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50 JavaScript interviews and answers (collection)

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50 JavaScript interviews and answers (collection)

Question 1: What is the difference between Java and JavaScript

Java JavaScript
Java is an OOP programming language. JavaScript is an OOP scripting language.
It creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser. The code runs in the browser or node environment.
Needs to compile Java code. JS codes are all in the form of text.

Question 2: What Javascript

JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted programming language with object-oriented features that allows you to use other static Build interactivity into HTML pages. The language's common core is embedded in Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other web browsers.

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Question 3: What data types does JS support?

50 JavaScript interviews and answers (collection)

Data types supported by JS:







● Object

Question 4: What are the characteristics of JavaScript

50 JavaScript interviews and answers (collection)

The following are the characteristics of JS:

 ● JS is a lightweight, interpreted programming language.

● Designed for creating network-centric applications.

● Supplemented and integrated Java

● Supplemented and integrated HTML

● Open and cross-platform

Question 5: JavaScript is case-sensitive

Yes, JS is a case-sensitive language. Keywords, variables, function names, and any other identifiers must always be used with consistent uppercase letters.

Question 6: What are the advantages of JS

The following advantages of using JS:

● Less Server interaction - User input can be verified before sending the page to the server, saving server traffic and meaning less load on the server

● Immediate feedback - users do not need to wait for the page to reload Check to see if you forgot to enter something.

● Enhanced Interaction - Interfaces that respond when the user hovers with the mouse or activates them via the keyboard.

● Rich interface - You can use JS to include drag-and-drop components and sliders to provide a rich interface for the website.

Question 7: How to create objects with JS

JS supports the object concept, you can create it in the following way:

var emp = {
name: "Daniel",
age: 23

Question 8: How to create an array with JS

JS Creating an array is also very simple:

var x = [];
var y = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

Question 9 : What is a named function in JS and how to define it:

A named function declares its name immediately after definition and can be defined using the function keyword:

function named(){
// write code here

Question 10: Is it possible to assign an anonymous function to a variable and pass it as a parameter to another function

Yes. An anonymous function can be assigned to a variable, and it can also be passed as a parameter to another function.

Question 11: What is the parameter object in JS & how to get the parameter type passed to the function

JS Variablesarguments represents the parameters passed to the function. Using the typeof operator, you can get the parameter type passed to the function. As follows:

function func(x){
console.log(typeof x, arguments.length);
func(); //==> "undefined", 0
func(7); //==> "number", 1
func("1", "2", "3"); //==> "string", 3

Question 12: What is the scope of variables in JS

The scope of a variable is the area in the program where it is defined. JS variables have only two scopes:

● Global variables - A global variable has global scope, which means it is visible anywhere in the JS code.

● Local variables - Local variables are only visible in the function in which they are defined, and function parameters are always local parameters of the function.

Question 13: What is the purpose of the "this" operator in JS?

#this keyword refers to the object it belongs to. It has different values ​​depending on where it is used. In a method, this refers to the owner object, while in a function, this refers to the global object.

Question 14: What is a callback

A callback function is an ordinary JS function passed to a method as a parameter or option. It is a function that is executed after another function has finished executing, hence it is called a callback. In JS, functions are objects, therefore, functions can accept functions as parameters and can be returned by other functions.

Question 15: What is a closure? for example

A closure is created whenever a variable defined outside the current scope is accessed within an inner scope. It allows you to access the scope of an outer function from an inner function. In JS, a closure is created every time a function is created. To use closures, just define a function inside another function and expose it.

Question 16: List some built-in methods and the values ​​they return.

Built-in methodReturn valueCharAt ()It returns the character at the specified index. Concat()It concatenates two or more strings. forEach()It calls a function for each element in the array. indexOf()It returns the index in the calling string object when the specified value first occurs. pop()It removes the last element from the array and returns that element. push()It adds one or more elements to the end of the array and returns the new length of the array. reverse()Reverse the order of array elements.

问题17: JS中的变量命名约定是什么?


