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Sublime text3 usage tips (installation and common settings)

2020-06-24 13:27:3712901browse

The following is the tutorial column of sublime to share with you the tips for using sublime text3. I hope it will be helpful to friends in need!

Sublime text3 usage tips (installation and common settings)


Sublime Text: An editor software with code highlighting, syntax prompts, automatic completion and fast response. It not only has a gorgeous interface, but also supports plug-in extension mechanism. Use Sublime Text elegantly, and plug-ins are It is an indispensable existence. It is definitely a pleasure to write code with her.

Installation and activation

  1. Official website download: sublime text3;
  2. Open the .exe file for installation. Remember to select "Add to explorer context menu" and add it to the right-click shortcut menu. Others default to the next step;
  3. On the Internet Find the latest Sublime Text3 activation code, as follows:

    —– BEGIN LICENSE —– Michael Barnes
    Single User License
    8A353C41 872A0D5C ​​DF9B2950 AFF6F667
    C458EA6D 8EA3C286 98D1D650 131A97AB
    AA919AEC EF20E143 B361B1E7 4C8B7F04
    B085E65E 2F5F5360 8489D422 FB8FC1AA
    93F6323C FD7F7544 3F39C318 D95E6480
    FCCC7561 8A4A1741 68FA4223 ADCEDE07
    200C25BE DBBC4855 C4CFB774 C5EC138C
    0FEC1CEF D9DCECEC D3A5DAD1 01316C36
    —— END LICENSE ——

  4. Open the Sublime menu > help > enter License and enter the activation code.

  5. Re-open sublime text3, if enter License changes to remove License activation is successful

Common settings

  • Set the default encoding format to UTF-8
    1. Select menu Preferences->(Settings)-User;
    2. Add the following line of code in curly braces: "default_encoding": "UTF-8";
  • sublime text 3Set font
    1. Select menu Preferences->(Settings)-User;
    2. Add "font_face": "Consolas","font_size": 12 ;
  • My Preferences->(Settings)-User settings
"auto_complete": true,
"auto_match_enabled": true,
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.tmTheme",
"default_encoding": "UTF-8",
"font_face": "Consolas",
"font_size": 14,
"ignored_packages": [ "AndyJS2", "Vintage"
"theme": "Adaptive.sublime-theme",
"update_check": false}

Shortcut keys

  • Swap up and down: Ctrl sh~ift ↑↓
  • Cursor selection: Ctrl alt ↑↓
  • Copy the entire Go to next line: ctrl shift d
  • Indent right:Tab
  • Indent left: Shift Tab
  • Delete an entire line:Ctrl Shift K
  • Comment a single line: Ctrl /
  • Comment multiple lines:Ctrl Shift /
  • Undo:Ctrl Z
  • ##Undo:Ctrl Y
  • ##Search keyword:Ctrl F
  • Open the search box:Ctrl P
      Enter the file name in the current project to quickly search for files
    1. Enter
    2. @ and keywords to find the function name
    3. in the file. Enter
    4. : and the number to jump to the file. In this line of code
    5. , enter
    6. # and keywords to find the variable name
  • Open the command box:Ctrl Shift P
  • Exit:Esc
Commonly used plug-ins

◇Installation Plug-in

    CTRL SHIFT P to open the command box, search for Package Control install install

  1. (The Package Control plug-in itself is a In order to facilitate the management of plug-ins)
  2. Open the install package terminal

  3. (Directly call the command box or open Package Control and enter install package Click to enter)
  4. #Enter the desired plug-in name and click to install

  5. (Re-open sublime and now in Package Setting You can see the installed plug-ins)
◇Update plug-ins

Ctrl Shift P brings up the command panel, enter upgrade packages, click Update

◇Delete plug-in

Ctrl Shift P calls Exit the command panel, enter remove, bring up the Remove Package terminal and click on the plug-in to be deleted


##Function: Coding shortcut keys, a must-have for the front end
Introduction: Emmet (relying on the pyv8 plug-in) is an upgraded version of zen coding. It is a necessary plug-in for the front end. If you are not familiar with it, you can check it out on its official website (http://docs .emmet.io/) to watch the specific demonstration video.
Usage: Tutorial-http://docs.emmet.io/cheat-sheet/
Sublime text3 usage tips (installation and common settings)



