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List of javascript function plug-ins (super comprehensive)

2018-10-23 16:29:064913browse

This article brings you an overview of JavaScript function plug-ins (super comprehensive), which has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Package Manager
Manages javascript libraries and provides tools to read and package them.
•npm – npm is a package manager for javascript.
•Bower – A package manager for web applications.
•component – ​​A client-side package manager for building better web applications.
•spm – A new static package manager.
•jam – A browser-focused and RequireJS-compatible package manager.
•jspm – Smooth browser package manager.
•Ender – Library without library file.
•volo – Create front-end projects using project templates, adding dependencies and automated generation.
•Duo – A next-generation package manager that integrates the best ideas from Component, Browserify, and Go to enable developers to organize and write front-end code quickly and easily.

Module or loading system for JavaScript.
•RequireJS – Loader for JavaScript files and modules.
•browserify – require() the node.js way on the browser side.
•SeaJS – Module loader for the web.
•HeadJS – HEAD’s only script.
•curl – Small, fast and extensible module loader that handles AMD, CommonJS Modules/1.1, CSS, HTML/text and historical scripts.
•lazyload – Small, dependency-free asynchronous JavaScript and CSS loader.
•script.js – Asynchronous JavaScript loader and dependency manager.
•systemjs – AMD, CJS (commonJS) and ES6-compliant module loader.
•LodJS – AMD-based module loader.
•ESL – Browser-side module loader with support for lazy definitions and AMD.
•modulejs – A lightweight JavaScript module system.

Packaging Tool
•browserify – Browserify allows you to use require('modules’) on the browser side to package all dependencies.
•webpack – Bundle CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser.

Testing Framework
•mocha – A simple, flexible and fun JavaScript testing framework for node.js and browsers.
•jasmine – A simple DOM-free JavaScript testing framework.
•qunit – An easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing framework.
•jest – Simple JavaScript unit testing framework.
•prova – Test runner based on Tape and Browserify for Node & Browser.
•DalekJS – Automated and cross-browser JavaScript functional testing framework.

•chai – BDD / TDD assertion framework for node.js and browsers, and can be used with other testing frameworks.
•Sinon.JS – Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.
•expect.js – A minimalist, BDD-style assertion tool for Node.js and the browser.

•istanbul – Another JS code coverage detection tool.
•blanket – A simple code coverage detection library. It is designed to be easy to install and use, and is available in both the browser and node.js.
•JSCover – JSCover is a tool for detecting code coverage of JavaScript programs.

•phantomjs – Scriptable Headless WebKit.
•slimerjs – A PhantomJS-like tool powered by Gecko.
•casperjs – Navigation script and testing tool based on PhantomJS and Slimer JS.
•zombie – A fast, full-stack, no-GUI browser testing tool based on node.js.
•totoro – A simple, reliable and cross-browser testing tool.
•karma – An excellent JavaScript test runner.
•nightwatch – A graphical interface automated testing framework based on node.js and selenium webdriver.
•intern – The next generation JavaScript code testing stack.
•yolpo – A JavaScript interpreter that executes sentence by sentence in the browser.

QA Tools
•JSHint – JSHint is a tool that helps find errors and potential problems in JavaScript code.
•jscs – JavaScript code style detection tool.
•jsfmt – Format, search and rewrite JavaScript.
•jsinspect – Detect copy-pasted and structurally similar code.
•buddy.js – Discover magic numbers in JavaScript code.
•ESLint – Fully pluggable tool for identifying and recording patterns in JavaScript.
•JSLint – High standards, strict and stubborn code quality tool designed to keep only the good parts of the language.

