html How to use param tag? How much do you know about the attributes of html param tags? This article mainly explains some definitions and usages of html param tags, as well as attribute examples of html param tags Definition and usage of html param tags:# The ##param element allows you to specify run-time settings for objects inserted into an XHTML document, that is, this tag can provide parameters for the or tag that contains it. HTML tag example: Add an object to the HTML code: html param tag optional attributes: html param tag required attributes: name: unique_name: Defines the name of the parameter (used in scripts). param tag--the name and value of the runtime parameters that provide embedded content for the object tagThe param tag appears alone, param Tags are used to define runtime parameters for embedded content in web pagesThe param tag should be used within the object or applet tagReference URL: html param tag attribute example: id -- unique identifier name -- name, name and value attributes form a pair, see the example belowtype -- The MIME type of the embedded content value -- The value relative to name valuetype -- Specify the parameter type data -- The parameter is A simple string, default valueref -- The parameter is the URLdata --The parameter is another embedded objectparam and name example name is wmode, which is used to set the flash window mode. The value can be window (default value, always located at the top level of html), opaque (allowing the upper layer of flash to be blocked by web pages), transparent (the flash background is transparent, which may reduce Flash performance)name is wmode for setting the flash window mode, value is opaque (allowing the upper layer of flash to be blocked by web pages)name is wmode for setting the flash window Mode, value is transparent (the flash background is transparent, which may reduce the performance of flash) defines the movie with embedded content as dreamdu.swf through name and value, through name and value value defines the embedded content as high (high) display quality (quality). The available parameters are low, autolow, autohigh, medium, hight, and best. The default is high defines the embedded content through name and value. The original (src) is Define the embedded content through name and value to open (true) autoplay (autoplay) Whether Full screen is allowed, full screen is not allowed by default Set the background color of flashSet the right-click menu of flashSet the flash scaling mode, the value is showall(display All content, keep the proportion, but there may be white space up and down, or left and right), noborder (zooming can cut the content, maintain the proportion, but leave no space), exactfit (zoom according to the height and width set by flash, without keeping the proportion), noscale ( No scaling, original proportions) Differences between HTML and XHTML:In HTML, the tag has no closing tag. In XHTML, the tag must be closed properly. 【Related Recommendations】 html What is the role of the meta tag? Introduction to common attributes of html meta tag Do you know the specific usage of html tag legend? Detailed explanation of the attributes and usage of the legend tag