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A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML

2018-10-12 17:17:125082browse

This article brings you a brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Text tag

  • Newline tag -- br
    is a single tag, meaning it has no closing tag. Functions as a forced line break

  • Horizontal dividing line -- hr

is the same as br and is also a single label. Can be used to distinguish between different paragraphs or text and titles. The width and height of the dividing line can be set

  • Preformatted text label-- pre

Retain the original format of the text

<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">文本
  • Superscript tag, subscript tag--sup/sub

The content contained in the tag and its closing tag is half the current text height Displayed on the upper left side of the text
The content contained in the tag and its closing tag is displayed on the lower left side of the text at half the current text height

  • Block quote tag-- blockquote

means that the text in it is a quotation. Usually when rendering, the content of this part will have a certain indentation

  • Ordinary text inline tag--span

If span is not used properly Apply the style so that the text in the span element will not be visually different from other text. Still, the span element in the example above adds extra structure to the p element.

You can apply id or class attributes to span, which can not only add appropriate semantics, but also facilitate the application of styles to span.
It is possible to apply either class or id attributes to the same element, but it is more common to apply only one of them. The main difference between the two is that class is used for groups of elements (similar elements, or can be understood as a certain type of elements), while id is used to identify individual and unique elements.

  • Normal text tag -- div

is a block-level element. This means that its contents automatically start on a new line. In fact, line breaks are the only formatting behavior inherent to
. Additional styles can be applied via the
's class or id.

It is not necessary to add a class or id to every
, although there are certain benefits to doing so.

It is possible to apply either class or id attributes to the same
element, but it is more common to apply only one of them. The main difference between the two is that class is used for groups of elements (similar elements, or can be understood as a certain type of elements), while id is used to identify individual and unique elements.



<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">
雨霖铃·寒蝉凄切 宋代:柳永 寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。都门帐饮无绪,留恋处,兰舟催发。执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。念去去,千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。 多情自古伤离别,更那堪,冷落清秋节!今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸,晓风残月。此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。便纵有千种风情,更与何人说?

A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML

Hyperlink tag

A website is composed of multiple web pages, and the pages rely on links to determine the relationship between them. Navigation relationship, each web page is linked together to form a website.

1. External link

If the link points outside the site folder, it is called an external link. When adding an external link, use an absolute path by directly entering the path address. For example, http://www.baidu.com

2. Internal links

refers to the link relationship between different pages within the same website, which can also be called intra-site links. When establishing internal links, use relative paths.

Hyperlink attributes -- herf

When adding a hyperlink, attribute settings are very important.

Hyperlink attributes -- target

By default, the way a hyperlink opens a new page is to open it in the current window, and the attributes can be used to define how the target window is opened.

_parent-->Open in the previous window, causing the page to load into the parent window