MVC Frameworks and Libraries
•angular.js – Enhance HTML for web applications.
•aurelia – A client-side JavaScript framework for mobile, desktop, and the web.
•backbone – Add Backbone with Models, Views, Collections and Events to your JS applications.
•batman.js – The best JavaScript framework for Rails developers.
•ember.js – A JavaScript framework designed to create extraordinary web applications.
•meteor – A super simple, database-ubiquitous, data-only pure JavaScript web framework.
•ractive – A new generation of DOM manipulation.
•vue – An intuitive, fast and composable MVVM framework for building interactive interfaces.
•knockout – Knockout makes it easier to create responsive, rich UIs with JavaScript.
•spine – A lightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications.
•espresso.js – A minimal JavaScript library for making user interfaces.
•canjs – Make JS better, faster and simpler.
•react – A library for building user interfaces. It is declarative, efficient and extremely flexible and uses virtual DOM as its different implementations.
•react-native – A framework for building native apps with React.
•riot – React-like library, but lightweight.
•thorax – Strengthen your Backbone.
•chaplin – JavaScript application architecture using the Backbone.js library.
•marionette – A composite application library for Backbone.js designed to simplify the structure of large JavaScript applications.
•ripple – A small basic framework for building responsive interfaces.
•rivets – A lightweight yet powerful data binding and templating solution
•derby – An MVC framework that makes it easier to write real-time and collaborative applications that can run simultaneously in Node.js and the browser. ◦derby-awesome – A collection of awesome derby components.

•way.js – Simple, lightweight, persistent two-way data binding.
•mithril.js – Mithril is a client-side MVC framework (lightweight, powerful and fast)
•jsblocks – jsblocks is a better MV-ish framework.
•LiquidLava – An easy-to-understand MVC framework for building user interfaces.

Node CMS Framework
•KeystoneJS – Powerful CMS and web application framework.
•Reaction Commerce – A reactive CMS with real-time architecture and design.
•Ghost – Simple, powerful publishing platform.
•Apostrophe – CMS that provides content editing and basic services.
•We.js – A framework for real-time applications, websites or blogs.
•Hatch.js – CMS platform with social features.
•TaracotJS – A fast, minimalist CMS based on Node.js.
•Nodizecms – CMS for CoffeeScript lovers.
•Cody – CMS with a WYSIWYG editor.
•PencilBlue – CMS and blogging platform.

Template Engine
The template engine allows you to perform string interpolation.
•mustache.js – is the simplest template in JavaScript with {{mustaches}}.
•handlebars.js – is an extension of the Mustache template language.
•hogan.js – is a compiler for the Mustache template language.
•doT – The fastest and most concise JavaScript template engine for nodejs and browsers.
•dustjs – Asynchronous templates for the browser and node.js.
•eco – Embedded CoffeeScript template.
•JavaScript-Templates – A lightweight (less than 1KB), fast and dependency-free powerful JavaScript template engine.
•t.js – A small JavaScript template framework, about 400 bytes minified.
•Jade – Robust, elegant and feature-rich template engine for nodejs.
•EJS – Efficient JavaScript templates.
•xtemplate – Extensible template engine for node and browsers.
•marko – A fast and lightweight HTML-based template engine that supports asynchronous, streaming, custom tags and CommonJS module compiled output. Works with Node.js and browsers.

Articles and Posts
•The JavaScript that you should know – Articles about the concept of functionalization in JavaScript.

