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Use canvas in javascript to implement puzzle game

2018-09-10 17:02:459894browse

The content of this article is about using canvas in JavaScript to implement puzzle games. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

If you want to use various technologies such as canvas, native drag and drop, and local storage in JavaScript to complete an interesting project, then this article will be very suitable for you

1 Introduction and source code

The puzzle game in this project is created using JavaScript. Compared with similar functions on the website, it uses more advanced and rich technical points, more powerful functions, and also contains more advanced ideas in program development. Concept, from this project you will be able to learn:

  • FileReader, Image object and canvas to compress and cut pictures.

  • Learn the most commonly used collision detection, status monitoring, and refreshing and maintaining status processing methods in mini game development.

  • Understand the details of drag-and-drop exchange elements, and learn how to handle dynamic element binding events and callback functions.

Project source code-github

The following is an example of the game interface:

Use canvas in javascript to implement puzzle game

2 Implementation Idea

According to the game interface diagram, we can divide the completion of such a small game into the following steps:

  • 1. Drag the image to the designated area, use the FileReader object to read the base64 content of the image, and then add it to the Image object

  • #2. When the Image object is loaded, use canvas to edit the image Scale proportionally, then get the base64 content of the thumbnail, add it to another thumbnail Image object, and save the base64 content of the thumbnail to local storage (localStorage)

  • 3. After the thumbnail Image object is loaded, use canvas again to cut the thumbnail. In this game, the thumbnail is cut into 3*4 for a total of 12 equal parts. Use local storage to save the base64 content of each cut thumbnail. The order of the thumbnails is disrupted and displayed on the web page using the img tag

  • 4. After the thumbnail slices are added to the web interface, add a registration drag for each thumbnail slice. The drag event allows the thumbnail slices to be exchanged with each other. In this process, the monitoring of the order status of the thumbnail slices is added. Once the puzzle is completed, the complete thumbnail will be displayed directly to complete the game

Judging from the above analysis of the mini-game production process, step 4 is the focus and difficulty of program function implementation. There are many small details that need to be paid attention to and discussed in each of the above steps. I will analyze each step in detail below. If the implementation details of each step are not good, you are welcome to leave a message and correct me.

3 Detailed explanation of development details

3.1 Reading and loading image content

In the first step of game development, what is the program like after we drag and drop the image to the designated area? What about getting image content information? How does the fileReader object convert image information into base64 string content? After the Image object gets the base64 content of the image, how does it initialize the loading? With these questions, let's study the key code that implements the first step in the project.

var droptarget = document.getElementById("droptarget"),
            output = document.getElementById("ul1"),
            thumbImg = document.getElementById("thumbimg");
function handleEvent(event) {
                var info = "",
                    reader = new FileReader(),
                    files, i, len;


                if (event.type == "drop") {
                    files = event.dataTransfer.files;
                    len = files.length;
                    if (!/image/.test(files[0].type)) {
                    if (len > 1) {

                    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
                    var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
                    var img = new Image(),          //原图
                        thumbimg = new Image();     //等比缩放后的缩略图

                    reader.onload = function (e) {
                        img.src = e.target.result;

                    img.onload = function () {
                        var targetWidth, targetHeight;
                        targetWidth = this.width > 300 ? 300 : this.width;
                        targetHeight = targetWidth / this.width * this.height;
                        canvas.width = targetWidth;
                        canvas.height = targetHeight;
                        context.clearRect(0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight);
                        context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight);
                        var tmpSrc = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
                        localStorage.setItem('FullImage', tmpSrc);
                        thumbimg.src = tmpSrc;
         EventUtil.addHandler(droptarget, "dragenter", handleEvent);
         EventUtil.addHandler(droptarget, "dragover", handleEvent);
         EventUtil.addHandler(droptarget, "drop", handleEvent);            

