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A brief analysis of nodejs implementing Websocket data reception and sending_node.js

2016-05-16 15:31:182156browse

WebSocket is a network technology for full-duplex communication between browsers and servers that HTML5 began to provide. In the WebSocket API, the browser and the server only need to perform a handshaking action, and then a fast channel is formed between the browser and the server. Data can be transmitted directly between the two.

WebSocket is a communication protocol, divided into server and client. The server is placed in the background, maintaining a long connection with the client, and completing the communication tasks between the two parties. The client is generally implemented in the core of a browser that supports HTML5, and a websocket connection can be established using the web page by providing Javascript API.

When I wrote this article: Based on the combination of html5 and nodejs to implement websocket instant communication , which mainly used the nodejs-websocket plug-in, and later used socket.io to make some demos , however, these are all made with the help of plug-ins packaged by others. How is websocket implemented? I had never thought about it before. Recently, when I was reading "In-depth Analysis of Node.js" by Master Pu Ling, I saw the section on websocket, read the data frame definition of websocket, and thought about using nodejs to implement it. After a lot of trouble, it was achieved.

I won’t talk about the client code. The API of websocket is still very simple. It can be implemented through onmessage, onopen, onclose, and send methods.
Websocket API implements client code through onmessage, onopen, onclose and send methods. I won’t go into details.

Mainly talk about the server code:

The first is the upgrade of the protocol. This is relatively simple. Let’s briefly describe it: when the new Websocket("ws://XXX.com/") is executed on the client, the client will initiate a request message for handshake. Application, there is a very important key in the message which is Sec-WebSocket-Key. The server obtains the key and then connects this key to the string 258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11. The new string is secure through sha1 After the hash algorithm calculates the result, it is then base64 encoded, and the result is returned in the "Sec-WebSocket-Accept" of the request header to complete the handshake. Please see the code for details:

server.on('upgrade', function (req, socket, upgradeHead) {
 var key = req.headers['sec-websocket-key'];
 key = crypto.createHash("sha1").update(key + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11").digest("base64");
 var headers = [
 'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols',
 'Upgrade: websocket',
 'Connection: Upgrade',
 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ' + key
 socket.write(headers.join("\r\n") + "\r\n\r\n", 'ascii');
 var ws = new WebSocket(socket);










payload length:占7位,或者7+16位、或者7+64位。如果第二个字节的后面七个位的十进制值小于或等于125,则直接用这七个位表示数据长度;如果该值为126,说明 125<数据长度<65535(16个位能描述的最大值,也就是16个1的时候),就用第三个字节及第四个字节即16个位来表示;如果该值为127,则说明数据长度已经大于65535,16个位也已经不足以描述数据长度了,就用第三到第十个字节这八个字节来描述数据长度。

masking key:当masked为1的时候才存在,用于对我们需要的数据进行解密。

payload data:我们需要的数据,如果masked为1,该数据会被加密,要通过masking key进行异或运算解密才能获取到真实数据。

帧定义解释完了,就可以根据数据来进行解析了,当有data过来的时候,先获取需要的数据信息,下面这段代码将获取到数据在data里的位置,以及数据长度,masking key以及opcode:

WebSocket.prototype.handleDataStat = function (data) {
 if (!this.stat) {
 var dataIndex = 2; //数据索引,因为第一个字节和第二个字节肯定不为数据,所以初始值为2
 var secondByte = data[1]; //代表masked位和可能是payloadLength位的第二个字节
 var hasMask = secondByte >= 128; //如果大于或等于128,说明masked位为1
 secondByte -= hasMask &#63; 128 : 0; //如果有掩码,需要将掩码那一位去掉
 var dataLength, maskedData;
 if (secondByte == 126) {
  dataIndex += 2;
  dataLength = data.readUInt16BE(2);
 } else if (secondByte == 127) {
  dataIndex += 8;
  dataLength = data.readUInt32BE(2) + data.readUInt32BE(6);
 } else {
  dataLength = secondByte;
 //如果有掩码,则获取32位的二进制masking key,同时更新index
 if (hasMask) {
  maskedData = data.slice(dataIndex, dataIndex + 4);
  dataIndex += 4;
 if (dataLength > 10240) {
  this.send("Warning : data limit 10kb");
 } else {
  this.stat = {
  index: dataIndex,
  totalLength: dataLength,
  length: dataLength,
  maskedData: maskedData,
  opcode: parseInt(data[0].toString(16).split("")[1] , 16) //获取第一个字节的opcode位
 } else {
 this.stat.index = 0;


经过上面handleDataStat方法的处理,stat中已经有了data的相关数据,先判断opcode,如果为9说明是客户端发起的ping心跳检测,直接返回pong响应,如果为10则为服务端发起的心跳检测。如果有masking key,则遍历数据段,对每个字节都与masking key的字节进行异或运算(网上看到一个说法很形象:就是轮流发生X关系),^符号就是进行异或运算啦。如果没有masking key则直接通过slice方法把数据截取下来。


WebSocket.prototype.dataHandle = function (data) {
 var stat;
 if (!(stat = this.stat)) return;
 if (stat.opcode === 9 || stat.opcode === 10) {
 (stat.opcode === 9) &#63; (this.sendPong()) : (this.pingTimes = 0);
 var result;
 if (stat.maskedData) {
 result = new Buffer(data.length-stat.index);
 for (var i = stat.index, j = 0; i < data.length; i++, j++) {
  result[j] = data[i] ^ stat.maskedData[j % 4];
 } else {
 result = data.slice(stat.index, data.length);
 stat.length -= (data.length - stat.index);
 if (stat.length == 0) {
 var buf = Buffer.concat(this.datas, stat.totalLength);
 if (stat.opcode == 8) {
 } else {
  this.emit("message", buf.toString());


WebSocket.prototype.send = function (message) {
 if(this.state !== "OPEN") return;
 message = String(message);
 var length = Buffer.byteLength(message);
// 数据的起始位置,如果数据长度16位也无法描述,则用64位,即8字节,如果16位能描述则用2字节,否则用第二个字节描述
 var index = 2 + (length > 65535 &#63; 8 : (length > 125 &#63; 2 : 0));
// 定义buffer,长度为描述字节长度 + message长度
 var buffer = new Buffer(index + length);
// 第一个字节,fin位为1,opcode为1
 buffer[0] = 129;
// 因为是由服务端发至客户端,所以无需masked掩码
 if (length > 65535) {
 buffer[1] = 127;
// 长度超过65535的则由8个字节表示,因为4个字节能表达的长度为4294967295,已经完全够用,因此直接将前面4个字节置0
 buffer.writeUInt32BE(0, 2);
 buffer.writeUInt32BE(length, 6);
 } else if (length > 125) {
 buffer[1] = 126;
// 长度超过125的话就由2个字节表示
 buffer.writeUInt16BE(length, 2);
 } else {
 buffer[1] = length;
// 写入正文
 buffer.write(message, index);


WebSocket.prototype.checkHeartBeat = function () {
 var that = this;
 setTimeout(function () {
 if (that.state !== "OPEN") return;
 if (that.pingTimes >= 3) {
  that.close("time out");
 }, 10000);
WebSocket.prototype.sendPing = function () {
 this.socket.write(new Buffer(['0x89', '0x0']))
WebSocket.prototype.sendPong = function () {
 this.socket.write(new Buffer(['0x8A', '0x0']))



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