Data Visualization
Web Data Visualization Tools
•d3 – A JavaScript library for visualizing HTML and SVG.
•metrics-graphics – A library that is more concise and has more standardized data chart layout optimization algorithms.
•pykcharts.js – A d3.js charting library thoughtfully designed to remove the complexity of d3.js.
•three.js – JavaScript 3D library.
•Chart.js – A simple HTML5 charting library based on the canvas tag.
•paper.js – The Swiss Army Knife of vector graphics scripts – porting Scriptographer to JavaScript and the browser using HTML5 Canvas.
•fabric.js – JavaScript Canvas library, SVG and Canvas can parse each other.
•peity – Progress bar, line and pie charts.
•raphael – JavaScript vector library.
•echarts – Business product charts.
•vis – Dynamic, browser-based visualization library.
•two.js – A renderer-agnostic 2D drawing API for the web.
•g.raphael – Based on the Rapha?l charting library.
•sigma.js – A JavaScript library dedicated to graphics drawing.
•arbor – A graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery.
•cubism – D3 plugin for visualizing time series.
•dc.js – Multidimensional chart drawing library that works seamlessly with crossfilter, rendered using d3.js.
•vega – A visual grammar.
•processing.js – Processing.js enables data visualization based on web standards without the need for any plugins.
•envisionjs – Dynamic HTML5 visualization.
•rickshaw – JavaScript toolkit for building interactive real-time charts.
•flot – An engaging, jQuery-based JavaScript charting library.
•morris.js – Beautiful time series wireframes.
•nvd3 – A library for building reusable charts and chart components for D3.js.
•svg.js – A lightweight library for manipulating and adding animations to SVG.
•heatmap.js – Heat map JavaScript library based on HTML5 canvas.
•jquery.sparkline – A jQuery plug-in that generates small trend charts directly on the browser side.
•xCharts – A D3-based library for building custom charts and graphs.
•trianglify – A low poly style background image generator based on d3.js.
•d3-cloud – JavaScript library for creating word cloud effects.
•d4 – A friendly, reusable DSL chart library based on D3.
•dimple.js – Simple business analysis charting library based on d3.
•chartist-js – Simple responsive charts.
•epoch – A general-purpose real-time charting library.
•c3 – A reusable charting library based on D3.
•BabylonJS – A framework for building 3D games using HTML5 and WebGL.

There are also some great paid libraries such as amchart, plotly and highchart.

•TimelineJS – A narrative timeline library written in JavaScript.
•timesheet.js – JavaScript library for building simple HTML5 & CSS3 timesheets.

•ace – Ace (Ajax.org Cloud9 Editor).
•CodeMirror – Browser-side code editor.
•esprima – ECMAScript parser for comprehensive analysis.
•quill – A cross-browser rich text editor with API.
•medium-editor – A clone of the Medium.com WYSIWYG editor.
•pen – Enjoy online editing (markdown supported).
•jquery-notebook – An easy-to-use, simple and elegant text editor. Inspired by the magic of Medium.
•bootstrap-wysiwyg – A small, bootstrap-compatible WYSIWYG rich text editor.
•ckeditor-releases – A web text editor for everyone.
•editor – A markdown editor, but still under development.
•EpicEditor – An embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor with full-screen editing, instant preview, auto-save drafts, and offline support.
•jsoneditor – Web tool for viewing, editing and formatting JSON.
•vim.js – A JavaScript port of the Vim editor with a persistent ~/.vimrc.
•Squire – HTML5 rich text editor.
•TinyMCE – JavaScript rich text editor.
•trix – A rich text editor for everyday writing by Basecamp.

Library for processing files.
•Papa Parse – A powerful CSV library that supports parsing CSV files/strings and can also export CSV.
•jBinary – Perform high-level I/O (loading, parsing, manipulating, serializing, storing) operations on binary files that use a declarative syntax to describe file types and data structures.

Functional Programming
Functional programming libraries extend the capabilities of JavaScript.
•underscore – A utility for JavaScript.
•lodash – A practical library that provides consistency, customizability, performance and extra functionality.
•Sugar – A JavaScript library that extends the functionality of native objects.
•lazy.js – Like Underscore, but with better performance
•ramda – A utility library for JavaScript programmers.
•mout – Modular JavaScript tool library.
•mesh – Streaming data synchronization tool.

Reactive Programming
Reactive programming libraries extend the capabilities of JavaScript.
•RxJs – Reactive extensions to JavaScript.
•Bacon – FPR (Functional Reactive Programming) library for JavaScript.
•Kefir – FRP library inspired by Bacon.js and RxJS, focusing on high performance and low memory consumption.
•Highland – A rethinking of JavaScript utilities, Highland makes it easy to manage synchronous and asynchronous messages using only standard JavaScript and Node-like streams.
•Most.js – High-performance FRP library.