The idea of ​​this code is to first obtain the drag area target object droptarget, and register the drag listening event for the droptarget. The EventUtil used in the code is a simple object that I encapsulated for common functions such as adding events to elements and compatible processing of event objects. The following is a simple and simple code for adding registration events. There are many other encapsulations. Readers can add them by themselves. Check, the function is relatively simple.

var EventUtil = {

    addHandler: function(element, type, handler){
        if (element.addEventListener){
            element.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
        } else if (element.attachEvent){
            element.attachEvent("on" + type, handler);
        } else {
            element["on" + type] = handler;

When the user drags the image file to the area target object droptarget, the event object of the droptarget obtains the file information through event.dataTransfer.files and filters the file (limited to image content, and at most There can only be one picture). After getting the file content, use the FileReader object reader to read the file content, use its readAsDataURL method to read the base64 content of the image, and assign it to the src attribute of the Image object img. Then you can wait until the img object is initialized and loaded, so that the canvas can process the img. The next step is taken care of. There is an important point that needs to be explained here: Be sure to wait until the img is loaded before using canvas for the next step of processing, otherwise the image may be damaged. The reason is: When the src attribute of img reads the base64 content of the image file, the canvas may start processing the image (the image at this time is incomplete) before the content is loaded into the memory. . So we can see that canvas processes images in the img.onload method. This will happen later in the program, so we won’t go into details later.

3.2 Image proportional scaling and local storage

In the first step, we completed reading the content of the dragged file and successfully loaded it into the Image object img. Next, we use canvas to scale the image proportionally. The strategy we adopt is to limit the maximum width of the image to 300 pixels. Let’s take a look at this part of the code again:

 img.onload = function () {
                        var targetWidth, targetHeight;
                        targetWidth = this.width > 300 ? 300 : this.width;
                        targetHeight = targetWidth / this.width * this.height;
                        canvas.width = targetWidth;
                        canvas.height = targetHeight;
                        context.clearRect(0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight);
                        context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight);
                        var tmpSrc = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
                        localStorage.setItem('FullImage', tmpSrc);
                        thumbimg.src = tmpSrc;


3.3 缩略图切割


thumbimg.onload = function () {
                        var sliceWidth, sliceHeight, sliceBase64, n = 0, outputElement = '',
                            sliceWidth = this.width / 3,
                            sliceHeight = this.height / 4,
                            sliceElements = [];

                        canvas.width = sliceWidth;
                        canvas.height = sliceHeight;

                        for (var j = 0; j <img  alt="Use canvas in javascript to implement puzzle game" >";
                                (Math.random() > 0.5) ? sliceElements.push(newElement) : sliceElements.unshift(newElement);

                        for (var k = 0, len = sliceElements.length; k <p>上面的代码对于大家来说不难理解,就是将缩略图分割成12个切片,这里我给大家解释一下几个容易困惑的地方:</p>
  • 1.为什么我们再切割图片的时候,代码如下,先从列开始循环?

 for (var j = 0; j <p>这个问题大家仔细想一想就明白了,我们将图片进行切割的时候,要记录下来每一个图片切片的原有顺序。在程序中我们使用 n 来表示图片切片的原有顺序,而且这个n记录在了每一个图片切片的元素的name属性中。在后续的游戏过程中我们可以使用元素的getAttribute('name')方法取出 n 的值,来判断图片切片是否都被拖动到了正确的位置,以此来判断游戏是否结束,现在讲起这个问题可能还会有些迷惑,我们后边还会再详细探讨,我给出一张图帮助大家理解图片切片位置序号信息n:</p><p><span class="img-wrap"><img src="https://img.php.cn//upload/image/549/348/526/1536570012356680.png" title="1536570012356680.png" alt="Use canvas in javascript to implement puzzle game"></span></p><p>序号n从零开始是为了和javascript中的getElementsByTagName()选择的子元素坐标保持一致。</p>
  • 2 我们第3步实现的目的不仅是将缩略图切割成小切片,还要将这些图片切片打乱顺序,代码程序中这一点是怎样实现的?
    阅读代码程序我们知道,我们每生成一个切片,就会构造一个元素节点: newElement = "<li name='\""' n style='\"margin:3px;\"'><img src="%5C%22%22" slicebase64 style="max-width:90%"display:block;\"' alt="Use canvas in javascript to implement puzzle game" ></li>"; 。我们在是在外部先声明了一个放新节点的数组sliceElements,我们每生成一个新的元素节点,就会把它放到sliceElements数组中,但是我们向sliceElements头部还是尾部添加这个新节点则是随机的,代码是这样的:

(Math.random() > 0.5) ? sliceElements.push(newElement) : sliceElements.unshift(newElement);

我们知道Math.random()生成一个[0, 1)之间的数,所以再canvas将缩略图裁切成切片以后,根据这些切片生成的web节点顺序是打乱的。打乱顺序以后重新组装节点:

for (var k = 0, len = sliceElements.length; k <p>然后再将节点添加到web页面中,也就自然而然出现了图片切片被打乱的样子了。</p>
  • 3.我们根据缩略图切片生成的DOM节点是动态添加的元素,怎样给这样动态元素绑定事件呢?我们的项目中为每个缩略图切片DOM节点绑定的事件是“拖动交换”,和其他节点都有关系,我们要保证所有的节点都加载后再对事件进行绑定,我们又是怎样做到的呢?


(output.innerHTML = outputElement) && beginGamesInit();

有开发经验的同学都知道 && 和 || 是短路运算符,代码中的含义是:只有当切片元素节点都添加到

3.4 本地信息存储


Use canvas in javascript to implement puzzle game


  • FullImage:图片缩略图base64编码。

  • imageWidth:拖拽区域图片的宽度。

  • imageHeight:拖拽区域图片的高度。

  • slice*:每一个缩略图切片的base64内容。

  • nodePos:保存的是当前缩略图的位置坐标信息。


3.5 拖拽事件注册和监控


function beginGamesInit() {
    aLi = output.getElementsByTagName("li");
    for (var i = 0; i <p>可以看到这部分初始化绑定事件代码所做的事情是:记录每一个图片切片对象的位置坐标相关信息记录到对象属性中,并为每一个对象都注册拖拽事件,对象的集合由aLi数组统一管理。这里值得一提的是图片切片的位置信息index记录的是切片现在所处的位置,而我们前边所提到的图片切片name属性所保存的信息n则是图片切片原本应该所处的位置,在游戏还没有结束之前,它们不一定相等。待所有的图片切片name属性所保存的值和其属性index都相等时,游戏才算结束(因为用户已经正确完成了图片的拼接),下面的代码就是用来判断游戏状态是否结束的,看起来更直观一些:</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">//判断游戏是否结束
function gameIsEnd() {
    for (var i = 0, len = aLi.length; i <p>下面我们还是详细说一说拖拽交换代码相关逻辑吧,拖拽交换的代码如下图所示:</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">//拖拽
function setDrag(obj) {
    obj.onmouseover = function () {
        obj.style.cursor = "move";

    obj.onmousedown = function (event) {
        var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
        var scrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
        obj.style.zIndex = minZindex++;
        disX = event.clientX + scrollLeft - obj.offsetLeft;
        disY = event.clientY + scrollTop - obj.offsetTop;
        document.onmousemove = function (event) {
            var l = event.clientX - disX + scrollLeft;
            var t = event.clientY - disY + scrollTop;
            obj.style.left = l + "px";
            obj.style.top = t + "px";

            for (var i = 0; i <p>这段代码所实现的功能是这样子的:拖动一个图片切片,当它与其它的图片切片有碰撞重叠的时候,就和与其左上角距离最近的一个图片切片交换位置,并交换其位置信息index,更新本地存储信息中的nodePos。移动完成之后判断游戏是否结束,若没有,则期待下一次用户的拖拽交换。<br>下面我来解释一下这段代码中比较难理解的几个点:</p>
  • 1.图片切片在被拖动的过程中是怎样判断是否和其它图片切片发生碰撞的?这就是典型的碰撞检测问题。

