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Organize Oracle interview questions and answers

2020-07-31 15:36:175017browse

Organize Oracle interview questions and answers

The following questions are transformed according to this table

1. Table: table1(FId,Fclass,Fscore), use the most efficient and A simple SQL lists the list of the highest grades in each class, showing two fields: class and grade.

 select stu_class, max(stu_score) from core group by stu_class ;

2. There is a table table1 with two fields FID and Fno, both of which are non-empty. Write an SQL statement to list the records of one FID corresponding to multiple different Fnos in the table.

select t2.* from table1 t1, table1 t2 where t1.fid = t2.fid and t1.fno <> t2.fno;

Three ways to write:

select * from core co1 where co1.STU_CLASS in ( select co.STU_CLASS from CORE co group by co.STU_CLASS  having count(co.STU_CLASS) >1); 
 select DISTINCT c2.* from core c1 ,core c2 where c1.STU_CLASS = c2.STU_CLASS and c1.STU_SCORE <> c2.STU_SCORE; SELECT * FROM core c1 where 1=1 and  EXISTS (select 1 from core c2 where c1.STU_CLASS = c2.STU_CLASS and c1.STU_SCORE <> c2.STU_SCORE);

3. There is an employee table empinfo

Fempno varchar2(10) not null pk, 
Fempname varchar2(20) not null, 
Fage number not null, 
Fsalary number not null 

If the amount of data is very large, about 10 million; write one that you think is the most efficient SQL, use one SQL to calculate the following four types of people:

fsalary>9999 and fage > 35 
fsalary>9999 and fage < 35 
fsalary <9999 and fage > 35 
fsalary <9999 and fage < 35

The number of each type of employee;

select sum(case when fsalary > 9999 and fage > 35then 1else 0end) as "fsalary>9999_fage>35",sum(case when fsalary > 9999 and fage < 35then 1else 0end) as "fsalary>9999_fage<35",sum(case when fsalary < 9999 and fage > 35then 1else 0end) as "fsalary<9999_fage>35",sum(case when fsalary < 9999 and fage < 35then 1else 0end) as "fsalary<9999_fage<35"from empinfo;
select sum(case when stu_score < 60 then 1 else 0 end ) as "60分以下人数" ,sum(case when stu_score > 60 and stu_score <= 70 then 1 else 0 end ) as "60到70分人数" ,sum(case when stu_score > 70 and stu_score <= 80 then 1 else 0 end ) as "70到80分人数" ,sum(case when stu_score > 80 and stu_score <= 100 then 1 else 0 end ) as "80分以上人数" 
from core;

4. The fields of table A are as follows
month person income
Monthly Personnel Income
Requires one SQL statement (note that it is one) for the total income of the person (not distinguishing between persons) each month and the previous month and next month
Requirement list The output is
month's income, previous month's income, next month's income

---------- ---------- ----------200807 mantisXF 5000200806 mantisXF2 3500200806 mantisXF3 3000200805 mantisXF1 2000200805 mantisXF6 2200200804 mantisXF7 1800200803 8mantisXF 4000200802 9mantisXF 4200200802 10mantisXF 3300200801 11mantisXF 4600200809 11mantisXF 6800

11 rows selected

 months, (incomes), (prev_months),  (( ), ), ), lag(incomes) (  months), )  prev_months, decode(lead(months) (  months), to_char(add_months(to_date(months, ), ), ), lead(incomes) (  months), )  next_months  ( months, (income)  incomes  a   months) aa) aaagroup (INCOMES) (PREV_MONTHS) (NEXT_MONTHS)

5, table B
C1 c2
2005-01- 01 1
2005-01-01 3
2005-01-02 5

Required processing data
2005-01-01 4
2005-01-02 5
Total 9
Try a Sql statement to complete.

select nvl(to_char(t02,&#39;yyyy-mm-dd&#39;),&#39;合计&#39;),sum(t01)from test 
group by rollup(t02)

6, Concept and understanding of database 1, 2, and 3 paradigms.