Data structure
The data structure library is used to build a more complex application.
•immutable-js – Immutable data collections including Sequence, Range, Repeat, Map, OrderedMap, Set and sparse Vector.
•mori – A library for persisting data structures using ClojureScript and supporting native JavaScript APIs.
•buckets – A complete, fully tested and documented data structure JavaScript library.
•hashmap – Simple hashmap implementation, supports any type of key value.

Date library.
•moment – ​​Parse, validate, manipulate and display dates.
•moment-timezone – Time zone library based on moment.js.
•jquery-timeago – A jQuery plugin that supports automatic updating of fuzzy timestamps (eg: “4 minutes ago”).
•timezone-js – Make JavaScript Date objects have time zone capabilities. Time zone data is recorded using Olson zoneinfo files.
•date – Has a human-friendly Date() method.
•ms.js – A compact millisecond conversion tool.

String library.
•selecting – A library that allows you to get user-selected text.
•underscore.string – Extends the string operations of Underscore.js.
•string.js – Additional JavaScript string methods.
•he – Robust HTML entity encoder/decoder.
•multiline – multiline string.
•query-string – Parse and stringify URL query strings.
•URI.js – URL manipulation library.
•jsurl – lightweight URL manipulation library.
•sprintf.js – Implements string formatting.
•url-pattern – Easier than regular expression matching of urls and other strings. Strings and data can be converted into each other.

•Numeral-js – A library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
•odometer – Smooth digital transition effects.
•accounting.js – A lightweight library for formatting numbers, money, currencies – fully native and no dependencies.
•money.js – A small (1kb) currency conversion library for web and nodeJS.
•Fraction.js – A rational number library.
•Complex.js – A complex numbers library.
•Polynomial.js – A polynomial library.

•store.js – Encapsulates LocalStorage for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Use localStorage, globalStorage and user data covertly.
•localForage – Improved offline storage. It encapsulates IndexedDB, WebSQL and localStorage, and has a simple and powerful API.
•jStorage – jStorage is a simple key-value database used to store data on the browser side.
•cross-storage – After obtaining permission, you can store it locally across domain names.
•basket.js – Resource loader for loading and caching scripts using localStorage.
•bag.js – Can cache scripts and load resources, similar to basket.js, but adds key-value interface and support for localStorage / websql / undexedDB.
•basil.js – Smart JavaScript data persistence library.
•jquery-cookie – A lightweight and simple jQuery plugin for reading, editing and deleting cookies.
•Cookies – Client-side cookie manipulation library.
•DB.js – Promise-based library that encapsulates IndexDB.
•lawnchair.js – Simple client-side JSON storage.

•randomColor – JavaScript color generator.
•chroma.js – JavaScript library with a variety of color operations.
•color – JavaScript color conversion and manipulation library.
•colors – Smarter default web colors.
•PleaseJS – Create random colors and color schemes that are pleasing to the eye.
•TinyColor – Fast, lightweight color manipulation and conversion library.
•Vibrant.js – Extract primary colors from images.

Internationalization and Localization (I18n And L10n)

Localization and Internationalization JavaScript Library
•i18next – The simplest method of internationalization (i18n) for JavaScript.
•polyglot – A compact international helper library.
•babelfish – i18n provides a friendly and easy-to-understand API and has a variety of built-in support.

•ClassManager – One of the fastest and most convenient class systems in the world.
•klass – A library of tools for creating highly expressive classes.
•augment – ​​The world’s smallest and fastest first-class JavaScript inheritance pattern.

Control flow
•async – an asynchronous tool library for node and browsers.
•q – A JavaScript library that implements async promises.
•step – an asynchronous control flow library that rationalizes logical order.
•contra – Asynchronous flow control implemented in functional style.
•Bluebird – A full-featured promise library focused on innovative functionality and performance.
•when – Fast and reliable, Promises/A-compliant implementation of when() with other excellent asynchronous features.
•ObjectEventTarget – Provides a prototype with added event listening (consistent with DOMElement’s EventTarget in browser behavior).