Function: Quickly enter the file nameIntroduction:
Automatically complete the input of the file name , if you select from the picture, use:
Enter "/" to see other files relative to this project folder
Sublime text3 usage tips (installation and common settings)


Function: sublime Chinese input methodIntroduction:
Also Concerned about whether the Sublime Text Chinese input method cannot follow the cursor? Try the "IMESupport" plug-in! Currently it only supports Windows and cannot follow the cursor well in search and other interfaces. Use:
Ctrl Shift P → Enter pci → Enter IMESupport → Enter
Sublime text3 usage tips (installation and common settings)



This is a plug-in that formats JS. It can format compressed files. You can also use Package Control to install the JsFormat plug-in. After that, you can right-click on the JS file ->JsFormat or keyboard shortcut Ctrl Alt FFormat JS
Sublime text3 usage tips (installation and common settings)



SideBarEnhancements is a very practical right-click menu enhancement plug-in. Before installing the plug-in, right-click in the FOLDERS column on the left side of Sublime Text. There are only a few simple functions.


Sometimes, in There are a few extra spaces or tabs at the end of the code, but there is no display effect. TrailingSpaces is a plug-in that can highlight the extra spaces and tabs



CssComb is a plug-in for sorting and formatting CSS properties. You may find it after using Package Control to install the CssComb plug-in. It cannot run. It depends on Node.js. If your computer has already installed the NodeJS environment, you can skip this step. If your computer has not installed the Node.js environment, you should go to the Node.js official website [Download] And install the corresponding version of Node.js

Use: How to use: Menu Tools->Run CSScomb or press the shortcut key Ctrl Shift C in the CSS file (the shortcut key conflicts with the ColorPicker plug-in to change it Ctrl Shift alt C)

Introduction: Sublime text itself does not support Chinese encoding, so it needs to be solved by installing a plug-in. The ConvertToUTF8 plug-in can achieve


Instructions for use: Press the shortcut key Ctrl Shift C (shortcut key and ColorPicker plug-in Conflict change it to Ctrl Shift alt z) **Shortcut key modification: **preferences→browse packages, click to open and find the corresponding plug-in to modify the shortcut key

Introduction: This is a CSS3 private prefix auto-completion plug-in. This plug-in uses the CanIUse database to accurately determine which attributes require which prefixes, just like the CssComb plug-in. This plug-in also requires the system to have the Node.js environment installed

Usage: Press the Tab key after entering the CSS3 properties (before the colon), as shown below
Sublime text3 usage tips (installation and common settings)


Introduction: When editing CSS styles, ColorPicker allows sublime text to have a built-in color palette. After adjusting the color, click OK and a hexadecimal color code will be generated at the cursor.
Ctrl/Shift Cmd Shift CCall out


Introduction: ColorHighlighter is a plug-in that displays the visual color of the selected color code. If you select "# fff" it will show you the white


The terminal to open the file, the default terminal is CMD (supports linux). ctrl shift t opens the folder where the file is located, ctrl shift alt t opens the root directory folder of the project where the file is located, and you can reconfigure the shortcut keys yourself. You can also right-click open terminal here to open it.

File Header

##Introduction: File Header is A plug-in that automatically adds prefix fields to files
Configuration: preferences→browse packagesClick to open to find the corresponding plug-in, open template to modify the template

Sublime text3 usage tips (installation and common settings)

Code prompt plug-in summary

  • SublimeCodeIntel

Function: SublimeCodeIntel implements intelligent code prompts and automatic completion functions
Disadvantages: Few prompts, don’t want to use
Supported languages: JavaScript, Mason, XBL, XUL, RHTML, SCSS, Python, HTML, Ruby, Python3, XML, Sass, XSLT, Django, HTML5, Perl, CSS, Twig, Less, Smarty, Node.js, Tcl, TemplateToolkit, PHP

  • bettercompletion

##Function: better completion implements smart code prompts And auto-complete functionAdvantages:
Can be customized, recommended to useSupported languages:
javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, php, react, css, etc.Configuration:
Change the false of the corresponding file to true


Function: JavaScriptCompletions implements code intelligent prompts and automatic completion functions Features:
Full prompts, high version sublime support is good Supported languages:

The above is the detailed content of Sublime text3 usage tips (installation and common settings). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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