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Share Laravel Passport Pitfall Diary

2020-09-07 09:13:072946browse

The following is the Laravel tutorial column to share with you the Laravel Passport pit diary, I hope it will be helpful to friends in need!

Share Laravel Passport Pitfall Diary

Most previous projects used DingoAPI JWT-auth to implement API authentication. Although Laravel released Passport very early, it has not paid much attention to it.
I played Passport today. Although I encountered a lot of pitfalls, it is still very easy to use~

Pit 1: I only want to obtain it through the account password## for the time being. #token
# Passport comes with many routes when it is born. . But, most of these things are really useless to me.

Redefine it in your

Passport::routes(function (RouteRegistrar $router) {
        }, ['prefix' => 'api']);

Pit 2 : How to manually generate Token when registering an account?


JWTAuth::fromUser($user); can be easily generatedtoken, but there seems to be no ready-made method in Passport. Solution:
After registering the account, actively request

public function register(Request $request)
        $validator = $this->validator($request->all());

        if ($validator->fails()){
            return response()->json($validator->errors());

        event(new Registered($user = $this->create($request->all())));

        $client = \DB::table('oauth_clients')->where('password_client', 1)->first();

            'username' => $user->email,
            'password' => $request->password,
            'grant_type' => 'password',
            'client_id' => $client->id,
            'client_secret' => $client->secret,
            'scope' => '*'

        $proxy = Request::create(

        return Route::dispatch($proxy);

again, and get the return

  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 1296000,
  "access_token": "xxx",
  "refresh_token": "xxx"

, a perfect solution.

Pit 3: I want to use my mobile phone number to log in

Passport actually provides an interface for dynamically modifying user login, but it is not written out in the document

Add the following method to your User Model

public function findForPassport($login) {
        return User::orWhere('email', $login)->orWhere('mobile', $login)->first();

Pit 4: When using the wrong token, passport will always jump to the login method

Check the source code and find that passport uses

web auth middleware, no wonder Add
Accept: in your request header application/json, problem solvingFor example:

Share Laravel Passport Pitfall Diary

The above is the detailed content of Share Laravel Passport Pitfall Diary. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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