•director – A small, URL-isomorphic router.
•page.js – Small client-side router (~1200 bytes) inspired by Express router.
•pathjs – Simple, lightweight web router.
•crossroads – JavaScript routing.
•davis.js – A RESTful, downgradeable JavaScript router using pushState.

•DOMPurify – DOM-only, fast, highly fault-tolerant XSS filter for HTML, MathML and SVG.
•js-xss – Through whitelist configuration, you can filter untrusted HTML (prevent XSS attacks).

•log – Console.log with styles.
•Conzole – A debug panel that encapsulates the JavaScript native console object methods and functions so that they can be displayed on the page.
•console.log-wrapper – Record logs clearly to the console and is compatible with all browsers.
•loglevel – The most lightweight JavaScript logging tool library, adding reliable logging level to the encapsulated console.log method.
•minilog – A lightweight, client-side and server-side logging library exposed with a streaming API.

Regular Expressions
•RegEx101 – Online JavaScript regular expression tester and debugger. Also supports Python, PHP and PCRE.
•RegExr – HTML/JS tool for creating, testing and learning regular expressions.
•RegExpBuilder – Create regular expressions using chained methods.

•Ion.Sound – Simple audio that can be used on any web page.

Voice Commands
•annyang – Speech recognition library for adding voice commands to websites.
•voix.js – JavaScript library for adding voice commands to a website, app, or game.

•bottleneck – Powerful frequency limiter that makes regulating traffic easier.
•oauth-signature-js – OAuth 1.0a signature generator for node and browser.
•amygdala – RESTful HTTP client solution for web applications.
•jquery.rest – A jQuery plugin that makes RESTful APIs easier to use.

Visual Detection
•tracking.js – A modern approach to computational vision on the web.
•ocrad.js – OCR (Optical Character Recognition) in JavaScript via Emscripten.

Browser Detection
•bowser – A browser detector.

Code Highlighting
•Highlight.js – JavaScript syntax highlighter.
•PrismJS – Lightweight, robust and elegant syntax highlighter.

Loading status

Indicates the loading status of the library.
•Mprogress.js – Creates a Google Material design style linear progress bar.
•NProgress – Display a slim progress bar in Ajax’y applications
•Spin.js – A spinning progress indicator.
•progress.js – Create and manage progress bars for any object on the page.
•progressbar.js – Beautiful and responsive progress bar animated with SVG path.
•pace – Automatically add a progress bar to your website.
•topbar – A small and beautiful progress indicator that is as wide as the website.
•nanobar – A very lightweight progress bar. Does not rely on jQuery.
•PageLoadingEffects – A modern way to present new content using SVG animations.
•SpinKit – A collection of loading indicators using CSS animations.
•Ladda – Loading indicator built into the button.
•css-loaders – A collection of rotating loading indicators using CSS animation.

In addition to the above libraries, there are also generators such as Ajaxload, Preloaders and CSSLoad collected in Codepen.

•Parsley.js – Validate forms on the front end without writing a single line of JavaScript code.
•jquery-validation – jQuery validation plugin.
•validator.js – String validation and filtering (the operation of sanitizing user input from harmful or dangerous characters before using it).
•validate.js – A lightweight form validation JavaScript library inspired by CodeIgniter.
•validatr – Cross-browser HTML5 form validation library.
•BootstrapValidator – is the best jQuery plugin for validating form fields. To be used with Bootstrap 3.
•is.js – Check types, regular expressions, existence, time, etc.
•FieldVal – Multi-purpose validation library. Supports both synchronous and asynchronous verification.

Keyboard Wrapper
•mousetrap – JavaScript library for handling keyboard shortcuts.
•keymaster – A small library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts.
•Keypress – A library of type capture tools where any key can become a modifier key.
•KeyboardJS – A JavaScript library for binding keyboard combinations, freeing you from the pain of conflicting shortcut keys and shortcut key combinations.
•jquery.hotkeys – jQuery Hotkeys allows you to listen for keyboard events anywhere in your code and supports almost any key combination.
•jwerty – Amazing keyboard event handling library.

