Home > Article > WeChat Applet > WeChat mini program province and city linkage function
Recently, I just made a function to link provinces and cities. Today I saw someone asking how to do this, so I will post what I did and share it:
First, let’s see the effect, click Text 'Click', a selection window pops up, click Cancel or OK (the Cancel and OK buttons are above the selection box, the screenshot is a little unclear), the window slides down,
I do this The component picker-view is used. Now let’s take a look at the properties of picker-view:
Now let’s start writing the wxml code. By the way, insert a sentence, here I am It is written as a template. Let’s take a look at the directory structure first.
Let’s first take a look at the code in cascade.wxml:
<template name="cascade"> <view class="cascade_box" animation="{{animationData}}"> <view class="cascade_hei"></view> <view class="cascade_find"> <view class="cascade_header"> <text class='quxiao' catchtap="quxiao">取消</text> <text class="queren" catchtap="queren">确认</text> </view> <picker-view indicator-style="height: 80rpx;" style="width: 100%; height: 400rpx;" bindchange="bindChange"> <picker-view-column> <view wx:for="{{sheng}}" wx:key='this' style="line-height: 80rpx;text-align:center;">{{item}}</view> </picker-view-column> <picker-view-column> <view wx:for="{{shi}}" wx:key='this' style="line-height: 80rpx;text-align:center;">{{item}}</view> </picker-view-column> <picker-view-column> <view wx:for="{{qu}}" wx:key='this' style="line-height: 80rpx;text-align:center;">{{item}}</view> </picker-view-column> </picker-view> </view> </view> </template>
Next is the code of cascade.wxss:
.cascade_box{ font-size:28rpx; width: 100%; height: 0; position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .cascade_hei{ width: 100%; height:732rpx; background: #000; opacity: 0.5; } .cascade_find{ width: 100%; height: 500rpx; position: relative; /*bottom: 0; left: 0;*/ background: #fff; } .quxiao,.queren{ display: block; position: absolute; width: 100rpx; height: 80rpx; line-height: 80rpx; /*background: #00f;*/ text-align: center; color: #0f0; } .queren{ right: 0; top: 0; } .cascade_header{ height: 80rpx; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 20rpx; }
Okay, the template here is written, the next step is the reference, the reference is very simple:
First is the quote from las.wxml:
<span style="font-size: 14px;"><import src="../../teml/cascade.wxml"/> <view bindtap="dianji">点击</view><br><view><br> <text>省:{{jieguo.sheng}}</text><br> <text>市:{{jieguo.shi}}</text><br> <text>区:{{jieguo.qu}}</text><br></view> <template is="cascade" data="{{animationData:animationData,sheng:sheng,shi:shi,qu:qu}}"/></span>
Then is the quote from las.wxss (you read that right):
@import '../../teml/cascade.wxss';
The next step is JS:
Here we need to first talk about the json file format for saving the names of provinces and cities. This json file also contains the names of provinces and cities across the country (only Beijing City is written here as an example, this This is an example of the data I requested. You have to make some JS judgments based on the data you requested):
{ "regions": [{ "id": 110000, "name": "北京", "regions": [{ "id": 110100, "name": "北京市", "regions": [{ "id": 110101, "name": "东城区" }, { "id": 110102, "name": "西城区" }, { "id": 110103, "name": "崇文区" }, { "id": 110104, "name": "宣武区" }, { "id": 110105, "name": "朝阳区" }, { "id": 110106, "name": "丰台区" }, { "id": 110107, "name": "石景山区" }, { "id": 110108, "name": "海淀区" }, { "id": 110109, "name": "门头沟区" }, { "id": 110111, "name": "房山区" }, { "id": 110112, "name": "通州区" }, { "id": 110113, "name": "顺义区" }, { "id": 110114, "name": "昌平区" }, { "id": 110115, "name": "大兴区" }, { "id": 110116, "name": "怀柔区" }, { "id": 110117, "name": "平谷区" }, { "id": 110228, "name": "密云县" }, { "id": 110229, "name": "延庆县" }] }], "pinyin": "BeiJing", "hot": true, "municipality": true }]}
Here is how to operate the datalas.js
