array.isArray(module)) { return new MultiEntryPlugin(context, module, entryName);
} return new SingleEntryPlugin(context, module, entryName);
apply(compiler) { /** 设置源代码的上下文 */
const { context } = compiler.options; this.appContext = context;
compiler.hooks.entryOption.tap(&#39;EntryExtractPlugin&#39;, () => { /** 生成入口依赖数组 */
this.pages = this.getPages(); this.pages.forEach((page) => void this.addDependencies(context, page, this.entries)); this.entries.forEach((entry) => { this.applyEntry(context, entry, `./${entry}`).apply(compiler);
compiler.hooks.watchRun.tap(&#39;EntryExtractPlugin&#39;, () => { /** 校验页面入口是否增加 */
const pages = this.getPages(); const diffPages = difference(pages, this.pages); const { length } = diffPages; if (length) { this.pages = this.pages.concat(diffPages); const entries = []; /** 通过新增的入口页面建立依赖 */
diffPages.forEach((page) => void this.addDependencies(context, page, entries)); /** 去除与原有依赖的交集 */
const diffEntries = difference(entries, this.entries);
diffEntries.forEach((entry) => { this.applyEntry(context, entry, `./${entry}`).apply(compiler);
}); this.entries = this.entries.concat(diffEntries);
}module.exports = EntryExtractPlugin;复制代码</pre><p>由于webpack的<code>plugin
/** build/webpack.config.js */const EntryExtractPlugin = require('./entry-extract-plugin');module.exports = { ... entry: { app: './app.js' }, plugins: [ ... new EntryExtractPlugin() ] }复制代码
/** build/webpack.config.js */const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');module.exports = { ... module: { rules: [ ... { enforce: 'pre', test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'eslint-loader', options: { cache: true, fix: true, }, }, { test: /\.less$/, use: [ { loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, }, { loader: 'css-loader', }, { loader: 'less-loader', }, ], }, ] }, plugins: [ ... new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ filename: '[name].wxss' }) ] }复制代码
文件中加入import './index.less'
"scripts": { "dev": "cross-env OPERATING_ENV=development webpack --config build/webpack.config.js --watch", "build": "cross-env OPERATING_ENV=production webpack --config build/webpack.config.js }复制代码
/** build/webpack.config.js */const { OPERATING_ENV } = process.env;module.exports = { ... mode: OPERATING_ENV, devtool: OPERATING_ENV === 'production' ? 'source-map' : 'inline-source-map'}复制代码
/** build/webpack.config.js */module.exports = { ... optimization: { splitChunks: { cacheGroups: { commons: { chunks: 'initial', name: 'commons', minSize: 0, maxSize: 0, minChunks: 2, }, }, }, runtimeChunk: { name: 'manifest', }, }, }复制代码
/** build/webpack.config.js */module.exports = { ... output: { ... globalObject: 'global' }, plugins: [ new webpack.BannerPlugin({ banner: 'const commons = require("./commons");\nconst runtime = require("./runtime");', raw: true, include: 'app.js', }) ] }复制代码
The above are basically the reasons why I want to explore mini program engineering by myself (in fact, there is another point of curiosity, hehe)
The above is my understanding of native mini program engineering I have also applied some related style specifications in my team. I have not mentioned them in detail in this article. If you are interested, you can check out the article "Team Specifications - Style Specification Practice" in my column. In fact, there is also the management of static resources and the addition of project directories. These details can be improved and supplemented according to the needs of the team. I hope this article will be helpful to teams that need to practice in this area. If you have any incorrect opinions or areas that need improvement, please let me know in the comments.
The above is the detailed content of Practical Chapter---WeChat Mini Program Engineering Exploration Webpack. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!