_blank--->The browser opens the webpage in a new window




<!--1. 跳转到指定的url地址-->
<a> 百度</a>
<a> 百度</a>
<a> 百度</a>

<!--2. 跳转到当前页面的指定位置(锚点)-->

如果您需要安装, 您不妨下载最近稳定的版本。 就是那个以没有被标记作为alpha或Beta发行的最高的版本。目前最稳定的版本是Python3.0以上
如果你使用的操作系统是Windows:最稳定的Windows版本下载是"Python 2.5 for Windows"
如果你使用的是Mac,MacOS 10.2 (Jaguar), 10.3 (Panther) and 10.4 (Tiger)已经集成安装了Python,但是你大概需要安装最近通用的构架(build)。
对于Red Hat,安装python2和python2-devel包。
Python的创始人为Guido van Rossum。1989年圣诞节期间,在阿姆斯特丹,Guido为了打发圣诞节的无趣,决心开发一个新的脚本解释程序,作为ABC 语言的一种继承。之所以选中Python(大蟒蛇的意思)作为该编程语言的名字,是因为他是一个叫Monty Python的喜剧团体的爱好者。
ABC是由Guido参加设计的一种教学语言。就Guido本人看来,ABC 这种语言非常优美和强大,是专门为非专业程序员设计的。但是ABC语言并没有成功,究其原因,Guido 认为是其非开标识
放造成的。Guido 决心在Python 中避免这一错误。同时,他还想实现在ABC 中闪现过但未曾实现的东西。
就这样,Python在Guido手中诞生了。可以说,Python是从ABC发展起来,主要受到了Modula-3(另一种相当优美且强大的语言,为小型团体所设计的)的影响。并且结合了Unix shell和C的习惯。
2018年3月,该语言作者在邮件列表上宣布Python 2.7将于2020年1月1日终止支持。用户如果想要在这个日期之后继续得到与Python 2.7有关的支持,则需要付费给商业供应商。
设计者开发时总的指导思想是,对于一个特定的问题,只要有一种最好的方法来解决就好了。这在由Tim Peters写的Python格言(称为The Zen of Python)里面表述为:There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. 这正好和Perl语言(另一种功能类似的高级动态语言)的中心思想TMTOWTDI(There's More Than One Way To Do It)完全相反。
● 首先,MATLAB是一款商用软件,并且价格不菲。而Python完全免费,众多开源的科学计算库都提供了Python的调用接口。用户可以在任何计算机上免费安装Python及其绝大多数扩展库。
● 其次,与MATLAB相比,Python是一门更易学、更严谨的程序设计语言。它能让用户编写出更易读、易维护的代码。
● 最后,MATLAB主要专注于工程和科学计算。然而即使在计算领域,也经常会遇到文件管理、界面设计、网络通信等各种需求。而Python有着丰富的扩展库,可以轻易完成各种高级任务,开发者可以用Python实现完整应用程序所需的各种功能。
Python的设计哲学是“优雅”、“明确”、“简单”。因此,Perl语言中“总是有多种方法来做同一件事”的理念在Python开发者中通常是难以忍受的。Python开发者的哲学是“用一种方法,最好是只有一种方法来做一件事”。在设计Python语言时,如果面临多种选择,Python开发者一般会拒绝花俏的语法,而选择明确的没有或者很少有歧义的语法。由于这种设计观念的差异,Python源代码通常被认为比Perl具备更好的可读性,并且能够支撑大规模的软件开发。这些准则被称为Python格言。在Python解释器内运行import this可以获得完整的列表。
Python是完全面向对象的语言。函数、模块、数字、字符串都是对象。并且完全支持继承、重载、派生、多继承,有益于增强源代码的复用性。Python支持重载运算符和动态类型。相对于Lisp这种传统的函数式编程语言,Python对函数式设计只提供了有限的支持。有两个标准库(functools, itertools)提供了Haskell和Standard ML中久经考验的函数式程序设计工具。
虽然Python可能被粗略地分类为“脚本语言”(script language),但实际上一些大规模软件开发计划例如Zope、Mnet及BitTorrent,Google也广泛地使用它。Python的支持者较喜欢称它为一种高级动态编程语言,原因是“脚本语言”泛指仅作简单程序设计任务的语言,如shellscript、VBScript等只能处理简单任务的编程语言,并不能与Python相提并论。
Python本身被设计为可扩充的。并非所有的特性和功能都集成到语言核心。Python提供了丰富的API和工具,以便程序员能够轻松地使用C语言、C++、Cython来编写扩充模块。Python编译器本身也可以被集成到其它需要脚本语言的程序内。因此,很多人还把Python作为一种“胶水语言”(glue language)使用。使用Python将其他语言编写的程序进行集成和封装。在Google内部的很多项目,例如Google Engine使用C++编写性能要求极高的部分,然后用Python或Java/Go调用相应的模块。《Python技术手册》的作者马特利(Alex Martelli)说:“这很难讲,不过,2004 年,Python 已在Google 内部使用,Google 召募许多 Python 高手,但在这之前就已决定使用Python,他们的目的是 Python where we can, C++ where we must,在操控硬件的场合使用 C++,在快速开发时候使用 Python。

A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML

Picture tag

Graphics and images can make the web page come alive and give people a better visual impression than text.

Commonly used image formats in web pages include 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', etc.

图像标签 -- <img  alt="A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML" >
If you want to display an image on the page, you need to use its 'src' attribute, which is the abbreviation of 'source'.

<img  alt="A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML" >
Source file attributes -- alt

is used to display an interactive text for the image, which can be customized by the user. When the browser does not fully load the image or fails to load, interactive text content is displayed in place of the image.

<img  alt="A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML" >
Alignment of images and text--align

The alignment of the image in the text paragraph includes left alignment and right alignment. The alignment of the image in the single line of text is top alignment. There are three types: top, middle alignment, and bottom alignment bottom.

<img  alt="A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML" >


<img alt="A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML" >   昙花(学名:Epiphyllum oxypetalum  (DC.)Haw ):附生肉质灌木,高2-6米,老茎圆柱状,木质化。分枝多数,叶状侧扁,披针形至     长圆状披针形,边缘波状或具深圆齿,基部急尖、短渐尖或渐狭成柄状,深绿色,无毛,中肋粗大,老株分枝产生气根。花单生于枝侧的小窠,漏斗状,于夜间开放,芳香,长25-30厘米,直径10-12厘米;花托绿色,略具角,被三角形短鳞片;瓣状花被片白色,倒卵状披针形至倒卵形,长7-10厘米,宽3-4.5厘米,边缘全缘或啮蚀状。浆果长球形,具纵棱脊,无毛,紫红色。种子多数,卵状肾形,亮黑色,具皱纹,无毛。

<img alt="A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML" >   生长地海拔1000-1200米。喜温暖湿润的半阴、温暖和潮湿的环境,不耐霜冻,忌强光暴晒。昙花享有“月下美人”之誉。当花渐渐展开后,过1-2小时又慢慢地枯萎了,整个过程仅4个小时左右。故有“昙花一现”之说。世界各地区广泛栽培;中国各省区常见栽培。

昙花图片:<img alt="A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML" >

A brief introduction to text tags, hyperlink tags and image tags in HTML


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