Page({ data: { sheng: [],//获取到的所有的省 shi: [],//选择的该省的所有市 qu: [],//选择的该市的所有区县 sheng_index:0,//picker-view省项选择的value值 shi_index:0,//picker-view市项选择的value值 qu_index:0,//picker-view区县项选择的value值 shengshi:null,//取到该数据的所有省市区数据 jieguo:{},//最后取到的省市区名字 animationData: {} }, //点击事件,点击弹出选择页 dianji:function(){ //这里写了一个动画,让其高度变为满屏 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 500, timingFunction: 'ease', }) this.animation = animation animation.height(1332+'rpx').step() this.setData({ animationData:animation.export() }) }, //取消按钮 quxiao:function(){ //这里也是动画,然其高度变为0 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 500, timingFunction: 'ease', }) this.animation = animation animation.height(0+'rpx').step() this.setData({ animationData:animation.export() }); //取消不传值,这里就把jieguo 的值赋值为{} this.setData({ jieguo:{} }); console.log(this.data.jieguo); }, //确认按钮 queren:function(){ //一样是动画,级联选择页消失,效果和取消一样 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 500, timingFunction: 'ease', }) this.animation = animation animation.height(0+'rpx').step() this.setData({ animationData:animation.export() });//打印最后选取的结果 console.log(this.data.jieguo); }, //滚动选择的时候触发事件 bindChange: function(e) { //这里是获取picker-view内的picker-view-column 当前选择的是第几项 const val = e.detail.value this.setData({ sheng_index: val[0], shi_index: val[1], qu_index: val[2] }) this.jilian(); console.log(val); console.log(this.data.jieguo); }, //这里是判断省市名称的显示 jilian:function(){ var that=this, shengshi=that.data.shengshi, sheng=[], shi=[], qu=[], qu_index=that.data.qu_index, shi_index=that.data.shi_index, sheng_index=that.data.sheng_index; //遍历所有的省,将省的名字存到sheng这个数组中 for (let i =0; i < shengshi.length; i++) { sheng.push(shengshi[i].name) } if(shengshi[sheng_index].regions){//这里判断这个省级里面有没有市(如数据中的香港、澳门等就没有写市) if(shengshi[sheng_index].regions[shi_index]){//这里是判断这个选择的省里面,有没有相应的下标为shi_index的市,因为这里的下标是前一次选择后的下标,比如之前选择的一个省有10个市,我刚好滑到了第十个市,现在又重新选择了省,但是这个省最多只有5个市,但是这时候的shi_index为9,而这里的市根本没有那么多,所以会报错 //这里如果有这个市,那么把选中的这个省中的所有的市的名字保存到shi这个数组中 for(let i=0;i< shengshi[sheng_index].regions.length;i++){ shi.push(shengshi[sheng_index].regions[i].name); } console.log('执行了区级判断'); if(shengshi[sheng_index].regions[shi_index].regions){//这里是判断选择的这个市在数据里面有没有区县 if(shengshi[sheng_index].regions[shi_index].regions[qu_index]){//这里是判断选择的这个市里有没有下标为qu_index的区县,道理同上面市的选择 console.log('这里判断有没有进区里'); //有的话,把选择的这个市里面的所有的区县名字保存到qu这个数组中 for(let i=0;i< shengshi[sheng_index].regions[shi_index].regions.length;i++){ console.log('这里是写区得'); qu.push(shengshi[sheng_index].regions[shi_index].regions[i].name); } }else{ //这里和选择市的道理一样 that.setData({ qu_index:0 }); for(let i=0;i< shengshi[sheng_index].regions[shi_index].regions.length;i++){ qu.push(shengshi[sheng_index].regions[shi_index].regions[i].name); } }}else{ //如果这个市里面没有区县,那么把这个市的名字就赋值给qu这个数组 qu.push(shengshi[sheng_index].regions[shi_index].name); } }else{ //如果选择的省里面没有下标为shi_index的市,那么把这个下标的值赋值为0;然后再把选中的该省的所有的市的名字放到shi这个数组中 that.setData({ shi_index:0 }); for(let i=0;i< shengshi[sheng_index].regions.length;i++){ shi.push(shengshi[sheng_index].regions[i].name); } } }else{ //如果该省级没有市,那么就把省的名字作为市和区的名字 shi.push(shengshi[sheng_index].name); qu.push(shengshi[sheng_index].name); } console.log(sheng); console.log(shi); console.log(qu); //选择成功后把相应的数组赋值给相应的变量 that.setData({ sheng: sheng, shi: shi, qu: qu }); //有时候网络慢,会出现区县选择出现空白,这里是如果出现空白那么执行一次回调 if(sheng.length==0||shi.length==0||qu.length==0){ that.jilian(); console.log('这里执行了回调'); // console.log(); } console.log(sheng[that.data.sheng_index]); console.log(shi[that.data.shi_index]); console.log(qu[that.data.qu_index]); //把选择的省市区都放到jieguo中 let jieguo={ sheng:sheng[that.data.sheng_index], shi:shi[that.data.shi_index], qu:qu[that.data.qu_index] }; that.setData({ jieguo:jieguo }); }, onLoad:function(){ var that=this; //请求省市区的数据 wx.request({ url: 'https://wxxapp.duapp.com/quanguo.json',//由于服务器已关闭,这个地址已经无法使用,请用自己的数据来写 data: {}, method: 'GET', success: function(res){ // success console.log(res.data.regions); // shengshi=res.data.regions that.setData({ shengshi:res.data.regions }); that.jilian(); }, fail: function() { // fail }, complete: function() { // complete } }) } })
Recommended tutorial: "WeChat Mini Program"
The above is the detailed content of WeChat mini program province and city linkage function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!