function colTest(obj1, obj2) {
    var t1 = obj1.offsetTop;
    var r1 = obj1.offsetWidth + obj1.offsetLeft;
    var b1 = obj1.offsetHeight + obj1.offsetTop;
    var l1 = obj1.offsetLeft;

    var t2 = obj2.offsetTop;
    var r2 = obj2.offsetWidth + obj2.offsetLeft;
    var b2 = obj2.offsetHeight + obj2.offsetTop;
    var l2 = obj2.offsetLeft;

    `if (t1 > b2 || r1  r2)` {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

这段代码看似信息量很少,其实也很好理解,判断两个图片切片是否发生碰撞,只要将它们没有发生碰撞的情形排除掉就可以了。这有点类似与逻辑中的非是即否,两个切片又确实只可能存在两种情况:碰撞、不碰撞。图中的这段代码是判断不碰撞的情况:if (t1 > b2 || r1 r2),返回false, else 返回true。



function getDis(obj1, obj2) {
    var a = obj1.offsetLeft - obj2.offsetLeft;
    var b = obj1.offsetTop - obj2.offsetTop;
    return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2));

function findMin(obj) {
    var minDis = 999999999;
    var minIndex = -1;
    for (var i = 0; i <p>因为都是矩形区块,所以计算左上角的距离使用勾股定理,这点相信大家都能明白。查找距离最近的元素原理也很简单,就是遍历所有已经碰撞的元素,然后比较根据勾股定理计算出来的最小值,返回元素就可以了。代码中也是使用了比较通用的方法,先声明一个很大的值最为最小值,当有碰撞元素比其小时,再将更小的值最为最小值,遍历完成后,返回最小值的元素就可以了。</p>
  • 3.图片区块每次交换之后,是怎样监控判断游戏是否已经结束的呢?


function getClass(cls){
    var ret = [];
    var els = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
    for (var i = 0; i =0则存在;
        if(els[i].className === cls || els[i].className.indexOf("cls")>=0 || els[i].className.indexOf(" cls")>=0 || els[i].className.indexOf(" cls ")>0){
    return ret;
function getStyle(obj,attr){//解决JS兼容问题获取正确的属性值
    return obj.currentStyle?obj.currentStyle[attr]:getComputedStyle(obj,false)[attr];

function gameEnd() {

function startMove(obj,json,fun){
    obj.timer = setInterval(function(){
        var isStop = true;
        for(var attr in json){
            var iCur = 0;
                iCur = parseInt(parseFloat(getStyle(obj,attr))*100);
                iCur = parseInt(getStyle(obj,attr));
            var ispeed = (json[attr]-iCur)/8;
            ispeed = ispeed>0?Math.ceil(ispeed):Math.floor(ispeed);
                isStop = false;
                obj.style.filter = "alpha:(opacity:"+(json[attr]+ispeed)+")";
                obj.style.opacity = (json[attr]+ispeed)/100;
                obj.style[attr] = iCur+ispeed+"px";

4 补充和总结

4.1 游戏中值得完善的功能


  • 1. Add thumbnails to the puzzle mini-game, because thumbnails are helpful in providing ideas for users who play the game. We also save the base64 content of the thumbnail in the browser's local storage, so it is easy to implement.

  • 2. Caching is sometimes very painful. For example, some users want to start over in the game, but our mini-game is only cleared after the game is completed. Cache, refresh the page, and the game can be restarted. This gives the user a very bad experience. We can add a reset game button, clear the cache and optimize some logic after the game ends.

Friends who are interested in these functions can try it out.

Related recommendations:

Use javascript to implement web puzzle game

H5 canvas to implement the Snake game

The above is the detailed content of Use canvas in javascript to implement puzzle game. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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