Certain rules must be followed when designing a relational database. Especially the database design paradigm
A brief introduction to 1NF (first normal form), 2NF (second normal form), 3NF (third normal form),
First normal form (1NF): each specific parameter in the relational model R In a relation r, if each attribute value is the smallest data unit that cannot be further divided, then R is said to be a relation in first normal form.

For example: If employee number, name, and phone number form a table (a person may have an office phone number and a home phone number), there are three ways to standardize it into 1NF:
One is to repeatedly store employee number and Name. In this case, the keyword can only be a phone number.
The second is the employee number as the keyword, and the phone number is divided into two attributes: work phone number and residential phone number
The third is the employee number as the keyword, but it is mandatory that each record can only have one phone number.
Of the above three methods, the first method is the least advisable. Choose the latter two cases according to the actual situation.

Second Normal Form (2NF): If all non-primary attributes in the relationship schema R (U, F) are completely dependent on any candidate keyword, the relationship R is said to belong to the second normal form.
Example: Course selection relationship SCI (SNO, CNO, GRADE, CREDIT) where SNO is the student number, CNO is the course number, GRADEGE is the grade, and CREDIT is the credit. Based on the above
conditions, the keywords are combined keywords (SNO, CNO)
Using the above relational model in applications has the following problems:

a. Data redundancy, assuming the same door The course is taken by 40 students and is repeated 40 times for credit.
b. Update abnormality. If the credits of a certain course are adjusted, the corresponding tuple CREDIT value will be updated, and the credits of the same course may be different.
c. Insert an exception. For example, if you plan to open a new course, since no one is taking it and there is no student number keyword, you can only wait for someone to take it before you can deposit the course and credits.
d. Deletion exception, if the student has graduated, delete the elective record from the current database. If freshmen have not yet taken some courses, the course and credit records cannot be saved.

Reason: The non-keyword attribute CREDIT only functionally depends on CNO, that is, CREDIT partially depends on the combined keyword (SNO, CNO) rather than completely.

Solution: Divide into two relationship modes SC1 (SNO, CNO, GRADE) and C2 (CNO, CREDIT). The new relationship includes two relationship schemas, which are connected through the
foreign keyword CNO in SCN. When necessary, natural connections are made to restore the original relationship
Third normal form (3NF): If the relationship schema All non-primary attributes in R (U, F) have no transitive dependence on any candidate keyword, then the relationship R is said to belong to the third normal form.

Example: S1 (SNO, SNAME, DNO, DNAME, LOCATION) Each attribute represents the student number,
name, department, department name, and department address.
The keyword SNO determines each attribute. Since it is a single keyword, there is no problem of partial dependence, so it must be 2NF. However, there must be a lot of redundancy in this relationship. The
attributes DNO, DNAME, and LOCATION where the students are located will be repeatedly stored, inserted, deleted, and modified, and situations similar to the above example will occur.
Cause: There is a transitive dependency in the relationship. That is SNO -> DNO. But DNO -> SNO does not exist, DNO -> LOCATION, so the key is SNO vs LOCATIO

N 函数决定是通过传递依赖 SNO -> LOCATION 实现的。也就是说,SNO不直接决定非主属性LOCATION。 


变化表mutating table
需要作为DELETE CASCADE参考完整性限制的结果进行更新的表也是变化的


限制表constraining table







所建的临时表虽然是存在的,但是你试一下insert 一条记录然后用别的连接登上去select,记录是空的,明白了吧。

  • ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS 说明临时表是事务指定,每次提交后ORACLE将截断表(删除全部行) 

  • ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS 说明临时表是会话指定,当中断会话时ORACLE将截断表。