Browse and Guide
•intro.js – This is a great way to introduce new features and guide users through your site and projects step by step.
•shepherd – Guide users through your app.
•bootstrap-tour – Use Twitter Bootstrap pop-ups to quickly and easily guide products.
•tourist – A simple and flexible application guide introduction library.
•chardin.js – A simple introduction to applying mask layers.
•pageguide – An interactive guidance library for web page elements using jQuery and CSS3.
•hopscotch – A framework that makes it easier for developers to add bootstrap to their on-page products.
•joyride – jQuery-based feature bootstrap plugin.
•focusable – Allows focus to be placed on a specific DOM element by adding a mask layer to the rest of the page.

•messenger – Add Growl-style pop-ups and messages to your application (Crowl is a notification system under Mac OS X).
•noty – jQuery notification plugin.
•pnotify – JavaScript notification library for Bootstrap, jQuery UI, and Web Notifications Draft.
•toastr – simple pop-up box notifications (toast notifications: used to display simple information windows that will automatically expire).
•humane-js – A simple, stylish browser notification system.
•smoke.js – A framework-independent, customizable JavaScript pop-up system.

•Swiper – A touch slider framework for mobile devices using hardware accelerated transitions.
•slick – The last carousel plugin you’ll ever need.
•slidesJs – Responsive jQuery (1.7.1) slideshow plugin with touch, CSS3 transition and other features.
•FlexSlider – A stunning, fully responsive slideshow jQuery plugin.
•unslider – The simplest slideshow jQuery plugin.
•colorbox – Lightweight, customizable lightbox jQuery plugin.
•fancyBox – A tool that provides a nice and elegant way to add zoom capabilities to images, html content and multimedia on the page.
•sly – JavaScript library for item-based navigation with one-way scrolling support.
•vegas – jQuery plugin that adds beautiful full-screen backgrounds to pages and even allows for slideshows.
•Sequence – CSS animation framework for creating responsive slideshows, presentations, banner ads, and step-based apps.
•baguetteBox.js – Easy-to-use masking layer script implemented in pure JavaScript.
•reveal.js – A framework for creating beautiful presentation controls in HTML.
•PhotoSwipe – Modular and framework-free JavaScript gallery control for mobile and desktop.
•jcSlider – Responsive slideshow jQuery plugin with CSS animations.
•basic-jquery-slider – Easy to use, theme and customize.
•unslider – This is the simplest jQuery plugin for slideshows.
•jQuery.adaptive-slider – Slideshow jQuery plugin with adaptive color titles and navigation.
•slidr – can add some slide effects.
•Flickity – Touchable, responsive and flickable galleries.

Slider Control
•Ion.RangeSlider – A powerful, easily customizable range slider selection library that supports many configurations and skins.
•jQRangeSlider – A slider selection library that supports dates.
•noUiSlider – A lightweight, non-redundant, highly customized slider selection library.
•rangeslider.js – HTML5 input range slider element.

Form component

•typeahead.js – A fast, full-featured auto-completion library.
•tag-it – jQuery UI plugin that handles multi-tag fields and tag suggestions/autocomplete.
•At.js – Add Github-like autocomplete functionality to your app.
•Placeholders.js – JavaScript property completion for HTML5 placeholders.
•fancyInput – Make input more interesting with CSS3 effects.
•jQuery-Tags-Input – Use this jQuery plugin to magically transform a simple text input into a cool list of tags.
•vanilla-masker – An input control library implemented in pure JavaScript.
•Ion.CheckRadio – A jQuery library for styling checkboxes and radio buttons, supporting multiple skins.

•pickadate.js – Mobile-friendly, responsive and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker.
•bootstrap-datepicker – Bootstrap based calendar picker.
•Pikaday – A brand new JavaScript date picker – lightweight, dependency-free and modular CSS.
•fullcalendar – Full-size, drag-and-drop event calendar (jQuery plugin).
•rome – Customizable date (and time) picker. No dependencies, optional UI.
•datedropper – datedropper is a jQuery plug-in that provides a quick and easy way to manage date input boxes.