  1. 咱们不应该使用任何JS保留关键字作为变量名。例如,breakboolean变量名无效。
  2. JS 变量名不应该以数字(0-9)开头。它们必须以字母或下划线开头。例如,123name是一个无效的变量名,但123namename123是一个有效的变量名。
  3. JS 变量名区分大小写。例如,Testtest是两个不同的变量。

问题18:TypeOf 运算符是如何工作的

typeof运算符用于获取其操作数的数据类型。 操作数可以是文字或数据结构,例如变量,函数或对象。 它是一个一元运算符,放在它的单个操作数之前,可以是任何类型。 它的值是一个字符串,表示操作数的数据类型。

问题19:如何使用 JS 创建 cookie


document.cookie = "key1 = value1; key2 = value2; expires = date";



 ● document.cookie的值是由分号分隔的name=value对的列表,其中name是cookie的名称,value是其字符串值。

 ● 可以使用split()方法将字符串分解为键和值。

问题21:如何使用 JS 删除 cookie

如果要删除cookie以便后续尝试读取cookie,则只需将过期日期设置为过去的时间。 咱们应该定义cookie路径以确保删除正确的cookie。 如果未指定路径,某些浏览器将不允许咱们删除cookie

问题22:Attribute 和Property之间有什么区别

 ● Attribute——提供关于元素的更多细节,如id、类型、值等。

 ● Property —— 分配给属性的值,如type =“text”value ='Name'等。


下面是在JS代码中访问 html 元素的方法列表:

 ● getElementById(‘idname’): 按id名称获取元素

 ● getElementsByClass(‘classname’): 获取具有给定类名的所有元素

 ● getElementsByTagName(‘tagname’): 获取具有给定标记名称的所有元素

 ● querySelector(): 此函数采用css样式选择器并返回第一个选定元素



 ● 行内

 ● 内部

 ● 外部





function surprise() {





在 JS 中声明变量有三种方式:

 ● varvar 语句用于声明一个变量,咱们可以选择初始化该变量的值。例子:var a =10;变量声明在代码执行之前处理。

 ● const - 常量的值不能通过重新赋值来改变,并且不能重新声明。

 ● let - 语句声明一个块级作用域的本地变量,并且可选的将其初始化为一个值。



  • 动态:在这种情况下,变量可以包含多种类型,如在JS中,变量可以取number, string 类型。
  • 静态:在这种情况下,变量只能包含一种类型,就像在Java中声明为string的变量只能包含一组字符,不能包含其他类型。

问题27:Cookie 与 Local storage 与 Session storage 区别

Features Cookie localStorage sessionStorage
Lifetime of data Generally generated by the server, the expiration time can be set. If a cookie is generated on the browser side, it will expire after closing the browser by default Unless it is cleared, it will be saved permanently It is only valid in the current session and will be cleared after closing the page or browser
Storage data size About 4K Generally 5MB
Communicate with the server It will be carried in the HTTP header every time. If you use cookies to save too much data, it will cause performance problems It is only saved in the client (i.e. browser) and does not participate in communication with the server
Ease of use Needs to be encapsulated by the programmer, and the original Cookie interface is not friendly Needs to be encapsulated by the programmer, and the original Cookie interface is not friendly Friendly The raw interface can be accepted, or it can be re-encapsulated to have better support for Object and Array

问题28:  ‘==‘ 和 ‘===‘ 区别

==: 两边值类型不同的时候,要先进行类型转换,再比较。


问题29:null 和 undefined 区别

undefined是基本数据类型 表示未定义 缺少的意思。


undefined是从null派生出来的  所以undefined==nulltrue

问题 30:undeclared 和 undefined 区别?

undeclared的变量是程序中不存在且未声明的变量。 如果程序尝试读取未声明变量的值,则会遇到运行时错误。undefined的变量是在程序中声明但未赋予任何值的变量,如果程序试图读取未定义变量的值,则返回undefined的值。

问题 31: 列出一些JS框架

50 JavaScript interviews and answers (collection)


 ● Vue

 ● Angular

 ● React

问题 32: window 与 document 的区别:

window:JS 的 window 是一个全局对象,它包含变量、函数、historylocation


问题 33: innerHTML 和 innerText 的区别


innerText:从起始位置到终止位置的内容, 但它去除Html标签

问题 34:JS中的事件冒泡是什么

事件冒泡是HTML DOM API中事件传播的一种方式,当一个事件发生在另一个元素中的一个元素中,并且两个元素都注册了该事件的句柄时。通过冒泡,事件首先由最内部的元素捕获和处理,然后传播到外部元素。执行从该事件开始,并转到其父元素。然后执行传递给父元素,以此类推,直到body元素。

