Home > Article > Backend Development > How to resume uploading large files with PHP?
1. Principle of resumable download
The so-called resumable download means that the file must be downloaded from where to continue downloading. Breakpoints were not supported in previous versions of the HTTP protocol, but have been supported since HTTP/1.1. Generally, the Range and Content-Range entity headers are only used for breakpoint downloading.
Do not use breakpoint resumption
get /down.zip http/1.1<br/>accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-<br/>excel, application/msword, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, */*<br/>accept-language: zh-cn<br/>accept-encoding: gzip, deflate<br/>user-agent: mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 5.01; windows nt 5.0)<br/>connection: keep-alive<br/>
After the server receives the request, it searches for the requested file as required, extracts the file information, and then returns it to the browser. The return information is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok<br/>content-length=106786028<br/>accept-ranges=bytes<br/>date=mon, 30 apr 2001 12:56:11 gmt<br/>etag=w/"02ca57e173c11:95b"<br/>content-type=application/octet-stream<br/>server=microsoft-iis/5.0<br/>last-modified=mon, 30 apr 2001 12:56:11 gmt<br/>
Use breakpoint resume transmission
GET /down.zip HTTP/1.0<br/>User-Agent: NetFox<br/>RANGE: bytes=2000070-<br/>Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2<br/>
There is an extra lineRange: bytes=2000070-<br>
This line means to tell the server to down. The zip file is transmitted starting from 2000070 bytes, and the previous bytes do not need to be transmitted. The complete format of
Range is:
Range: bytes=startOffset-targetOffset/sum [表示从startOffset读取,一直读取到targetOffset位置,读取总数为sum直接]<br/> <br/>Range: bytes=startOffset-targetOffset [字节总数也可以去掉]<br/>
After the server receives this request, the information returned is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content<br/>content-length=106786028<br/>content-range=bytes 2000070-106786027/106786028<br/>date=mon, 30 apr 2001 12:55:20 gmt<br/>etag=w/"02ca57e173c11:95b"<br/>content-type=application/octet-stream<br/>server=microsoft-iis/5.0<br/>last-modified=mon, 30 apr 2001 12:55:20 gmt<br/>
Compare it with the information returned by the previous server, and you will find that an extra line has been added. :
Content-Range=bytes 2000070-106786027/106786028<br/>
The returned code has also been changed to 206 instead of 200.
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content<br/>
After knowing the above principles, you can program the breakpoint resume download.
2. PHP implementation
/** php下载类,支持断点续传<br/> * download: 下载文件<br/> * setSpeed: 设置下载速度<br/> * getRange: 获取header中Range<br/> */<br/> <br/>class FileDownload{<br/> <br/> /** 下载<br/> * @param String $file 要下载的文件路径<br/> * @param String $name 文件名称,为空则与下载的文件名称一样<br/> * @param boolean $reload 是否开启断点续传<br/> */<br/> public function download($file, $name='', $reload=false){<br/> $fp = @fopen($file, 'rb');<br/> if($fp){<br/> if($name==''){<br/> $name = basename($file);<br/> }<br/> $header_array = get_headers($file, true);<br/> //var_dump($header_array);die;<br/> // 下载本地文件,获取文件大小<br/> if (!$header_array) {<br/> $file_size = filesize($file);<br/> } else {<br/> $file_size = $header_array['Content-Length'];<br/> }<br/> $ranges = $this->getRange($file_size);<br/> $ua = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];//判断是什么类型浏览器<br/> header('cache-control:public');<br/> header('content-type:application/octet-stream'); <br/> <br/> $encoded_filename = urlencode($name);<br/> $encoded_filename = str_replace("+", "%20", $encoded_filename);<br/> <br/> //解决下载文件名乱码<br/> if (preg_match("/MSIE/", $ua) || preg_match("/Trident/", $ua) ){ <br/> header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' .$encoded_filename . '"');<br/> } else if (preg_match("/Firefox/", $ua)) {<br/> header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*="utf8\'\'' . $name . '"');<br/> }else if (preg_match("/Chrome/", $ua)) {<br/> header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $encoded_filename . '"');<br/> } else {<br/> header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"');<br/> }<br/> //header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"');<br/> <br/> if($reload && $ranges!=null){ // 使用续传<br/> header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');<br/> header('Accept-Ranges:bytes');<br/> <br/> // 剩余长度<br/> header(sprintf('content-length:%u',$ranges['end']-$ranges['start']));<br/> <br/> // range信息<br/> header(sprintf('content-range:bytes %s-%s/%s', $ranges['start'], $ranges['end'], $file_size));<br/> //file_put_contents('test.log',sprintf('content-length:%u',$ranges['end']-$ranges['start']),FILE_APPEND);<br/> // fp指针跳到断点位置<br/> fseek($fp, sprintf('%u', $ranges['start']));<br/> }else{<br/> file_put_contents('test.log','2222',FILE_APPEND);<br/> header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');<br/> header('content-length:'.$file_size);<br/> }<br/> <br/> while(!feof($fp)){<br/> //echo fread($fp, round($this->_speed*1024,0));<br/> //echo fread($fp, $file_size);<br/> echo fread($fp, 4096);<br/> ob_flush();<br/> }<br/> <br/> ($fp!=null) && fclose($fp);<br/> }else{<br/> return '';<br/> }<br/> }<br/> <br/> /** 设置下载速度<br/> * @param int $speed<br/> */<br/> public function setSpeed($speed){<br/> if(is_numeric($speed) && $speed>16 && $speed<4096){<br/> $this->_speed = $speed;<br/> }<br/> }<br/> <br/> /** 获取header range信息<br/> * @param int $file_size 文件大小<br/> * @return Array<br/> */<br/> private function getRange($file_size){<br/> //file_put_contents('range.log', json_encode($_SERVER), FILE_APPEND);<br/> if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])){<br/> $range = $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'];<br/> $range = preg_replace('/[\s|,].*/', '', $range);<br/> $range = explode('-', substr($range, 6));<br/> if(count($range)<2){<br/> $range[1] = $file_size;<br/> }<br/> $range = array_combine(array('start','end'), $range);<br/> if(empty($range['start'])){<br/> $range['start'] = 0;<br/> }<br/> if(empty($range['end'])){<br/> $range['end'] = $file_size;<br/> }<br/> return $range;<br/> }<br/> return null;<br/> }<br/>}<br/> <br/>$obj = new FileDownload();<br/>$obj->download('http://down.golaravel.com/laravel/laravel-master.zip','', true);<br/>
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