•selectize.js – Selectize is a hybrid of a text box and a select box. It's based on jQuery and has autocomplete and keyboard-sensitive drop-down lists that can be used for tags, contact lists, and more.
•select2 – It is based on jQuery and is a replacement for the select box. Supports searches, remote datasets and infinite scrolling.
•chosen – A library that makes long and inconvenient select boxes more user-friendly.

File Upload
•jQuery-File-Upload – File Upload is a jQuery plug-in that supports multiple file selection, file drag and drop, progress bar, verification and image, audio, and video preview.
•dropzone – Dropzone is an easy-to-use library that supports drag-and-drop of multiple files. It supports image preview and has a good progress bar effect.
•flow.js – A File API via HTML5 that provides multiple simultaneous connections, stable, fault-tolerant, recoverable/restartable file upload library.
•fine-uploader – A multi-file upload plugin with progress bar, drag-and-drop functionality, and support for direct upload to S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service).
•FileAPI – A collection of JavaScript file tools. Supports multiple file uploads, drag-and-drop and file uploading in chunks. For images, cropping, resizing, and automatic orientation based on EXIF ​​are supported.
•plupload – A JavaScript API that handles file uploads, supporting multiple file selection, file type filtering, chunked requests, client-side image scaling, and selection of HTML5, Silverlight, and Flash based on different runtime environments.

•form – jQuery form plug-in.
•Garlic.js – Automatically save form text and select box values ​​locally until the form is submitted.
•Countable – JavaScript function that counts the number of paragraphs, words, and characters of text contained in an HTML element.
•card – Make credit card forms friendlier with just one line of code.
•stretchy – an adaptive size form element, what the form should look like.
•list.js – A library that adds search, sorting, filtering, and adaptive functionality to HTML elements such as tables, lists, and more. Add visualization to existing HTML.

•tipsy – A Fackbook-style tooltip based on jQuery.
•opentip – An open source JavaScript tooltip library based on the prototype framework.
•qTip2 – A very powerful tooltip library.
•tooltipster – A tooltip jQuery plugin.
•simptip – Simple tooltips made in Sass.
•jquery-popup-overlay – is a responsive and highly accessible modal box (modal) and tooltip box jQuery plug-in.

Modals and Popups
•Magnific-Popup – A performance-focused, lightweight, responsive lightbox script.
•jquery-popbox – jQuery prompt box plug-in.
•jquery.avgrund.js – A new pop-up modal box jQuery plug-in.
•vex - New, highly configurable and easily styled dialog library.
•bootstrap-modal – Extends Bootstrap’s default modal class. It supports responsive, stackable, ajax and more.
•css-modal – A modal box built with pure CSS.
•jquery-popup-overlay – is a responsive and highly accessible jQuery plug-in for modal boxes and tooltips.

•scrollMonitor – A simple and fast API that can monitor elements when scrolling occurs.
•headroom – Unless you need to display the page header (header), it will be hidden to free up page header space.
•onepage-scroll – Create an Apple-like one-page scrolling website (iPhone 5S website).
•iscroll – A high-performance, lightweight, dependency-free, multi-platform compatible JavaScript scrolling component.
•skrollr – A standalone (jQuery-independent) parallax scrolling library for mobile devices (Android iOS) and desktop computers.
•parallax – Parallax engine for smart devices.
•stellar.js – Parallax scrolling made easy.
•plax – jQuery based parallax library.
•jparallax – jQuery plugin for creating interactive parallax effects.
•fullPage – Simple and easy-to-use plugin for creating full-screen scrolling websites (also known as single-page websites).
•ScrollMenu – Gives the old boring scroll bar a new look.

•jQuery-menu-aim – Event fired when the user cursor is placed on a specific drop-down menu item. Can make responsive, large-data-volume drop-down menus, such as Amazon's.
•jQuery contextMenu – right-click menu (contextMenu) management tool.
•Slideout – Create responsive, touch-enabled slideout navigation menus for web applications on mobile devices.
•Slide and swipe – A slide-out menu plugin based on the touchSwipe library.