  3.2 实例 
  --定义程序包   create or replace package PKG_System_Constant is   
    C_SystemTitle nVarChar2(100):=&#39;测试全局程序变量&#39;; --定义常数     --获取常数<系统标题>     Function FN_GetSystemTitle 
     Return nVarChar2; 
    G_CurrentDate Date:=SysDate; --定义全局变量     --获取全局变量<当前日期>     Function FN_GetCurrentDate 
     Return Date; 
    --设置全局变量<当前日期>     Procedure SP_SetCurrentDate 
     (P_CurrentDate In Date); 
  End PKG_System_Constant; 
  /   create or replace package body PKG_System_Constant is     --获取常数<系统标题>     Function FN_GetSystemTitle 
     Return nVarChar2 
     Is      Begin        Return C_SystemTitle; 
     End FN_GetSystemTitle; 
    --获取全局变量<当前日期>     Function FN_GetCurrentDate 
     Return Date 
     Is      Begin        Return G_CurrentDate; 
     End FN_GetCurrentDate; 
    --设置全局变量<当前日期>     Procedure SP_SetCurrentDate 
     (P_CurrentDate In Date) 
     Is      Begin        G_CurrentDate:=P_CurrentDate; 
     End SP_SetCurrentDate; 
  End PKG_System_Constant; 
  3.3 测试 
  --测试读取常数   Select PKG_System_Constant.FN_GetSystemTitle From Dual;    
  --测试设置全局变量   Declare 
  Begin     PKG_System_Constant.SP_SetCurrentDate(To_Date(&#39;2001.01.01&#39;,&#39;yyyy.mm.dd&#39;)); 
  /   --测试读取全局变量   Select PKG_System_Constant.FN_GetCurrentDate From Dual;


select aa.x from aa
where not exists (select &#39;x&#39; from bb where aa.x = bb.x) ;



a.Buffer Cache:存放数据库中数据库块的拷贝。它是由一组缓冲块所组成,这些缓冲块为所有与该实例相链接的用户进程所共享。缓冲块的数目由初始化参数DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS确定,缓冲块的大小由初始化参数DB_BLOCK_SIZE确定。大的数据块可提高查询速度。它由DBWR操作。 
b. 日志缓冲区Redo Log Buffer:存放数据操作的更改信息。它们以日志项(redo entry)的形式存放在日志缓冲区中。当需要进行数据库恢复时,日志项用于重构或回滚对数据库所做的变更。日志缓冲区的大小由初始化参数LOG_BUFFER确定。大的日志缓冲区可减少日志文件I/O的次数。后台进程LGWR将日志缓冲区中的信息写入磁盘的日志文件中,可启动ARCH后台进程进行日志信息归档。 
c. 共享池Shared Pool:包含用来处理的SQL语句信息。它包含共享SQL区和数据字典存储区。共享SQL区包含执行特定的SQL语句所用的信息。数据字典区用于存放数据字典,它为所有用户进程所共享。



每个分区都由一个分区键值范围指定(对于一个以日期列作为分区键的表,“2005 年 1 月”分区包含分区键值为从“2005 年 1 月 1 日” 
到“2005 年 1 月 31 日”的行)。



13, Background: A certain data is running in archivelog, and RMAN has been used to make full backup and cold backup of the database.
And all the archive logs are available. Now all the control files are damaged and all other files are intact. What is the problem? How to restore the database, tell me one or two methods.

Reply method:
1. Use cold backup, directly COPY all the cold backup files to the original directory, and then restart the database
2. Use archive logs,

  • Start database NOMOUNT

  • Create a control file that specifies the location of the data file and redo log file.

  • Use the RECOVER DATABASE using backup controlfile until cancel command to restore the database. At this time, you can use the archive log


  • Back up the database and control files again

14. Use rman to write a backup statement: backup table space TSB, level 2 incremental backup.

15, there is a table a(x number(20),y number(20)) using the fastest and most efficient SQL to insert 10 million consecutive records starting from 1 into the table.

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[Topic recommendation]:2020 Oracle interview questions summary ( up to date)

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