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How to write graphical interface gui in python

2019-04-29 10:41:328473browse

The biggest feature of Python is its rapid development function. As a glue language, python can penetrate into almost every field in our programming process. Here I will briefly introduce some options for GUI development using python.

How to write graphical interface gui in python

These three are commonly used GUI development libraries in Python:

Tkinter: Tkinter module (Tk Interface) is the interface of Python's standard Tk GUI toolkit. Tk and Tkinter can be used on most Unix platforms, as well as on Windows and Macintosh systems. Subsequent versions of Tk8.0 can implement local window styles and run well on most platforms.

wxPython: wxPython is an open source software and an excellent GUI graphics library for the Python language, allowing Python programmers to easily create complete and fully functional GUI user interfaces. .

Jython: Jython programs can be seamlessly integrated with Java. In addition to some standard modules, Jython uses Java modules. Jython has almost all the modules in standard Python that do not depend on the C language. For example, Jython's user interface will use Swing, AWT or SWT. Jython can be dynamically or statically compiled into Java bytecode.

Tkinter is used here to simply practice how to implement Python's graphical interface GUI. Tkinter is the standard GUI library for Python. Python uses Tkinter to quickly create GUI applications.

Since Tkinter is built into the python installation package, you can import the Tkinter library after installing Python, and IDLE is also written in Tkinter. Tkinter can still handle the simple graphical interface easily.

Note: The library name used by Python3.x version is tkinter, that is, the first letter T is lowercase.

import tkinter
1、导入 Tkinter 模块
3、指定这个控件的 master, 即这个控件属于哪一个
4、告诉 GM(geometry manager) 有一个控件产生了。
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import Tkinter
top = Tkinter.Tk()
# 进入消息循环

How to write graphical interface gui in python

Here we introduce Python’s rich third library, which has many options.

1. Tkinter

Tkinter seems to be an interface library developed at the same time as the tcl language. Tkinter is a standard GUI library equipped with python and is also a product of opensource. Tkinter can be used for windows/Linux/unix/macintosh operating systems, and the display style is localized. Tkinter is very simple to use, and IDLE that comes with python is written using it. In addition, tkinter's extension sets pmw and Tix are more powerful than it, but tkinter is the most basic. I think that tkinter is the most basic knowledge when using Python for GUI development, so this link must be learned. You may not use tkinter frequently in future development, but it is still very useful for some small applications, and the development speed is also very fast.

2. WxPython

WxWidgets should be regarded as a relatively popular GUI cross-platform development technology in recent years. There are different versions of wxWidgets, including c and basic, and now there are better transplants on python. The functions of wxpython are stronger than tkinter. It provides more than 200 classes, object-oriented programming style, and a designed framework similar to MFC. For large-scale GUI applications, wxPython still has strong advantages. boa constructor can help us quickly and visually build the wxwidgets interface.

3. PyQT

Qt is also an open source GUI library. Qt has more than 300 class libraries and more than 5,700 functions. Qt is also suitable for large-scale applications. Its own qt designer allows us to easily build interface elements.

4. pyGtk

Gtk is the core development library of Gnome under Linux. The functions are very complete. It is worth mentioning that the display style of gtk under the windows platform is not particularly localized. However, the glade interface designer he brings can still save you a lot of trouble.

5. Jython

Have you tried using python to access the Java class library? Then use jython. Jython can actually be considered as another Python development environment, based on Java, but most CPython calls can still be made under jython. You can call the Java language through Python syntax in the jython environment just like you use Java, which is really cool.

6, MFC

Windows Pywin32 allows you to use PYTHON to develop win32 applications in the same form as VC. The coding style can be similar to win32 SDK or MFC, the choice is yours. If you still don't give up on the same code process as vc in python, then this is a good choice.

7. PythonCard

PythonCard is actually a repackage of wxPython. However, the encapsulation is simpler, and it feels more intuitive and simpler to use than wxPython.

8. Dabo

is still a repackaging library based on wxpython. I have never used it and don’t know much about it. It provides database access, business logic, and user interface.

9. AnyGui

Access other tool sets through the underlying api, such as tkinter, wxpython and qt. I haven’t used it very much.

10, WPY

MFC style Gui development library, the code style is also similar to MFC. However, you can still use this library to develop GUI applications without worrying about platform porting. question. It is also a cross-platform library.


If you want to develop applications under .net, then IronPython is your choice. It is somewhat similar to jython. It also supports standard python modules, but also adds support for .net libraries. You can also understand it as another python development environment. You can use Python syntax to develop .net applications very conveniently, which sounds really interesting.

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