•jTable – jQuery plugin for creating AJAX based on CRUD tables.
•DataTables – This is a very flexible tool that adds advanced interactive effects to HTML tables based on progressive enhancement. (jQuery plug-in)
•floatThead – (jQuery plug-in) Lock the table header and only allow the table content to scroll. Works with any table and requires no additional html or css.
•Masonry – Waterfall grid layout library.
•Packery - Grid layout library using bin-packing algorithm. Support drag and drop layout.
•Isotope – A filterable and sortable grid layout library that can implement Masonry, Packery and other layouts.

•Semantic UI – UI kit with a wide range of themes and elements.

•hammer.js – JavaScript library with multiple touch gestures.
•touchemulator – Simulate touch input on desktop computers.
•Dragula – Super easy to use drag and drop library.

•Leaflet – A mobile-friendly, interactive map JavaScript library.
•Cesium – an open source virtual globe and map engine based on WebGL.
•gmaps – The easiest way to use Google Maps.
•polymaps – A free, modern web browser-compatible JavaScript library for creating dynamic, interactive maps.
•kartograph.js – Open source Kartograph SVG map renderer.
•mapbox.js – Mapbox API, Leaflet plug-in.
•jqvmap – Vector map jQuery plugin.
•OpenLayers3 – A high-performance, feature-rich library that can meet all your map needs.

•prettyembed.js – Better embedding on YouTube – with great options like high-resolution previews, advanced customization of embedding options and optional FitVids support.
•html5media – can play multimedia files defined in the multimedia tag in all major browsers. http://html5media.info/
•Play-em JS – Play'em is a JavaScript component that manages the music/video playback sequence by embedding several players (Youtube, Soundcloud and Vimeo) to control the playback of a series of songs.
•polyplayer – Unifies the YouTube, Soundcloud and Vimeo player APIs into one.
•flowplayer - HTML5 video player http://flowplayer.org/
•mediaelement - Allows HTML5, Flash players, and Silverlight shims that mimic the HTML5 media element API to have a consistent UI across all browsers. http://mediaelementjs.com/
•SoundJS – A library that makes running audio on the web easier. It provides a consistent API across different browsers.

•velocity – Speeds up JavaScript animations.
•jquery.transit – jQuery plugin with super-smooth CSS3 transforms and transitions.
•impess.js – Use CSS3 transformations and transitions to create Prezi-like presentation effects in HTML documents.
•bounce.js – Create fun CSS3 animations in no time.
•GreenSock-JS – High-performance HTML5 animations for all major browsers.
•TransitionEnd – TransitionEnd is a cross-browser library that uses the transitionend event.
•Dynamic.js – A library for creating physics-based CSS animations.

Image processing
•lena.js – Image processing library with filters and practical functions.
•pica – High-quality image resizing (with fast, pure JS implementation of the Lanczos filter algorithm).
•cropper – A simple image cropping jQuery plugin.

ECMAScript 6
•es6features – Overview of ECMAScript 6 features.
•es6-features – ECMAScript 6: Feature overview and comparison.
•ECMAScript 6 compatibility table – Compatibility tables show the level of support for all ECMAScript 6 features on various platforms.
•Babel (Formerly 6to5) – Convert ES6 code to pure ES5.
•Traceur compiler – ES6 features converted to ES5. Including classes, generators, promises, destructuring patterns, default parameters, etc.

Software Development Kit
•javascript-sdk-design – JavaScript SDK design guidance distilled from work and personal experience.

•echo – Lazy loading of images using data-* attributes.
•picturefill – Responsive picture display plug-in, enabling the browser to support srcset and size attributes.
•platform.js – A platform detection library that works on almost all JavaScript platforms.
•json3 – A modern JSON implementation library compatible with almost all JavaScript platforms.
•Logical Or Not – A game about JavaScript features.
•BitSet.js – JavaScript library that implements bit vectors.

The above is the detailed content of List of javascript function plug-ins (super comprehensive). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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