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Can I become a hacker by learning C language?

2019-06-15 11:55:5216414browse

In the hacker world, there are two important courses, one is the nature of computers, and the other is the principle of compilation. Compared with low-level languages ​​such as assembly, it is simple; compared with other high-level languages, it is closer to computers; it is also very helpful for the two major courses of hackers. So it can be said that as long as a slightly powerful hacker must be proficient in C language.

Can I become a hacker by learning C language?

#The Jargon File contains a bunch of definitions of the word "hacker," most of which have to do with technical prowess and a passion for solving problems and pushing limits. But if you just want to know how to become a hacker, then only two things are really relevant. (Recommended learning: C language video tutorial)

This can be traced back to the time when the first time-sharing small computer was born decades ago and the ARPAnet experiment was just launched. At that time, there was a A cultural community with sharing characteristics composed of programming experts and Internet celebrities. Members of this culture coined the term "hacker." Hackers built the Internet. Hackers invented the UNIX operating system in use today. Hackers make Usenet work. Hackers make the WWW work. If you are part of this culture, if you contribute to this culture, and other members of this community know you and call you a hacker, then you are a hacker.

The hacker spirit is not limited to the hacker culture of software. There are people who approach other things, like electronics and music, with a hacker attitude -- in fact, you can find it at the highest levels of any scientific or artistic endeavor. Software-savvy hackers admire their counterparts in other fields and call them hackers - some claim that hackers' nature is absolutely independent of the specific field in which they work. But in this document, we focus on the techniques and attitudes of software hackers and the cultural tradition of sharing that invented the term "hacker."

There is a group of people who loudly claim to be hackers, but they are not. They are people (mainly teenagers) who deliberately damage computer and phone systems. Real hackers call these people "crackers" and disdain to associate with them. Most real hackers think crackers are lazy, irresponsible, and not very talented. Acting specifically for the purpose of breaking someone else's security doesn't make you a hacker any more than using wire to steal a car makes you an automotive engineer. Unfortunately, many journalists and writers tend to mistake "hackers" for hackers; this practice continues to annoy real hackers.

The fundamental difference is: hackers engage in construction, while hackers engage in destruction.

If you want to become a hacker, please read on. If you want to be a hacker, read the alt.2600 newsgroup and go to jail five to ten times before realizing you're not as smart as you thought. That's all I have to say about hackers.

The attitude a hacker should have

Hackers solve problems and build things, and at the same time they advocate freedom and selfless two-way help. To be recognized as a hacker, you have to act as if you have this attitude. And to act as if you have this attitude, you have to actually hold on to it.

But if you think that cultivating a hacker attitude is just a way to gain recognition in hacker culture, you are totally wrong. It's important for you to be the kind of person who has these qualities - it helps you learn and provides you with a steady stream of motivation. As with all creative arts, the most effective way to become a master is to imitate the spirit of the master—not just intellectually, but emotionally.

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