问题 35:NaN 是什么

NaN 即非数值(Not a Number),NaN 属性用于引用特殊的非数字值,该属性指定的并不是不合法的数字。

NaN 属性 与 Number.Nan 属性相同。

提示: 请使用 isNaN() 来判断一个值是否是数字。原因是 NaN 与所有值都不相等,包括它自己。

问题 36:JS的原始/对象类型如何在函数中传递?


 ● 值传递:意味着创建原始文件的副本。把它想象成一对双胞胎:他们出生的时候一模一样,但是双胞胎中的老大在战争中失去了一条腿,而老二却没有。

 ● 引用传递: 意味着创建原始文件的别名。当我妈妈叫沙雕的时候,虽然我的名字叫小智,但这并不是说我就突然就克隆了一个自己:我仍然是我,只是可以用不同名字来称呼我而已。

问题 37:如何在JS中将任意基的字符串转换为整数

parseInt(string, radix)   将一个字符串 string 转换为 radix 进制的整数, radix 为介于2-36之间的数,如下:

parseInt("4F", 16)

问题 38:2+5+ '3'的结果是什么

由于25是整数,它们将以数字形式相加。因为3是一个字符串,它将与 7 拼接,结果是73。

问题 39:export 和 import 是什么

importexport有助于咱们编写模块化JS代码。 使用importexport,咱们可以将代码拆分为多个文件,如下:

//------ lib.js ------
export const sqrt = Math.sqrt;
export function square(x) {
return x * x;
export function diag(x, y) {
return sqrt(square(x) + square(y));
//------ main.js ------
 { square, diag } from 'lib';
console.log(square(5)); // 25
console.log(diag(4, 3)); // 5



 ● 当使用严格模式时,不能使用隐式声明的变量,或为只读属性赋值,或向不可扩展的对象添加属性。

 ● 可以通过在文件,程序或函数的开头添加“use strict”来启用严格模式

问题41:JS 中的 prompt 框是什么

提示框是允许用户通过提供文本框输入输入的框。 prompt() 方法显示一个对话框,提示访问者输入。 如果您希望用户在输入页面之前输入值,则通常会使用提示框。 弹出提示框时,用户必须在输入输入值后单击“确定”或“取消”才能继续。


var Y = 1;
if (eval(function f(){}))
  y += typeof F;

打印1undefinedif条件语句使用eval求值,因此eval(function f(){})返回函数f(){}(为真)。因此,在if语句中,执行typeof f返回undefined,因为if语句代码在运行时执行,而if条件中的语句在运行时计算。

问题43:call 和 apply有什么区别



Function.call(obj[, param1[, param2[, [,...paramN]]]]);



Function.apply(obj[, argArray]);





arrayList = []



arrayList.length = 0;

上面的代码将通过将其length设置为0来清除现有数组。这种清空数组的方式还会更新指向原始数组的所有引用变量。 因此,当你想要更新指向arrayList的所有引用变量时,此方法很有用。


arrayList.splice(0, arrayList.length);






var output = (function(x)
  delete x;
  return x;

打印 0delete操作符用于从对象中删除属性。这里x不是一个对象,而是一个局部变量,删除操作符不影响局部变量。


var X = { foo : 1}; 
var output = (function() 
  delete X.foo; 
  return X.foo; 

输出 undefineddelete操作符用于删除对象的属性。X是一个具有foo属性的对象,由于它是一个自调用函数,所以咱们将从对象X中删除foo属性。这样做之后,当咱们试图引用一个被删除的foo属性时,结果是undefined


var foo = function Bar()
  return 7;
typeof Bar();



这是一种越来越普遍的做法,被许多流行的JS库所采用。 这种技术围绕文件的整个内容创建一个闭包,最重要的是,它可以创建一个私有命名空间,从而有助于避免不同JS模块和库之间潜在的名称冲突。




如:document.write("I am a \"good\" boy")




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